Initialise a new Modeling Project¶
Each modeling project is initiated with the “beat init” command. There are many options that define the type of optimization, datatypes to include, sampling algorithm to use, number of sources, velocity model to use for the Greens Function calculations etc …
For example to optimize for a Full Moment Tensor for the Landers EQ by using seismic data, with station dependent Greens Functions for P and S waves with the default sampling algorithm (Sequential Monte Carlo) run:
beat init LandersEQ 1992-06-28 --datatypes='seismic' --individual_gfs --n_sources=1 --source_types=MTSource --min_mag=7
This will create project directory called LandersEQ in the current directory. Within the directory you will see that there have been two files created:
The first file is a logging file where all the executed comments and outputs are written to. In case something goes wrong this log file helps to find the error. For now it contains:
2018-01-04 16:15:06,696 - utility - INFO - Getting relevant events from the gCMT catalog for the dates:1992-06-27 00:00:00.000 - 1992-06-29 00:00:00.000
2018-01-04 16:15:07,097 - config - INFO - Added hyperparameter h_any_P_Z to config and model setup!
2018-01-04 16:15:07,097 - config - INFO - Added hyperparameter h_any_S_Z to config and model setup!
2018-01-04 16:15:07,097 - config - INFO - All hyper-parameters ok!
2018-01-04 16:15:07,097 - config - INFO - Number of hyperparameters! 2
2018-01-04 16:15:07,098 - config - INFO - All parameter-priors ok!
2018-01-04 16:15:07,102 - config - INFO - Project_directory: /home/vasyurhm/BEATS/LandersEQ
The second file is a yaml-configuration file and it is where ALL the changes in parameters and settings have to be done to avoid tinkering with the program itself! This file can be read as is by the computer, therefore, it is important to keep the syntax clean! The content of this file is basically the serialised instance of the BEAT config class. At first the amount of content seems overwhelming, but once you are familiar with the variables you will find that there are not too many things that will need to be edited. Also we have to be aware that the problem we are going to try to solve is very complex, ergo a complex parameter file is somewhat understandable. To find a short explanation to each parameter and its format the reader is referred to the webpage of the config module.
This example configuration file looks like this:
--- !beat.BEATconfig
name: LandersEQ
date: '1992-06-28'
event: !pf.Event
lat: 34.65
lon: -116.65
time: 1992-06-28 11:57:53
name: 062892C
depth: 15000.0
magnitude: 7.316312340268055
catalog: gCMT
moment_tensor: !pf.MomentTensor
mnn: -6.12e+19
mee: 7.001e+19
mdd: -8.81e+18
mne: -7.335e+19
mnd: 3.807e+19
med: -9.9e+17
strike1: 247.72308708747312
dip1: 82.44124210318292
rake1: -20.30350409572225
strike2: 340.50937853818954
dip2: 69.88059010043526
rake2: -171.9468551048134
moment: 1.0579582033331939e+20
magnitude: 7.316312340268055
duration: 38.4
project_dir: /home/vasyurhm/BEATS/LandersEQ
problem_config: !beat.ProblemConfig
mode: geometry
source_types: [MTSource]
stf_type: HalfSinusoid
n_sources: [1]
datatypes: [seismic]
h_any_P_Z: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: h_any_P_Z
form: Uniform
lower: [-20.0]
upper: [20.0]
testvalue: [0.0]
h_any_S_Z: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: h_any_S_Z
form: Uniform
lower: [-20.0]
upper: [20.0]
testvalue: [0.0]
depth: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: depth
form: Uniform
lower: [0.0]
upper: [5.0]
testvalue: [2.5]
duration: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: duration
form: Uniform
lower: [0.0]
upper: [20.0]
testvalue: [10.0]
east_shift: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: east_shift
form: Uniform
lower: [-10.0]
upper: [10.0]
testvalue: [0.0]
magnitude: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: magnitude
form: Uniform
lower: [4.0]
upper: [7.0]
testvalue: [5.5]
mdd: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: mdd
form: Uniform
lower: [-1.4142135623730951]
upper: [1.4142135623730951]
testvalue: [0.0]
med: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: med
form: Uniform
lower: [-1.0]
upper: [1.0]
testvalue: [0.0]
mee: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: mee
form: Uniform
lower: [-1.4142135623730951]
upper: [1.4142135623730951]
testvalue: [0.0]
mnd: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: mnd
form: Uniform
lower: [-1.0]
upper: [1.0]
testvalue: [0.0]
mne: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: mne
form: Uniform
lower: [-1.0]
upper: [1.0]
testvalue: [0.0]
mnn: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: mnn
form: Uniform
lower: [-1.4142135623730951]
upper: [1.4142135623730951]
testvalue: [0.0]
north_shift: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: north_shift
form: Uniform
lower: [-10.0]
upper: [10.0]
testvalue: [0.0]
time: !beat.heart.Parameter
name: time
form: Uniform
lower: [-3.0]
upper: [3.0]
testvalue: [0.0]
seismic_config: !beat.SeismicConfig
datadir: ./
blacklist: [placeholder]
calc_data_cov: true
pre_stack_cut: true
- !beat.WaveformFitConfig
include: true
name: any_P
channels: [Z]
- !beat.heart.Filter
lower_corner: 0.001
upper_corner: 0.1
order: 4
distances: [30.0, 90.0]
interpolation: multilinear
arrival_taper: !beat.heart.ArrivalTaper
a: -15.0
b: -10.0
c: 50.0
d: 55.0
- !beat.WaveformFitConfig
include: true
name: any_S
channels: [Z]
- !beat.heart.Filter
lower_corner: 0.001
upper_corner: 0.1
order: 4
distances: [30.0, 90.0]
interpolation: multilinear
arrival_taper: !beat.heart.ArrivalTaper
a: -15.0
b: -10.0
c: 50.0
d: 55.0
gf_config: !beat.SeismicGFConfig
store_superdir: ./
reference_model_idx: 0
n_variations: [0, 1]
error_depth: 0.1
error_velocities: 0.1
depth_limit_variation: 600.0
earth_model_name: ak135-f-average.m
use_crust2: true
replace_water: true
source_depth_min: 0.0
source_depth_max: 10.0
source_depth_spacing: 1.0
source_distance_radius: 20.0
source_distance_spacing: 1.0
nworkers: 1
code: qssp
sample_rate: 2.0
rm_gfs: true
sampler_config: !beat.SamplerConfig
name: SMC
progressbar: true
parameters: !beat.SMCConfig
n_chains: 1000
n_steps: 100
n_jobs: 1
tune_interval: 10
coef_variation: 1.0
stage: 0
proposal_dist: MultivariateNormal
check_bnd: true
update_covariances: false
rm_flag: false
hyper_sampler_config: !beat.SamplerConfig
name: Metropolis
progressbar: true
parameters: !beat.MetropolisConfig
n_jobs: 1
n_stages: 10
n_steps: 25000
stage: 0
tune_interval: 50
proposal_dist: Normal
thin: 2
burn: 0.5
rm_flag: false
Each BEAT config consists of some general information, from information collected from the gCMT catalog, of a ProblemConfig, the configurations for each dataset (here only seismic_config) and configurations for the sampling algorithms to use for the optimizations of the general problem (sampler_config) as well as a of an initial guess for the hyperparameters (hyper_sampler_config).
Most of the edits likely will be made in the ProblemConfig, particularly in the priors of the source parameters. For now only uniform priors are available. To change the bounds of the priors simply type other values into the ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ fields of each source parameter. Note: The test parameter needs to be within these bounds! To fix one or the other parameter in the optimizations the upper and lower bounds as well as the test value need to be set equal.
Initialize modeling project of an unlisted earthquake¶
Contributed by Carlos Herrera
To create a customizable moment tensor project for an earthquake not included in any moment tensor catalog, run:
beat init newEQ --datatypes='seismic' --mode='geometry' --source_types='MTSource' --waveforms='any_P, any_S, slowest' --use_custom
This creates the folder “newEQ” with a config_geometry.yaml file inside. Some parameters should be manually edited and filled up. These are some suggested initial changes in the configuration file:
event: !pf.Event: In this block, add manually the following earthquake parameters: lat, lon and time; optionally: depth, name, magnitude, and region.
hyperparameters and seismic_config: !beat.SeismicConfig: The beat init command in the example includes three types of waves for the modelling, which can be adjusted in the blocks under waveforms: !beat.WaveformFitConfig. By default, the vertical channel (Z) is used for the wave types. But radial (R) and transverse (T) channels can also be manually added. Also, the modeling can be done in either displacement (default) or velocity - please adjust the quantity argument accordingly. In this section, the source-station distance range (distances) is in degrees. Make sure the range does not extend beyond the limits of the chosen Green’s functions for modeling.
gf_config: !beat.SeismicGFConfig: This block is related to Green’s functions parameters. In this case, beat init was specified to use the option of custom Green’s functions, which need to be calculated just once.:
sampler_config: !beat.SamplerConfig and hyper_sampler_config: !beat.SamplerConfig: Parameters in these blocks are related to the sampling method and can be edited depending on the user needs. In terms of calculation performance, the “bin” backend is considerably faster than “csv” (see sampling backends). Also, the progressbar can be optionally set to “false” for an additional performance improvement.
Waveform data for this modeling project can be downloaded using beatdown. Data can be selected by using the earthquake’s origin time, location, and station distance range (check: beatdown –help ). A simple example is found here. After considering these initial suggestions, follow the tutorial for detailed model parameter descriptions and instructions to run the estimation.