The beat internal help can always be executed by typing ‘–help’ in the execution string. Also, by using the ‘tab’ button you can use automatic bash completion to see available commands and options. For example:
beat init --help
Will display:
Usage: beat init <event_name> <event_date "YYYY-MM-DD"> [options]
Create a new EQ model project, use only event name to skip catalog search.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--min_mag=MIN_MAG Minimum Mw for event, for catalog search. Default:
Main path (absolute) for creating directory structure.
Default: current directory ./
Datatypes to include in the setup; "geodetic,
--mode=MODE Inversion problem to solve; "geometry", "ffi",
"interseismic" Default: "geometry"
List of source types to solve for. Can be any combination of
the following for mode: geometry - ExplosionSource,
RectangularExplosionSource, SFSource, DCSource,
CLVDSource, MTSource, MTQTSource, RectangularSource,
DoubleDCSource, RingfaultSource; bem - DiskBEMSource,
RingfaultBEMSource; Default: 'RectangularSource'
List of integer numbers of sources per source type to
invert for. Default: [1]
Waveforms to include in the setup; "any_P, any_S,
--sampler=SAMPLER Sampling algorithm to sample the solution space of the
general problem; "SMC", "Metropolis". Default: "SMC"
Sampling algorithm to sample the solution space of the
hyperparameters only; So far only "Metropolis"
supported.Default: "Metropolis"
--use_custom If set, a slot for a custom velocity model is being
created in the configuration file.
--individual_gfs If set, Green's Function stores will be created
individually for each station!
--loglevel=LOGLEVEL set logger level to "critical", "error", "warning",
"info", or "debug". Default is "info".