Command line interface

Grond is a normally invoked as a command line program by calling grond from the Unix/Linux shell. Its command line interface (CLI) uses standard Unix/Linux conventions for its options and arguments. To get a brief summary on any Grond subcommand, add the --help option. Options are recognized by their leading double-dashes (--help). Some options have single character aliases names accessible with single dash notation (-h). In the documentation, placeholders for required arguments are denoted with angle brackets (<placeholder>), placeholders for optional arguments with square brackets, e.g. ([placeholder]).

$ grond --help
Usage: grond <subcommand> [options] [--] <arguments> ...

Grond is a probabilistic earthquake source inversion framework.

This is Grond version 1.6.1.


    scenario        create a forward-modelled scenario project
    init            initialise new project structure or print configuration
    events          print available event names for given configuration
    check           check data and configuration
    go              run Grond optimisation
    forward         run forward modelling
    harvest         manually run harvesting
    cluster         run cluster analysis on result ensemble
    plot            plot optimisation result
    movie           visualize optimiser evolution
    export          export results
    tag             add user-defined label to run directories
    report          create result report
    diff            compare two configs or other normalized Grond YAML files
    qc-polarization check sensor orientations with polarization analysis
    upgrade-config  upgrade config file to the latest version of Grond
    version         print version number of Grond and its main dependencies

To get further help and a list of available options for any subcommand run:

    grond <subcommand> --help

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The following pages list the self-documentation strings of all Grond subcommands.