Source code for

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

High level synthetic seismogram synthesis.

.. _coordinate-system-names:

Coordinate systems

Coordinate system names commonly used in source models.

=================  ============================================
Name               Description
=================  ============================================
``'xyz'``          northing, easting, depth in [m]
``'xy'``           northing, easting in [m]
``'latlon'``       latitude, longitude in [deg]
``'lonlat'``       longitude, latitude in [deg]
``'latlondepth'``  latitude, longitude in [deg], depth in [m]
=================  ============================================

from collections import defaultdict
from functools import cmp_to_key
import time
import math
import os
import re
import logging
    import resource
except ImportError:
    resource = None
from hashlib import sha1

import numpy as num
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

from pyrocko.guts import (Object, Float, String, StringChoice, List,
                          Timestamp, Int, SObject, ArgumentError, Dict,
                          ValidationError, Bool)
from pyrocko.guts_array import Array

from pyrocko import moment_tensor as pmt
from pyrocko import trace, util, config, model, eikonal_ext
from pyrocko.orthodrome import ne_to_latlon
from pyrocko.model import Location
from pyrocko.modelling import OkadaSource, make_okada_coefficient_matrix, \
    okada_ext, invert_fault_dislocations_bem

from . import meta, store, ws
from .tractions import TractionField, DirectedTractions
from .targets import Target, StaticTarget, SatelliteTarget

pjoin = os.path.join

guts_prefix = 'pf'

d2r = math.pi / 180.
r2d = 180. / math.pi
km = 1e3

logger = logging.getLogger('')

def cmp_none_aware(a, b):
    if isinstance(a, tuple) and isinstance(b, tuple):
        for xa, xb in zip(a, b):
            rv = cmp_none_aware(xa, xb)
            if rv != 0:
                return rv

        return 0

    anone = a is None
    bnone = b is None

    if anone and bnone:
        return 0

    if anone:
        return -1

    if bnone:
        return 1

    return bool(a > b) - bool(a < b)

def xtime():
    return time.time()

class SeismosizerError(Exception):

class BadRequest(SeismosizerError):

class DuplicateStoreId(Exception):

[docs]class NoDefaultStoreSet(Exception): ''' Raised, when a default store would be used but none is set. ''' pass
class ConversionError(Exception): pass class STFError(SeismosizerError): pass class NoSuchStore(BadRequest): def __init__(self, store_id, store_dirs, store_superdirs, store_ids_avail): BadRequest.__init__(self) self.store_id = store_id self.store_dirs = store_dirs self.store_superdirs = store_superdirs self.store_ids_avail = store_ids_avail def __str__(self): lines = ['No GF store with id "%s" found.' % self.store_id] def add_entries(lines, name, entries): lines.append(' %s:' % name) if not entries: lines.append(' *empty*') else: for entry in entries: lines.append(' - %s' % entry) add_entries(lines, 'store_superdirs searched', self.store_superdirs) add_entries(lines, 'store_dirs searched', self.store_dirs) add_entries(lines, 'store IDs available', self.store_ids_avail) return '\n'.join(lines) def ufloat(s): units = { 'k': 1e3, 'M': 1e6, } factor = 1.0 if s and s[-1] in units: factor = units[s[-1]] s = s[:-1] if not s: raise ValueError("unit without a number: '%s'" % s) return float(s) * factor def ufloat_or_none(s): if s: return ufloat(s) else: return None def int_or_none(s): if s: return int(s) else: return None def nonzero(x, eps=1e-15): return abs(x) > eps def permudef(ln, j=0): if j < len(ln): k, v = ln[j] for y in v: ln[j] = k, y for s in permudef(ln, j + 1): yield s ln[j] = k, v return else: yield ln def arr(x): return num.atleast_1d(num.asarray(x)) def discretize_rect_source(deltas, deltat, time, north, east, depth, strike, dip, length, width, anchor, velocity=None, stf=None, nucleation_x=None, nucleation_y=None, decimation_factor=1, pointsonly=False, plane_coords=False, aggressive_oversampling=False): if stf is None: stf = STF() if not velocity and not pointsonly: raise AttributeError('velocity is required in time mode') mindeltagf = float(num.min(deltas)) if velocity: mindeltagf = min(mindeltagf, deltat * velocity) ln = length wd = width if aggressive_oversampling: nl = int((2. / decimation_factor) * num.ceil(ln / mindeltagf)) + 1 nw = int((2. / decimation_factor) * num.ceil(wd / mindeltagf)) + 1 else: nl = int((1. / decimation_factor) * num.ceil(ln / mindeltagf)) + 1 nw = int((1. / decimation_factor) * num.ceil(wd / mindeltagf)) + 1 n = int(nl * nw) dl = ln / nl dw = wd / nw xl = num.linspace(-0.5 * (ln - dl), 0.5 * (ln - dl), nl) xw = num.linspace(-0.5 * (wd - dw), 0.5 * (wd - dw), nw) points = num.zeros((n, 3)) points[:, 0] = num.tile(xl, nw) points[:, 1] = num.repeat(xw, nl) if nucleation_x is not None: dist_x = num.abs(nucleation_x - points[:, 0]) else: dist_x = num.zeros(n) if nucleation_y is not None: dist_y = num.abs(nucleation_y - points[:, 1]) else: dist_y = num.zeros(n) dist = num.sqrt(dist_x**2 + dist_y**2) times = dist / velocity anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[anchor] points[:, 0] -= anch_x * 0.5 * length points[:, 1] -= anch_y * 0.5 * width if plane_coords: return points, dl, dw, nl, nw rotmat = pmt.euler_to_matrix(dip * d2r, strike * d2r, 0.0) points =, points.T).T points[:, 0] += north points[:, 1] += east points[:, 2] += depth if pointsonly: return points, dl, dw, nl, nw xtau, amplitudes = stf.discretize_t(deltat, time) nt = xtau.size points2 = num.repeat(points, nt, axis=0) times2 = (times[:, num.newaxis] + xtau[num.newaxis, :]).ravel() amplitudes2 = num.tile(amplitudes, n) return points2, times2, amplitudes2, dl, dw, nl, nw def check_rect_source_discretisation(points2, nl, nw, store): # We assume a non-rotated fault plane N_CRITICAL = 8 points = points2.T.reshape((3, nl, nw)) if points.size <= N_CRITICAL: logger.warning('RectangularSource is defined by only %d sub-sources!' % points.size) return True distances = num.sqrt( (points[0, 0, :] - points[0, 1, :])**2 + (points[1, 0, :] - points[1, 1, :])**2 + (points[2, 0, :] - points[2, 1, :])**2) depths = points[2, 0, :] vs_profile = store.config.get_vs( lat=0., lon=0., points=num.repeat(depths[:, num.newaxis], 3, axis=1), interpolation='multilinear') min_wavelength = vs_profile * (store.config.deltat * 2) if not num.all(min_wavelength > distances / 2): return False return True def outline_rect_source(strike, dip, length, width, anchor): ln = length wd = width points = num.array( [[-0.5 * ln, -0.5 * wd, 0.], [0.5 * ln, -0.5 * wd, 0.], [0.5 * ln, 0.5 * wd, 0.], [-0.5 * ln, 0.5 * wd, 0.], [-0.5 * ln, -0.5 * wd, 0.]]) anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[anchor] points[:, 0] -= anch_x * 0.5 * length points[:, 1] -= anch_y * 0.5 * width rotmat = pmt.euler_to_matrix(dip * d2r, strike * d2r, 0.0) return, points.T).T def from_plane_coords( strike, dip, length, width, depth, x_plane_coords, y_plane_coords, lat=0., lon=0., north_shift=0, east_shift=0, anchor='top', cs='xy'): ln = length wd = width x_abs = [] y_abs = [] if not isinstance(x_plane_coords, list): x_plane_coords = [x_plane_coords] y_plane_coords = [y_plane_coords] for x_plane, y_plane in zip(x_plane_coords, y_plane_coords): points = num.array( [[-0.5 * ln * x_plane, -0.5 * wd * y_plane, 0.], [0.5 * ln * x_plane, -0.5 * wd * y_plane, 0.], [0.5 * ln * x_plane, 0.5 * wd * y_plane, 0.], [-0.5 * ln * x_plane, 0.5 * wd * y_plane, 0.], [-0.5 * ln * x_plane, -0.5 * wd * y_plane, 0.]]) anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[anchor] points[:, 0] -= anch_x * 0.5 * length points[:, 1] -= anch_y * 0.5 * width rotmat = pmt.euler_to_matrix(dip * d2r, strike * d2r, 0.0) points =, points.T).T points[:, 0] += north_shift points[:, 1] += east_shift points[:, 2] += depth if cs in ('latlon', 'lonlat'): latlon = ne_to_latlon(lat, lon, points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) latlon = num.array(latlon).T x_abs.append(latlon[1:2, 1]) y_abs.append(latlon[2:3, 0]) if cs == 'xy': x_abs.append(points[1:2, 1]) y_abs.append(points[2:3, 0]) if cs == 'lonlat': return y_abs, x_abs else: return x_abs, y_abs def points_on_rect_source( strike, dip, length, width, anchor, discretized_basesource=None, points_x=None, points_y=None): ln = length wd = width if isinstance(points_x, list) or isinstance(points_x, float): points_x = num.array([points_x]) if isinstance(points_y, list) or isinstance(points_y, float): points_y = num.array([points_y]) if discretized_basesource: ds = discretized_basesource nl_patches = + 1 nw_patches = ds.nw + 1 npoints = nl_patches * nw_patches points = num.zeros((npoints, 3)) ln_patches = num.array([il for il in range(nl_patches)]) wd_patches = num.array([iw for iw in range(nw_patches)]) points_ln =\ 2 * ((ln_patches - num.min(ln_patches)) / num.ptp(ln_patches)) - 1 points_wd =\ 2 * ((wd_patches - num.min(wd_patches)) / num.ptp(wd_patches)) - 1 for il in range(nl_patches): for iw in range(nw_patches): points[il * nw_patches + iw, :] = num.array([ points_ln[il] * ln * 0.5, points_wd[iw] * wd * 0.5, 0.0]) elif points_x.shape[0] > 0 and points_y.shape[0] > 0: points = num.zeros(shape=((len(points_x), 3))) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(points_x, points_y)): points[i, :] = num.array( [x * 0.5 * ln, y * 0.5 * wd, 0.0]) anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[anchor] points[:, 0] -= anch_x * 0.5 * ln points[:, 1] -= anch_y * 0.5 * wd rotmat = pmt.euler_to_matrix(dip * d2r, strike * d2r, 0.0) return, points.T).T class InvalidGridDef(Exception): pass
[docs]class Range(SObject): ''' Convenient range specification. Equivalent ways to sepecify the range [ 0., 1000., ... 10000. ]:: Range('0 .. 10k : 1k') Range(start=0., stop=10e3, step=1e3) Range(0, 10e3, 1e3) Range('0 .. 10k @ 11') Range(start=0., stop=10*km, n=11) Range(0, 10e3, n=11) Range(values=[x*1e3 for x in range(11)]) Depending on the use context, it can be possible to omit any part of the specification. E.g. in the context of extracting a subset of an already existing range, the existing range's specification values would be filled in where missing. The values are distributed with equal spacing, unless the ``spacing`` argument is modified. The values can be created offset or relative to an external base value with the ``relative`` argument if the use context supports this. The range specification can be expressed with a short string representation:: 'start .. stop @ num | spacing, relative' 'start .. stop : step | spacing, relative' most parts of the expression can be omitted if not needed. Whitespace is allowed for readability but can also be omitted. ''' start = Float.T(optional=True) stop = Float.T(optional=True) step = Float.T(optional=True) n = Int.T(optional=True) values = Array.T(optional=True, dtype=float, shape=(None,)) spacing = StringChoice.T( choices=['lin', 'log', 'symlog'], default='lin', optional=True) relative = StringChoice.T( choices=['', 'add', 'mult'], default='', optional=True) pattern = re.compile(r'^((?P<start>.*)\.\.(?P<stop>[^@|:]*))?' r'(@(?P<n>[^|]+)|:(?P<step>[^|]+))?' r'(\|(?P<stuff>.+))?$') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): d = {} if len(args) == 1: d = self.parse(args[0]) elif len(args) in (2, 3): d['start'], d['stop'] = [float(x) for x in args[:2]] if len(args) == 3: d['step'] = float(args[2]) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in d: raise ArgumentError('%s specified more than once' % k) d[k] = v SObject.__init__(self, **d) def __str__(self): def sfloat(x): if x is not None: return '%g' % x else: return '' if self.values: return ','.join('%g' % x for x in self.values) if self.start is None and self.stop is None: s0 = '' else: s0 = '%s .. %s' % (sfloat(self.start), sfloat(self.stop)) s1 = '' if self.step is not None: s1 = [' : %g', ':%g'][s0 == ''] % self.step elif self.n is not None: s1 = [' @ %i', '@%i'][s0 == ''] % self.n if self.spacing == 'lin' and self.relative == '': s2 = '' else: x = [] if self.spacing != 'lin': x.append(self.spacing) if self.relative != '': x.append(self.relative) s2 = ' | %s' % ','.join(x) return s0 + s1 + s2 @classmethod def parse(cls, s): s = re.sub(r'\s+', '', s) m = cls.pattern.match(s) if not m: try: vals = [ufloat(x) for x in s.split(',')] except Exception: raise InvalidGridDef( '"%s" is not a valid range specification' % s) return dict(values=num.array(vals, dtype=float)) d = m.groupdict() try: start = ufloat_or_none(d['start']) stop = ufloat_or_none(d['stop']) step = ufloat_or_none(d['step']) n = int_or_none(d['n']) except Exception: raise InvalidGridDef( '"%s" is not a valid range specification' % s) spacing = 'lin' relative = '' if d['stuff'] is not None: t = d['stuff'].split(',') for x in t: if x in cls.spacing.choices: spacing = x elif x and x in cls.relative.choices: relative = x else: raise InvalidGridDef( '"%s" is not a valid range specification' % s) return dict(start=start, stop=stop, step=step, n=n, spacing=spacing, relative=relative) def make(self, mi=None, ma=None, inc=None, base=None, eps=1e-5): if self.values: return self.values start = self.start stop = self.stop step = self.step n = self.n swap = step is not None and step < 0. if start is None: start = [mi, ma][swap] if stop is None: stop = [ma, mi][swap] if step is None and inc is not None: step = [inc, -inc][ma < mi] if start is None or stop is None: raise InvalidGridDef( 'Cannot use range specification "%s" without start ' 'and stop in this context' % self) if step is None and n is None: step = stop - start if n is None: if (step < 0) != (stop - start < 0): raise InvalidGridDef( 'Range specification "%s" has inconsistent ordering ' '(step < 0 => stop > start)' % self) n = int(round((stop - start) / step)) + 1 stop2 = start + (n - 1) * step if abs(stop - stop2) > eps: n = int(math.floor((stop - start) / step)) + 1 stop = start + (n - 1) * step else: stop = stop2 if start == stop: n = 1 if self.spacing == 'lin': vals = num.linspace(start, stop, n) elif self.spacing in ('log', 'symlog'): if start > 0. and stop > 0.: vals = num.exp(num.linspace(num.log(start), num.log(stop), n)) elif start < 0. and stop < 0.: vals = -num.exp(num.linspace(num.log(-start), num.log(-stop), n)) else: raise InvalidGridDef( 'Log ranges should not include or cross zero ' '(in range specification "%s").' % self) if self.spacing == 'symlog': nvals = - vals vals = num.concatenate((nvals[::-1], vals)) if self.relative in ('add', 'mult') and base is None: raise InvalidGridDef( 'Cannot use relative range specification in this context.') vals = self.make_relative(base, vals) return list(map(float, vals)) def make_relative(self, base, vals): if self.relative == 'add': vals += base if self.relative == 'mult': vals *= base return vals
[docs]class GridDefElement(Object): param = meta.StringID.T() rs = Range.T() def __init__(self, shorthand=None, **kwargs): if shorthand is not None: t = shorthand.split('=') if len(t) != 2: raise InvalidGridDef( 'Invalid grid specification element: %s' % shorthand) sp, sr = t[0].strip(), t[1].strip() kwargs['param'] = sp kwargs['rs'] = Range(sr) Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) def shorthand(self): return self.param + ' = ' + str(
[docs]class GridDef(Object): elements = List.T(GridDefElement.T()) def __init__(self, shorthand=None, **kwargs): if shorthand is not None: t = shorthand.splitlines() tt = [] for x in t: x = x.strip() if x: tt.extend(x.split(';')) elements = [] for se in tt: elements.append(GridDef(se)) kwargs['elements'] = elements Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) def shorthand(self): return '; '.join(str(x) for x in self.elements)
[docs]class Cloneable(object): ''' Mix-in class for Guts objects, providing dict-like access and cloning. ''' def __iter__(self): return iter(self.T.propnames) def __getitem__(self, k): if k not in self.keys(): raise KeyError(k) return getattr(self, k) def __setitem__(self, k, v): if k not in self.keys(): raise KeyError(k) return setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs): ''' Make a copy of the object. A new object of the same class is created and initialized with the parameters of the object on which this method is called on. If ``kwargs`` are given, these are used to override any of the initialization parameters. ''' d = dict(self) for k in d: v = d[k] if isinstance(v, Cloneable): d[k] = v.clone() d.update(kwargs) return self.__class__(**d)
[docs] @classmethod def keys(cls): ''' Get list of the source model's parameter names. ''' return cls.T.propnames
[docs]class STF(Object, Cloneable): ''' Base class for source time functions. ''' def __init__(self, effective_duration=None, **kwargs): if effective_duration is not None: kwargs['duration'] = effective_duration / \ self.factor_duration_to_effective() Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) @classmethod def factor_duration_to_effective(cls): return 1.0 def centroid_time(self, tref): return tref @property def effective_duration(self): return self.duration * self.factor_duration_to_effective() def discretize_t(self, deltat, tref): tl = math.floor(tref / deltat) * deltat th = math.ceil(tref / deltat) * deltat if tl == th: return num.array([tl], dtype=float), num.ones(1) else: return ( num.array([tl, th], dtype=float), num.array([th - tref, tref - tl], dtype=float) / deltat) def base_key(self): return (type(self).__name__,)
g_unit_pulse = STF() def sshift(times, amplitudes, tshift, deltat): t0 = math.floor(tshift / deltat) * deltat t1 = math.ceil(tshift / deltat) * deltat if t0 == t1: return times, amplitudes amplitudes2 = num.zeros(amplitudes.size + 1, dtype=float) amplitudes2[:-1] += (t1 - tshift) / deltat * amplitudes amplitudes2[1:] += (tshift - t0) / deltat * amplitudes times2 = num.arange(times.size + 1, dtype=float) * \ deltat + times[0] + t0 return times2, amplitudes2
[docs]class BoxcarSTF(STF): ''' Boxcar type source time function. .. figure :: /static/stf-BoxcarSTF.svg :width: 40% :align: center :alt: boxcar source time function ''' duration = Float.T( default=0.0, help='duration of the boxcar') anchor = Float.T( default=0.0, help='anchor point with respect to source.time: (' '-1.0: left -> source duration [0, T] ~ hypocenter time, ' ' 0.0: center -> source duration [-T/2, T/2] ~ centroid time, ' '+1.0: right -> source duration [-T, 0] ~ rupture end time)') @classmethod def factor_duration_to_effective(cls): return 1.0 def centroid_time(self, tref): return tref - 0.5 * self.duration * self.anchor def discretize_t(self, deltat, tref): tmin_stf = tref - self.duration * (self.anchor + 1.) * 0.5 tmax_stf = tref + self.duration * (1. - self.anchor) * 0.5 tmin = round(tmin_stf / deltat) * deltat tmax = round(tmax_stf / deltat) * deltat nt = int(round((tmax - tmin) / deltat)) + 1 times = num.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) amplitudes = num.ones_like(times) if times.size > 1: t_edges = num.linspace( tmin - 0.5 * deltat, tmax + 0.5 * deltat, nt + 1) t = tmin_stf + self.duration * num.array( [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=float) f = num.array([0., 1., 1., 0.], dtype=float) amplitudes = util.plf_integrate_piecewise(t_edges, t, f) amplitudes /= num.sum(amplitudes) tshift = (num.sum(amplitudes * times) - self.centroid_time(tref)) return sshift(times, amplitudes, -tshift, deltat) def base_key(self): return (type(self).__name__, self.duration, self.anchor)
[docs]class TriangularSTF(STF): ''' Triangular type source time function. .. figure :: /static/stf-TriangularSTF.svg :width: 40% :align: center :alt: triangular source time function ''' duration = Float.T( default=0.0, help='baseline of the triangle') peak_ratio = Float.T( default=0.5, help='fraction of time compared to duration, ' 'when the maximum amplitude is reached') anchor = Float.T( default=0.0, help='anchor point with respect to source.time: (' '-1.0: left -> source duration [0, T] ~ hypocenter time, ' ' 0.0: center -> source duration [-T/2, T/2] ~ centroid time, ' '+1.0: right -> source duration [-T, 0] ~ rupture end time)') @classmethod def factor_duration_to_effective(cls, peak_ratio=None): if peak_ratio is None: peak_ratio = cls.peak_ratio.default() return math.sqrt((peak_ratio**2 - peak_ratio + 1.0) * 2.0 / 3.0) def __init__(self, effective_duration=None, **kwargs): if effective_duration is not None: kwargs['duration'] = effective_duration / \ self.factor_duration_to_effective( kwargs.get('peak_ratio', None)) STF.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def centroid_ratio(self): ra = self.peak_ratio rb = 1.0 - ra return self.peak_ratio + (rb**2 / 3. - ra**2 / 3.) / (ra + rb) def centroid_time(self, tref): ca = self.centroid_ratio cb = 1.0 - ca if self.anchor <= 0.: return tref - ca * self.duration * self.anchor else: return tref - cb * self.duration * self.anchor @property def effective_duration(self): return self.duration * self.factor_duration_to_effective( self.peak_ratio) def tminmax_stf(self, tref): ca = self.centroid_ratio cb = 1.0 - ca if self.anchor <= 0.: tmin_stf = tref - ca * self.duration * (self.anchor + 1.) tmax_stf = tmin_stf + self.duration else: tmax_stf = tref + cb * self.duration * (1. - self.anchor) tmin_stf = tmax_stf - self.duration return tmin_stf, tmax_stf def discretize_t(self, deltat, tref): tmin_stf, tmax_stf = self.tminmax_stf(tref) tmin = round(tmin_stf / deltat) * deltat tmax = round(tmax_stf / deltat) * deltat nt = int(round((tmax - tmin) / deltat)) + 1 if nt > 1: t_edges = num.linspace( tmin - 0.5 * deltat, tmax + 0.5 * deltat, nt + 1) t = tmin_stf + self.duration * num.array( [0.0, self.peak_ratio, 1.0], dtype=float) f = num.array([0., 1., 0.], dtype=float) amplitudes = util.plf_integrate_piecewise(t_edges, t, f) amplitudes /= num.sum(amplitudes) else: amplitudes = num.ones(1) times = num.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) return times, amplitudes def base_key(self): return ( type(self).__name__, self.duration, self.peak_ratio, self.anchor)
[docs]class HalfSinusoidSTF(STF): ''' Half sinusoid type source time function. .. figure :: /static/stf-HalfSinusoidSTF.svg :width: 40% :align: center :alt: half-sinusouid source time function ''' duration = Float.T( default=0.0, help='duration of the half-sinusoid (baseline)') anchor = Float.T( default=0.0, help='anchor point with respect to source.time: (' '-1.0: left -> source duration [0, T] ~ hypocenter time, ' ' 0.0: center -> source duration [-T/2, T/2] ~ centroid time, ' '+1.0: right -> source duration [-T, 0] ~ rupture end time)') exponent = Int.T( default=1, help='set to 2 to use square of the half-period sinusoidal function.') def __init__(self, effective_duration=None, **kwargs): if effective_duration is not None: kwargs['duration'] = effective_duration / \ self.factor_duration_to_effective( kwargs.get('exponent', 1)) STF.__init__(self, **kwargs) @classmethod def factor_duration_to_effective(cls, exponent): if exponent == 1: return math.sqrt(3.0 * math.pi**2 - 24.0) / math.pi elif exponent == 2: return math.sqrt(math.pi**2 - 6) / math.pi else: raise ValueError('Exponent for HalfSinusoidSTF must be 1 or 2.') @property def effective_duration(self): return self.duration * self.factor_duration_to_effective(self.exponent) def centroid_time(self, tref): return tref - 0.5 * self.duration * self.anchor def discretize_t(self, deltat, tref): tmin_stf = tref - self.duration * (self.anchor + 1.) * 0.5 tmax_stf = tref + self.duration * (1. - self.anchor) * 0.5 tmin = round(tmin_stf / deltat) * deltat tmax = round(tmax_stf / deltat) * deltat nt = int(round((tmax - tmin) / deltat)) + 1 if nt > 1: t_edges = num.maximum(tmin_stf, num.minimum(tmax_stf, num.linspace( tmin - 0.5 * deltat, tmax + 0.5 * deltat, nt + 1))) if self.exponent == 1: fint = -num.cos( (t_edges - tmin_stf) * (math.pi / self.duration)) elif self.exponent == 2: fint = (t_edges - tmin_stf) / self.duration \ - 1.0 / (2.0 * math.pi) * num.sin( (t_edges - tmin_stf) * (2.0 * math.pi / self.duration)) else: raise ValueError( 'Exponent for HalfSinusoidSTF must be 1 or 2.') amplitudes = fint[1:] - fint[:-1] amplitudes /= num.sum(amplitudes) else: amplitudes = num.ones(1) times = num.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) return times, amplitudes def base_key(self): return (type(self).__name__, self.duration, self.anchor)
[docs]class SmoothRampSTF(STF): ''' Smooth-ramp type source time function for near-field displacement. Based on moment function of double-couple point source proposed by [1]_. .. [1] W. Bruestle, G. Mueller (1983), Moment and duration of shallow earthquakes from Love-wave modelling for regional distances, PEPI 32, 312-324. .. figure :: /static/stf-SmoothRampSTF.svg :width: 40% :alt: smooth ramp source time function ''' duration = Float.T( default=0.0, help='duration of the ramp (baseline)') rise_ratio = Float.T( default=0.5, help='fraction of time compared to duration, ' 'when the maximum amplitude is reached') anchor = Float.T( default=0.0, help='anchor point with respect to source.time: (' '-1.0: left -> source duration ``[0, T]`` ~ hypocenter time, ' '0.0: center -> source duration ``[-T/2, T/2]`` ~ centroid time, ' '+1.0: right -> source duration ``[-T, 0]`` ~ rupture end time)') def discretize_t(self, deltat, tref): tmin_stf = tref - self.duration * (self.anchor + 1.) * 0.5 tmax_stf = tref + self.duration * (1. - self.anchor) * 0.5 tmin = round(tmin_stf / deltat) * deltat tmax = round(tmax_stf / deltat) * deltat D = round((tmax - tmin) / deltat) * deltat nt = int(round(D / deltat)) + 1 times = num.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) if nt > 1: rise_time = self.rise_ratio * self.duration amplitudes = num.ones_like(times) tp = tmin + rise_time ii = num.where(times <= tp) t_inc = times[ii] a = num.cos(num.pi * (t_inc - tmin_stf) / rise_time) b = num.cos(3 * num.pi * (t_inc - tmin_stf) / rise_time) - 1.0 amplitudes[ii] = (9. / 16.) * (1 - a + (1. / 9.) * b) amplitudes /= num.sum(amplitudes) else: amplitudes = num.ones(1) return times, amplitudes def base_key(self): return (type(self).__name__, self.duration, self.rise_ratio, self.anchor)
[docs]class ResonatorSTF(STF): ''' Simple resonator like source time function. .. math :: f(t) = 0 for t < 0 f(t) = e^{-t/tau} * sin(2 * pi * f * t) .. figure :: /static/stf-SmoothRampSTF.svg :width: 40% :alt: smooth ramp source time function ''' duration = Float.T( default=0.0, help='decay time') frequency = Float.T( default=1.0, help='resonance frequency') def discretize_t(self, deltat, tref): tmin_stf = tref tmax_stf = tref + self.duration * 3 tmin = math.floor(tmin_stf / deltat) * deltat tmax = math.ceil(tmax_stf / deltat) * deltat times = util.arange2(tmin, tmax, deltat) amplitudes = num.exp(-(times - tref) / self.duration) \ * num.sin(2.0 * num.pi * self.frequency * (times - tref)) return times, amplitudes def base_key(self): return (type(self).__name__, self.duration, self.frequency)
[docs]class TremorSTF(STF): ''' Oszillating source time function. .. math :: f(t) = 0 for t < -tau/2 or t > tau/2 f(t) = cos(pi/tau*t) * sin(2 * pi * f * t) ''' duration = Float.T( default=0.0, help='Tremor duration [s]') frequency = Float.T( default=1.0, help='Frequency [Hz]') def discretize_t(self, deltat, tref): tmin_stf = tref - 0.5 * self.duration tmax_stf = tref + 0.5 * self.duration tmin = math.floor(tmin_stf / deltat) * deltat tmax = math.ceil(tmax_stf / deltat) * deltat times = util.arange2(tmin, tmax, deltat) mask = num.logical_and( tref - 0.5 * self.duration < times, times < tref + 0.5 * self.duration) amplitudes = num.zeros_like(times) amplitudes[mask] = num.cos(num.pi/self.duration*(times[mask] - tref)) \ * num.sin(2.0 * num.pi * self.frequency * (times[mask] - tref)) amplitudes[mask] *= deltat return times, amplitudes def base_key(self): return (type(self).__name__, self.duration, self.frequency)
[docs]class SimpleLandslideSTF(STF): ''' Doublepulse land-slide STF which respects conservation of momentum. ''' duration_acceleration = Float.T( default=1.0, help='Duratian of the acceleration phase [s].') duration_deceleration = Float.T( default=1.0, help='Duration of the deceleration phase [s].') mute_acceleration = Bool.T( default=False, help='set acceleration to zero (for testing)') mute_deceleration = Bool.T( default=False, help='set acceleration to zero (for testing)') def discretize_t(self, deltat, tref): d_acc = self.duration_acceleration d_dec = self.duration_deceleration tmin_stf = tref tmax_stf = tref + d_acc + d_dec tmin = math.floor(tmin_stf / deltat) * deltat tmax = math.ceil(tmax_stf / deltat) * deltat times = util.arange2(tmin, tmax, deltat, epsilon=1e-3) mask_acc = num.logical_and( tref <= times, times < tref + d_acc) mask_dec = num.logical_and( tref + d_acc <= times, times < tref + d_acc + d_dec) n_acc = num.sum(mask_acc) if n_acc < 1: raise STFError( 'SimpleLandslideSTF: `duration_acceleration` must be longer ' 'than sampling interval.') n_dec = num.sum(mask_dec) if n_dec < 1: raise STFError( 'SimpleLandslideSTF: `duration_deceleration` must be longer ' 'than sampling interval.') amplitudes = num.zeros_like(times) amplitudes[mask_acc] = - num.sin( (times[mask_acc] - tref) / d_acc * num.pi) amplitudes[mask_dec] = num.sin( (times[mask_dec] - (tref + d_acc)) / d_dec * num.pi) sum_acc = num.abs(num.sum(amplitudes[mask_acc])) if sum_acc != 0.0: amplitudes[mask_acc] /= sum_acc else: amplitudes[mask_acc] = 1.0 / n_acc sum_dec = num.abs(num.sum(amplitudes[mask_dec])) if sum_dec != 0.0: amplitudes[mask_dec] /= sum_dec else: amplitudes[mask_dec] = 1.0 / n_dec if self.mute_acceleration: amplitudes[mask_acc] = 0.0 if self.mute_deceleration: amplitudes[mask_dec] = 0.0 return times, amplitudes
[docs]class STFMode(StringChoice): choices = ['pre', 'post']
[docs]class Source(Location, Cloneable): ''' Base class for all source models. ''' name = String.T(optional=True, default='') time = Timestamp.T( default=Timestamp.D('1970-01-01 00:00:00'), help='source origin time.') stf = STF.T( optional=True, help='source time function.') stf_mode = STFMode.T( default='post', help='whether to apply source time function in pre or ' 'post-processing.') def __init__(self, **kwargs): Location.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): ''' Change some of the source models parameters. Example:: >>> from pyrocko import gf >>> s = gf.DCSource() >>> s.update(strike=66., dip=33.) >>> print(s) --- !pf.DCSource depth: 0.0 time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 magnitude: 6.0 strike: 66.0 dip: 33.0 rake: 0.0 ''' for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): self[k] = v
[docs] def grid(self, **variables): ''' Create grid of source model variations. :returns: :py:class:`SourceGrid` instance. Example:: >>> from pyrocko import gf >>> base = DCSource() >>> R = gf.Range >>> for s in base.grid(R(' ''' return SourceGrid(base=self, variables=variables)
[docs] def base_key(self): ''' Get key to decide about source discretization / GF stack sharing. When two source models differ only in amplitude and origin time, the discretization and the GF stacking can be done only once for a unit amplitude and a zero origin time and the amplitude and origin times of the seismograms can be applied during post-processing of the synthetic seismogram. For any derived parameterized source model, this method is called to decide if discretization and stacking of the source should be shared. When two source models return an equal vector of values discretization is shared. ''' return (self.depth,, self.north_shift, self.lon, self.east_shift, self.time, type(self).__name__) + \ self.effective_stf_pre().base_key()
[docs] def get_factor(self): ''' Get the scaling factor to be applied during post-processing. Discretization of the base seismogram is usually done for a unit amplitude, because a common factor can be efficiently multiplied to final seismograms. This eliminates to do repeat the stacking when creating seismograms for a series of source models only differing in amplitude. This method should return the scaling factor to apply in the post-processing (often this is simply the scalar moment of the source). ''' return 1.0
[docs] def effective_stf_pre(self): ''' Return the STF applied before stacking of the Green's functions. This STF is used during discretization of the parameterized source models, i.e. to produce a temporal distribution of point sources. Handling of the STF before stacking of the GFs is less efficient but allows to use different source time functions for different parts of the source. ''' if self.stf is not None and self.stf_mode == 'pre': return self.stf else: return g_unit_pulse
[docs] def effective_stf_post(self): ''' Return the STF applied after stacking of the Green's fuctions. This STF is used in the post-processing of the synthetic seismograms. Handling of the STF after stacking of the GFs is usually more efficient but is only possible when a common STF is used for all subsources. ''' if self.stf is not None and self.stf_mode == 'post': return self.stf else: return g_unit_pulse
def _dparams_base(self): return dict(times=arr(self.time),, lon=self.lon, north_shifts=arr(self.north_shift), east_shifts=arr(self.east_shift), depths=arr(self.depth)) def _hash(self): sha = sha1() for k in self.base_key(): sha.update(str(k).encode()) return sha.hexdigest() def _dparams_base_repeated(self, times): if times is None: return self._dparams_base() nt = times.size north_shifts = num.repeat(self.north_shift, nt) east_shifts = num.repeat(self.east_shift, nt) depths = num.repeat(self.depth, nt) return dict(times=times,, lon=self.lon, north_shifts=north_shifts, east_shifts=east_shifts, depths=depths) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): duration = None if self.stf: duration = self.stf.effective_duration return model.Event(, lon=self.lon, north_shift=self.north_shift, east_shift=self.east_shift, time=self.time,, depth=self.depth, duration=duration, **kwargs) def geometry(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def outline(self, cs='xyz'): points = num.atleast_2d(num.zeros([1, 3])) points[:, 0] += self.north_shift points[:, 1] += self.east_shift points[:, 2] += self.depth if cs == 'xyz': return points elif cs == 'xy': return points[:, :2] elif cs in ('latlon', 'lonlat'): latlon = ne_to_latlon(, self.lon, points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) latlon = num.array(latlon).T if cs == 'latlon': return latlon else: return latlon[:, ::-1] @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): if ev.depth is None: raise ConversionError( 'Cannot convert event object to source object: ' 'no depth information available') stf = None if ev.duration is not None: stf = HalfSinusoidSTF(effective_duration=ev.duration) d = dict(, time=ev.time,, lon=ev.lon, north_shift=ev.north_shift, east_shift=ev.east_shift, depth=ev.depth, stf=stf) d.update(kwargs) return cls(**d) def get_magnitude(self): raise NotImplementedError( '%s does not implement get_magnitude()' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class SourceWithMagnitude(Source): ''' Base class for sources containing a moment magnitude. ''' magnitude = Float.T( default=6.0, help='Moment magnitude Mw as in [Hanks and Kanamori, 1979]') def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'moment' in kwargs: mom = kwargs.pop('moment') if 'magnitude' not in kwargs: kwargs['magnitude'] = float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(mom)) Source.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def moment(self): return float(pmt.magnitude_to_moment(self.magnitude)) @moment.setter def moment(self, value): self.magnitude = float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(value)) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): return Source.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, magnitude=self.magnitude, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): d = {} if ev.magnitude: d.update(magnitude=ev.magnitude) d.update(kwargs) return super(SourceWithMagnitude, cls).from_pyrocko_event(ev, **d) def get_magnitude(self): return self.magnitude
[docs]class DerivedMagnitudeError(ValidationError): ''' Raised when conversion between magnitude, moment, volume change or displacement failed. ''' pass
[docs]class SourceWithDerivedMagnitude(Source): class __T(Source.T): def validate_extra(self, val): Source.T.validate_extra(self, val) val.check_conflicts()
[docs] def check_conflicts(self): ''' Check for parameter conflicts. To be overloaded in subclasses. Raises :py:exc:`DerivedMagnitudeError` on conflicts. ''' pass
def get_magnitude(self, store=None, target=None): raise DerivedMagnitudeError('No magnitude set.') def get_moment(self, store=None, target=None): return float(pmt.magnitude_to_moment( self.get_magnitude(store, target))) def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): raise NotImplementedError( '%s does not implement pyrocko_moment_tensor()' % self.__class__.__name__) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): try: mt = self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, target) magnitude = self.get_magnitude() except (DerivedMagnitudeError, NotImplementedError): mt = None magnitude = None return Source.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, moment_tensor=mt, magnitude=magnitude, **kwargs)
[docs]class ExplosionSource(SourceWithDerivedMagnitude): ''' An isotropic explosion point source. ''' magnitude = Float.T( optional=True, help='moment magnitude Mw as in [Hanks and Kanamori, 1979]') volume_change = Float.T( optional=True, help='volume change of the explosion/implosion or ' 'the contracting/extending magmatic source. [m^3]') discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedExplosionSource def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'moment' in kwargs: mom = kwargs.pop('moment') if 'magnitude' not in kwargs: kwargs['magnitude'] = float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(mom)) SourceWithDerivedMagnitude.__init__(self, **kwargs) def base_key(self): return SourceWithDerivedMagnitude.base_key(self) + \ (self.volume_change,) def check_conflicts(self): if self.magnitude is not None and self.volume_change is not None: raise DerivedMagnitudeError( 'Magnitude and volume_change are both defined.') def get_magnitude(self, store=None, target=None): self.check_conflicts() if self.magnitude is not None: return self.magnitude elif self.volume_change is not None: moment = self.volume_change * \ self.get_moment_to_volume_change_ratio(store, target) return float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(abs(moment))) else: return float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(1.0)) def get_volume_change(self, store=None, target=None): self.check_conflicts() if self.volume_change is not None: return self.volume_change elif self.magnitude is not None: moment = float(pmt.magnitude_to_moment(self.magnitude)) return moment / self.get_moment_to_volume_change_ratio( store, target) else: return 1.0 / self.get_moment_to_volume_change_ratio(store) def get_moment_to_volume_change_ratio(self, store, target=None): if store is None: raise DerivedMagnitudeError( 'Need earth model to convert between volume change and ' 'magnitude.') points = num.array( [[self.north_shift, self.east_shift, self.depth]], dtype=float) interpolation = target.interpolation if target else 'multilinear' try: shear_moduli = store.config.get_shear_moduli(, self.lon, points=points, interpolation=interpolation)[0] bulk_moduli = store.config.get_bulk_moduli(, self.lon, points=points, interpolation=interpolation)[0] except meta.OutOfBounds: raise DerivedMagnitudeError( 'Could not get shear modulus at source position.') return float(2. * shear_moduli + bulk_moduli) def get_factor(self): return 1.0 def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): times, amplitudes = self.effective_stf_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time) amplitudes *= self.get_moment(store, target) * math.sqrt(2. / 3.) if self.volume_change is not None: if self.volume_change < 0.: amplitudes *= -1 return meta.DiscretizedExplosionSource( m0s=amplitudes, **self._dparams_base_repeated(times)) def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): a = self.get_moment(store, target) * math.sqrt(2. / 3.) return pmt.MomentTensor(m=pmt.symmat6(a, a, a, 0., 0., 0.))
[docs]class RectangularExplosionSource(ExplosionSource): ''' Rectangular or line explosion source. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedExplosionSource strike = Float.T( default=0.0, help='strike direction in [deg], measured clockwise from north') dip = Float.T( default=90.0, help='dip angle in [deg], measured downward from horizontal') length = Float.T( default=0., help='length of rectangular source area [m]') width = Float.T( default=0., help='width of rectangular source area [m]') anchor = StringChoice.T( choices=['top', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'center', 'bottom', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right'], default='center', optional=True, help='Anchor point for positioning the plane, can be: top, center or' 'bottom and also top_left, top_right,bottom_left,' 'bottom_right, center_left and center right') nucleation_x = Float.T( optional=True, help='horizontal position of rupture nucleation in normalized fault ' 'plane coordinates (-1 = left edge, +1 = right edge)') nucleation_y = Float.T( optional=True, help='down-dip position of rupture nucleation in normalized fault ' 'plane coordinates (-1 = upper edge, +1 = lower edge)') velocity = Float.T( default=3500., help='speed of explosion front [m/s]') aggressive_oversampling = Bool.T( default=False, help='Aggressive oversampling for basesource discretization. ' "When using 'multilinear' interpolation oversampling has" ' practically no effect.') def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + (self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.nucleation_x, self.nucleation_y, self.velocity, self.anchor) def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): if self.nucleation_x is not None: nucx = self.nucleation_x * 0.5 * self.length else: nucx = None if self.nucleation_y is not None: nucy = self.nucleation_y * 0.5 * self.width else: nucy = None stf = self.effective_stf_pre() points, times, amplitudes, dl, dw, nl, nw = discretize_rect_source( store.config.deltas, store.config.deltat, self.time, self.north_shift, self.east_shift, self.depth, self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.anchor, self.velocity, stf=stf, nucleation_x=nucx, nucleation_y=nucy) amplitudes /= num.sum(amplitudes) amplitudes *= self.get_moment(store, target) return meta.DiscretizedExplosionSource(, lon=self.lon, times=times, north_shifts=points[:, 0], east_shifts=points[:, 1], depths=points[:, 2], m0s=amplitudes) def outline(self, cs='xyz'): points = outline_rect_source(self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.anchor) points[:, 0] += self.north_shift points[:, 1] += self.east_shift points[:, 2] += self.depth if cs == 'xyz': return points elif cs == 'xy': return points[:, :2] elif cs in ('latlon', 'lonlat'): latlon = ne_to_latlon(, self.lon, points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) latlon = num.array(latlon).T if cs == 'latlon': return latlon else: return latlon[:, ::-1] def get_nucleation_abs_coord(self, cs='xy'): if self.nucleation_x is None: return None, None coords = from_plane_coords(self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.depth, self.nucleation_x, self.nucleation_y,, lon=self.lon, north_shift=self.north_shift, east_shift=self.east_shift, cs=cs) return coords
[docs]class DCSource(SourceWithMagnitude): ''' A double-couple point source. ''' strike = Float.T( default=0.0, help='strike direction in [deg], measured clockwise from north') dip = Float.T( default=90.0, help='dip angle in [deg], measured downward from horizontal') rake = Float.T( default=0.0, help='rake angle in [deg], ' 'measured counter-clockwise from right-horizontal ' 'in on-plane view') discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + (self.strike, self.dip, self.rake) def get_factor(self): return float(pmt.magnitude_to_moment(self.magnitude)) def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): mot = pmt.MomentTensor( strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, rake=self.rake) times, amplitudes = self.effective_stf_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time) return meta.DiscretizedMTSource( m6s=mot.m6()[num.newaxis, :] * amplitudes[:, num.newaxis], **self._dparams_base_repeated(times)) def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): return pmt.MomentTensor( strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, rake=self.rake, scalar_moment=self.moment) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): return SourceWithMagnitude.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, moment_tensor=self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, target), **kwargs) @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): d = {} mt = ev.moment_tensor if mt: (strike, dip, rake), _ = mt.both_strike_dip_rake() d.update( strike=float(strike), dip=float(dip), rake=float(rake), magnitude=float(mt.moment_magnitude())) d.update(kwargs) return super(DCSource, cls).from_pyrocko_event(ev, **d)
[docs]class CLVDSource(SourceWithMagnitude): ''' A pure CLVD point source. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource azimuth = Float.T( default=0.0, help='azimuth direction of largest dipole, clockwise from north [deg]') dip = Float.T( default=90., help='dip direction of largest dipole, downward from horizontal [deg]') def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + (self.azimuth, self.dip) def get_factor(self): return float(pmt.magnitude_to_moment(self.magnitude)) @property def m6(self): a = math.sqrt(4. / 3.) * self.get_factor() m = pmt.symmat6(-0.5 * a, -0.5 * a, a, 0., 0., 0.) rotmat1 = pmt.euler_to_matrix( d2r * (self.dip - 90.), d2r * (self.azimuth - 90.), 0.) m =,, rotmat1)) return pmt.to6(m) @property def m6_astuple(self): return tuple(self.m6.tolist()) def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): factor = self.get_factor() times, amplitudes = self.effective_stf_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time) return meta.DiscretizedMTSource( m6s=self.m6[num.newaxis, :] * amplitudes[:, num.newaxis] / factor, **self._dparams_base_repeated(times)) def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): return pmt.MomentTensor(m=pmt.symmat6(*self.m6_astuple)) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): mt = self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, target) return Source.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, moment_tensor=self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, target), magnitude=float(mt.moment_magnitude()), **kwargs)
[docs]class VLVDSource(SourceWithDerivedMagnitude): ''' Volumetric linear vector dipole source. This source is a parameterization for a restricted moment tensor point source, useful to represent dyke or sill like inflation or deflation sources. The restriction is such that the moment tensor is rotational symmetric. It can be represented by a superposition of a linear vector dipole (here we use a CLVD for convenience) and an isotropic component. The restricted moment tensor has 4 degrees of freedom: 2 independent eigenvalues and 2 rotation angles orienting the the symmetry axis. In this parameterization, the isotropic component is controlled by ``volume_change``. To define the moment tensor, it must be converted to the scalar moment of the the MT's isotropic component. For the conversion, the shear modulus at the source's position must be known. This value is extracted from the earth model defined in the GF store in use. The CLVD part by controlled by its scalar moment :math:`M_0`: ``clvd_moment``. The sign of ``clvd_moment`` is used to switch between a positiv or negativ CLVD (the sign of the largest eigenvalue). ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource azimuth = Float.T( default=0.0, help='azimuth direction of symmetry axis, clockwise from north [deg].') dip = Float.T( default=90., help='dip direction of symmetry axis, downward from horizontal [deg].') volume_change = Float.T( default=0., help='volume change of the inflation/deflation [m^3].') clvd_moment = Float.T( default=0., help='scalar moment :math:`M_0` of the CLVD component [Nm]. The sign ' 'controls the sign of the CLVD (the sign of its largest ' 'eigenvalue).') def get_moment_to_volume_change_ratio(self, store, target): if store is None or target is None: raise DerivedMagnitudeError( 'Need earth model to convert between volume change and ' 'magnitude.') points = num.array( [[self.north_shift, self.east_shift, self.depth]], dtype=float) try: shear_moduli = store.config.get_shear_moduli(, self.lon, points=points, interpolation=target.interpolation)[0] bulk_moduli = store.config.get_bulk_moduli(, self.lon, points=points, interpolation=target.interpolation)[0] except meta.OutOfBounds: raise DerivedMagnitudeError( 'Could not get shear modulus at source position.') return float(2. * shear_moduli + bulk_moduli) def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + \ (self.azimuth, self.dip, self.volume_change, self.clvd_moment) def get_magnitude(self, store=None, target=None): mt = self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, target) return float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(mt.moment)) def get_m6(self, store, target): a = math.sqrt(4. / 3.) * self.clvd_moment m_clvd = pmt.symmat6(-0.5 * a, -0.5 * a, a, 0., 0., 0.) rotmat1 = pmt.euler_to_matrix( d2r * (self.dip - 90.), d2r * (self.azimuth - 90.), 0.) m_clvd =,, rotmat1)) m_iso = self.volume_change * \ self.get_moment_to_volume_change_ratio(store, target) m_iso = pmt.symmat6(m_iso, m_iso, m_iso, 0., 0., 0.,) * math.sqrt(2. / 3) m = pmt.to6(m_clvd) + pmt.to6(m_iso) return m def get_moment(self, store=None, target=None): return float(pmt.magnitude_to_moment( self.get_magnitude(store, target))) def get_m6_astuple(self, store, target): m6 = self.get_m6(store, target) return tuple(m6.tolist()) def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): times, amplitudes = self.effective_stf_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time) m6 = self.get_m6(store, target) m6 *= amplitudes / self.get_factor() return meta.DiscretizedMTSource( m6s=m6[num.newaxis, :], **self._dparams_base_repeated(times)) def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): m6_astuple = self.get_m6_astuple(store, target) return pmt.MomentTensor(m=pmt.symmat6(*m6_astuple))
[docs]class MTSource(Source): ''' A moment tensor point source. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource mnn = Float.T( default=1., help='north-north component of moment tensor in [Nm]') mee = Float.T( default=1., help='east-east component of moment tensor in [Nm]') mdd = Float.T( default=1., help='down-down component of moment tensor in [Nm]') mne = Float.T( default=0., help='north-east component of moment tensor in [Nm]') mnd = Float.T( default=0., help='north-down component of moment tensor in [Nm]') med = Float.T( default=0., help='east-down component of moment tensor in [Nm]') def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'm6' in kwargs: for (k, v) in zip('mnn mee mdd mne mnd med'.split(), kwargs.pop('m6')): kwargs[k] = float(v) Source.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def m6(self): return num.array(self.m6_astuple) @property def m6_astuple(self): return (self.mnn, self.mee, self.mdd, self.mne, self.mnd, @m6.setter def m6(self, value): self.mnn, self.mee, self.mdd, self.mne, self.mnd, = value def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + self.m6_astuple def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): times, amplitudes = self.effective_stf_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time) return meta.DiscretizedMTSource( m6s=self.m6[num.newaxis, :] * amplitudes[:, num.newaxis], **self._dparams_base_repeated(times)) def get_magnitude(self, store=None, target=None): m6 = self.m6 return pmt.moment_to_magnitude( math.sqrt(num.sum(m6[0:3]**2) + 2.0 * num.sum(m6[3:6]**2)) / math.sqrt(2.)) def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): return pmt.MomentTensor(m=pmt.symmat6(*self.m6_astuple)) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): mt = self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, target) return Source.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, moment_tensor=self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, target), magnitude=float(mt.moment_magnitude()), **kwargs) @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): d = {} mt = ev.moment_tensor if mt: d.update(m6=tuple(map(float, mt.m6()))) else: if ev.magnitude is not None: mom = pmt.magnitude_to_moment(ev.magnitude) v = math.sqrt(2. / 3.) * mom d.update(m6=(v, v, v, 0., 0., 0.)) d.update(kwargs) return super(MTSource, cls).from_pyrocko_event(ev, **d)
map_anchor = { 'center': (0.0, 0.0), 'center_left': (-1.0, 0.0), 'center_right': (1.0, 0.0), 'top': (0.0, -1.0), 'top_left': (-1.0, -1.0), 'top_right': (1.0, -1.0), 'bottom': (0.0, 1.0), 'bottom_left': (-1.0, 1.0), 'bottom_right': (1.0, 1.0)}
[docs]class RectangularSource(SourceWithDerivedMagnitude): ''' Classical Haskell source model modified for bilateral rupture. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource magnitude = Float.T( optional=True, help='moment magnitude Mw as in [Hanks and Kanamori, 1979]') strike = Float.T( default=0.0, help='strike direction in [deg], measured clockwise from north') dip = Float.T( default=90.0, help='dip angle in [deg], measured downward from horizontal') rake = Float.T( default=0.0, help='rake angle in [deg], ' 'measured counter-clockwise from right-horizontal ' 'in on-plane view') length = Float.T( default=0., help='length of rectangular source area [m]') width = Float.T( default=0., help='width of rectangular source area [m]') anchor = StringChoice.T( choices=['top', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'center', 'bottom', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right'], default='center', optional=True, help='Anchor point for positioning the plane, can be: ``top, center ' 'bottom, top_left, top_right,bottom_left,' 'bottom_right, center_left, center right``.') nucleation_x = Float.T( optional=True, help='horizontal position of rupture nucleation in normalized fault ' 'plane coordinates (``-1.`` = left edge, ``+1.`` = right edge)') nucleation_y = Float.T( optional=True, help='down-dip position of rupture nucleation in normalized fault ' 'plane coordinates (``-1.`` = upper edge, ``+1.`` = lower edge)') velocity = Float.T( default=3500., help='speed of rupture front [m/s]') slip = Float.T( optional=True, help='Slip on the rectangular source area [m]') opening_fraction = Float.T( default=0., help='Determines fraction of slip related to opening. ' '(``-1``: pure tensile closing, ' '``0``: pure shear, ' '``1``: pure tensile opening)') decimation_factor = Int.T( optional=True, default=1, help='Sub-source decimation factor, a larger decimation will' ' make the result inaccurate but shorten the necessary' ' computation time (use for testing puposes only).') aggressive_oversampling = Bool.T( default=False, help='Aggressive oversampling for basesource discretization. ' "When using 'multilinear' interpolation oversampling has" ' practically no effect.') def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'moment' in kwargs: mom = kwargs.pop('moment') if 'magnitude' not in kwargs: kwargs['magnitude'] = float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(mom)) SourceWithDerivedMagnitude.__init__(self, **kwargs) def base_key(self): return SourceWithDerivedMagnitude.base_key(self) + ( self.magnitude, self.slip, self.strike, self.dip, self.rake, self.length, self.width, self.nucleation_x, self.nucleation_y, self.velocity, self.decimation_factor, self.anchor) def check_conflicts(self): if self.magnitude is not None and self.slip is not None: raise DerivedMagnitudeError( 'Magnitude and slip are both defined.') def get_magnitude(self, store=None, target=None): self.check_conflicts() if self.magnitude is not None: return self.magnitude elif self.slip is not None: if None in (store, target): raise DerivedMagnitudeError( 'Magnitude for a rectangular source with slip defined ' 'can only be derived when earth model and target ' 'interpolation method are available.') amplitudes = self._discretize(store, target)[2] if amplitudes.ndim == 2: # CLVD component has no net moment, leave out return float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude( num.sum(num.abs(amplitudes[0:2, :]).sum()))) else: return float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(num.sum(amplitudes))) else: return float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(1.0)) def get_factor(self): return 1.0 def get_slip_tensile(self): return self.slip * self.opening_fraction def get_slip_shear(self): return self.slip - abs(self.get_slip_tensile) def _discretize(self, store, target): if self.nucleation_x is not None: nucx = self.nucleation_x * 0.5 * self.length else: nucx = None if self.nucleation_y is not None: nucy = self.nucleation_y * 0.5 * self.width else: nucy = None stf = self.effective_stf_pre() points, times, amplitudes, dl, dw, nl, nw = discretize_rect_source( store.config.deltas, store.config.deltat, self.time, self.north_shift, self.east_shift, self.depth, self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.anchor, self.velocity, stf=stf, nucleation_x=nucx, nucleation_y=nucy, decimation_factor=self.decimation_factor, aggressive_oversampling=self.aggressive_oversampling) if self.slip is not None: if target is not None: interpolation = target.interpolation else: interpolation = 'nearest_neighbor' logger.warning( 'no target information available, will use ' '"nearest_neighbor" interpolation when extracting shear ' 'modulus from earth model') shear_moduli = store.config.get_shear_moduli(, self.lon, points=points, interpolation=interpolation) tensile_slip = self.get_slip_tensile() shear_slip = self.slip - abs(tensile_slip) amplitudes_total = [shear_moduli * shear_slip] if tensile_slip != 0: bulk_moduli = store.config.get_bulk_moduli(, self.lon, points=points, interpolation=interpolation) tensile_iso = bulk_moduli * tensile_slip tensile_clvd = (2. / 3.) * shear_moduli * tensile_slip amplitudes_total.extend([tensile_iso, tensile_clvd]) amplitudes_total = num.vstack(amplitudes_total).squeeze() * \ amplitudes * dl * dw else: # normalization to retain total moment amplitudes_norm = amplitudes / num.sum(amplitudes) moment = self.get_moment(store, target) amplitudes_total = [ amplitudes_norm * moment * (1 - abs(self.opening_fraction))] if self.opening_fraction != 0.: amplitudes_total.append( amplitudes_norm * self.opening_fraction * moment) amplitudes_total = num.vstack(amplitudes_total).squeeze() return points, times, num.atleast_1d(amplitudes_total), dl, dw, nl, nw def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): points, times, amplitudes, dl, dw, nl, nw = self._discretize( store, target) mot = pmt.MomentTensor( strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, rake=self.rake) m6s = num.repeat(mot.m6()[num.newaxis, :], times.size, axis=0) if amplitudes.ndim == 1: m6s[:, :] *= amplitudes[:, num.newaxis] elif amplitudes.ndim == 2: # shear MT components rotmat1 = pmt.euler_to_matrix( d2r * self.dip, d2r * self.strike, d2r * -self.rake) m6s[:, :] *= amplitudes[0, :][:, num.newaxis] if amplitudes.shape[0] == 2: # tensile MT components - moment/magnitude input tensile = pmt.symmat6(1., 1., 3., 0., 0., 0.) rot_tensile = pmt.to6(,, rotmat1))) m6s_tensile = rot_tensile[ num.newaxis, :] * amplitudes[1, :][:, num.newaxis] m6s += m6s_tensile elif amplitudes.shape[0] == 3: # tensile MT components - slip input iso = pmt.symmat6(1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.) clvd = pmt.symmat6(-1., -1., 2., 0., 0., 0.) rot_iso = pmt.to6(,, rotmat1))) rot_clvd = pmt.to6(,, rotmat1))) m6s_iso = rot_iso[ num.newaxis, :] * amplitudes[1, :][:, num.newaxis] m6s_clvd = rot_clvd[ num.newaxis, :] * amplitudes[2, :][:, num.newaxis] m6s += m6s_iso + m6s_clvd else: raise ValueError('Unknwown amplitudes shape!') else: raise ValueError( 'Unexpected dimension of {}'.format(amplitudes.ndim)) ds = meta.DiscretizedMTSource(, lon=self.lon, times=times, north_shifts=points[:, 0], east_shifts=points[:, 1], depths=points[:, 2], m6s=m6s, dl=dl, dw=dw, nl=nl, nw=nw) return ds def xy_to_coord(self, x, y, cs='xyz'): ln, wd = self.length, self.width strike, dip = self.strike, self.dip def array_check(variable): if not isinstance(variable, num.ndarray): return num.array(variable) else: return variable x, y = array_check(x), array_check(y) if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Shapes of x and y mismatch') x, y = x * 0.5 * ln, y * 0.5 * wd points = num.hstack(( x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1), num.zeros((x.shape[0], 1)))) anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[self.anchor] points[:, 0] -= anch_x * 0.5 * ln points[:, 1] -= anch_y * 0.5 * wd rotmat = num.asarray( pmt.euler_to_matrix(dip * d2r, strike * d2r, 0.0)) points_rot =, points.T).T points_rot[:, 0] += self.north_shift points_rot[:, 1] += self.east_shift points_rot[:, 2] += self.depth if cs == 'xyz': return points_rot elif cs == 'xy': return points_rot[:, :2] elif cs in ('latlon', 'lonlat', 'latlondepth'): latlon = ne_to_latlon(, self.lon, points_rot[:, 0], points_rot[:, 1]) latlon = num.array(latlon).T if cs == 'latlon': return latlon elif cs == 'lonlat': return latlon[:, ::-1] else: return num.concatenate( (latlon, points_rot[:, 2].reshape((len(points_rot), 1))), axis=1) def outline(self, cs='xyz'): x = num.array([-1., 1., 1., -1., -1.]) y = num.array([-1., -1., 1., 1., -1.]) return self.xy_to_coord(x, y, cs=cs) def points_on_source(self, cs='xyz', **kwargs): points = points_on_rect_source( self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.anchor, **kwargs) points[:, 0] += self.north_shift points[:, 1] += self.east_shift points[:, 2] += self.depth if cs == 'xyz': return points elif cs == 'xy': return points[:, :2] elif cs in ('latlon', 'lonlat', 'latlondepth'): latlon = ne_to_latlon(, self.lon, points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) latlon = num.array(latlon).T if cs == 'latlon': return latlon elif cs == 'lonlat': return latlon[:, ::-1] else: return num.concatenate( (latlon, points[:, 2].reshape((len(points), 1))), axis=1) def geometry(self, *args, **kwargs): from pyrocko.model import Geometry ds = self.discretize_basesource(*args, **kwargs) nx, ny =, ds.nw def patch_outlines_xy(nx, ny): points = num.zeros((nx * ny, 2)) points[:, 0] = num.tile(num.linspace(-1., 1., nx), ny) points[:, 1] = num.repeat(num.linspace(-1., 1., ny), nx) return points points_ds = patch_outlines_xy(nx + 1, ny + 1) npoints = (nx + 1) * (ny + 1) vertices = num.hstack(( num.ones((npoints, 1)) *, num.ones((npoints, 1)) * self.lon, self.xy_to_coord(points_ds[:, 0], points_ds[:, 1], cs='xyz'))) faces = num.array([[ iy * (nx + 1) + ix, iy * (nx + 1) + ix + 1, (iy + 1) * (nx + 1) + ix + 1, (iy + 1) * (nx + 1) + ix, iy * (nx + 1) + ix] for iy in range(ny) for ix in range(nx)]) xyz = self.outline('xyz') latlon = num.ones((5, 2)) * num.array([, self.lon]) patchverts = num.hstack((latlon, xyz)) geom = Geometry() geom.setup(vertices, faces) geom.set_outlines([patchverts]) if self.stf: geom.times = num.unique(ds.times) if self.nucleation_x is not None and self.nucleation_y is not None: geom.add_property('t_arrival', ds.times) geom.add_property( 'moment', ds.moments().reshape(*ds.nw, -1)) geom.add_property( 'slip', num.ones_like(ds.times) * self.slip) return geom def get_nucleation_abs_coord(self, cs='xy'): if self.nucleation_x is None: return None, None coords = from_plane_coords(self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.depth, self.nucleation_x, self.nucleation_y,, lon=self.lon, north_shift=self.north_shift, east_shift=self.east_shift, cs=cs) return coords def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): return pmt.MomentTensor( strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, rake=self.rake, scalar_moment=self.get_moment(store, target)) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): return SourceWithDerivedMagnitude.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): d = {} mt = ev.moment_tensor if mt: (strike, dip, rake), _ = mt.both_strike_dip_rake() d.update( strike=float(strike), dip=float(dip), rake=float(rake), magnitude=float(mt.moment_magnitude())) d.update(kwargs) return super(RectangularSource, cls).from_pyrocko_event(ev, **d)
[docs]class PseudoDynamicRupture(SourceWithDerivedMagnitude): ''' Combined Eikonal and Okada quasi-dynamic rupture model. Details are described in :doc:`/topics/pseudo-dynamic-rupture`. Note: attribute `stf` is not used so far, but kept for future applications. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource strike = Float.T( default=0.0, help='Strike direction in [deg], measured clockwise from north.') dip = Float.T( default=0.0, help='Dip angle in [deg], measured downward from horizontal.') length = Float.T( default=10. * km, help='Length of rectangular source area in [m].') width = Float.T( default=5. * km, help='Width of rectangular source area in [m].') anchor = StringChoice.T( choices=['top', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'center', 'bottom', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right'], default='center', optional=True, help='Anchor point for positioning the plane, can be: ``top, center, ' 'bottom, top_left, top_right, bottom_left, ' 'bottom_right, center_left, center_right``.') nucleation_x__ = Array.T( default=num.array([0.]), dtype=num.float64, serialize_as='list', help='Horizontal position of rupture nucleation in normalized fault ' 'plane coordinates (``-1.`` = left edge, ``+1.`` = right edge).') nucleation_y__ = Array.T( default=num.array([0.]), dtype=num.float64, serialize_as='list', help='Down-dip position of rupture nucleation in normalized fault ' 'plane coordinates (``-1.`` = upper edge, ``+1.`` = lower edge).') nucleation_time__ = Array.T( optional=True, help='Time in [s] after origin, when nucleation points defined by ' '``nucleation_x`` and ``nucleation_y`` rupture.', dtype=num.float64, serialize_as='list') gamma = Float.T( default=0.8, help='Scaling factor between rupture velocity and S-wave velocity: ' r':math:`v_r = \gamma * v_s`.') nx = Int.T( default=2, help='Number of discrete source patches in x direction (along ' 'strike).') ny = Int.T( default=2, help='Number of discrete source patches in y direction (down dip).') slip = Float.T( optional=True, help='Maximum slip of the rectangular source [m]. ' 'Setting the slip the tractions/stress field ' 'will be normalized to accomodate the desired maximum slip.') rake = Float.T( optional=True, help='Rake angle in [deg], ' 'measured counter-clockwise from right-horizontal ' 'in on-plane view. Rake is translated into homogenous tractions ' 'in strike and up-dip direction. ``rake`` is mutually exclusive ' 'with tractions parameter.') patches = List.T( OkadaSource.T(), optional=True, help='List of all boundary elements/sub faults/fault patches.') patch_mask__ = Array.T( dtype=bool, serialize_as='list', shape=(None,), optional=True, help='Mask for all boundary elements/sub faults/fault patches. True ' 'leaves the patch in the calculation, False excludes the patch.') tractions = TractionField.T( optional=True, help='Traction field the rupture plane is exposed to. See the ' ':py:mod:`` module for more details. ' 'If ``tractions=None`` and ``rake`` is given' ' :py:class:`` will' ' be used.') coef_mat = Array.T( optional=True, help='Coefficient matrix linking traction and dislocation field.', dtype=num.float64, shape=(None, None)) eikonal_decimation = Int.T( optional=True, default=1, help='Sub-source eikonal factor, a smaller eikonal factor will' ' increase the accuracy of rupture front calculation but' ' increases also the computation time.') decimation_factor = Int.T( optional=True, default=1, help='Sub-source decimation factor, a larger decimation will' ' make the result inaccurate but shorten the necessary' ' computation time (use for testing puposes only).') nthreads = Int.T( optional=True, default=1, help='Number of threads for Okada forward modelling, ' 'matrix inversion and calculation of point subsources. ' 'Note: for small/medium matrices 1 thread is most efficient.') pure_shear = Bool.T( optional=True, default=False, help='Calculate only shear tractions and omit tensile tractions.') smooth_rupture = Bool.T( default=True, help='Smooth the tractions by weighting partially ruptured' ' fault patches.') aggressive_oversampling = Bool.T( default=False, help='Aggressive oversampling for basesource discretization. ' "When using 'multilinear' interpolation oversampling has" ' practically no effect.') def __init__(self, **kwargs): SourceWithDerivedMagnitude.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._interpolators = {} self.check_conflicts() @property def nucleation_x(self): return self.nucleation_x__ @nucleation_x.setter def nucleation_x(self, nucleation_x): if isinstance(nucleation_x, list): nucleation_x = num.array(nucleation_x) elif not isinstance( nucleation_x, num.ndarray) and nucleation_x is not None: nucleation_x = num.array([nucleation_x]) self.nucleation_x__ = nucleation_x @property def nucleation_y(self): return self.nucleation_y__ @nucleation_y.setter def nucleation_y(self, nucleation_y): if isinstance(nucleation_y, list): nucleation_y = num.array(nucleation_y) elif not isinstance(nucleation_y, num.ndarray) \ and nucleation_y is not None: nucleation_y = num.array([nucleation_y]) self.nucleation_y__ = nucleation_y @property def nucleation(self): nucl_x, nucl_y = self.nucleation_x, self.nucleation_y if (nucl_x is None) or (nucl_y is None): return None assert nucl_x.shape[0] == nucl_y.shape[0] return num.concatenate( (nucl_x[:, num.newaxis], nucl_y[:, num.newaxis]), axis=1) @nucleation.setter def nucleation(self, nucleation): if isinstance(nucleation, list): nucleation = num.array(nucleation) assert nucleation.shape[1] == 2 self.nucleation_x = nucleation[:, 0] self.nucleation_y = nucleation[:, 1] @property def nucleation_time(self): return self.nucleation_time__ @nucleation_time.setter def nucleation_time(self, nucleation_time): if not isinstance(nucleation_time, num.ndarray) \ and nucleation_time is not None: nucleation_time = num.array([nucleation_time]) self.nucleation_time__ = nucleation_time @property def patch_mask(self): if (self.patch_mask__ is not None and self.patch_mask__.shape == (self.nx * self.ny,)): return self.patch_mask__ else: return num.ones(self.nx * self.ny, dtype=bool) @patch_mask.setter def patch_mask(self, patch_mask): if isinstance(patch_mask, list): patch_mask = num.array(patch_mask) self.patch_mask__ = patch_mask
[docs] def get_tractions(self): ''' Get source traction vectors. If :py:attr:`rake` is given, unit length directed traction vectors (:py:class:``) are returned, else the given :py:attr:`tractions` are used. :returns: Traction vectors per patch. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_patches, 3)``. ''' if self.rake is not None: if num.isnan(self.rake): raise ValueError('Rake must be a real number, not NaN.') logger.warning( 'Tractions are derived based on the given source rake.') tractions = DirectedTractions(rake=self.rake) else: tractions = self.tractions return tractions.get_tractions(self.nx, self.ny, self.patches)
[docs] def get_scaled_tractions(self, store): ''' Get traction vectors rescaled to given slip. Opposing to :py:meth:`get_tractions` traction vectors (:py:class:``) are rescaled to the given :py:attr:`slip` before returning. If no :py:attr:`slip` and :py:attr:`rake` are provided, the given :py:attr:`tractions` are returned without scaling. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of the source). :type store: :py:class:`` :returns: Traction vectors per patch. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_patches, 3)``. ''' tractions = self.tractions factor = 1. if self.rake is not None and self.slip is not None: if num.isnan(self.rake): raise ValueError('Rake must be a real number, not NaN.') self.discretize_patches(store) slip_0t = max(num.linalg.norm( self.get_slip(scale_slip=False), axis=1)) factor = self.slip / slip_0t tractions = DirectedTractions(rake=self.rake) return tractions.get_tractions(self.nx, self.ny, self.patches) * factor
def base_key(self): return SourceWithDerivedMagnitude.base_key(self) + ( self.slip, self.strike, self.dip, self.rake, self.length, self.width, float(self.nucleation_x.mean()), float(self.nucleation_y.mean()), self.decimation_factor, self.anchor, self.pure_shear, self.gamma, tuple(self.patch_mask)) def check_conflicts(self): if self.tractions and self.rake: raise AttributeError( 'Tractions and rake are mutually exclusive.') if self.tractions is None and self.rake is None: self.rake = 0.
[docs] def get_magnitude(self, store=None, target=None): ''' Get total seismic moment magnitude Mw. :param store: GF store to guide the discretization and providing the earthmodel which is needed to calculate moment from slip. :type store: :py:class:`` :param target: Target, used to get GF interpolation settings. :type target: :py:class:`` :returns: Moment magnitude :rtype: float ''' self.check_conflicts() if self.slip is not None or self.tractions is not None: if store is None: raise DerivedMagnitudeError( 'Magnitude for a rectangular source with slip or ' 'tractions defined can only be derived when earth model ' 'is set.') moment_rate, calc_times = self.discretize_basesource( store, target=target).get_moment_rate(store.config.deltat) deltat = num.concatenate(( (num.diff(calc_times)[0],), num.diff(calc_times))) return float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude( num.sum(moment_rate * deltat))) else: return float(pmt.moment_to_magnitude(1.0))
def get_factor(self): return 1.0
[docs] def outline(self, cs='xyz'): ''' Get source outline corner coordinates. :param cs: :ref:`Output coordinate system <coordinate-system-names>`. :type cs: str :returns: Corner points in desired coordinate system. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(5, [2, 3])``. ''' points = outline_rect_source(self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.anchor) points[:, 0] += self.north_shift points[:, 1] += self.east_shift points[:, 2] += self.depth if cs == 'xyz': return points elif cs == 'xy': return points[:, :2] elif cs in ('latlon', 'lonlat', 'latlondepth'): latlon = ne_to_latlon(, self.lon, points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) latlon = num.array(latlon).T if cs == 'latlon': return latlon elif cs == 'lonlat': return latlon[:, ::-1] else: return num.concatenate( (latlon, points[:, 2].reshape((len(points), 1))), axis=1)
[docs] def points_on_source(self, cs='xyz', **kwargs): ''' Convert relative plane coordinates to geographical coordinates. Given x and y coordinates (relative source coordinates between -1. and 1.) are converted to desired geographical coordinates. Coordinates need to be given as :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` arguments ``points_x`` and ``points_y``. :param cs: :ref:`Output coordinate system <coordinate-system-names>`. :type cs: str :returns: Point coordinates in desired coordinate system. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_points, [2, 3])``. ''' points = points_on_rect_source( self.strike, self.dip, self.length, self.width, self.anchor, **kwargs) points[:, 0] += self.north_shift points[:, 1] += self.east_shift points[:, 2] += self.depth if cs == 'xyz': return points elif cs == 'xy': return points[:, :2] elif cs in ('latlon', 'lonlat', 'latlondepth'): latlon = ne_to_latlon(, self.lon, points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) latlon = num.array(latlon).T if cs == 'latlon': return latlon elif cs == 'lonlat': return latlon[:, ::-1] else: return num.concatenate( (latlon, points[:, 2].reshape((len(points), 1))), axis=1)
[docs] def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): ''' Get overall moment tensor of the rupture. :param store: GF store to guide the discretization and providing the earthmodel which is needed to calculate moment from slip. :type store: :py:class:`` :param target: Target, used to get GF interpolation settings. :type target: :py:class:`` :returns: Moment tensor. :rtype: :py:class:`~pyrocko.moment_tensor.MomentTensor` ''' if store is not None: if not self.patches: self.discretize_patches(store) data = self.get_slip() else: data = self.get_tractions() weights = num.linalg.norm(data, axis=1) weights /= weights.sum() rakes = num.arctan2(data[:, 1], data[:, 0]) * r2d rake = num.average(rakes, weights=weights) return pmt.MomentTensor( strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, rake=rake, scalar_moment=self.get_moment(store, target))
def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): return SourceWithDerivedMagnitude.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): d = {} mt = ev.moment_tensor if mt: (strike, dip, rake), _ = mt.both_strike_dip_rake() d.update( strike=float(strike), dip=float(dip), rake=float(rake)) d.update(kwargs) return super(PseudoDynamicRupture, cls).from_pyrocko_event(ev, **d) def _discretize_points(self, store, *args, **kwargs): ''' Discretize source plane with equal vertical and horizontal spacing. Additional ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`points_on_source`. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of the source). :type store: :py:class:`` :returns: Number of points in strike and dip direction, distance between adjacent points, coordinates (latlondepth) and coordinates (xy on fault) for discrete points. :rtype: (int, int, float, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`). ''' anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[self.anchor] npoints = int(self.width // km) + 1 points = num.zeros((npoints, 3)) points[:, 1] = num.linspace(-1., 1., npoints) points[:, 1] = (points[:, 1] - anch_y) * self.width/2 rotmat = pmt.euler_to_matrix(self.dip*d2r, self.strike*d2r, 0.0) points =, points.T).T points[:, 2] += self.depth vs_min = store.config.get_vs(, self.lon, points, interpolation='nearest_neighbor') vr_min = max(vs_min.min(), .5*km) * self.gamma oversampling = 10. delta_l = self.length / (self.nx * oversampling) delta_w = self.width / (self.ny * oversampling) delta = self.eikonal_decimation * num.min([ store.config.deltat * vr_min / oversampling, delta_l, delta_w] + [ deltas for deltas in store.config.deltas]) delta = delta_w / num.ceil(delta_w / delta) nx = int(num.ceil(self.length / delta)) + 1 ny = int(num.ceil(self.width / delta)) + 1 rem_l = (nx-1)*delta - self.length lim_x = rem_l / self.length points_xy = num.zeros((nx * ny, 2)) points_xy[:, 0] = num.repeat( num.linspace(-1.-lim_x, 1.+lim_x, nx), ny) points_xy[:, 1] = num.tile( num.linspace(-1., 1., ny), nx) points = self.points_on_source( points_x=points_xy[:, 0], points_y=points_xy[:, 1], **kwargs) return nx, ny, delta, points, points_xy def _discretize_rupture_v(self, store, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', points=None): ''' Get rupture velocity for discrete points on source plane. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover the whole region of the source) :type store: :py:class:`` :param interpolation: Interpolation method to use (choose between ``'nearest_neighbor'`` and ``'multilinear'``). :type interpolation: str :param points: Coordinates on fault (-1.:1.) of discrete points. :type points: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_points, 2)`` :returns: Rupture velocity assumed as :math:`v_s * \\gamma` for discrete points. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_points, )``. ''' if points is None: _, _, _, points, _ = self._discretize_points(store, cs='xyz') return store.config.get_vs(, self.lon, points=points, interpolation=interpolation) * self.gamma
[docs] def discretize_time( self, store, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', vr=None, times=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' Get rupture start time for discrete points on source plane. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of the source) :type store: :py:class:`` :param interpolation: Interpolation method to use (choose between ``'nearest_neighbor'`` and ``'multilinear'``). :type interpolation: str :param vr: Array, containing rupture user defined rupture velocity values. :type vr: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param times: Array, containing zeros, where rupture is starting, real positive numbers at later secondary nucleation points and -1, where time will be calculated. If not given, rupture starts at nucleation_x, nucleation_y. Times are given for discrete points with equal horizontal and vertical spacing. :type times: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` :returns: Coordinates (latlondepth), coordinates (xy), rupture velocity, rupture propagation time of discrete points. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_points, 3)``, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_points, 2)``, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_points_dip, n_points_strike)``, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_points_dip, n_points_strike)``. ''' nx, ny, delta, points, points_xy = self._discretize_points( store, cs='xyz') if vr is None or vr.shape != tuple((nx, ny)): if vr: logger.warning( 'Given rupture velocities are not in right shape: ' '(%i, %i), but needed is (%i, %i).', *vr.shape + (nx, ny)) vr = self._discretize_rupture_v(store, interpolation, points)\ .reshape(nx, ny) if vr.shape != tuple((nx, ny)): logger.warning( 'Given rupture velocities are not in right shape. Therefore' ' standard rupture velocity array is used.') def initialize_times(): nucl_x, nucl_y = self.nucleation_x, self.nucleation_y if nucl_x.shape != nucl_y.shape: raise ValueError( 'Nucleation coordinates have different shape.') dist_points = num.array([ num.linalg.norm(points_xy - num.array([x, y]).ravel(), axis=1) for x, y in zip(nucl_x, nucl_y)]) nucl_indices = num.argmin(dist_points, axis=1) if self.nucleation_time is None: nucl_times = num.zeros_like(nucl_indices) else: if self.nucleation_time.shape == nucl_x.shape: nucl_times = self.nucleation_time else: raise ValueError( 'Nucleation coordinates and times have different ' 'shapes') t = num.full(nx * ny, -1.) t[nucl_indices] = nucl_times return t.reshape(nx, ny) if times is None: times = initialize_times() elif times.shape != tuple((nx, ny)): times = initialize_times() logger.warning( 'Given times are not in right shape. Therefore standard time' ' array is used.') eikonal_ext.eikonal_solver_fmm_cartesian( speeds=vr, times=times, delta=delta) return points, points_xy, vr, times
[docs] def get_vr_time_interpolators( self, store, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', force=False, **kwargs): ''' Get interpolators for rupture velocity and rupture time. Additional ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`discretize_time`. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of the source). :type store: :py:class:`` :param interpolation: Interpolation method to use (choose between ``'nearest_neighbor'`` and ``'multilinear'``). :type interpolation: str :param force: Force recalculation of the interpolators (e.g. after change of nucleation point locations/times). Default is ``False``. :type force: bool ''' interp_map = {'multilinear': 'linear', 'nearest_neighbor': 'nearest'} if interpolation not in interp_map: raise TypeError( 'Interpolation method %s not available' % interpolation) if not self._interpolators.get(interpolation, False) or force: _, points_xy, vr, times = self.discretize_time( store, **kwargs) if self.length <= 0.: raise ValueError( 'length must be larger then 0. not %g' % self.length) if self.width <= 0.: raise ValueError( 'width must be larger then 0. not %g' % self.width) nx, ny = times.shape anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[self.anchor] points_xy[:, 0] = (points_xy[:, 0] - anch_x) * self.length / 2. points_xy[:, 1] = (points_xy[:, 1] - anch_y) * self.width / 2. ascont = num.ascontiguousarray self._interpolators[interpolation] = ( nx, ny, times, vr, RegularGridInterpolator( (ascont(points_xy[::ny, 0]), ascont(points_xy[:ny, 1])), times, method=interp_map[interpolation]), RegularGridInterpolator( (ascont(points_xy[::ny, 0]), ascont(points_xy[:ny, 1])), vr, method=interp_map[interpolation])) return self._interpolators[interpolation]
[docs] def discretize_patches( self, store, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', force=False, grid_shape=(), **kwargs): ''' Get rupture start time and OkadaSource elements for points on rupture. All source elements and their corresponding center points are calculated and stored in the :py:attr:`patches` attribute. Additional ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`discretize_time`. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of the source). :type store: :py:class:`` :param interpolation: Interpolation method to use (choose between ``'nearest_neighbor'`` and ``'multilinear'``). :type interpolation: str :param force: Force recalculation of the vr and time interpolators ( e.g. after change of nucleation point locations/times). Default is ``False``. :type force: bool :param grid_shape: Desired sub fault patch grid size (nlength, nwidth). Either factor or grid_shape should be set. :type grid_shape: :py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`int` ''' nx, ny, times, vr, time_interpolator, vr_interpolator = \ self.get_vr_time_interpolators( store, interpolation=interpolation, force=force, **kwargs) anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[self.anchor] al = self.length / 2. aw = self.width / 2. al1 = -(al + anch_x * al) al2 = al - anch_x * al aw1 = -aw + anch_y * aw aw2 = aw + anch_y * aw assert num.abs([al1, al2]).sum() == self.length assert num.abs([aw1, aw2]).sum() == self.width def get_lame(*a, **kw): shear_mod = store.config.get_shear_moduli(*a, **kw) lamb = store.config.get_vp(*a, **kw)**2 \ * store.config.get_rho(*a, **kw) - 2. * shear_mod return shear_mod, lamb / (2. * (lamb + shear_mod)) shear_mod, poisson = get_lame(, self.lon, num.array([[self.north_shift, self.east_shift, self.depth]]), interpolation=interpolation) okada_src = OkadaSource(, lon=self.lon, strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, north_shift=self.north_shift, east_shift=self.east_shift, depth=self.depth, al1=al1, al2=al2, aw1=aw1, aw2=aw2, poisson=poisson.mean(), shearmod=shear_mod.mean(), opening=kwargs.get('opening', 0.)) if not (self.nx and self.ny): if grid_shape: self.nx, self.ny = grid_shape else: self.nx = nx self.ny = ny source_disc, source_points = okada_src.discretize(self.nx, self.ny) shear_mod, poisson = get_lame(, self.lon, num.array([src.source_patch()[:3] for src in source_disc]), interpolation=interpolation) if (self.nx, self.ny) != (nx, ny): times_interp = time_interpolator( num.ascontiguousarray(source_points[:, :2])) vr_interp = vr_interpolator( num.ascontiguousarray(source_points[:, :2])) else: times_interp = times.T.ravel() vr_interp = vr.T.ravel() for isrc, src in enumerate(source_disc): src.vr = vr_interp[isrc] src.time = times_interp[isrc] + self.time self.patches = source_disc
[docs] def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): ''' Prepare source for synthetic waveform calculation. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of the source). :type store: :py:class:`` :param target: Target information. :type target: :py:class:`` :returns: Source discretized by a set of moment tensors and times. :rtype: :py:class:`` ''' if not target: interpolation = 'nearest_neighbor' else: interpolation = target.interpolation if not self.patches: self.discretize_patches(store, interpolation) if self.coef_mat is None: self.calc_coef_mat() delta_slip, slip_times = self.get_delta_slip(store) npatches = self.nx * self.ny ntimes = slip_times.size anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[self.anchor] pln = self.length / self.nx pwd = self.width / self.ny patch_coords = num.array([ (p.ix, p.iy) for p in self.patches]).reshape(self.nx, self.ny, 2) # boundary condition is zero-slip # is not valid to avoid unwished interpolation effects slip_grid = num.zeros((self.nx + 2, self.ny + 2, ntimes, 3)) slip_grid[1:-1, 1:-1, :, :] = \ delta_slip.reshape(self.nx, self.ny, ntimes, 3) slip_grid[0, 0, :, :] = slip_grid[1, 1, :, :] slip_grid[0, -1, :, :] = slip_grid[1, -2, :, :] slip_grid[-1, 0, :, :] = slip_grid[-2, 1, :, :] slip_grid[-1, -1, :, :] = slip_grid[-2, -2, :, :] slip_grid[1:-1, 0, :, :] = slip_grid[1:-1, 1, :, :] slip_grid[1:-1, -1, :, :] = slip_grid[1:-1, -2, :, :] slip_grid[0, 1:-1, :, :] = slip_grid[1, 1:-1, :, :] slip_grid[-1, 1:-1, :, :] = slip_grid[-2, 1:-1, :, :] def make_grid(patch_parameter): grid = num.zeros((self.nx + 2, self.ny + 2)) grid[1:-1, 1:-1] = patch_parameter.reshape(self.nx, self.ny) grid[0, 0] = grid[1, 1] grid[0, -1] = grid[1, -2] grid[-1, 0] = grid[-2, 1] grid[-1, -1] = grid[-2, -2] grid[1:-1, 0] = grid[1:-1, 1] grid[1:-1, -1] = grid[1:-1, -2] grid[0, 1:-1] = grid[1, 1:-1] grid[-1, 1:-1] = grid[-2, 1:-1] return grid lamb = self.get_patch_attribute('lamb') mu = self.get_patch_attribute('shearmod') lamb_grid = make_grid(lamb) mu_grid = make_grid(mu) coords_x = num.zeros(self.nx + 2) coords_x[1:-1] = patch_coords[:, 0, 0] coords_x[0] = coords_x[1] - pln / 2 coords_x[-1] = coords_x[-2] + pln / 2 coords_y = num.zeros(self.ny + 2) coords_y[1:-1] = patch_coords[0, :, 1] coords_y[0] = coords_y[1] - pwd / 2 coords_y[-1] = coords_y[-2] + pwd / 2 slip_interp = RegularGridInterpolator( (coords_x, coords_y, slip_times), slip_grid, method='nearest') lamb_interp = RegularGridInterpolator( (coords_x, coords_y), lamb_grid, method='nearest') mu_interp = RegularGridInterpolator( (coords_x, coords_y), mu_grid, method='nearest') # discretize basesources mindeltagf = min(tuple( (self.length / self.nx, self.width / self.ny) + tuple(store.config.deltas))) nl = int((1. / self.decimation_factor) * num.ceil(pln / mindeltagf)) + 1 nw = int((1. / self.decimation_factor) * num.ceil(pwd / mindeltagf)) + 1 nsrc_patch = int(nl * nw) dl = pln / nl dw = pwd / nw patch_area = dl * dw xl = num.linspace(-0.5 * (pln - dl), 0.5 * (pln - dl), nl) xw = num.linspace(-0.5 * (pwd - dw), 0.5 * (pwd - dw), nw) base_coords = num.zeros((nsrc_patch, 3)) base_coords[:, 0] = num.tile(xl, nw) base_coords[:, 1] = num.repeat(xw, nl) base_coords = num.tile(base_coords, (npatches, 1)) center_coords = num.zeros((npatches, 3)) center_coords[:, 0] = num.repeat( num.arange(self.nx) * pln + pln / 2, self.ny) - self.length / 2 center_coords[:, 1] = num.tile( num.arange(self.ny) * pwd + pwd / 2, self.nx) - self.width / 2 base_coords -= center_coords.repeat(nsrc_patch, axis=0) nbaselocs = base_coords.shape[0] base_interp = base_coords.repeat(ntimes, axis=0) base_times = num.tile(slip_times, nbaselocs) base_interp[:, 0] -= anch_x * self.length / 2 base_interp[:, 1] -= anch_y * self.width / 2 base_interp[:, 2] = base_times _, _, _, _, time_interpolator, _ = self.get_vr_time_interpolators( store, interpolation=interpolation) time_eikonal_max = time_interpolator.values.max() nbasesrcs = base_interp.shape[0] delta_slip = slip_interp(base_interp).reshape(nbaselocs, ntimes, 3) lamb = lamb_interp(base_interp[:, :2]).ravel() mu = mu_interp(base_interp[:, :2]).ravel() if False: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt coords = base_coords.copy() norm = num.sum(num.linalg.norm(delta_slip, axis=2), axis=1) plt.scatter(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], c=norm) except AttributeError: pass base_interp[:, 2] = 0. rotmat = pmt.euler_to_matrix(self.dip * d2r, self.strike * d2r, 0.0) base_interp =, base_interp.T).T base_interp[:, 0] += self.north_shift base_interp[:, 1] += self.east_shift base_interp[:, 2] += self.depth slip_strike = delta_slip[:, :, 0].ravel() slip_dip = delta_slip[:, :, 1].ravel() slip_norm = delta_slip[:, :, 2].ravel() slip_shear = num.linalg.norm([slip_strike, slip_dip], axis=0) slip_rake = r2d * num.arctan2(slip_dip, slip_strike) m6s = okada_ext.patch2m6( strikes=num.full(nbasesrcs, self.strike, dtype=float), dips=num.full(nbasesrcs, self.dip, dtype=float), rakes=slip_rake, disl_shear=slip_shear, disl_norm=slip_norm, lamb=lamb, mu=mu, nthreads=self.nthreads) m6s *= patch_area dl = -self.patches[0].al1 + self.patches[0].al2 dw = -self.patches[0].aw1 + self.patches[0].aw2 base_times[base_times > time_eikonal_max] = time_eikonal_max ds = meta.DiscretizedMTSource(, lon=self.lon, times=base_times + self.time, north_shifts=base_interp[:, 0], east_shifts=base_interp[:, 1], depths=base_interp[:, 2], m6s=m6s, dl=dl, dw=dw, nl=self.nx, nw=self.ny) return ds
[docs] def calc_coef_mat(self): ''' Calculate coefficients connecting tractions and dislocations. ''' if not self.patches: raise ValueError( 'Patches are needed. Please calculate them first.') self.coef_mat = make_okada_coefficient_matrix( self.patches, nthreads=self.nthreads, pure_shear=self.pure_shear)
[docs] def get_patch_attribute(self, attr): ''' Get patch attributes. :param attr: Name of selected attribute (see :py:class`pyrocko.modelling.okada.OkadaSource`). :type attr: str :returns: Array with attribute value for each fault patch. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` ''' if not self.patches: raise ValueError( 'Patches are needed. Please calculate them first.') return num.array([getattr(p, attr) for p in self.patches])
[docs] def get_slip( self, time=None, scale_slip=True, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', **kwargs): ''' Get slip per subfault patch for given time after rupture start. :param time: Time after origin [s], for which slip is computed. If not given, final static slip is returned. :type time: float :param scale_slip: If ``True`` and :py:attr:`slip` given, all slip values are scaled to fit the given maximum slip. :type scale_slip: bool :param interpolation: Interpolation method to use (choose between ``'nearest_neighbor'`` and ``'multilinear'``). :type interpolation: str :returns: Inverted dislocations (:math:`u_{strike}, u_{dip}, u_{tensile}`) for each source patch. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_sources, 3)`` ''' if self.patches is None: raise ValueError( 'Please discretize the source first (discretize_patches())') npatches = len(self.patches) tractions = self.get_tractions() time_patch_max = self.get_patch_attribute('time').max() - self.time time_patch = time if time is None: time_patch = time_patch_max if self.coef_mat is None: self.calc_coef_mat() if tractions.shape != (npatches, 3): raise AttributeError( 'The traction vector is of invalid shape.' ' Required shape is (npatches, 3)') patch_mask = num.ones(npatches, dtype=bool) if self.patch_mask is not None: patch_mask = self.patch_mask times = self.get_patch_attribute('time') - self.time times[~patch_mask] = time_patch + 1. # exlcude unmasked patches relevant_sources = num.nonzero(times <= time_patch)[0] disloc_est = num.zeros_like(tractions) if self.smooth_rupture: patch_activation = num.zeros(npatches) nx, ny, times, vr, time_interpolator, vr_interpolator = \ self.get_vr_time_interpolators( store, interpolation=interpolation) # Getting the native Eikonal grid, bit hackish points_x = num.round(time_interpolator.grid[0], decimals=2) points_y = num.round(time_interpolator.grid[1], decimals=2) times_eikonal = time_interpolator.values time_max = time if time is None: time_max = times_eikonal.max() for ip, p in enumerate(self.patches): ul = num.round((p.ix + p.al1, p.iy + p.aw1), decimals=2) lr = num.round((p.ix + p.al2, p.iy + p.aw2), decimals=2) idx_length = num.logical_and( points_x >= ul[0], points_x <= lr[0]) idx_width = num.logical_and( points_y >= ul[1], points_y <= lr[1]) times_patch = times_eikonal[num.ix_(idx_length, idx_width)] if times_patch.size == 0: raise AttributeError('could not use smooth_rupture') patch_activation[ip] = \ (times_patch <= time_max).sum() / times_patch.size if time_patch == 0 and time_patch != time_patch_max: patch_activation[ip] = 0. patch_activation[~patch_mask] = 0. # exlcude unmasked patches relevant_sources = num.nonzero(patch_activation > 0.)[0] if relevant_sources.size == 0: return disloc_est indices_disl = num.repeat(relevant_sources * 3, 3) indices_disl[1::3] += 1 indices_disl[2::3] += 2 disloc_est[relevant_sources] = invert_fault_dislocations_bem( stress_field=tractions[relevant_sources, :].ravel(), coef_mat=self.coef_mat[indices_disl, :][:, indices_disl], pure_shear=self.pure_shear, nthreads=self.nthreads, epsilon=None, **kwargs) if self.smooth_rupture: disloc_est *= patch_activation[:, num.newaxis] if scale_slip and self.slip is not None: disloc_tmax = num.zeros(npatches) indices_disl = num.repeat(num.nonzero(patch_mask)[0] * 3, 3) indices_disl[1::3] += 1 indices_disl[2::3] += 2 disloc_tmax[patch_mask] = num.linalg.norm( invert_fault_dislocations_bem( stress_field=tractions[patch_mask, :].ravel(), coef_mat=self.coef_mat[indices_disl, :][:, indices_disl], pure_shear=self.pure_shear, nthreads=self.nthreads, epsilon=None, **kwargs), axis=1) disloc_tmax_max = disloc_tmax.max() if disloc_tmax_max == 0.: logger.warning( 'slip scaling not performed. Maximum slip is 0.') disloc_est *= self.slip / disloc_tmax_max return disloc_est
[docs] def get_delta_slip( self, store=None, deltat=None, delta=True, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', **kwargs): ''' Get slip change snapshots. The time interval, within which the slip changes are computed is determined by the sampling rate of the Green's function database or ``deltat``. Additional ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`get_slip`. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of of the source). Its sampling interval is used as time increment for slip difference calculation. Either ``deltat`` or ``store`` should be given. :type store: :py:class:`` :param deltat: Time interval for slip difference calculation [s]. Either ``deltat`` or ``store`` should be given. :type deltat: float :param delta: If ``True``, slip differences between two time steps are given. If ``False``, cumulative slip for all time steps. :type delta: bool :param interpolation: Interpolation method to use (choose between ``'nearest_neighbor'`` and ``'multilinear'``). :type interpolation: str :returns: Displacement changes(:math:`\\Delta u_{strike}, \\Delta u_{dip} , \\Delta u_{tensile}`) for each source patch and time; corner times, for which delta slip is computed. The order of displacement changes array is: .. math:: &[[\\\\ &[\\Delta u_{strike, patch1, t1}, \\Delta u_{dip, patch1, t1}, \\Delta u_{tensile, patch1, t1}],\\\\ &[\\Delta u_{strike, patch1, t2}, \\Delta u_{dip, patch1, t2}, \\Delta u_{tensile, patch1, t2}]\\\\ &], [\\\\ &[\\Delta u_{strike, patch2, t1}, ...],\\\\ &[\\Delta u_{strike, patch2, t2}, ...]]]\\\\ :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_sources, n_times, 3)``, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_times, )`` ''' if store and deltat: raise AttributeError( 'Argument collision. ' 'Please define only the store or the deltat argument.') if store: deltat = store.config.deltat if not deltat: raise AttributeError('Please give a GF store or set deltat.') npatches = len(self.patches) _, _, _, _, time_interpolator, _ = self.get_vr_time_interpolators( store, interpolation=interpolation) tmax = time_interpolator.values.max() calc_times = num.arange(0., tmax + deltat, deltat) calc_times[calc_times > tmax] = tmax disloc_est = num.zeros((npatches, calc_times.size, 3)) for itime, t in enumerate(calc_times): disloc_est[:, itime, :] = self.get_slip( time=t, scale_slip=False, **kwargs) if self.slip: disloc_tmax = num.linalg.norm( self.get_slip(scale_slip=False, time=tmax), axis=1) disloc_tmax_max = disloc_tmax.max() if disloc_tmax_max == 0.: logger.warning( 'Slip scaling not performed. Maximum slip is 0.') else: disloc_est *= self.slip / disloc_tmax_max if not delta: return disloc_est, calc_times # if we have only one timestep there is no gradient if calc_times.size > 1: disloc_init = disloc_est[:, 0, :] disloc_est = num.diff(disloc_est, axis=1) disloc_est = num.concatenate(( disloc_init[:, num.newaxis, :], disloc_est), axis=1) calc_times = calc_times return disloc_est, calc_times
[docs] def get_slip_rate(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Get slip rate inverted from patches. The time interval, within which the slip rates are computed is determined by the sampling rate of the Green's function database or ``deltat``. Additional ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`get_delta_slip`. :returns: Slip rates (:math:`\\Delta u_{strike}/\\Delta t`, :math:`\\Delta u_{dip}/\\Delta t, \\Delta u_{tensile}/\\Delta t`) for each source patch and time; corner times, for which slip rate is computed. The order of sliprate array is: .. math:: &[[\\\\ &[\\Delta u_{strike, patch1, t1}/\\Delta t, \\Delta u_{dip, patch1, t1}/\\Delta t, \\Delta u_{tensile, patch1, t1}/\\Delta t],\\\\ &[\\Delta u_{strike, patch1, t2}/\\Delta t, \\Delta u_{dip, patch1, t2}/\\Delta t, \\Delta u_{tensile, patch1, t2}/\\Delta t]], [\\\\ &[\\Delta u_{strike, patch2, t1}/\\Delta t, ...],\\\\ &[\\Delta u_{strike, patch2, t2}/\\Delta t, ...]]]\\\\ :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_sources, n_times, 3)``, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_times, )`` ''' ddisloc_est, calc_times = self.get_delta_slip( *args, delta=True, **kwargs) dt = num.concatenate( [(num.diff(calc_times)[0], ), num.diff(calc_times)]) slip_rate = num.linalg.norm(ddisloc_est, axis=2) / dt return slip_rate, calc_times
[docs] def get_moment_rate_patches(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Get scalar seismic moment rate for each patch individually. Additional ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`get_slip_rate`. :returns: Seismic moment rate for each source patch and time; corner times, for which patch moment rate is computed based on slip rate. The order of the moment rate array is: .. math:: &[\\\\ &[(\\Delta M / \\Delta t)_{patch1, t1}, (\\Delta M / \\Delta t)_{patch1, t2}, ...],\\\\ &[(\\Delta M / \\Delta t)_{patch2, t1}, (\\Delta M / \\Delta t)_{patch, t2}, ...],\\\\ &[...]]\\\\ :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_sources, n_times)``, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_times, )`` ''' slip_rate, calc_times = self.get_slip_rate(*args, **kwargs) shear_mod = self.get_patch_attribute('shearmod') p_length = self.get_patch_attribute('length') p_width = self.get_patch_attribute('width') dA = p_length * p_width mom_rate = shear_mod[:, num.newaxis] * slip_rate * dA[:, num.newaxis] return mom_rate, calc_times
[docs] def get_moment_rate(self, store, target=None, deltat=None): ''' Get seismic source moment rate for the total source (STF). :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of of the source). Its ``deltat`` [s] is used as time increment for slip difference calculation. Either ``deltat`` or ``store`` should be given. :type store: :py:class:`` :param target: Target information, needed for interpolation method. :type target: :py:class:`` :param deltat: Time increment for slip difference calculation [s]. If not given ``store.deltat`` is used. :type deltat: float :return: Seismic moment rate [Nm/s] for each time; corner times, for which moment rate is computed. The order of the moment rate array is: .. math:: &[\\\\ &(\\Delta M / \\Delta t)_{t1},\\\\ &(\\Delta M / \\Delta t)_{t2},\\\\ &...]\\\\ :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_times, )``, :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_times, )`` ''' if not deltat: deltat = store.config.deltat return self.discretize_basesource( store, target=target).get_moment_rate(deltat)
[docs] def get_moment(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Get cumulative seismic moment. Additional ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`get_magnitude`. :returns: Cumulative seismic moment in [Nm]. :rtype: float ''' return float(pmt.magnitude_to_moment(self.get_magnitude( *args, **kwargs)))
[docs] def rescale_slip(self, magnitude=None, moment=None, **kwargs): ''' Rescale source slip based on given target magnitude or seismic moment. Rescale the maximum source slip to fit the source moment magnitude or seismic moment to the given target values. Either ``magnitude`` or ``moment`` need to be given. Additional ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`get_moment`. :param magnitude: Target moment magnitude :math:`M_\\mathrm{w}` as in [Hanks and Kanamori, 1979] :type magnitude: float :param moment: Target seismic moment :math:`M_0` [Nm]. :type moment: float ''' if self.slip is None: self.slip = 1. logger.warning('No slip found for rescaling. ' 'An initial slip of 1 m is assumed.') if magnitude is None and moment is None: raise ValueError( 'Either target magnitude or moment need to be given.') moment_init = self.get_moment(**kwargs) if magnitude is not None: moment = pmt.magnitude_to_moment(magnitude) self.slip *= moment / moment_init
[docs] def get_centroid(self, store, *args, **kwargs): ''' Centroid of the pseudo dynamic rupture model. The centroid location and time are derived from the locations and times of the individual patches weighted with their moment contribution. Additional ``**kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`pyrocko_moment_tensor`. :param store: Green's function database (needs to cover whole region of of the source). Its ``deltat`` [s] is used as time increment for slip difference calculation. Either ``deltat`` or ``store`` should be given. :type store: :py:class:`` :returns: The centroid location and associated moment tensor. :rtype: :py:class:`pyrocko.model.event.Event` ''' _, _, _, _, time, _ = self.get_vr_time_interpolators(store) t_max = time.values.max() moment_rate, times = self.get_moment_rate_patches(deltat=t_max) moment = num.sum(moment_rate * times, axis=1) weights = moment / moment.sum() norths = self.get_patch_attribute('north_shift') easts = self.get_patch_attribute('east_shift') depths = self.get_patch_attribute('depth') centroid_n = num.sum(weights * norths) centroid_e = num.sum(weights * easts) centroid_d = num.sum(weights * depths) centroid_lat, centroid_lon = ne_to_latlon(, self.lon, centroid_n, centroid_e) moment_rate_, times = self.get_moment_rate(store) delta_times = num.concatenate(( [times[1] - times[0]], num.diff(times))) moment_src = delta_times * moment_rate centroid_t = num.sum( moment_src / num.sum(moment_src) * times) + self.time mt = self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, *args, **kwargs) return model.Event( lat=centroid_lat, lon=centroid_lon, depth=centroid_d, time=centroid_t, moment_tensor=mt, magnitude=mt.magnitude, duration=t_max)
[docs] def get_coulomb_failure_stress( self, receiver_points, friction, pressure, strike, dip, rake, time=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' Calculate Coulomb failure stress change CFS. The function obtains the Coulomb failure stress change :math:`\\Delta \\sigma_C` at arbitrary receiver points with a commonly oriented receiver plane assuming: .. math:: \\Delta \\sigma_C = \\sigma_S - \\mu (\\sigma_N - \\Delta p) with the shear stress :math:`\\sigma_S`, the coefficient of friction :math:`\\mu`, the normal stress :math:`\\sigma_N`, and the pore fluid pressure change :math:`\\Delta p`. Each receiver point is characterized by its geographical coordinates, and depth. The required receiver plane orientation is defined by ``strike``, ``dip``, and ``rake``. The Coulomb failure stress change is calculated for a given time after rupture origin time. :param receiver_points: Location of the receiver points in Northing, Easting, and depth in [m]. :type receiver_points: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_receiver, 3)`` :param friction: Coefficient of friction. :type friction: float :param pressure: Pore pressure change in [Pa]. :type pressure: float :param strike: Strike of the receiver plane in [deg]. :type strike: float :param dip: Dip of the receiver plane in [deg]. :type dip: float :param rake: Rake of the receiver plane in [deg]. :type rake: float :param time: Time after origin [s], for which the resulting :math:`\\Delta \\Sigma_c` is computed. If not given, :math:`\\Delta \\Sigma_c` is derived based on the final static slip. :type time: float :returns: The Coulomb failure stress change :math:`\\Delta \\Sigma_c` at each receiver point in [Pa]. :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: ``(n_receiver,)`` ''' # dislocation at given time source_slip = self.get_slip(time=time, scale_slip=True) # source planes source_patches = num.array([ src.source_patch() for src in self.patches]) # earth model lambda_mean = num.mean([src.lamb for src in self.patches]) mu_mean = num.mean([src.shearmod for src in self.patches]) # Dislocation and spatial derivatives from okada in NED results = okada_ext.okada( source_patches, source_slip, receiver_points, lambda_mean, mu_mean, rotate_sdn=False, # TODO Check stack_sources=0, # TODO Check *args, **kwargs) # resolve stress tensor (sum!) diag_ind = [0, 4, 8] kron = num.zeros(9) kron[diag_ind] = 1. kron = kron[num.newaxis, num.newaxis, :] eps = 0.5 * ( results[:, :, 3:] + results[:, :, (3, 6, 9, 4, 7, 10, 5, 8, 11)]) dilatation \ = eps[:, :, diag_ind].sum(axis=-1)[:, :, num.newaxis] stress = kron*lambda_mean*dilatation + 2.*mu_mean*eps # superposed stress of all sources at receiver locations stress_sum = num.sum(stress, axis=0) # get shear and normal stress from stress tensor strike_rad = d2r * strike dip_rad = d2r * dip rake_rad = d2r * rake n_rec = receiver_points.shape[0] stress_normal = num.zeros(n_rec) tau = num.zeros(n_rec) # Get vectors in receiver fault normal (ns), strike (rst) and # dip (rdi) direction ns = num.zeros(3) rst = num.zeros(3) rdi = num.zeros(3) ns[0] = num.sin(dip_rad) * num.cos(strike_rad + 0.5 * num.pi) ns[1] = num.sin(dip_rad) * num.sin(strike_rad + 0.5 * num.pi) ns[2] = -num.cos(dip_rad) rst[0] = num.cos(strike_rad) rst[1] = num.sin(strike_rad) rst[2] = 0.0 rdi[0] = num.cos(dip_rad) * num.cos(strike_rad + 0.5 * num.pi) rdi[1] = num.cos(dip_rad) * num.sin(strike_rad + 0.5 * num.pi) rdi[2] = num.sin(dip_rad) ts = rst * num.cos(rake_rad) - rdi * num.sin(rake_rad) stress_normal = num.sum( num.tile(ns, 3) * stress_sum * num.repeat(ns, 3), axis=1) tau = num.sum( num.tile(ts, 3) * stress_sum * num.repeat(ns, 3), axis=1) # calculate cfs using formula above and return return tau + friction * (stress_normal + pressure)
[docs]class DoubleDCSource(SourceWithMagnitude): ''' Two double-couple point sources separated in space and time. Moment share between the sub-sources is controlled by the parameter mix. The position of the subsources is dependent on the moment distribution between the two sources. Depth, east and north shift are given for the centroid between the two double-couples. The subsources will positioned according to their moment shares around this centroid position. This is done according to their delta parameters, which are therefore in relation to that centroid. Note that depth of the subsources therefore can be depth+/-delta_depth. For shallow earthquakes therefore the depth has to be chosen deeper to avoid sampling above surface. ''' strike1 = Float.T( default=0.0, help='strike direction in [deg], measured clockwise from north') dip1 = Float.T( default=90.0, help='dip angle in [deg], measured downward from horizontal') azimuth = Float.T( default=0.0, help='azimuth to second double-couple [deg], ' 'measured at first, clockwise from north') rake1 = Float.T( default=0.0, help='rake angle in [deg], ' 'measured counter-clockwise from right-horizontal ' 'in on-plane view') strike2 = Float.T( default=0.0, help='strike direction in [deg], measured clockwise from north') dip2 = Float.T( default=90.0, help='dip angle in [deg], measured downward from horizontal') rake2 = Float.T( default=0.0, help='rake angle in [deg], ' 'measured counter-clockwise from right-horizontal ' 'in on-plane view') delta_time = Float.T( default=0.0, help='separation of double-couples in time (t2-t1) [s]') delta_depth = Float.T( default=0.0, help='difference in depth (z2-z1) [m]') distance = Float.T( default=0.0, help='distance between the two double-couples [m]') mix = Float.T( default=0.5, help='how to distribute the moment to the two doublecouples ' 'mix=0 -> m1=1 and m2=0; mix=1 -> m1=0, m2=1') stf1 = STF.T( optional=True, help='Source time function of subsource 1 ' '(if given, overrides STF from attribute :py:gattr:`Source.stf`)') stf2 = STF.T( optional=True, help='Source time function of subsource 2 ' '(if given, overrides STF from attribute :py:gattr:`Source.stf`)') discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource def base_key(self): return ( self.time, self.depth,, self.north_shift, self.lon, self.east_shift, type(self).__name__) + \ self.effective_stf1_pre().base_key() + \ self.effective_stf2_pre().base_key() + ( self.strike1, self.dip1, self.rake1, self.strike2, self.dip2, self.rake2, self.delta_time, self.delta_depth, self.azimuth, self.distance, self.mix) def get_factor(self): return self.moment def effective_stf1_pre(self): return self.stf1 or self.stf or g_unit_pulse def effective_stf2_pre(self): return self.stf2 or self.stf or g_unit_pulse def effective_stf_post(self): return g_unit_pulse def split(self): a1 = 1.0 - self.mix a2 = self.mix delta_north = math.cos(self.azimuth * d2r) * self.distance delta_east = math.sin(self.azimuth * d2r) * self.distance dc1 = DCSource(, lon=self.lon, time=self.time - self.delta_time * a2, north_shift=self.north_shift - delta_north * a2, east_shift=self.east_shift - delta_east * a2, depth=self.depth - self.delta_depth * a2, moment=self.moment * a1, strike=self.strike1, dip=self.dip1, rake=self.rake1, stf=self.stf1 or self.stf) dc2 = DCSource(, lon=self.lon, time=self.time + self.delta_time * a1, north_shift=self.north_shift + delta_north * a1, east_shift=self.east_shift + delta_east * a1, depth=self.depth + self.delta_depth * a1, moment=self.moment * a2, strike=self.strike2, dip=self.dip2, rake=self.rake2, stf=self.stf2 or self.stf) return [dc1, dc2] def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): a1 = 1.0 - self.mix a2 = self.mix mot1 = pmt.MomentTensor(strike=self.strike1, dip=self.dip1, rake=self.rake1, scalar_moment=a1) mot2 = pmt.MomentTensor(strike=self.strike2, dip=self.dip2, rake=self.rake2, scalar_moment=a2) delta_north = math.cos(self.azimuth * d2r) * self.distance delta_east = math.sin(self.azimuth * d2r) * self.distance times1, amplitudes1 = self.effective_stf1_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time - self.delta_time * a2) times2, amplitudes2 = self.effective_stf2_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time + self.delta_time * a1) nt1 = times1.size nt2 = times2.size ds = meta.DiscretizedMTSource(, lon=self.lon, times=num.concatenate((times1, times2)), north_shifts=num.concatenate(( num.repeat(self.north_shift - delta_north * a2, nt1), num.repeat(self.north_shift + delta_north * a1, nt2))), east_shifts=num.concatenate(( num.repeat(self.east_shift - delta_east * a2, nt1), num.repeat(self.east_shift + delta_east * a1, nt2))), depths=num.concatenate(( num.repeat(self.depth - self.delta_depth * a2, nt1), num.repeat(self.depth + self.delta_depth * a1, nt2))), m6s=num.vstack(( mot1.m6()[num.newaxis, :] * amplitudes1[:, num.newaxis], mot2.m6()[num.newaxis, :] * amplitudes2[:, num.newaxis]))) return ds def pyrocko_moment_tensor(self, store=None, target=None): a1 = 1.0 - self.mix a2 = self.mix mot1 = pmt.MomentTensor(strike=self.strike1, dip=self.dip1, rake=self.rake1, scalar_moment=a1 * self.moment) mot2 = pmt.MomentTensor(strike=self.strike2, dip=self.dip2, rake=self.rake2, scalar_moment=a2 * self.moment) return pmt.MomentTensor(m=mot1.m() + mot2.m()) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): return SourceWithMagnitude.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, moment_tensor=self.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store, target), **kwargs) @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): d = {} mt = ev.moment_tensor if mt: (strike, dip, rake), _ = mt.both_strike_dip_rake() d.update( strike1=float(strike), dip1=float(dip), rake1=float(rake), strike2=float(strike), dip2=float(dip), rake2=float(rake), mix=0.0, magnitude=float(mt.moment_magnitude())) d.update(kwargs) source = super(DoubleDCSource, cls).from_pyrocko_event(ev, **d) source.stf1 = source.stf source.stf2 = HalfSinusoidSTF(effective_duration=0.) source.stf = None return source
[docs]class RingfaultSource(SourceWithMagnitude): ''' A ring fault with vertical doublecouples. ''' diameter = Float.T( default=1.0, help='diameter of the ring in [m]') sign = Float.T( default=1.0, help='inside of the ring moves up (+1) or down (-1)') strike = Float.T( default=0.0, help='strike direction of the ring plane, clockwise from north,' ' in [deg]') dip = Float.T( default=0.0, help='dip angle of the ring plane from horizontal in [deg]') npointsources = Int.T( default=360, help='number of point sources to use') discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + ( self.strike, self.dip, self.diameter, self.npointsources) def get_factor(self): return self.sign * self.moment def discretize_basesource(self, store=None, target=None): n = self.npointsources phi = num.linspace(0, 2.0 * num.pi, n, endpoint=False) points = num.zeros((n, 3)) points[:, 0] = num.cos(phi) * 0.5 * self.diameter points[:, 1] = num.sin(phi) * 0.5 * self.diameter rotmat = pmt.euler_to_matrix(self.dip * d2r, self.strike * d2r, 0.0) points =, points.T).T # !!! ? points[:, 0] += self.north_shift points[:, 1] += self.east_shift points[:, 2] += self.depth m = num.array(pmt.MomentTensor(strike=90., dip=90., rake=-90., scalar_moment=1.0 / n).m()) rotmats = num.transpose( [[num.cos(phi), num.sin(phi), num.zeros(n)], [-num.sin(phi), num.cos(phi), num.zeros(n)], [num.zeros(n), num.zeros(n), num.ones(n)]], (2, 0, 1)) ms = num.zeros((n, 3, 3)) for i in range(n): mtemp =[i].T,, rotmats[i])) ms[i, :, :] =,, rotmat)) m6s = num.vstack((ms[:, 0, 0], ms[:, 1, 1], ms[:, 2, 2], ms[:, 0, 1], ms[:, 0, 2], ms[:, 1, 2])).T times, amplitudes = self.effective_stf_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time) nt = times.size return meta.DiscretizedMTSource( times=num.tile(times, n),, lon=self.lon, north_shifts=num.repeat(points[:, 0], nt), east_shifts=num.repeat(points[:, 1], nt), depths=num.repeat(points[:, 2], nt), m6s=num.repeat(m6s, nt, axis=0) * num.tile( amplitudes, n)[:, num.newaxis])
[docs]class CombiSource(Source): ''' Composite source model. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedMTSource subsources = List.T(Source.T()) def __init__(self, subsources=[], **kwargs): if not subsources: raise BadRequest( 'Need at least one sub-source to create a CombiSource object.') lats = num.array( [ for subsource in subsources], dtype=float) lons = num.array( [subsource.lon for subsource in subsources], dtype=float) lat, lon = lats[0], lons[0] if not num.all(lats == lat) and num.all(lons == lon): subsources = [s.clone() for s in subsources] for subsource in subsources[1:]: subsource.set_origin(lat, lon) depth = float(num.mean([p.depth for p in subsources])) time = float(num.mean([p.time for p in subsources])) north_shift = float(num.mean([p.north_shift for p in subsources])) east_shift = float(num.mean([p.east_shift for p in subsources])) kwargs.update( time=time, lat=float(lat), lon=float(lon), north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth) Source.__init__(self, subsources=subsources, **kwargs) def get_factor(self): return 1.0 def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): dsources = [] for sf in self.subsources: ds = sf.discretize_basesource(store, target) ds.m6s *= sf.get_factor() dsources.append(ds) return meta.DiscretizedMTSource.combine(dsources)
[docs]class CombiSFSource(Source): ''' Composite source model. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedSFSource subsources = List.T(Source.T()) def __init__(self, subsources=[], **kwargs): if not subsources: raise BadRequest( 'Need at least one sub-source to create a CombiSFSource ' 'object.') lats = num.array( [ for subsource in subsources], dtype=float) lons = num.array( [subsource.lon for subsource in subsources], dtype=float) lat, lon = lats[0], lons[0] if not num.all(lats == lat) and num.all(lons == lon): subsources = [s.clone() for s in subsources] for subsource in subsources[1:]: subsource.set_origin(lat, lon) depth = float(num.mean([p.depth for p in subsources])) time = float(num.mean([p.time for p in subsources])) north_shift = float(num.mean([p.north_shift for p in subsources])) east_shift = float(num.mean([p.east_shift for p in subsources])) kwargs.update( time=time, lat=float(lat), lon=float(lon), north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth) Source.__init__(self, subsources=subsources, **kwargs) def get_factor(self): return 1.0 def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): dsources = [] for sf in self.subsources: ds = sf.discretize_basesource(store, target) ds.forces *= sf.get_factor() dsources.append(ds) return meta.DiscretizedSFSource.combine(dsources)
[docs]class SFSource(Source): ''' A single force point source. Supported GF schemes: `'elastic5'`. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedSFSource fn = Float.T( default=0., help='northward component of single force [N]') fe = Float.T( default=0., help='eastward component of single force [N]') fd = Float.T( default=0., help='downward component of single force [N]') def __init__(self, **kwargs): Source.__init__(self, **kwargs) def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + (self.fn, self.fe, self.fd) def get_factor(self): return 1.0 @property def force(self): return math.sqrt(self.fn**2 + self.fe**2 + self.fd**2) def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): times, amplitudes = self.effective_stf_pre().discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time) forces = amplitudes[:, num.newaxis] * num.array( [[self.fn, self.fe, self.fd]], dtype=float) return meta.DiscretizedSFSource(forces=forces, **self._dparams_base_repeated(times)) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): return Source.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): d = {} d.update(kwargs) return super(SFSource, cls).from_pyrocko_event(ev, **d)
[docs]class SimpleLandslideSource(Source): ''' A single force landslide source respecting conservation of momentum. The landslide is modelled point-like in space but with individual source time functions for each force component. The source time functions :py:class:`SimpleLandslideSTF` impose the constraint that everything is at rest before and after the event but are allowed to have different acceleration and deceleration durations. It should thus be suitable as a first order approximation of a rock fall or landslide. For realistic landslides, the horizontal accelerations and decelerations can be delayed with respect to the vertical ones but cannot precede them. Supported GF schemes: `'elastic5'`. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedSFSource stf_mode = STFMode.T( default='pre', help='SimpleLandslideSource only works with `stf_mode == "pre"`.') impulse_n = Float.T( default=0., help='northward component of impulse [Ns]') impulse_e = Float.T( default=0., help='eastward component of impulse [Ns]') impulse_d = Float.T( default=0., help='downward component of impulse [Ns]') azimuth = Float.T( default=0., help='azimuth direction of the mass movement [deg]') stf_v = SimpleLandslideSTF.T( default=SimpleLandslideSTF.D(), help='source time function for vertical force component') stf_h = SimpleLandslideSTF.T( default=SimpleLandslideSTF.D(), help='source time function for horizontal force component') anchor_stf = StringChoice.T( choices=['onset', 'centroid'], default='onset', help='``"onset"``: STFs start at origin time ``"centroid"``: STFs all ' 'start at the same time but so that the centroid is at the given ' 'origin time.') def __init__(self, **kwargs): Source.__init__(self, **kwargs) def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + ( self.impulse_n, self.impulse_e, self.impulse_d) \ + self.stf_v.base_key() + self.stf_h.base_key() def get_factor(self): return 1.0 def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): if self.stf_mode != 'pre': raise Exception( 'SimpleLandslideSource: ' 'Only works with `stf_mode == "pre"`.') if self.stf is not None: raise Exception( 'SimpleLandslideSource: ' 'Setting `stf` is not supported: use `stf_v` and `stf_h`.') if self.anchor_stf == 'centroid': duration_acc = num.array([ self.stf_h.duration_acceleration, self.stf_h.duration_acceleration, self.stf_v.duration_acceleration], dtype=float) impulse = num.array([ self.impulse_n, self.impulse_e, self.impulse_d], dtype=float) tshift_centroid = \ - num.sum(duration_acc * impulse**2) \ / num.sum(impulse**2) elif self.anchor_stf == 'onset': tshift_centroid = 0.0 times, amplitudes = self.stf_v.discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time + tshift_centroid) forces_v = num.zeros((times.size, 3)) forces_v[:, 2] = amplitudes * self.impulse_d dsource_v = meta.DiscretizedSFSource( forces=forces_v, **self._dparams_base_repeated(times)) times, amplitudes = self.stf_h.discretize_t( store.config.deltat, self.time + tshift_centroid) forces_h = num.zeros((times.size, 3)) forces_h[:, 0] = \ amplitudes * self.impulse_n forces_h[:, 1] = \ amplitudes * self.impulse_e dsource_h = meta.DiscretizedSFSource( forces=forces_h, **self._dparams_base_repeated(times)) return meta.DiscretizedSFSource.combine([dsource_v, dsource_h]) def pyrocko_event(self, store=None, target=None, **kwargs): return Source.pyrocko_event( self, store, target, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_pyrocko_event(cls, ev, **kwargs): d = {} d.update(kwargs) return super(SimpleLandslideSource, cls).from_pyrocko_event(ev, **d)
[docs]class PorePressurePointSource(Source): ''' Excess pore pressure point source. For poro-elastic initial value problem where an excess pore pressure is brought into a small source volume. ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedPorePressureSource pp = Float.T( default=1.0, help='initial excess pore pressure in [Pa]') def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) def get_factor(self): return self.pp def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): return meta.DiscretizedPorePressureSource(pp=arr(1.0), **self._dparams_base())
[docs]class PorePressureLineSource(Source): ''' Excess pore pressure line source. The line source is centered at (north_shift, east_shift, depth). ''' discretized_source_class = meta.DiscretizedPorePressureSource pp = Float.T( default=1.0, help='initial excess pore pressure in [Pa]') length = Float.T( default=0.0, help='length of the line source [m]') azimuth = Float.T( default=0.0, help='azimuth direction, clockwise from north [deg]') dip = Float.T( default=90., help='dip direction, downward from horizontal [deg]') def base_key(self): return Source.base_key(self) + (self.azimuth, self.dip, self.length) def get_factor(self): return self.pp def discretize_basesource(self, store, target=None): n = 2 * int(math.ceil(self.length / num.min(store.config.deltas))) + 1 a = num.linspace(-0.5 * self.length, 0.5 * self.length, n) sa = math.sin(self.azimuth * d2r) ca = math.cos(self.azimuth * d2r) sd = math.sin(self.dip * d2r) cd = math.cos(self.dip * d2r) points = num.zeros((n, 3)) points[:, 0] = self.north_shift + a * ca * cd points[:, 1] = self.east_shift + a * sa * cd points[:, 2] = self.depth + a * sd return meta.DiscretizedPorePressureSource( times=num.full(n, self.time),, lon=self.lon, north_shifts=points[:, 0], east_shifts=points[:, 1], depths=points[:, 2], pp=num.ones(n) / n)
[docs]class Request(Object): ''' Synthetic seismogram computation request. :: Request(**kwargs) Request(sources, targets, **kwargs) ''' sources = List.T( Source.T(), help='list of sources for which to produce synthetics.') targets = List.T( Target.T(), help='list of targets for which to produce synthetics.') @classmethod def args2kwargs(cls, args): if len(args) not in (0, 2, 3): raise BadRequest('Invalid arguments.') if len(args) == 2: return dict(sources=args[0], targets=args[1]) else: return {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(self.args2kwargs(args)) sources = kwargs.pop('sources', []) targets = kwargs.pop('targets', []) if isinstance(sources, Source): sources = [sources] if isinstance(targets, Target) or isinstance(targets, StaticTarget): targets = [targets] Object.__init__(self, sources=sources, targets=targets, **kwargs) @property def targets_dynamic(self): return [t for t in self.targets if isinstance(t, Target)] @property def targets_static(self): return [t for t in self.targets if isinstance(t, StaticTarget)] @property def has_dynamic(self): return True if len(self.targets_dynamic) > 0 else False @property def has_statics(self): return True if len(self.targets_static) > 0 else False def subsources_map(self): m = defaultdict(list) for source in self.sources: m[source.base_key()].append(source) return m def subtargets_map(self): m = defaultdict(list) for target in self.targets: m[target.base_key()].append(target) return m def subrequest_map(self): ms = self.subsources_map() mt = self.subtargets_map() m = {} for (ks, ls) in ms.items(): for (kt, lt) in mt.items(): m[ks, kt] = (ls, lt) return m
[docs]class ProcessingStats(Object): t_perc_get_store_and_receiver = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_discretize_source = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_make_base_seismogram = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_make_same_span = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_post_process = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_optimize = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_stack = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_static_get_store = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_static_discretize_basesource = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_static_sum_statics = Float.T(default=0.) t_perc_static_post_process = Float.T(default=0.) t_wallclock = Float.T(default=0.) t_cpu = Float.T(default=0.) n_read_blocks = Int.T(default=0) n_results = Int.T(default=0) n_subrequests = Int.T(default=0) n_stores = Int.T(default=0) n_records_stacked = Int.T(default=0)
[docs]class Response(Object): ''' Resonse object to a synthetic seismogram computation request. ''' request = Request.T() results_list = List.T(List.T(meta.SeismosizerResult.T())) stats = ProcessingStats.T()
[docs] def pyrocko_traces(self): ''' Return a list of requested :class:`~pyrocko.trace.Trace` instances. ''' traces = [] for results in self.results_list: for result in results: if not isinstance(result, meta.Result): continue traces.append(result.trace.pyrocko_trace()) return traces
[docs] def kite_scenes(self): ''' Return a list of requested :class:`kite.Scene` instances. ''' kite_scenes = [] for results in self.results_list: for result in results: if isinstance(result, meta.KiteSceneResult): sc = result.get_scene() kite_scenes.append(sc) return kite_scenes
[docs] def static_results(self): ''' Return a list of requested :class:`` instances. ''' statics = [] for results in self.results_list: for result in results: if not isinstance(result, meta.StaticResult): continue statics.append(result) return statics
[docs] def iter_results(self, get='pyrocko_traces'): ''' Generator function to iterate over results of request. Yields associated :py:class:`Source`, :class:``, :class:`~pyrocko.trace.Trace` instances in each iteration. ''' for isource, source in enumerate(self.request.sources): for itarget, target in enumerate(self.request.targets): result = self.results_list[isource][itarget] if get == 'pyrocko_traces': yield source, target, result.trace.pyrocko_trace() elif get == 'results': yield source, target, result
[docs] def snuffle(self, **kwargs): ''' Open *snuffler* with requested traces. ''' trace.snuffle(self.pyrocko_traces(), **kwargs)
[docs]class Engine(Object): ''' Base class for synthetic seismogram calculators. '''
[docs] def get_store_ids(self): ''' Get list of available GF store IDs ''' return []
class Rule(object): pass class VectorRule(Rule): def __init__(self, quantity, differentiate=0, integrate=0): self.components = [quantity + '.' + c for c in 'ned'] self.differentiate = differentiate self.integrate = integrate def required_components(self, target): n, e, d = self.components sa, ca, sd, cd = target.get_sin_cos_factors() comps = [] if nonzero(ca * cd): comps.append(n) if nonzero(sa * cd): comps.append(e) if nonzero(sd): comps.append(d) return tuple(comps) def apply_(self, target, base_seismogram): n, e, d = self.components sa, ca, sd, cd = target.get_sin_cos_factors() if nonzero(ca * cd): data = base_seismogram[n].data * (ca * cd) deltat = base_seismogram[n].deltat else: data = 0.0 if nonzero(sa * cd): data = data + base_seismogram[e].data * (sa * cd) deltat = base_seismogram[e].deltat if nonzero(sd): data = data + base_seismogram[d].data * sd deltat = base_seismogram[d].deltat if self.differentiate: data = util.diff_fd(self.differentiate, 4, deltat, data) if self.integrate: raise NotImplementedError('Integration is not implemented yet.') return data class HorizontalVectorRule(Rule): def __init__(self, quantity, differentiate=0, integrate=0): self.components = [quantity + '.' + c for c in 'ne'] self.differentiate = differentiate self.integrate = integrate def required_components(self, target): n, e = self.components sa, ca, _, _ = target.get_sin_cos_factors() comps = [] if nonzero(ca): comps.append(n) if nonzero(sa): comps.append(e) return tuple(comps) def apply_(self, target, base_seismogram): n, e = self.components sa, ca, _, _ = target.get_sin_cos_factors() if nonzero(ca): data = base_seismogram[n].data * ca else: data = 0.0 if nonzero(sa): data = data + base_seismogram[e].data * sa if self.differentiate: deltat = base_seismogram[e].deltat data = util.diff_fd(self.differentiate, 4, deltat, data) if self.integrate: raise NotImplementedError('Integration is not implemented yet.') return data class ScalarRule(Rule): def __init__(self, quantity, differentiate=0): self.c = quantity def required_components(self, target): return (self.c, ) def apply_(self, target, base_seismogram): data = base_seismogram[self.c].data.copy() deltat = base_seismogram[self.c].deltat if self.differentiate: data = util.diff_fd(self.differentiate, 4, deltat, data) return data class StaticDisplacement(Rule): def required_components(self, target): return tuple(['displacement.%s' % c for c in list('ned')]) def apply_(self, target, base_statics): if isinstance(target, SatelliteTarget): los_fac = target.get_los_factors() base_statics['displacement.los'] =\ (los_fac[:, 0] * -base_statics['displacement.d'] + los_fac[:, 1] * base_statics['displacement.e'] + los_fac[:, 2] * base_statics['displacement.n']) return base_statics channel_rules = { 'displacement': [VectorRule('displacement')], 'rotation_displacement': [VectorRule('rotation_displacement')], 'velocity': [ VectorRule('velocity'), VectorRule('displacement', differentiate=1)], 'acceleration': [ VectorRule('acceleration'), VectorRule('velocity', differentiate=1), VectorRule('displacement', differentiate=2)], 'pore_pressure': [ScalarRule('pore_pressure')], 'vertical_tilt': [HorizontalVectorRule('vertical_tilt')], 'darcy_velocity': [VectorRule('darcy_velocity')], } static_rules = { 'displacement': [StaticDisplacement()] }
[docs]class OutOfBoundsContext(Object): source = Source.T() target = Target.T() distance = Float.T() components = List.T(String.T())
def process_dynamic_timeseries(work, psources, ptargets, engine, nthreads=0): dsource_cache = {} tcounters = list(range(6)) store_ids = set() sources = set() targets = set() for itarget, target in enumerate(ptargets): target._id = itarget for w in work: _, _, isources, itargets = w sources.update([psources[isource] for isource in isources]) targets.update([ptargets[itarget] for itarget in itargets]) store_ids = set([t.store_id for t in targets]) for isource, source in enumerate(psources): components = set() for itarget, target in enumerate(targets): rule = engine.get_rule(source, target) components.update(rule.required_components(target)) for store_id in store_ids: store_targets = [t for t in targets if t.store_id == store_id] sample_rates = set([t.sample_rate for t in store_targets]) interpolations = set([t.interpolation for t in store_targets]) base_seismograms = [] store_targets_out = [] for samp_rate in sample_rates: for interp in interpolations: engine_targets = [ t for t in store_targets if t.sample_rate == samp_rate and t.interpolation == interp] if not engine_targets: continue store_targets_out += engine_targets base_seismograms += engine.base_seismograms( source, engine_targets, components, dsource_cache, nthreads) for iseis, seismogram in enumerate(base_seismograms): for tr in seismogram.values(): if tr.err != store.SeismosizerErrorEnum.SUCCESS: e = SeismosizerError( 'Seismosizer failed with return code %i\n%s' % ( tr.err, str( OutOfBoundsContext( source=source, target=store_targets[iseis], distance=source.distance_to( store_targets[iseis]), components=components)))) raise e for seismogram, target in zip(base_seismograms, store_targets_out): try: result = engine._post_process_dynamic( seismogram, source, target) except SeismosizerError as e: result = e yield (isource, target._id, result), tcounters def process_dynamic(work, psources, ptargets, engine, nthreads=0): dsource_cache = {} for w in work: _, _, isources, itargets = w sources = [psources[isource] for isource in isources] targets = [ptargets[itarget] for itarget in itargets] components = set() for target in targets: rule = engine.get_rule(sources[0], target) components.update(rule.required_components(target)) for isource, source in zip(isources, sources): for itarget, target in zip(itargets, targets): try: base_seismogram, tcounters = engine.base_seismogram( source, target, components, dsource_cache, nthreads) except meta.OutOfBounds as e: e.context = OutOfBoundsContext( source=sources[0], target=targets[0], distance=sources[0].distance_to(targets[0]), components=components) raise n_records_stacked = 0 t_optimize = 0.0 t_stack = 0.0 for _, tr in base_seismogram.items(): n_records_stacked += tr.n_records_stacked t_optimize += tr.t_optimize t_stack += tr.t_stack try: result = engine._post_process_dynamic( base_seismogram, source, target) result.n_records_stacked = n_records_stacked result.n_shared_stacking = len(sources) *\ len(targets) result.t_optimize = t_optimize result.t_stack = t_stack except SeismosizerError as e: result = e tcounters.append(xtime()) yield (isource, itarget, result), tcounters def process_static(work, psources, ptargets, engine, nthreads=0): for w in work: _, _, isources, itargets = w sources = [psources[isource] for isource in isources] targets = [ptargets[itarget] for itarget in itargets] for isource, source in zip(isources, sources): for itarget, target in zip(itargets, targets): components = engine.get_rule(source, target)\ .required_components(target) try: base_statics, tcounters = engine.base_statics( source, target, components, nthreads) except meta.OutOfBounds as e: e.context = OutOfBoundsContext( source=sources[0], target=targets[0], distance=float('nan'), components=components) raise result = engine._post_process_statics( base_statics, source, target) tcounters.append(xtime()) yield (isource, itarget, result), tcounters
[docs]class LocalEngine(Engine): ''' Offline synthetic seismogram calculator. :param use_env: if ``True``, fill :py:attr:`store_superdirs` and :py:attr:`store_dirs` with paths set in environment variables GF_STORE_SUPERDIRS and GF_STORE_DIRS. :param use_config: if ``True``, fill :py:attr:`store_superdirs` and :py:attr:`store_dirs` with paths set in the user's config file. The config file can be found at :file:`~/.pyrocko/` .. code-block :: python gf_store_dirs: ['/home/pyrocko/gf_stores/ak135/'] gf_store_superdirs: ['/home/pyrocko/gf_stores/'] ''' store_superdirs = List.T( String.T(), help="directories which are searched for Green's function stores") store_dirs = List.T( String.T(), help="additional individual Green's function store directories") default_store_id = String.T( optional=True, help='default store ID to be used when a request does not provide ' 'one') nthreads = Int.T( default=1, help='default number of threads to utilize') def __init__(self, **kwargs): use_env = kwargs.pop('use_env', False) use_config = kwargs.pop('use_config', False) Engine.__init__(self, **kwargs) if use_env: env_store_superdirs = os.environ.get('GF_STORE_SUPERDIRS', '') env_store_dirs = os.environ.get('GF_STORE_DIRS', '') if env_store_superdirs: self.store_superdirs.extend(env_store_superdirs.split(':')) if env_store_dirs: self.store_dirs.extend(env_store_dirs.split(':')) if use_config: c = config.config() self.store_superdirs.extend(c.gf_store_superdirs) self.store_dirs.extend(c.gf_store_dirs) self._check_store_dirs_type() self._id_to_store_dir = {} self._open_stores = {} self._effective_default_store_id = None def _check_store_dirs_type(self): for sdir in ['store_dirs', 'store_superdirs']: if not isinstance(self.__getattribute__(sdir), list): raise TypeError('{} of {} is not of type list'.format( sdir, self.__class__.__name__)) def _get_store_id(self, store_dir): store_ = store.Store(store_dir) store_id = store_.close() return store_id def _looks_like_store_dir(self, store_dir): return os.path.isdir(store_dir) and \ all(os.path.isfile(pjoin(store_dir, x)) for x in ('index', 'traces', 'config')) def iter_store_dirs(self): store_dirs = set() for d in self.store_superdirs: if not os.path.exists(d): logger.warning('store_superdir not available: %s' % d) continue for entry in os.listdir(d): store_dir = os.path.realpath(pjoin(d, entry)) if self._looks_like_store_dir(store_dir): store_dirs.add(store_dir) for store_dir in self.store_dirs: store_dirs.add(os.path.realpath(store_dir)) return store_dirs def _scan_stores(self): for store_dir in self.iter_store_dirs(): store_id = self._get_store_id(store_dir) if store_id not in self._id_to_store_dir: self._id_to_store_dir[store_id] = store_dir else: if store_dir != self._id_to_store_dir[store_id]: raise DuplicateStoreId( 'GF store ID %s is used in (at least) two ' 'different stores. Locations are: %s and %s' % (store_id, self._id_to_store_dir[store_id], store_dir))
[docs] def get_store_dir(self, store_id): ''' Lookup directory given a GF store ID. ''' if store_id not in self._id_to_store_dir: self._scan_stores() if store_id not in self._id_to_store_dir: raise NoSuchStore( store_id, self.store_dirs, self.store_superdirs, sorted(self._id_to_store_dir.keys())) return self._id_to_store_dir[store_id]
[docs] def get_store_ids(self): ''' Get list of available store IDs. ''' self._scan_stores() return sorted(self._id_to_store_dir.keys())
def effective_default_store_id(self): if self._effective_default_store_id is None: if self.default_store_id is None: store_ids = self.get_store_ids() if len(store_ids) == 1: self._effective_default_store_id = self.get_store_ids()[0] else: raise NoDefaultStoreSet() else: self._effective_default_store_id = self.default_store_id return self._effective_default_store_id
[docs] def get_store(self, store_id=None): ''' Get a store from the engine. :param store_id: identifier of the store (optional) :returns: :py:class:`` object If no ``store_id`` is provided the store associated with the :py:gattr:`default_store_id` is returned. Raises :py:exc:`NoDefaultStoreSet` if :py:gattr:`default_store_id` is undefined. ''' if store_id is None: store_id = self.effective_default_store_id() if store_id not in self._open_stores: store_dir = self.get_store_dir(store_id) self._open_stores[store_id] = store.Store(store_dir) return self._open_stores[store_id]
def get_store_config(self, store_id): store = self.get_store(store_id) return store.config def get_store_extra(self, store_id, key): store = self.get_store(store_id) return store.get_extra(key)
[docs] def close_cashed_stores(self): ''' Close and remove ids from cashed stores. ''' store_ids = [] for store_id, store_ in self._open_stores.items(): store_.close() store_ids.append(store_id) for store_id in store_ids: self._open_stores.pop(store_id)
def get_rule(self, source, target): cprovided = self.get_store(target.store_id).get_provided_components() if isinstance(target, StaticTarget): quantity = target.quantity available_rules = static_rules elif isinstance(target, Target): quantity = target.effective_quantity() available_rules = channel_rules try: for rule in available_rules[quantity]: cneeded = rule.required_components(target) if all(c in cprovided for c in cneeded): return rule except KeyError: pass raise BadRequest( 'No rule to calculate "%s" with GFs from store "%s" ' 'for source model "%s".' % ( target.effective_quantity(), target.store_id, source.__class__.__name__)) def _cached_discretize_basesource(self, source, store, cache, target): if (source, store) not in cache: cache[source, store] = source.discretize_basesource(store, target) return cache[source, store] def base_seismograms(self, source, targets, components, dsource_cache, nthreads=None): target = targets[0] interp = set([t.interpolation for t in targets]) if len(interp) > 1: raise BadRequest('Targets have different interpolation schemes.') rates = set([t.sample_rate for t in targets]) if len(rates) > 1: raise BadRequest('Targets have different sample rates.') store_ = self.get_store(target.store_id) receivers = [t.receiver(store_) for t in targets] if target.sample_rate is not None: deltat = 1. / target.sample_rate rate = target.sample_rate else: deltat = None rate = store_.config.sample_rate tmin = num.fromiter( (t.tmin for t in targets), dtype=float, count=len(targets)) tmax = num.fromiter( (t.tmax for t in targets), dtype=float, count=len(targets)) mask = num.logical_and(num.isfinite(tmin), num.isfinite(tmax)) itmin = num.zeros_like(tmin, dtype=num.int64) itmax = num.zeros_like(tmin, dtype=num.int64) nsamples = num.full_like(tmin, -1, dtype=num.int64) itmin[mask] = num.floor(tmin[mask] * rate).astype(num.int64) itmax[mask] = num.ceil(tmax[mask] * rate).astype(num.int64) nsamples = itmax - itmin + 1 nsamples[num.logical_not(mask)] = -1 base_source = self._cached_discretize_basesource( source, store_, dsource_cache, target) base_seismograms = store_.calc_seismograms( base_source, receivers, components, deltat=deltat, itmin=itmin, nsamples=nsamples, interpolation=target.interpolation, optimization=target.optimization, nthreads=nthreads if nthreads is not None else 1) for i, base_seismogram in enumerate(base_seismograms): base_seismograms[i] = store.make_same_span(base_seismogram) return base_seismograms def base_seismogram(self, source, target, components, dsource_cache, nthreads): tcounters = [xtime()] store_ = self.get_store(target.store_id) receiver = target.receiver(store_) if target.tmin and target.tmax is not None: rate = store_.config.sample_rate itmin = int(num.floor(target.tmin * rate)) itmax = int(num.ceil(target.tmax * rate)) nsamples = itmax - itmin + 1 else: itmin = None nsamples = None tcounters.append(xtime()) base_source = self._cached_discretize_basesource( source, store_, dsource_cache, target) tcounters.append(xtime()) if target.sample_rate is not None: deltat = 1. / target.sample_rate else: deltat = None base_seismogram = store_.seismogram( base_source, receiver, components, deltat=deltat, itmin=itmin, nsamples=nsamples, interpolation=target.interpolation, optimization=target.optimization, nthreads=nthreads) tcounters.append(xtime()) base_seismogram = store.make_same_span(base_seismogram) tcounters.append(xtime()) return base_seismogram, tcounters def base_statics(self, source, target, components, nthreads): tcounters = [xtime()] store_ = self.get_store(target.store_id) if target.tsnapshot is not None: rate = store_.config.sample_rate itsnapshot = int(num.floor(target.tsnapshot * rate)) else: itsnapshot = None tcounters.append(xtime()) base_source = source.discretize_basesource(store_, target=target) tcounters.append(xtime()) base_statics = store_.statics( base_source, target, itsnapshot, components, target.interpolation, nthreads) tcounters.append(xtime()) return base_statics, tcounters def _post_process_dynamic(self, base_seismogram, source, target): base_any = next(iter(base_seismogram.values())) deltat = base_any.deltat itmin = base_any.itmin rule = self.get_rule(source, target) data = rule.apply_(target, base_seismogram) factor = source.get_factor() * target.get_factor() if factor != 1.0: data = data * factor stf = source.effective_stf_post() times, amplitudes = stf.discretize_t( deltat, 0.0) # repeat end point to prevent boundary effects padded_data = num.empty(data.size + amplitudes.size, dtype=float) padded_data[:data.size] = data padded_data[data.size:] = data[-1] data = num.convolve(amplitudes, padded_data) tmin = itmin * deltat + times[0] tr = meta.SeismosizerTrace(, data=data[:-amplitudes.size], deltat=deltat, tmin=tmin) return target.post_process(self, source, tr) def _post_process_statics(self, base_statics, source, starget): rule = self.get_rule(source, starget) data = rule.apply_(starget, base_statics) factor = source.get_factor() if factor != 1.0: for v in data.values(): v *= factor return starget.post_process(self, source, base_statics)
[docs] def process(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Process a request. :: process(**kwargs) process(request, **kwargs) process(sources, targets, **kwargs) The request can be given a a :py:class:`Request` object, or such an object is created using ``Request(**kwargs)`` for convenience. :returns: :py:class:`Response` object ''' if len(args) not in (0, 1, 2): raise BadRequest('Invalid arguments.') if len(args) == 1: kwargs['request'] = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: kwargs.update(Request.args2kwargs(args)) request = kwargs.pop('request', None) status_callback = kwargs.pop('status_callback', None) calc_timeseries = kwargs.pop('calc_timeseries', True) nprocs = kwargs.pop('nprocs', None) if nprocs is not None: raise BadRequest( 'The `nprocs` keyword argument to process is no longer ' 'available. Please use `nthreads`.') nthreads = kwargs.pop('nthreads', self.nthreads) if request is None: request = Request(**kwargs) if resource: rs0 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) rc0 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN) tt0 = xtime() # make sure stores are open before fork() store_ids = set(target.store_id for target in request.targets) for store_id in store_ids: self.get_store(store_id) source_index = dict((x, i) for (i, x) in enumerate(request.sources)) target_index = dict((x, i) for (i, x) in enumerate(request.targets)) m = request.subrequest_map() skeys = sorted(m.keys(), key=cmp_to_key(cmp_none_aware)) results_list = [] for i in range(len(request.sources)): results_list.append([None] * len(request.targets)) tcounters_dyn_list = [] tcounters_static_list = [] nsub = len(skeys) isub = 0 # Processing dynamic targets through # parimap(process_subrequest_dynamic) if calc_timeseries: _process_dynamic = process_dynamic_timeseries else: _process_dynamic = process_dynamic if request.has_dynamic: work_dynamic = [ (i, nsub, [source_index[source] for source in m[k][0]], [target_index[target] for target in m[k][1] if not isinstance(target, StaticTarget)]) for (i, k) in enumerate(skeys)] for ii_results, tcounters_dyn in _process_dynamic( work_dynamic, request.sources, request.targets, self, nthreads): tcounters_dyn_list.append(num.diff(tcounters_dyn)) isource, itarget, result = ii_results results_list[isource][itarget] = result if status_callback: status_callback(isub, nsub) isub += 1 # Processing static targets through process_static if request.has_statics: work_static = [ (i, nsub, [source_index[source] for source in m[k][0]], [target_index[target] for target in m[k][1] if isinstance(target, StaticTarget)]) for (i, k) in enumerate(skeys)] for ii_results, tcounters_static in process_static( work_static, request.sources, request.targets, self, nthreads=nthreads): tcounters_static_list.append(num.diff(tcounters_static)) isource, itarget, result = ii_results results_list[isource][itarget] = result if status_callback: status_callback(isub, nsub) isub += 1 if status_callback: status_callback(nsub, nsub) tt1 = time.time() if resource: rs1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) rc1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN) s = ProcessingStats() if request.has_dynamic: tcumu_dyn = num.sum(num.vstack(tcounters_dyn_list), axis=0) t_dyn = float(num.sum(tcumu_dyn)) perc_dyn = map(float, tcumu_dyn / t_dyn * 100.) (s.t_perc_get_store_and_receiver, s.t_perc_discretize_source, s.t_perc_make_base_seismogram, s.t_perc_make_same_span, s.t_perc_post_process) = perc_dyn else: t_dyn = 0. if request.has_statics: tcumu_static = num.sum(num.vstack(tcounters_static_list), axis=0) t_static = num.sum(tcumu_static) perc_static = map(float, tcumu_static / t_static * 100.) (s.t_perc_static_get_store, s.t_perc_static_discretize_basesource, s.t_perc_static_sum_statics, s.t_perc_static_post_process) = perc_static s.t_wallclock = tt1 - tt0 if resource: s.t_cpu = ( (rs1.ru_utime + rs1.ru_stime + rc1.ru_utime + rc1.ru_stime) - (rs0.ru_utime + rs0.ru_stime + rc0.ru_utime + rc0.ru_stime)) s.n_read_blocks = ( (rs1.ru_inblock + rc1.ru_inblock) - (rs0.ru_inblock + rc0.ru_inblock)) n_records_stacked = 0. for results in results_list: for result in results: if not isinstance(result, meta.Result): continue shr = float(result.n_shared_stacking) n_records_stacked += result.n_records_stacked / shr s.t_perc_optimize += result.t_optimize / shr s.t_perc_stack += result.t_stack / shr s.n_records_stacked = int(n_records_stacked) if t_dyn != 0.: s.t_perc_optimize /= t_dyn * 100 s.t_perc_stack /= t_dyn * 100 return Response( request=request, results_list=results_list, stats=s)
[docs]class RemoteEngine(Engine): ''' Client for remote synthetic seismogram calculator. ''' site = String.T(default=ws.g_default_site, optional=True) url = String.T(default=ws.g_url, optional=True) def process(self, request=None, status_callback=None, **kwargs): if request is None: request = Request(**kwargs) return ws.seismosizer(url=self.url,, request=request)
g_engine = None def get_engine(store_superdirs=[]): global g_engine if g_engine is None: g_engine = LocalEngine(use_env=True, use_config=True) for d in store_superdirs: if d not in g_engine.store_superdirs: g_engine.store_superdirs.append(d) return g_engine
[docs]class SourceGroup(Object): def __getattr__(self, k): return num.fromiter((getattr(s, k) for s in self), dtype=float) def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'This method should be implemented in subclass.') def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'This method should be implemented in subclass.')
[docs]class SourceList(SourceGroup): sources = List.T(Source.T()) def append(self, s): self.sources.append(s) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sources) def __len__(self): return len(self.sources)
[docs]class SourceGrid(SourceGroup): base = Source.T() variables = Dict.T(String.T(), Range.T()) order = List.T(String.T()) def __len__(self): n = 1 for (k, v) in self.make_coords(self.base): n *= len(list(v)) return n def __iter__(self): for items in permudef(self.make_coords(self.base)): s = self.base.clone(**{k: v for (k, v) in items}) s.regularize() yield s def ordered_params(self): ks = list(self.variables.keys()) for k in self.order + list(self.base.keys()): if k in ks: yield k ks.remove(k) if ks: raise Exception('Invalid parameter "%s" for source type "%s".' % (ks[0], self.base.__class__.__name__)) def make_coords(self, base): return [(param, self.variables[param].make(base=base[param])) for param in self.ordered_params()]
source_classes = [ Source, SourceWithMagnitude, SourceWithDerivedMagnitude, ExplosionSource, RectangularExplosionSource, DCSource, CLVDSource, VLVDSource, MTSource, RectangularSource, PseudoDynamicRupture, DoubleDCSource, RingfaultSource, CombiSource, CombiSFSource, SFSource, SimpleLandslideSource, PorePressurePointSource, PorePressureLineSource, ] stf_classes = [ STF, BoxcarSTF, TriangularSTF, HalfSinusoidSTF, ResonatorSTF, TremorSTF, SimpleLandslideSTF, ] __all__ = ''' Cloneable NoDefaultStoreSet SeismosizerError STFError BadRequest NoSuchStore DerivedMagnitudeError STFMode '''.split() + [S.__name__ for S in source_classes + stf_classes] + ''' Request ProcessingStats Response Engine LocalEngine RemoteEngine source_classes get_engine Range SourceGroup SourceList SourceGrid map_anchor '''.split()