Source code for theanof

Package for wrapping various functions into Theano-Ops to be able to include
them into theano graphs as is needed by the pymc3 models.

Far future:
    include a 'def grad:' -method to each Op in order to enable the use of
    gradient based optimization algorithms
import logging

from collections import OrderedDict

from beat import heart, utility, interseismic
from beat.fast_sweeping import fast_sweep

from pymc3.model import FreeRV

import theano.tensor as tt
import theano

import numpy as num

km = 1000.
logger = logging.getLogger('theanof')

[docs]class GeoSynthesizer(theano.Op): """ Theano wrapper for a geodetic forward model with synthetic displacements. Uses pyrocko engine and fomosto GF stores. Input order does not matter anymore! Did in previous version. Parameters ---------- engine : :class:`` sources : List containing :class:`` Objects targets : List containing :class:`` Objects """ __props__ = ('engine', 'sources', 'targets') def __init__(self, engine, sources, targets): self.engine = engine self.sources = tuple(sources) self.targets = tuple(targets) self.nobs = sum([target.lats.size for target in self.targets]) def __getstate__(self): self.engine.close_cashed_stores() return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs] def make_node(self, inputs): """ Transforms theano tensors to node and allocates variables accordingly. Parameters ---------- inputs : dict keys being strings of source attributes of the :class:`pscmp.RectangularSource` that was used to initialise the Operator values are :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` """ inlist = [] self.varnames = list(inputs.keys()) for i in inputs.values(): inlist.append(tt.as_tensor_variable(i)) outm = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2, 2))) outlist = [outm.type()] return theano.Apply(self, inlist, outlist)
[docs] def perform(self, node, inputs, output): """ Perform method of the Operator to calculate synthetic displacements. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` output : list 1) of synthetic waveforms of :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n x nsamples) 2) of start times of the first waveform samples :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n x 1) """ synths = output[0] point = {vname: i for vname, i in zip(self.varnames, inputs)} mpoint = utility.adjust_point_units(point) source_points = utility.split_point(mpoint) for i, source in enumerate(self.sources): utility.update_source(source, **source_points[i]) # reset source time may result in store error otherwise source.time = 0. synths[0] = heart.geo_synthetics( engine=self.engine, targets=self.targets, sources=self.sources, outmode='stacked_array')
def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): return [(self.nobs, 3)]
[docs]class GeoLayerSynthesizerPsCmp(theano.Op): """ Theano wrapper for a geodetic forward model for static observation points. Direct call to PsCmp, needs PsGrn Greens Function store! Deprecated, currently not used in composites. Parameters ---------- lats : n x 1 :class:`numpy.ndarray` with latitudes of observation points lons : n x 1 :class:`numpy.ndarray` with longitudes of observation points store_superdir : str with absolute path to the GF store super directory crust_ind : int with the index to the GF store sources : :class:`pscmp.RectangularSource` to be used in generating the synthetic displacements """ __props__ = ('lats', 'lons', 'store_superdir', 'crust_ind', 'sources') def __init__(self, lats, lons, store_superdir, crust_ind, sources): self.lats = tuple(lats) self.lons = tuple(lons) self.store_superdir = store_superdir self.crust_ind = crust_ind self.sources = tuple(sources) def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs] def make_node(self, inputs): """ Transforms theano tensors to node and allocates variables accordingly. Parameters ---------- inputs : dict keys being strings of source attributes of the :class:`pscmp.RectangularSource` that was used to initialise the Operator values are :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` """ inlist = [] self.varnames = list(inputs.keys()) for i in inputs.values(): inlist.append(tt.as_tensor_variable(i)) out = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2, 2))) outlist = [out.type()] return theano.Apply(self, inlist, outlist)
[docs] def perform(self, node, inputs, output): """ Perform method of the Operator to calculate synthetic displacements. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` output : list of synthetic displacements of :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n x 1) """ z = output[0] point = {vname: i for vname, i in zip(self.varnames, inputs)} point = utility.adjust_point_units(point) source_points = utility.split_point(point) for i, source in enumerate(self.sources): source.update(**source_points[i]) z[0] = heart.geo_layer_synthetics_pscmp( store_superdir=self.store_superdir, crust_ind=self.crust_ind, lons=self.lons, lats=self.lats, sources=self.sources)
def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): return [(len(self.lats), 3)]
[docs]class GeoInterseismicSynthesizer(theano.Op): """ Theano wrapper to transform the parameters of block model to parameters of a fault. """ __props__ = ( 'lats', 'lons', 'engine', 'targets', 'sources', 'reference') def __init__( self, lats, lons, engine, targets, sources, reference): self.lats = tuple(lats) self.lons = tuple(lons) self.engine = engine self.targets = tuple(targets) self.sources = tuple(sources) self.reference = reference def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs] def make_node(self, inputs): """ Transforms theano tensors to node and allocates variables accordingly. Parameters ---------- inputs : dict keys being strings of source attributes of the :class:`` that was used to initialise the Operator. values are :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` """ inlist = [] self.fixed_values = {} self.varnames = [] for k, v in inputs.items(): if isinstance(v, FreeRV): self.varnames.append(k) inlist.append(tt.as_tensor_variable(v)) else: self.fixed_values[k] = v out = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2, 2))) outlist = [out.type()] return theano.Apply(self, inlist, outlist)
[docs] def perform(self, node, inputs, output): """ Perform method of the Operator to calculate synthetic displacements. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` output : list of synthetic displacements of :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n x 3) """ z = output[0] point = {vname: i for vname, i in zip(self.varnames, inputs)} point.update(self.fixed_values) point = utility.adjust_point_units(point) spoint, bpoint = interseismic.seperate_point(point) source_points = utility.split_point(spoint) for i, source_point in enumerate(source_points): self.sources[i].update(**source_point) z[0] = interseismic.geo_backslip_synthetics( engine=self.engine, targets=self.targets, sources=self.sources, lons=num.array(self.lons), lats=num.array(self.lats), reference=self.reference, **bpoint) def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): return [(len(self.lats), 3)]
[docs]class SeisSynthesizer(theano.Op): """ Theano wrapper for a seismic forward model with synthetic waveforms. Input order does not matter anymore! Did in previous version. Parameters ---------- engine : :class:`` sources : List containing :class:`` Objects targets : List containing :class:`` Objects arrival_taper : :class:`heart.ArrivalTaper` arrival_times : :class:`ǹumpy.NdArray` with synthetic arrival times wrt reference event filterer : :class:`heart.Filterer` """ __props__ = ('engine', 'sources', 'targets', 'event', 'arrival_taper', 'arrival_times', 'wavename', 'filterer', 'pre_stack_cut', 'station_corrections') def __init__(self, engine, sources, targets, event, arrival_taper, arrival_times, wavename, filterer, pre_stack_cut, station_corrections): self.engine = engine self.sources = tuple(sources) self.targets = tuple(targets) self.event = event self.arrival_taper = arrival_taper self.arrival_times = tuple(arrival_times.tolist()) self.wavename = wavename self.filterer = tuple(filterer) self.pre_stack_cut = pre_stack_cut self.station_corrections = station_corrections def __getstate__(self): self.engine.close_cashed_stores() return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs] def make_node(self, inputs): """ Transforms theano tensors to node and allocates variables accordingly. Parameters ---------- inputs : dict keys being strings of source attributes of the :class:`pscmp.RectangularSource` that was used to initialise the Operator values are :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` """ inlist = [] self.varnames = list(inputs.keys()) for i in inputs.values(): inlist.append(tt.as_tensor_variable(i)) outm = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2, 2))) outv = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2))) outlist = [outm.type(), outv.type()] return theano.Apply(self, inlist, outlist)
[docs] def perform(self, node, inputs, output): """ Perform method of the Operator to calculate synthetic displacements. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` output : list 1) of synthetic waveforms of :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n x nsamples) 2) of start times of the first waveform samples :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n x 1) """ synths = output[0] tmins = output[1] point = {vname: i for vname, i in zip(self.varnames, inputs)} mpoint = utility.adjust_point_units(point) if self.station_corrections: time_shifts = mpoint.pop('time_shift').ravel() arrival_times = num.array(self.arrival_times) + time_shifts else: arrival_times = num.array(self.arrival_times) source_points = utility.split_point(mpoint) for i, source in enumerate(self.sources): utility.update_source(source, **source_points[i]) source.time += self.event.time synths[0], tmins[0] = heart.seis_synthetics( engine=self.engine, sources=self.sources, targets=self.targets, arrival_taper=self.arrival_taper, wavename=self.wavename, filterer=self.filterer, pre_stack_cut=self.pre_stack_cut, arrival_times=arrival_times)
def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): nrow = len(self.targets) store = self.engine.get_store(self.targets[0].store_id) ncol = int(num.ceil( store.config.sample_rate * self.arrival_taper.duration())) return [(nrow, ncol), (nrow,)]
[docs]class SeisDataChopper(theano.Op): """ Deprecated! """ __props__ = ('sample_rate', 'traces', 'arrival_taper', 'filterer') def __init__(self, sample_rate, traces, arrival_taper, filterer): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.traces = tuple(traces) self.arrival_taper = arrival_taper self.filterer = tuple(filterer)
[docs] def make_node(self, *inputs): inlist = [] for i in inputs: inlist.append(tt.as_tensor_variable(i)) outm = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2, 2))) outlist = [outm.type()] return theano.Apply(self, inlist, outlist)
[docs] def perform(self, node, inputs, output): tmins = inputs[0] z = output[0] z[0] = heart.taper_filter_traces( self.traces, self.arrival_taper, self.filterer, tmins, outmode='array')
def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): nrow = len(self.traces) ncol = self.arrival_taper.nsamples(self.sample_rate) return [(nrow, ncol)]
[docs]class Sweeper(theano.Op): """ Theano Op for C implementation of the fast sweep algorithm. Parameters ---------- patch_size : float size of fault patches [km] n_patch_strike : int number of patches in strike direction n_patch_dip : int number of patches in dip-direction """ __props__ = ('patch_size', 'n_patch_dip', 'n_patch_strike', 'implementation') def __init__( self, patch_size, n_patch_dip, n_patch_strike, implementation): self.patch_size = num.float64(patch_size) self.n_patch_dip = n_patch_dip self.n_patch_strike = n_patch_strike self.implementation = implementation
[docs] def make_node(self, *inputs): inlist = [] for i in inputs: inlist.append(tt.as_tensor_variable(i)) outv = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2))) outlist = [outv.type()] return theano.Apply(self, inlist, outlist)
[docs] def perform(self, node, inputs, output): """ Return start-times of rupturing patches with respect to given hypocenter. Parameters ---------- slownesses : float, vector inverse of the rupture velocity across each patch nuc_dip : int, scalar rupture nucleation point on the fault in dip-direction, index to patch nuc_strike : int, scalar rupture nucleation point on the fault in strike-direction, index to patch Returns ------- starttimes : float, vector Notes ----- Here we call the C-implementation on purpose with swapped strike and dip directions, because we need the fault dipping in row directions of the array. The C-implementation has it along columns!!! """ slownesses, nuc_dip, nuc_strike = inputs z = output[0] logger.debug('Fast sweeping ..%s.' % self.implementation) if self.implementation == 'c': # z[0] = fast_sweep.fast_sweep_ext.fast_sweep( slownesses, self.patch_size, int(nuc_dip), int(nuc_strike), self.n_patch_dip, self.n_patch_strike) elif self.implementation == 'numpy': z[0] = fast_sweep.get_rupture_times_numpy( slownesses.reshape((self.n_patch_dip, self.n_patch_strike)), self.patch_size, self.n_patch_strike, self.n_patch_dip, nuc_strike, nuc_dip).flatten() else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Fast sweeping for implementation %s not' ' implemented!' % self.implementation) logger.debug('Done sweeping!')
def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): return [(self.n_patch_dip * self.n_patch_strike, )]
[docs]class EulerPole(theano.Op): """ Theano Op for rotation of geodetic observations around Euler Pole. Parameters ---------- lats : float, vector of Latitudes [deg] of points to be rotated lons : float, vector of Longitudes [deg] of points to be rotated data_mask : bool, vector of indexes to points to be masked """ __props__ = ('lats', 'lons', 'data_mask') def __init__( self, lats, lons, data_mask): self.lats = tuple(lats) self.lons = tuple(lons) self.data_mask = tuple(data_mask)
[docs] def make_node(self, inputs): inlist = [] self.fixed_values = OrderedDict() self.varnames = [] for k, v in inputs.items(): varname = k.split('_')[-1] # split of dataset naming if isinstance(v, FreeRV): self.varnames.append(varname) inlist.append(tt.as_tensor_variable(v)) else: self.fixed_values[varname] = v outv = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2, 2))) outlist = [outv.type()] return theano.Apply(self, inlist, outlist)
[docs] def perform(self, node, inputs, output): z = output[0] point = {vname: i for vname, i in zip(self.varnames, inputs)} point.update(self.fixed_values) pole_lat = point['lat'] # pole parameters pole_lon = point['lon'] omega = point['omega'] velocities = heart.velocities_from_pole( num.array(self.lats), num.array(self.lons), pole_lat, pole_lon, omega) if self.data_mask: velocities[num.array(self.data_mask), :] = 0. z[0] = velocities
def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): return [(len(self.lats), 3)]
[docs]class StrainRateTensor(theano.Op): """ TheanoOp for internal block deformation through 2d area strain rate tensor. Parameters ---------- lats : float, vector of Latitudes [deg] of points to be strained lons : float, vector of Longitudes [deg] of points to be strained data_mask : bool, vector of indexes to points to be masked """ __props__ = ('lats', 'lons', 'data_mask') def __init__( self, lats, lons, data_mask): self.lats = tuple(lats) self.lons = tuple(lons) self.data_mask = tuple(data_mask) self.ndata = len(self.lats) station_idxs = [ station_idx for station_idx in range( self.ndata) if station_idx not in data_mask] self.station_idxs = tuple(station_idxs)
[docs] def make_node(self, inputs): inlist = [] self.fixed_values = OrderedDict() self.varnames = [] for k, v in inputs.items(): varname = k.split('_')[-1] # split of dataset naming if isinstance(v, FreeRV): self.varnames.append(varname) inlist.append(tt.as_tensor_variable(v)) else: self.fixed_values[varname] = v outv = tt.as_tensor_variable(num.zeros((2, 2))) outlist = [outv.type()] return theano.Apply(self, inlist, outlist)
[docs] def perform(self, node, inputs, output): z = output[0] point = {vname: i for vname, i in zip(self.varnames, inputs)} point.update(self.fixed_values) exx = point['exx'] # tensor params eyy = point['eyy'] exy = point['exy'] rotation = point['rotation'] valid = num.array(self.station_idxs) v_xyz = heart.velocities_from_strain_rate_tensor( num.array(self.lats)[valid], num.array(self.lons)[valid], exx=exx, eyy=eyy, exy=exy, rotation=rotation) v_xyz_all = num.zeros((self.ndata, 3)) v_xyz_all[valid, :] = v_xyz z[0] = v_xyz_all
def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): return [(self.ndata, 3)]