Short Installation instructions

BEAT can be installed on any Unix based system with python>=3.5 that supports its prerequisites.

First install pyrocko following this webpage:

Then install the following packages: openmpi (version 2.1.1) and beat:

sudo apt install openmpi-bin=2.1.1-8 libopenmpi-dev=2.1.1-8 -V
sudo pip3 install mpi4py

cd ~/src  # or whereever you keep the packages
git clone
cd beat
sudo python3 install (--user)

Greens Function calculations

To calculate the Greens Functions we rely on modeling codes written by Rongjiang Wang. If you plan to use the GreensFunction calculation framework, these codes are required and need to be compiled manually. The original codes are packaged for windows and can be found here.

For Unix systems the codes had to be repackaged.

The packages below are also github repositories and you may want to use “git clone” to download:

git clone <url>

This also enables easy updating for potential future changes.

For configuration and compilation please follow the descriptions provided in each repository respectively.

Seismic synthetics

Geodetic synthetics