Source code for heart

Core module with functions to calculate Greens Functions and synthetics.
Also contains main classes for setup specific parameters.

import os
import logging
import shutil
import copy
from time import time
from collections import OrderedDict

from beat import psgrn, pscmp, utility, qseis2d

from theano import config as tconfig
from theano import shared
import numpy as num
from scipy import linalg

from pyrocko.guts import (Dict, Object, String, StringChoice,
                          Float, Int, Tuple, List, Bool)
from pyrocko.guts_array import Array

from pyrocko import crust2x2, gf, cake, orthodrome, trace, util
from pyrocko.cake import GradientLayer
from pyrocko.fomosto import qseis, qssp
from pyrocko.model import gnss

# from pyrocko.fomosto import qseis2d

logger = logging.getLogger('heart')

c = 299792458.  # [m/s]
km = 1000.
d2r = num.pi / 180.
r2d = 180. / num.pi
near_field_threshold = 9.  # [deg] below that surface waves are calculated
nanostrain = 1e-9

lambda_sensors = {
    'Envisat': 0.056,       # needs updating- no ressource file
    'ERS1': 0.05656461471698113,
    'ERS2': 0.056,          # needs updating
    'JERS': 0.23513133960784313,
    'RadarSat2': 0.055465772433}

[docs]def log_determinant(A, inverse=False): """ Calculates the natural logarithm of a determinant of the given matrix ' according to the properties of a triangular matrix. Parameters ---------- A : n x n :class:`numpy.ndarray` inverse : boolean If true calculates the log determinant of the inverse of the colesky decomposition, which is equvalent to taking the determinant of the inverse of the matrix. L.T* L = R inverse=False L-1*(L-1)T = R-1 inverse=True Returns ------- float logarithm of the determinant of the input Matrix A """ cholesky = linalg.cholesky(A, lower=True) if inverse: cholesky = num.linalg.inv(cholesky) return num.log(num.diag(cholesky)).sum() * 2.
[docs]class ReferenceLocation(gf.Location): """ Reference Location for Green's Function store calculations! """ station = String.T( default='Store_Name', help='This mimics the station.station attribute which determines the' ' store name!')
[docs]class Covariance(Object): """ Covariance of an observation. Holds data and model prediction uncertainties for one observation object. """ data = Array.T( shape=(None, None), dtype=tconfig.floatX, help='Data covariance matrix', optional=True) pred_g = Array.T( shape=(None, None), dtype=tconfig.floatX, help='Model prediction covariance matrix, fault geometry', optional=True) pred_v = Array.T( shape=(None, None), dtype=tconfig.floatX, help='Model prediction covariance matrix, velocity model', optional=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.slog_pdet = shared(0., name='cov_normalisation', borrow=True) Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.update_slog_pdet() def covs_supported(self): return ['pred_g', 'pred_v', 'data']
[docs] def check_matrix_init(self, cov_mat_str=''): """ Check if matrix is initialised and if not set with zeros of size data. """ if cov_mat_str not in self.covs_supported(): raise NotImplementedError( 'Covariance term %s not supported' % cov_mat_str) cov_mat = getattr(self, cov_mat_str) if cov_mat is None: cov_mat = num.zeros_like(, dtype=tconfig.floatX) if cov_mat.size != if cov_mat.sum() == 0.: cov_mat = num.zeros_like(, dtype=tconfig.floatX) else: raise ValueError( '%s covariances defined but size ' 'inconsistent!' % cov_mat_str) setattr(self, cov_mat_str, cov_mat)
@property def p_total(self): self.check_matrix_init('pred_g') self.check_matrix_init('pred_v') return self.pred_g + self.pred_v @property def inverse(self): """ Add and invert ALL uncertainty covariance Matrices. """ Cx = self.p_total + if Cx.sum() == 0: raise ValueError('No covariances given!') else: return num.linalg.inv(Cx).astype(tconfig.floatX) @property def inverse_p(self): """ Add and invert different MODEL uncertainty covariance Matrices. """ if self.p_total.sum() == 0: raise ValueError('No model covariance defined!') return num.linalg.inv(self.p_total).astype(tconfig.floatX) @property def inverse_d(self): """ Invert DATA covariance Matrix. """ if is None: raise AttributeError('No data covariance matrix defined!') return num.linalg.inv( @property def chol(self): """ Cholesky factor, of ALL uncertainty covariance matrices. """ Cx = self.p_total + if Cx.sum() == 0: raise ValueError('No covariances given!') else: return linalg.cholesky(Cx, lower=True).astype(tconfig.floatX) @property def chol_inverse(self): """ Cholesky factor, upper right of the Inverse of the Covariance matrix of sum of ALL uncertainty covariance matrices. To be used as weight in the optimization. Notes ----- Uses QR factorization on the inverse of the upper right Cholesky decomposed covariance matrix to obtain a proxy for the Cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the covariance matrix in case the inverse of the covariance matrix is not positive definite. From: Returns ------- upper triangle of the cholesky decomposition """ try: return num.linalg.cholesky( self.inverse).T.astype(tconfig.floatX) except num.linalg.LinAlgError: inverse_chol = num.linalg.inv(self.chol.T) _, chol_ur = num.linalg.qr(inverse_chol.T) return chol_ur.astype(tconfig.floatX) # return upper right @property def log_pdet(self): """ Calculate the log of the determinant of the total matrix. """ ldet_x = num.log(num.diag(self.chol)).sum() * 2. return utility.scalar2floatX(ldet_x)
[docs] def update_slog_pdet(self): """ Update shared variable with current log_norm_factor (lnf) (for theano models). """ self.slog_pdet.set_value(self.log_pdet) self.slog_pdet.astype(tconfig.floatX)
[docs]class ArrivalTaper(trace.Taper): """ Cosine arrival Taper. """ a = Float.T(default=-15., help='start of fading in; [s] w.r.t. phase arrival') b = Float.T(default=-10., help='end of fading in; [s] w.r.t. phase arrival') c = Float.T(default=50., help='start of fading out; [s] w.r.t. phase arrival') d = Float.T(default=55., help='end of fading out; [s] w.r.t phase arrival')
[docs] def check_sample_rate_consistency(self, deltat): """ Check if taper durations are consistent with GF sample rate. """ for chop_b in (['b', 'c'], ['a', 'd']): duration = self.duration(chop_b) ratio = duration / deltat utility.error_not_whole( ratio, errstr='Taper duration %g of %s is inconsistent with' ' sampling rate of %g! Please adjust Taper values!' % ( duration, utility.list2string(chop_b), deltat))
def duration(self, chop_bounds=['b', 'c']): t0 = getattr(self, chop_bounds[0]) t1 = getattr(self, chop_bounds[1]) return t1 - t0
[docs] def nsamples(self, sample_rate, chop_bounds=['b', 'c']): """ Returns the number of samples a tapered trace would have given its sample rate and chop_bounds Parameters ---------- sample_rate : float """ return int(num.ceil(sample_rate * self.duration(chop_bounds)))
@property def fadein(self): return self.b - self.a @property def fadeout(self): return self.d - self.c
[docs] def get_pyrocko_taper(self, arrival_time): """ Get pyrocko CosTaper object that may be applied to trace operations. Parameters ---------- arrival_time : float [s] of the reference time around which the taper will be applied Returns ------- :class:`pyrocko.trace.CosTaper` """ if not self.a < self.b < self.c < self.d: raise ValueError('Taper values violate: a < b < c < d') return trace.CosTaper( arrival_time + self.a, arrival_time + self.b, arrival_time + self.c, arrival_time + self.d)
[docs]class Trace(Object): pass
[docs]class FilterBase(Object): pass
[docs]class Filter(FilterBase): """ Filter object defining frequency range of traces after time-domain filtering. """ lower_corner = Float.T( default=0.001, help='Lower corner frequency') upper_corner = Float.T( default=0.1, help='Upper corner frequency') order = Int.T( default=4, help='order of filter, the higher the steeper') stepwise = Bool.T( default=True, help='If set to true the bandpass filter is done it two' ' consecutive steps, first high-pass then low-pass.') def apply(self, trace): # filter traces # stepwise if self.stepwise: logger.debug('Stepwise HP LP filtering') trace.highpass( corner=self.lower_corner, order=self.order, demean=True) trace.lowpass( corner=self.upper_corner, order=self.order, demean=False) else: logger.debug('Single BP filtering') trace.bandpass( corner_hp=self.lower_corner, corner_lp=self.upper_corner, order=self.order)
[docs]class BandstopFilter(FilterBase): """ Filter object defining suppressed frequency range of traces after time-domain filtering. """ lower_corner = Float.T( default=0.12, help='Lower corner frequency') upper_corner = Float.T( default=0.25, help='Upper corner frequency') order = Int.T( default=4, help='order of filter, the higher the steeper') def apply(self, trace): logger.debug('single bandstop filtering') trace.bandstop( corner_hp=self.lower_corner, corner_lp=self.upper_corner, order=self.order, demean=False)
[docs]class FrequencyFilter(FilterBase): freqlimits = Tuple.T( 4, Float.T(), default=(0.005, 0.006, 166., 200.), help='Corner frequencies 4-tuple [Hz] for frequency domain filter.') tfade = Float.T( default=20., help='Rise/fall time in seconds of taper applied in timedomain at both' ' ends of trace.') def apply(self, trace): trace = trace.transfer( self.tfade, self.freqlimits, invert=False, cut_off_fading=False)
[docs]class ResultPoint(Object): """ Containing point in solution space. """ post_llk = String.T( optional=True, help='describes which posterior likelihood value the point belongs to') point = Dict.T( String.T(), Array.T( serialize_as='list', dtype=tconfig.floatX), default={}, help='Point in Solution space for which result is produced.') variance_reductions = Dict.T( String.T(), Float.T(), default={}, optional=True, help='Variance reductions for each dataset.')
[docs]class SeismicResult(Object): """ Result object assembling different traces of misfit. """ point = ResultPoint.T(default=ResultPoint.D()) processed_obs = Trace.T(optional=True) # processed_syn = Trace.T(optional=True) # processed_res = Trace.T(optional=True) arrival_taper = trace.Taper.T(optional=True) llk = Float.T(default=0., optional=True) taper = trace.Taper.T(optional=True) source_contributions = List.T( Trace.T(), help='synthetics of source individual contributions.') @property def processed_syn(self): if self.source_contributions is not None: tr0 = copy.deepcopy(self.source_contributions[0]) tr0.ydata = num.zeros_like(tr0.ydata) for tr in self.source_contributions: tr0.ydata += tr.ydata return tr0 @property def processed_res(self): tr = copy.deepcopy(self.processed_obs) syn_tmin = self.processed_syn.tmin if tr.tmin == syn_tmin: tr.set_ydata( self.processed_obs.get_ydata() - self.processed_syn.get_ydata()) else: logger.warning( 'Observed and synthetic result traces for %s ' 'have different tmin values! ' 'obs: %g syn: %g, difference: %f. ' 'Residual may be invalid!' % ( utility.list2string(tr.nslc_id), tr.tmin, syn_tmin, tr.tmin - syn_tmin)) return tr
def results_for_export(results, datatype=None, attributes=None): if attributes is None: if datatype is None: raise ValueError( 'Either datatype or attributes need to be defined!') elif datatype == 'geodetic' or datatype == 'seismic': attributes = ['processed_obs', 'processed_syn', 'processed_res'] else: raise NotImplementedError( 'datatype %s not implemented!' % datatype) for attribute in attributes: try: data = [getattr(result, attribute) for result in results] except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( 'Result object does not have the attribute ' '"%s" to export!' % attribute) yield data, attribute sqrt2 = num.sqrt(2.) physical_bounds = dict( east_shift=(-500., 500.), north_shift=(-500., 500.), depth=(0., 1000.), strike=(-90., 420.), strike1=(-90., 420.), strike2=(-90., 420.), dip=(-45., 135.), dip1=(-45., 135.), dip2=(-45., 135.), rake=(-180., 270.), rake1=(-180., 270.), rake2=(-180., 270.), mix=(0, 1), diameter=(0., 100.), sign=(-1., 1.), volume_change=(-1e12, 1e12), mnn=(-sqrt2, sqrt2), mee=(-sqrt2, sqrt2), mdd=(-sqrt2, sqrt2), mne=(-1., 1.), mnd=(-1., 1.), med=(-1., 1.), exx=(-500., 500.), eyy=(-500., 500.), exy=(-500., 500.), rotation=(-500., 500.), w=(-3. / 8. * num.pi, 3. / 8. * num.pi), v=(-1. / 3, 1. / 3.), kappa=(0., 2 * num.pi), sigma=(-num.pi / 2., num.pi / 2.), h=(0., 1.), length=(0., 7000.), width=(0., 500.), slip=(0., 150.), nucleation_x=(-1., 1.), nucleation_y=(-1., 1.), opening_fraction=(-1., 1.), magnitude=(-5., 10.), time=(-300., 300.), time_shift=(-40., 40.), delta_time=(0., 100.), delta_depth=(0., 300.), distance=(0., 300.), duration=(0., 600.), peak_ratio=(0., 1.), durations=(0., 600.), uparr=(-1., 150.), uperp=(-150., 150.), utens=(-150., 150.), nucleation_strike=(0., num.inf), nucleation_dip=(0., num.inf), velocities=(0., 20.0), azimuth=(0, 360), amplitude=(1., 10e25), bl_azimuth=(0, 360), bl_amplitude=(0., 0.2), locking_depth=(0.1, 100.), hypers=(-20., 20.), ramp=(-0.01, 0.01), offset=(-1.0, 1.0), lat=(-90., 90.), lon=(-180., 180.), omega=(-10., 10.)) def list_repeat(arr, repeat=1): if isinstance(repeat, list): if len(repeat) != arr.size: raise ValueError( 'Inconsistent requested dimensions! ' 'repeat: {}, {} array size'.format(repeat, arr.size)) else: out_values = [] for i, re in enumerate(repeat): out_values.append(num.repeat(arr[i], re)) return num.hstack(out_values) else: return num.tile(arr, repeat)
[docs]class Parameter(Object): """ Optimization parameter determines the bounds of the search space. """ name = String.T(default='depth') form = String.T(default='Uniform', help='Type of prior distribution to use. Options:' ' "Uniform", ...') lower = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=tconfig.floatX, serialize_as='list', default=num.array([0., 0.], dtype=tconfig.floatX)) upper = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=tconfig.floatX, serialize_as='list', default=num.array([1., 1.], dtype=tconfig.floatX)) testvalue = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=tconfig.floatX, serialize_as='list', default=num.array([0.5, 0.5], dtype=tconfig.floatX)) def validate_bounds(self): supported_vars = list(physical_bounds.keys()) if not in supported_vars: candidate ='_')[-1] if candidate in supported_vars: name = candidate elif[0:2] == 'h_': name = 'hypers' elif[0:11] == 'time_shifts': name = 'time_shift' else: raise TypeError( 'The parameter "%s" cannot' ' be optimized for!' % else: name = phys_b = physical_bounds[name] if self.lower is not None: for i in range(self.dimension): if self.upper[i] < self.lower[i]: raise ValueError( 'The upper parameter bound for' ' parameter "%s" must be higher than the lower' ' bound' % if self.testvalue[i] > self.upper[i] or \ self.testvalue[i] < self.lower[i]: raise ValueError( 'The testvalue of parameter "%s" at index "%i" has to' ' be within the upper and lower bounds, please adjust!' % (, i)) if self.upper[i] > phys_b[1] or \ self.lower[i] < phys_b[0]: raise ValueError( 'The parameter bounds (%f, %f) for "%s" are outside of' ' physically meaningful values (%f, %f)!' % ( self.lower[i], self.upper[i],, phys_b[0], phys_b[1])) else: raise ValueError( 'Parameter bounds for "%s" have to be defined!' % def get_upper(self, repeat=1): if self.upper.size != num.sum(repeat): return list_repeat(self.upper, repeat) else: return self.upper def get_lower(self, repeat=1): if self.lower.size != num.sum(repeat): return list_repeat(self.lower, repeat) else: return self.lower def get_testvalue(self, repeat=1): if self.testvalue.size != num.sum(repeat): return list_repeat(self.testvalue, repeat) else: return self.testvalue
[docs] def random(self, shape=None): """ Create random samples within the parameter bounds. Parameters ---------- shape : int or list of int number of draws from distribution Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` of size (n, m) """ if shape is None: shape = self.dimension lower = self.get_lower(shape) rands = num.random.rand(num.sum(shape)) try: return (self.get_upper(shape) - lower) * rands + lower except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Value inconsistency shapes: {} parameter ' 'dimension {}'.format(shape, self.dimension))
@property def dimension(self): return self.lower.size def bound_to_array(self): return num.array([self.lower, self.testval, self.upper], dtype=num.float)
[docs]class DynamicTarget(gf.Target): response = trace.PoleZeroResponse.T(default=None, optional=True) def update_response(self, magnification, damping, period): z, p, k = proto2zpk( magnification, damping, period, quantity='displacement') # b, a = zpk2tf(z, p, k) if self.response: self.response.zeros = z self.response.poles = p self.response.constant = k else: logger.debug('Initializing new response!') self.response = trace.PoleZeroResponse( zeros=z, poles=p, constant=k)
[docs] def update_target_times(self, sources=None, taperer=None): """ Update the target attributes tmin and tmax to do the stacking only in this interval. Adds twice taper fade in time to each taper side. Parameters ---------- source : list containing :class:`` Objects taperer : :class:`pyrocko.trace.CosTaper` """ if sources is None or taperer is None: self.tmin = None self.tmax = None else: tolerance = 2 * (taperer.b - taperer.a) self.tmin = taperer.a - tolerance self.tmax = taperer.d + tolerance
[docs]class SeismicDataset(trace.Trace): """ Extension to :class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` to have :class:`Covariance` as an attribute. """ wavename = None covariance = None @property def samples(self): if is not None: return[0] else: logger.warn( 'Dataset has no uncertainties! Return full data length!') return self.data_len() def set_wavename(self, wavename): self.wavename = wavename @property def typ(self): return self.wavename + '_' + @classmethod def from_pyrocko_trace(cls, trace, **kwargs): d = dict( tmin=trace.tmin, tmax=trace.tmax, ydata=trace.ydata, station=trace.station, location=trace.location,,, deltat=trace.deltat) return cls(**d) def __getstate__(self): return (, self.station, self.location,, self.tmin, self.tmax, self.deltat, self.mtime, self.ydata, self.meta, self.wavename, self.covariance) def __setstate__(self, state):, self.station, self.location,, \ self.tmin, self.tmax, self.deltat, self.mtime, \ self.ydata, self.meta, self.wavename, self.covariance = state self._growbuffer = None self._update_ids()
[docs]class GeodeticDataset(gf.meta.MultiLocation): """ Overall geodetic data set class """ typ = String.T( default='SAR', help='Type of geodetic data, e.g. SAR, GNSS, ...') name = String.T( default='A', help='e.g. GNSS campaign name or InSAR satellite track ') def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.has_correction = False self.corrections = None super(GeodeticDataset, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_corrections(self, hierarchicals, point=None): """ Needs to be specified on inherited dataset classes. """ raise NotImplementedError('Needs implementation in subclass')
[docs] def setup_corrections(self, event, correction_configs): """ Initialise geodetic dataset corrections such as Ramps or Euler Poles. """ self.corrections = [] self.update_local_coords(event) for number, corr_conf in enumerate(correction_configs): corr = corr_conf.init_correction() if in corr_conf.dataset_names and corr_conf.enabled: 'Setting up %s correction for %s' % ( corr_conf.feature, locx_name, locy_name = corr.get_required_coordinate_names() locx = getattr(self, locx_name) locy = getattr(self, locy_name) data_mask = self.get_data_mask(corr_conf) corr.setup_correction( locy=locy, locx=locx, los_vector=self.los_vector, data_mask=data_mask,, number=number) self.corrections.append(corr) self.has_correction = True else: 'Not correcting %s for %s' % (, corr_conf.feature))
[docs] def update_local_coords(self, loc): """ Calculate local coordinates with respect to given Location. Parameters ---------- loc : :class:`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n_points, 3) """ self.north_shifts, self.east_shifts = orthodrome.latlon_to_ne_numpy(, loc.lon, self.lats, self.lons) return self.north_shifts, self.east_shifts
def get_distances_to_event(self, loc): north_shifts, east_shifts = orthodrome.latlon_to_ne_numpy(, loc.lon, self.lats, self.lons) return num.sqrt(north_shifts ** 2 + east_shifts ** 2) @property def samples(self): if self.lats is not None: n = self.lats.size elif self.north_shifts is not None: n = self.north_shifts.size else: raise ValueError('No coordinates defined!') return n
[docs]class GNSSCompoundComponent(GeodeticDataset): """ Collecting many GNSS components and merging them into arrays. Make synthetics generation more efficient. """ los_vector = Array.T(shape=(None, 3), dtype=num.float, optional=True) displacement = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) component = String.T( default='east', help='direction of measurement, north/east/up') stations = List.T(gnss.GNSSStation.T(optional=True)) covariance = Covariance.T( optional=True, help=':py:class:`Covariance` that holds data' 'and model prediction covariance matrixes') odw = Array.T( shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, help='Overlapping data weights, additional weight factor to the' 'dataset for overlaps with other datasets', optional=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._station2index = None super(GNSSCompoundComponent, self).__init__(**kwargs) def update_los_vector(self): if self.component == 'east': c = num.array([0, 1, 0]) elif self.component == 'north': c = num.array([1, 0, 0]) elif self.component == 'up': c = num.array([0, 0, 1]) else: raise ValueError('Component %s not supported' % self.component) self.los_vector = num.tile(c, self.samples).reshape(self.samples, 3) if num.isnan(self.los_vector).any(): raise ValueError( 'There are Nan values in LOS vector for dataset: %s! ' 'Please check source of imported data!' % return self.los_vector def __str__(self): s = 'GNSS\n compound: \n' s += ' component: %s\n' % self.component if self.lats is not None: s += ' number of stations: %i\n' % self.samples return s def to_kite_scene(self, bins=(600, 600)): from kite.scene import Scene, SceneConfig from scipy.stats import binned_statistic_2d bin_disp, bin_lat, bin_lon, _ = binned_statistic_2d( self.lats, self.lons, self.displacement, statistic='mean', bins=bins) logger.debug('Setting up the Kite Scene') config = SceneConfig() config.frame.llLat = bin_lat.min() config.frame.llLon = bin_lon.min() config.frame.dE = bin_lon[1] - bin_lon[0] config.frame.dN = bin_lat[1] - bin_lat[0] config.frame.spacing = 'degree' config.meta.scene_title = '%s %s' % (, self.component) config.meta.scene_id = los_vec = self.los_vector[0] theta_rad = num.arccos(los_vec[2]) theta_bin = num.full_like(bin_disp, theta_rad * 180 / num.pi) theta_bin[num.isnan(bin_disp)] = num.nan if theta_rad == 0: phi_rad = 0. else: phi_rad = num.arcsin(los_vec[1] / num.sin(theta_rad)) phi_bin = num.full_like(bin_disp, phi_rad * 180 / num.pi) phi_bin[num.isnan(theta_bin)] = num.nan scene = Scene( theta=theta_bin, phi=phi_bin, displacement=bin_disp, config=config) return scene def get_data_mask(self, corr_config): s2idx = self.station_name_index_mapping() if len(corr_config.station_whitelist) > 0 and \ len(corr_config.station_blacklist) > 0: raise ValueError('Either White or Blacklist can be defined!') station_blacklist_idxs = [] if corr_config.station_blacklist: for code in corr_config.station_blacklist: try: station_blacklist_idxs.append(s2idx[code]) except KeyError: logger.warning( 'Blacklisted station %s not in dataset,' ' skipping ...' % code) elif corr_config.station_whitelist: for station_name in s2idx.keys(): if station_name not in corr_config.station_whitelist: station_blacklist_idxs.append(s2idx[station_name]) 'Stations with idxs %s got blacklisted!' % utility.list2string(station_blacklist_idxs)) return num.array(station_blacklist_idxs) def station_name_index_mapping(self): if self._station2index is None: self._station2index = dict( (station.code, i) for (i, station) in enumerate( self.stations)) return self._station2index @classmethod def from_pyrocko_gnss_campaign( cls, campaign, components=['north', 'east', 'up']): valid_components = ['north', 'east', 'up'] compounds = [] for comp in components:'Loading "%s" GNSS component' % comp) if comp not in valid_components: raise ValueError( 'Component: %s not available! ' 'Valid GNSS components are: %s' % ( comp, utility.list2string(valid_components))) comp_stations = [] components = [] for st in campaign.stations: try: components.append(st.components[comp]) comp_stations.append(st) except KeyError: logger.warngin( 'No data for GNSS station: {}'.format(st.code)) lats, lons = num.array( [loc.effective_latlon for loc in comp_stations]).T vs = num.array([c.shift for c in components]) variances = num.power( num.array([c.sigma for c in components]), 2) compounds.append(cls(, typ='GNSS', stations=comp_stations, displacement=vs, covariance=Covariance(data=num.eye(lats.size) * variances), lats=lats, lons=lons, east_shifts=num.zeros_like(lats), north_shifts=num.zeros_like(lats), component=comp, odw=num.ones_like(lats.size))) return compounds
[docs]class ResultReport(Object): solution_point = Dict.T(help='result point') post_llk = StringChoice.T( choices=['max', 'mean', 'min'], default='max', help='Value of point of the likelihood distribution.') mean_point = Dict.T( optional=True, default=None, help='mean of distributions, used for model' ' prediction covariance calculation.')
[docs]class IFG(GeodeticDataset): """ Interferogram class as a dataset in the optimization. """ master = String.T(optional=True, help='Acquisition time of master image YYYY-MM-DD') slave = String.T(optional=True, help='Acquisition time of slave image YYYY-MM-DD') amplitude = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) wrapped_phase = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) incidence = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) heading = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) los_vector = Array.T(shape=(None, 3), dtype=num.float, optional=True) satellite = String.T(default='Envisat') def __str__(self): s = 'IFG\n Acquisition Track: %s\n' % s += ' timerange: %s - %s\n' % (self.master, self.slave) if self.lats is not None: s += ' number of pixels: %i\n' % self.samples return s @property def wavelength(self): return lambda_sensors[self.satellite]
[docs] def update_los_vector(self, force=False): """ Calculate LOS vector for given attributes incidence and heading angles. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n_points, 3) """ if self.los_vector is None or force: if self.incidence is None and self.heading is None: raise AttributeError( 'Incidence and Heading need to be provided!') Su = num.cos(num.deg2rad(self.incidence)) Sn = - num.sin(num.deg2rad(self.incidence)) * \ num.cos(num.deg2rad(self.heading - 270)) Se = - num.sin(num.deg2rad(self.incidence)) * \ num.sin(num.deg2rad(self.heading - 270)) self.los_vector = num.array([Sn, Se, Su], dtype=num.float).T if num.isnan(self.los_vector).any(): raise ValueError( 'There are Nan values in LOS vector for dataset: %s! ' 'Please check source of imported data!' % return self.los_vector else: return self.los_vector
[docs]class DiffIFG(IFG): """ Differential Interferogram class as geodetic target for the calculation of synthetics and container for SAR data. """ unwrapped_phase = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) coherence = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) reference_point = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), optional=True) reference_value = Float.T(optional=True, default=0.0) displacement = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) covariance = Covariance.T( optional=True, help=':py:class:`Covariance` that holds data' 'and model prediction covariance matrixes') odw = Array.T( shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, help='Overlapping data weights, additional weight factor to the' 'dataset for overlaps with other datasets', optional=True) mask = Array.T( shape=(None,), dtype=num.bool, help='Mask values for Euler pole region determination. ' 'Click polygon mask in kite!', optional=True) def export_to_csv(self, filename, displacement=None): logger.debug('Exporting dataset as csv to %s', filename) if displacement is None: displacement = self.displacement with open(filename, mode='w') as f: f.write( 'lat[deg], lon[deg], incidence[deg], heading[deg], ' 'displacement[m]\n') for lat, lon, inci, head, dis in zip( self.lats, self.lons, self.incidence, self.heading, displacement): f.write( '{}, {}, {}, {}, {} \n'.format( lat, lon, inci, head, dis)) @classmethod def from_kite_scene(cls, scene, **kwargs): name = os.path.basename(scene.meta.filename) 'Attempting to access the full covariance matrix of the kite' ' scene %s. If this is not precalculated it will be calculated ' 'now, which may take a significant amount of time...' % name) covariance = Covariance(data=scene.covariance.covariance_matrix) if scene.quadtree.frame.isDegree(): lats = num.empty(scene.quadtree.nleaves) lons = num.empty(scene.quadtree.nleaves) lats.fill(scene.quadtree.frame.llLat) lons.fill(scene.quadtree.frame.llLon) lons += scene.quadtree.leaf_eastings lats += scene.quadtree.leaf_northings elif scene.quadtree.frame.isMeter(): loce = scene.quadtree.leaf_eastings locn = scene.quadtree.leaf_northings lats, lons = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon( lat0=scene.frame.llLat, lon0=scene.frame.llLon, north_m=locn, east_m=loce) if hasattr(scene, 'polygon_mask'): polygons = scene.polygon_mask.polygons else: polygons = None mask = num.full(lats.size, False) if polygons:'Found polygon mask in %s! Importing for Euler Pole' ' correction ...' % name) from matplotlib.path import Path leaf_idxs_rows = scene.quadtree.leaf_northings / scene.frame.dN leaf_idxs_cols = scene.quadtree.leaf_eastings / scene.frame.dE points = num.vstack([leaf_idxs_cols, leaf_idxs_rows]).T for vertices in polygons.values(): # vertexes [cols, rows] p = Path(vertices) mask |= p.contains_points(points) else:'No polygon mask in %s!' % name) d = dict( name=name, displacement=scene.quadtree.leaf_means, lons=lons, lats=lats, covariance=covariance, incidence=90 - num.rad2deg(scene.quadtree.leaf_thetas), heading=-num.rad2deg(scene.quadtree.leaf_phis) + 180, odw=num.ones_like(scene.quadtree.leaf_phis), mask=mask) return cls(**d)
[docs] def get_data_mask(self, corr_conf): """ Extracts mask from kite scene and returns mask indexes- maybe during import?!!! """ if corr_conf.feature == 'Euler Pole':'Masking data for Euler Pole estimation!') return self.mask else: return None
[docs]class GeodeticResult(Object): """ Result object assembling different geodetic data. """ point = ResultPoint.T(default=ResultPoint.D()) processed_obs = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) processed_syn = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) processed_res = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, optional=True) llk = Float.T(default=0., optional=True)
[docs]def init_seismic_targets( stations, earth_model_name='ak135-f-average.m', channels=['T', 'Z'], sample_rate=1.0, crust_inds=[0], interpolation='multilinear', reference_location=None): """ Initiate a list of target objects given a list of indexes to the respective GF store velocity model variation index (crust_inds). Parameters ---------- stations : List of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` List of station objects for which the targets are being initialised earth_model_name = str Name of the earth model that has been used for GF calculation. channels : List of str Components of the traces to be optimized for if rotated: T - transversal, Z - vertical, R - radial If not rotated: E - East, N- North, U - Up (Vertical) sample_rate : scalar, float sample rate [Hz] of the Greens Functions to use crust_inds : List of int Indexes of different velocity model realisations, 0 - reference model interpolation : str Method of interpolation for the Greens Functions, can be 'multilinear' or 'nearest_neighbor' reference_location : :class:`ReferenceLocation` or :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` if given, targets are initialised with this reference location Returns ------- List of :class:`DynamicTarget` """ if reference_location is None: store_prefixes = [ copy.deepcopy(station.station) for station in stations] else: store_prefixes = [ copy.deepcopy(reference_location.station) for station in stations] em_name = get_earth_model_prefix(earth_model_name) targets = [] for sta_num, station in enumerate(stations): for channel in channels: for crust_ind in crust_inds: cha = station.get_channel(channel) if cha is None: logger.warning( 'Channel "%s" for station "%s" does not exist!' % (channel, station.station)) else: targets.append(DynamicTarget( quantity='displacement', codes=(, station.station, '%i' % crust_ind, channel), # n, s, l, c, lon=station.lon, azimuth=cha.azimuth, dip=cha.dip, interpolation=interpolation, store_id=get_store_id( store_prefixes[sta_num], em_name, sample_rate, crust_ind))) return targets
def get_store_id(prefix, earth_model_name, sample_rate, crust_ind=0): return '%s_%s_%.3fHz_%s' % ( prefix, earth_model_name, sample_rate, crust_ind)
[docs]def init_geodetic_targets( datasets, earth_model_name='ak135-f-average.m', interpolation='nearest_neighbor', crust_inds=[0], sample_rate=0.0): """ Initiate a list of Static target objects given a list of indexes to the respective GF store velocity model variation index (crust_inds). Parameters ---------- datasets : list of :class:`heart.GeodeticDataset` for which the targets are being initialised earth_model_name = str Name of the earth model that has been used for GF calculation. sample_rate : scalar, float sample rate [Hz] of the Greens Functions to use crust_inds : List of int Indexes of different velocity model realisations, 0 - reference model interpolation : str Method of interpolation for the Greens Functions, can be 'multilinear' or 'nearest_neighbor' Returns ------- List of :class:`` """ em_name = get_earth_model_prefix(earth_model_name) targets = [gf.StaticTarget( lons=d.lons, lats=d.lats, interpolation=interpolation, quantity='displacement', store_id=get_store_id('statics', em_name, sample_rate, crust_ind)) for crust_ind in crust_inds for d in datasets] return targets
[docs]def vary_model( earthmod, error_depth=0.1, error_velocities=0.1, depth_limit_variation=600 * km): """ Vary depths and velocities in the given source model by Gaussians with given 2-sigma errors [percent]. Ensures increasing velocity with depth. Stops variating the input model at the given depth_limit_variation [m]. Mantle discontinuity uncertainties are hardcoded based on Mooney et al. 1981 and Woodward et al.1991 Parameters ---------- earthmod : :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` Earthmodel defining layers, depth, velocities, densities error_depth : scalar, float 2 sigma error in percent of the depth for the respective layers error_velocities : scalar, float 2 sigma error in percent of the velocities for the respective layers depth_limit_variations : scalar, float depth threshold [m], layers with depth > than this are not varied Returns ------- Varied Earthmodel : :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` Cost : int Counts repetitions of cycles to ensure increasing layer velocity, unlikely velocities have high Cost Cost of up to 20 are ok for crustal profiles. """ new_earthmod = copy.deepcopy(earthmod) layers = new_earthmod.layers() last_l = None cost = 0 deltaz = 0 # uncertainties in discontinuity depth after Shearer 1991 discont_unc = { '410': 3 * km, '520': 4 * km, '660': 8 * km} # uncertainties in velocity for upper and lower mantle from Woodward 1991 # and Mooney 1989 mantle_vel_unc = { '100': 0.05, # above 100 '200': 0.03, # above 200 '400': 0.01} # above 400 for layer in layers: # stop if depth_limit_variation is reached if depth_limit_variation: if layer.ztop >= depth_limit_variation: layer.ztop = last_l.zbot # assign large cost if previous layer has higher velocity if layer.mtop.vp < last_l.mtop.vp or \ layer.mtop.vp > layer.mbot.vp: cost = 1000 # assign large cost if layer bottom depth smaller than top if layer.zbot < layer.ztop: cost = 1000 break repeat = 1 count = 0 while repeat: if count > 1000: break # vary layer velocity # check for layer depth and use hardcoded uncertainties for l_depth, vel_unc in mantle_vel_unc.items(): if float(l_depth) * km < layer.ztop: error_velocities = vel_unc logger.debug('Velocity error: %f ', error_velocities) deltavp = float( num.random.normal( 0, layer.mtop.vp * error_velocities / 3., 1)) if layer.ztop == 0: layer.mtop.vp += deltavp layer.mbot.vs += (deltavp / layer.mbot.vp_vs_ratio()) # ensure increasing velocity with depth if last_l: # gradient layer without interface if layer.mtop.vp == last_l.mbot.vp: if layer.mbot.vp + deltavp < layer.mtop.vp: count += 1 else: layer.mbot.vp += deltavp layer.mbot.vs += ( deltavp / layer.mbot.vp_vs_ratio()) repeat = 0 cost += count elif layer.mtop.vp + deltavp / 10 < last_l.mbot.vp: count += 1 else: layer.mtop.vp += deltavp layer.mtop.vs += (deltavp / layer.mtop.vp_vs_ratio()) if isinstance(layer, GradientLayer): layer.mbot.vp += deltavp layer.mbot.vs += (deltavp / layer.mbot.vp_vs_ratio()) repeat = 0 cost += count else: repeat = 0 # vary layer depth layer.ztop += deltaz repeat = 1 # use hard coded uncertainties for mantle discontinuities if '%i' % (layer.zbot / km) in discont_unc: factor_d = discont_unc['%i' % (layer.zbot / km)] / layer.zbot else: factor_d = error_depth while repeat: # ensure that bottom of layer is not shallower than the top deltaz = float( num.random.normal( 0, layer.zbot * factor_d / 3., 1)) # 3 sigma layer.zbot += deltaz if layer.zbot < layer.ztop: layer.zbot -= deltaz count += 1 else: repeat = 0 cost += count last_l = copy.deepcopy(layer) return new_earthmod, cost
[docs]def ensemble_earthmodel(ref_earthmod, num_vary=10, error_depth=0.1, error_velocities=0.1, depth_limit_variation=600 * km): """ Create ensemble of earthmodels that vary around a given input earth model by a Gaussian of 2 sigma (in Percent 0.1 = 10%) for the depth layers and for the p and s wave velocities. Vp / Vs is kept unchanged Parameters ---------- ref_earthmod : :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` Reference earthmodel defining layers, depth, velocities, densities num_vary : scalar, int Number of variation realisations error_depth : scalar, float 3 sigma error in percent of the depth for the respective layers error_velocities : scalar, float 3 sigma error in percent of the velocities for the respective layers depth_limit_variation : scalar, float depth threshold [m], layers with depth > than this are not varied Returns ------- List of Varied Earthmodels :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` """ earthmods = [] i = 0 while i < num_vary: new_model, cost = vary_model( ref_earthmod, error_depth, error_velocities, depth_limit_variation) if cost > 20: logger.debug('Skipped unlikely model %f' % cost) else: i += 1 earthmods.append(new_model) return earthmods
[docs]def get_velocity_model( location, earth_model_name, crust_ind=0, gf_config=None, custom_velocity_model=None): """ Get velocity model at the specified location, combines given or crustal models with the global model. Parameters ---------- location : :class:`pyrocko.meta.Location` earth_model_name : str Name of the base earth model to be used, check :func:`pyrocko.cake.builtin_models` for alternatives, default ak135 with medium resolution crust_ind : int Index to set to the Greens Function store, 0 is reference store indexes > 0 use reference model and vary its parameters by a Gaussian gf_config : :class:`beat.config.GFConfig` custom_velocity_model : :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` Returns ------- :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` """ gfc = gf_config avail_models = cake.builtin_models() if earth_model_name not in avail_models and earth_model_name != 'local': raise NotImplementedError( 'Earthmodel name "%s" not available!' ' Implemented models: %s' % ( earth_model_name, utility.list2string(avail_models))) if custom_velocity_model is not None:'Using custom model from config file') if earth_model_name == 'local': 'Using only custom velocity model, not pasting into ' 'global background model.') source_model = custom_velocity_model else: global_model = cake.load_model(earth_model_name) source_model = utility.join_models( global_model, custom_velocity_model) elif gfc.use_crust2:'Using crust2 profile') # load velocity profile from CRUST2x2 and check for water layer profile = crust2x2.get_profile(, location.lon) if gfc.replace_water: logger.debug('Replacing water layers! ...') thickness_lwater = profile.get_layer(crust2x2.LWATER)[0] if thickness_lwater > 0.0: 'Water layer %f in CRUST model!' ' Remove and add to lower crust' % thickness_lwater) thickness_llowercrust = profile.get_layer( crust2x2.LLOWERCRUST)[0] thickness_lsoftsed = profile.get_layer( crust2x2.LSOFTSED)[0] profile.set_layer_thickness(crust2x2.LWATER, 0.0) profile.set_layer_thickness( crust2x2.LSOFTSED, num.ceil(thickness_lsoftsed / 3)) profile.set_layer_thickness( crust2x2.LLOWERCRUST, thickness_llowercrust + thickness_lwater + (thickness_lsoftsed - num.ceil(thickness_lsoftsed / 3))) profile._elevation = 0.0'New Lower crust layer thickness %f' % profile.get_layer(crust2x2.LLOWERCRUST)[0]) else: logger.debug('Not replacing water layers') source_model = cake.load_model( earth_model_name, crust2_profile=profile) else:'Using global model ...') source_model = cake.load_model(earth_model_name) if crust_ind > 0: source_model = ensemble_earthmodel( source_model, num_vary=1, error_depth=gfc.error_depth, error_velocities=gfc.error_velocities, depth_limit_variation=gfc.depth_limit_variation * km)[0] return source_model
[docs]def get_slowness_taper(fomosto_config, velocity_model, distances): """ Calculate slowness taper for backends that determine wavefield based on the velociy model. Parameters ---------- fomosto_config : :class:`pyrocko.meta.Config` velocity_model : :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` distances : tuple minimum and maximum distance [deg] Returns ------- tuple of slownesses """ fc = fomosto_config phases = [phase.phases for phase in fc.tabulated_phases] all_phases = [] for phase in phases: all_phases.extend(phase) mean_source_depth = num.mean( (fc.source_depth_min, fc.source_depth_max)) / km dists = num.linspace(distances[0], distances[1], 100) arrivals = velocity_model.arrivals( phases=all_phases, distances=dists, zstart=mean_source_depth) ps = num.array([arrivals[i].p for i in range(len(arrivals))]) slownesses = ps / (cake.r2d * cake.d2m / km) smax = slownesses.max() return (0.0, 0.0, 1.1 * float(smax), 1.3 * float(smax))
def get_earth_model_prefix(earth_model_name): return earth_model_name.split('-')[0].split('.')[0]
[docs]def get_fomosto_baseconfig( gfconfig, event, station, waveforms, crust_ind): """ Initialise fomosto config. Parameters ---------- gfconfig : :class:`config.NonlinearGFConfig` event : :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` The event is used as a reference point for all the calculations According to the its location the earth model is being built station : :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` or :class:`heart.ReferenceLocation` waveforms : List of str Waveforms to calculate GFs for, determines the length of traces crust_ind : int Index to set to the Greens Function store """ sf = gfconfig if gfconfig.code != 'psgrn' and len(waveforms) < 1: raise IOError('No waveforms specified! No GFs to be calculated!') # calculate event-station distance [m] distance = orthodrome.distance_accurate50m(event, station) distance_min = distance - (sf.source_distance_radius * km) if distance_min < 0.: logger.warn( 'Minimum grid distance is below zero. Setting it to zero!') distance_min = 0. # define phases tabulated_phases = [] if 'any_P' in waveforms: if sf.earth_model_name == 'local': definition = 'p,P,p\\,P\\' else: definition = 'p,P,p\\,P\\,Pv_(cmb)p' tabulated_phases.append(gf.TPDef( id='any_P', definition=definition)) if 'any_S' in waveforms: tabulated_phases.append(gf.TPDef( id='any_S', definition='s,S,s\\,S\\')) # surface waves if 'slowest' in waveforms: tabulated_phases.append(gf.TPDef( id='slowest', definition='0.8')) return gf.ConfigTypeA( id='%s_%s_%.3fHz_%s' % ( station.station, get_earth_model_prefix(sf.earth_model_name), sf.sample_rate, crust_ind), ncomponents=10, sample_rate=sf.sample_rate, receiver_depth=0. * km, source_depth_min=sf.source_depth_min * km, source_depth_max=sf.source_depth_max * km, source_depth_delta=sf.source_depth_spacing * km, distance_min=distance_min, distance_max=distance + (sf.source_distance_radius * km), distance_delta=sf.source_distance_spacing * km, tabulated_phases=tabulated_phases)
backend_builders = { 'qseis':, 'qssp':, 'qseis2d':}
[docs]def choose_backend( fomosto_config, code, source_model, receiver_model, gf_directory='qseis2d_green'): """ Get backend related config. """ fc = fomosto_config receiver_basement_depth = 150 * km distances = num.array([fc.distance_min, fc.distance_max]) * cake.m2d slowness_taper = get_slowness_taper(fc, source_model, distances) waveforms = [ for phase in fc.tabulated_phases] if 'slowest' in waveforms and code != 'qseis': raise TypeError( 'For near-field phases the "qseis" backend has to be used!') if code == 'qseis': version = '2006a' if 'slowest' in waveforms or distances.min() < 10: 'Receiver and source' ' site structures have to be identical as distance' ' and ray depth not high enough for common receiver' ' depth!') receiver_model = None slowness_taper = (0., 0., 0., 0.) sw_algorithm = 0 sw_flat_earth_transform = 0 else: # find common basement layer common_basement = source_model.layer(receiver_basement_depth) receiver_model = receiver_model.extract( depth_max=common_basement.ztop) receiver_model.append(common_basement) sw_algorithm = 1 sw_flat_earth_transform = 1 conf = qseis.QSeisConfig( filter_shallow_paths=0, slowness_window=slowness_taper, wavelet_duration_samples=0.001, sw_flat_earth_transform=sw_flat_earth_transform, sw_algorithm=sw_algorithm, qseis_version=version) elif code == 'qssp': source_model = copy.deepcopy(receiver_model) receiver_model = None version = '2010' conf = qssp.QSSPConfig( qssp_version=version, slowness_max=float(num.max(slowness_taper)), toroidal_modes=True, spheroidal_modes=True, source_patch_radius=( fc.distance_delta - fc.distance_delta * 0.05) / km) elif code == 'qseis2d': version = '2014' conf = qseis2d.QSeis2dConfig() conf.qseis_s_config.slowness_window = slowness_taper conf.qseis_s_config.calc_slowness_window = 0 conf.qseis_s_config.receiver_max_distance = \ distances[1] * cake.d2m / km conf.qseis_s_config.sw_flat_earth_transform = 1 conf.gf_directory = gf_directory # find common basement layer layer = source_model.layer(receiver_basement_depth) conf.qseis_s_config.receiver_basement_depth = \ round(layer.zbot / km, 1) receiver_model = receiver_model.extract( depth_max=layer.ztop) receiver_model.append(layer) else: raise NotImplementedError('Backend not supported: %s' % code) # fill remaining fomosto params fc.earthmodel_1d = source_model fc.earthmodel_receiver_1d = receiver_model fc.modelling_code_id = code + '.' + version window_extension = 60. # [s] pids = ['stored:' + wave for wave in waveforms] conf.time_region = ( gf.Timing( phase_defs=pids, offset=(-1.1 * window_extension), select='first'), gf.Timing( phase_defs=pids, offset=(1.6 * window_extension), select='last')) conf.cut = ( gf.Timing( phase_defs=pids, offset=-window_extension, select='first'), gf.Timing( phase_defs=pids, offset=(1.5 * window_extension), select='last')) conf.relevel_with_fade_in = True conf.fade = ( gf.Timing( phase_defs=pids, offset=-window_extension, select='first'), gf.Timing( phase_defs=pids, offset=(-0.1) * window_extension, select='first'), gf.Timing( phase_defs=pids, offset=(window_extension), select='last'), gf.Timing( phase_defs=pids, offset=(1.6 * window_extension), select='last')) return conf
[docs]def seis_construct_gf( stations, event, seismic_config, crust_ind=0, execute=False, force=False): """ Calculate seismic Greens Functions (GFs) and create a repository 'store' that is being used later on repeatetly to calculate the synthetic waveforms. Parameters ---------- stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` Station object that defines the distance from the event for which the GFs are being calculated event : :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` The event is used as a reference point for all the calculations According to the its location the earth model is being built seismic_config : :class:`config.SeismicConfig` crust_ind : int Index to set to the Greens Function store, 0 is reference store indexes > 0 use reference model and vary its parameters by a Gaussian execute : boolean Flag to execute the calculation, if False just setup tested force : boolean Flag to overwrite existing GF stores """ sf = seismic_config.gf_config source_model = get_velocity_model( event, earth_model_name=sf.earth_model_name, crust_ind=crust_ind, gf_config=sf, custom_velocity_model=sf.custom_velocity_model) waveforms = seismic_config.get_waveform_names() for station in stations:'Station %s' % station.station)'---------------------') fomosto_config = get_fomosto_baseconfig( sf, event, station, waveforms, crust_ind) store_dir = os.path.join(sf.store_superdir, if not os.path.exists(store_dir) or force:'Creating Store at %s' % store_dir) if len(stations) == 1: custom_velocity_model = sf.custom_velocity_model else: custom_velocity_model = None receiver_model = get_velocity_model( station, earth_model_name=sf.earth_model_name, crust_ind=crust_ind, gf_config=sf, custom_velocity_model=custom_velocity_model) gf_directory = os.path.join( sf.store_superdir, 'base_gfs_%i' % crust_ind) conf = choose_backend( fomosto_config, sf.code, source_model, receiver_model, gf_directory) fomosto_config.validate() conf.validate() gf.Store.create_editables( store_dir, config=fomosto_config, extra={sf.code: conf}, force=force) else: 'Store %s exists! Use force=True to overwrite!' % store_dir) traces_path = os.path.join(store_dir, 'traces') if execute: if not os.path.exists(traces_path) or force:'Filling store ...') store = gf.Store(store_dir, 'r') store.make_ttt(force=force) store.close() backend_builders[sf.code]( store_dir, nworkers=sf.nworkers, force=force) if sf.rm_gfs and sf.code == 'qssp': gf_dir = os.path.join(store_dir, 'qssp_green')'Removing QSSP Greens Functions!') shutil.rmtree(gf_dir) else:'Traces exist use force=True to overwrite!')
[docs]def geo_construct_gf( event, geodetic_config, crust_ind=0, execute=True, force=False): """ Calculate geodetic Greens Functions (GFs) and create a fomosto 'GF store' that is being used repeatetly later on to calculate the synthetic displacements. Enables various different source geometries. Parameters ---------- event : :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` The event is used as a reference point for all the calculations According to the its location the earth model is being built geodetic_config : :class:`config.GeodeticConfig` crust_ind : int Index to set to the Greens Function store execute : boolean Flag to execute the calculation, if False just setup tested force : boolean Flag to overwrite existing GF stores """ from pyrocko.fomosto import psgrn_pscmp as ppp version = '2008a' gfc = geodetic_config.gf_config # extract source crustal profile and check for water layer source_model = get_velocity_model( event, earth_model_name=gfc.earth_model_name, crust_ind=crust_ind, gf_config=gfc, custom_velocity_model=gfc.custom_velocity_model).extract( depth_max=gfc.source_depth_max * km) c = ppp.PsGrnPsCmpConfig() c.pscmp_config.version = version c.psgrn_config.version = version c.psgrn_config.sampling_interval = gfc.sampling_interval c.psgrn_config.gf_depth_spacing = gfc.medium_depth_spacing c.psgrn_config.gf_distance_spacing = gfc.medium_distance_spacing station = ReferenceLocation( station='statics',, lon=event.lon) fomosto_config = get_fomosto_baseconfig( gfconfig=gfc, event=event, station=station, waveforms=[], crust_ind=crust_ind) store_dir = os.path.join(gfc.store_superdir, if not os.path.exists(store_dir) or force:'Create Store at: %s' % store_dir)'---------------------------') # potentially vary source model if crust_ind > 0: source_model = ensemble_earthmodel( source_model, num_vary=1, error_depth=gfc.error_depth, error_velocities=gfc.error_velocities)[0] fomosto_config.earthmodel_1d = source_model fomosto_config.modelling_code_id = 'psgrn_pscmp.%s' % version c.validate() fomosto_config.validate() store_dir, config=fomosto_config, extra={'psgrn_pscmp': c}, force=force) else: 'Store %s exists! Use force=True to overwrite!' % store_dir) traces_path = os.path.join(store_dir, 'traces') if execute: if not os.path.exists(traces_path) or force:'Filling store ...') store =, 'r') store.close() # build store try:, nworkers=gfc.nworkers, force=force) except ppp.PsCmpError as e: if str(e).find('could not start psgrn/pscmp') != -1: logger.warn('psgrn/pscmp not installed') return else: raise else:'Traces exist use force=True to overwrite!')
[docs]def geo_construct_gf_psgrn( event, geodetic_config, crust_ind=0, execute=True, force=False): """ Calculate geodetic Greens Functions (GFs) and create a repository 'store' that is being used later on repeatetly to calculate the synthetic displacements. Parameters ---------- event : :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` The event is used as a reference point for all the calculations According to the its location the earth model is being built geodetic_config : :class:`config.GeodeticConfig` crust_ind : int Index to set to the Greens Function store execute : boolean Flag to execute the calculation, if False just setup tested force : boolean Flag to overwrite existing GF stores """ logger.warn( 'This function is deprecated and might be removed in later versions!') gfc = geodetic_config.gf_config c = psgrn.PsGrnConfigFull() n_steps_depth = int( (gfc.source_depth_max - gfc.source_depth_min) / gfc.source_depth_spacing) + 1 n_steps_distance = int( (gfc.source_distance_max - gfc.source_distance_min) / gfc.source_distance_spacing) + 1 c.distance_grid = psgrn.PsGrnSpatialSampling( n_steps=n_steps_distance, start_distance=gfc.source_distance_min, end_distance=gfc.source_distance_max) c.depth_grid = psgrn.PsGrnSpatialSampling( n_steps=n_steps_depth, start_distance=gfc.source_depth_min, end_distance=gfc.source_depth_max) c.sampling_interval = gfc.sampling_interval # extract source crustal profile and check for water layer source_model = get_velocity_model( event, earth_model_name=gfc.earth_model_name, crust_ind=crust_ind, gf_config=gfc, custom_velocity_model=gfc.custom_velocity_model).extract( depth_max=gfc.source_depth_max * km) # potentially vary source model if crust_ind > 0: source_model = ensemble_earthmodel( source_model, num_vary=1, error_depth=gfc.error_depth, error_velocities=gfc.error_velocities)[0] c.earthmodel_1d = source_model c.psgrn_outdir = os.path.join( gfc.store_superdir, 'psgrn_green_%i' % (crust_ind)) c.validate() util.ensuredir(c.psgrn_outdir) runner = psgrn.PsGrnRunner(outdir=c.psgrn_outdir) if not execute:'Geo GFs can be created in directory: %s ! ' '(execute=True necessary)! GF params: \n' % c.psgrn_outdir) print(c) if execute:'Creating Geo GFs in directory: %s' % c.psgrn_outdir), force)
[docs]def geo_layer_synthetics_pscmp( store_superdir, crust_ind, lons, lats, sources, keep_tmp=False, outmode='data'): """ Calculate synthetic displacements for a given Greens Function database sources and observation points on the earths surface. Parameters ---------- store_superdir : str main path to directory containing the different Greensfunction stores crust_ind : int index of Greens Function store to use lons : List of floats Longitudes [decimal deg] of observation points lats : List of floats Latitudes [decimal deg] of observation points sources : List of :class:`pscmp.PsCmpRectangularSource` Sources to calculate synthetics for keep_tmp : boolean Flag to keep directories (in '/tmp') where calculated synthetics are stored. outmode : str determines type of output Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n_observations; ux-North, uy-East, uz-Down) """ c = pscmp.PsCmpConfigFull() c.observation = pscmp.PsCmpScatter(lats=lats, lons=lons) c.psgrn_outdir = os.path.join( store_superdir, 'psgrn_green_%i/' % (crust_ind)) # only coseismic displacement c.times_snapshots = [0] c.rectangular_source_patches = sources runner = pscmp.PsCmpRunner(keep_tmp=keep_tmp) # returns list of displacements for each snapshot return runner.get_results(component='displ', flip_z=True)[0]
[docs]class RayPathError(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_phase_arrival_time(engine, source, target, wavename=None, snap=True): """ Get arrival time from Greens Function store for respective :class:``, :class:`` pair. Parameters ---------- engine : :class:`` source : :class:`` can be therefore :class:`` or :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` target : :class:`` wavename : string of the tabulated phase that determines the phase arrival needs to be the Id of a tabulated phase in the respective if "None" uses first tabulated phase snap : if True force arrival time on discrete samples of the store Returns ------- scalar, float of the arrival time of the wave """ dist = target.distance_to(source) try: store = engine.get_store(target.store_id) except gf.seismosizer.NoSuchStore: raise gf.seismosizer.NoSuchStore( 'No such store with ID %s found, distance [deg] to event: %f ' % ( target.store_id, cake.m2d * dist)) if wavename is None: wavename = store.config.tabulated_phases[0].id logger.debug( 'Wavename not specified using ' 'first tabulated phase! %s' % wavename) logger.debug('Arrival time for wavename "%s" distance %f [deg]' % ( wavename, cake.m2d * dist)) try: atime = store.t(wavename, (source.depth, dist)) + source.time except TypeError: raise RayPathError( 'No wave-arrival for wavename "%s" distance %f [deg]! ' 'Please adjust the distance range in the wavemap config!' % ( wavename, cake.m2d * dist)) if snap: deltat = 1. / store.config.sample_rate atime = trace.t2ind(atime, deltat, snap=round) * deltat return atime
[docs]def get_phase_taperer( engine, source, wavename, target, arrival_taper, arrival_time=num.nan): """ Create phase taperer according to synthetic travel times from source- target pair and taper return :class:`pyrocko.trace.CosTaper` according to defined arrival_taper times. Parameters ---------- engine : :class:`` source : :class:`` can be therefore :class:`` or :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` wavename : string of the tabulated phase that determines the phase arrival target : :class:`` arrival_taper : :class:`ArrivalTaper` arrival_time : shift on arrival time (optional) Returns ------- :class:`pyrocko.trace.CosTaper` """ if num.isnan(arrival_time): logger.warning('Using source reference for tapering!') arrival_time = get_phase_arrival_time( engine=engine, source=source, target=target, wavename=wavename) return arrival_taper.get_pyrocko_taper(float(arrival_time))
[docs]class WaveformMapping(object): """ Maps synthetic waveform parameters to targets, stations and data Parameters ---------- name : str name of the waveform according to travel time tables stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` weights : list of theano.shared variables channels : list of channel names valid for all the stations of this wavemap datasets : list of :class:`heart.Dataset` inherited from :class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` targets : list of :class:`` """ def __init__(self, name, stations, weights=None, channels=['Z'], datasets=[], targets=[], deltat=None): = name self.stations = stations self.weights = weights self.datasets = datasets self.targets = targets self.channels = channels self.station_correction_idxs = None self._prepared_data = None self._arrival_times = None self._target2index = None self._station2index = None self.deltat = deltat self.config = None if self.datasets is not None: self._update_trace_wavenames() self._update_station_corrections() def target_index_mapping(self): if self._target2index is None: self._target2index = dict( (target, i) for (i, target) in enumerate( self.targets)) return self._target2index def station_index_mapping(self): if self._station2index is None: self._station2index = dict( (station, i) for (i, station) in enumerate( self.stations)) return self._station2index def add_weights(self, weights, force=False): n_w = len(weights) if n_w != self.n_t: raise CollectionError( 'Number of Weights %i inconsistent with targets %i!' % ( n_w, self.n_t)) self.weights = weights def _update_station_corrections(self): """ Update station_correction_idx """ s2i = self.station_index_mapping() station_idxs = [] for channel in self.channels: station_idxs.extend( [s2i[station] for station in self.stations]) self.station_correction_idxs = num.array( station_idxs, dtype='int16')
[docs] def station_weeding(self, event, distances, blacklist=[]): """ Weed stations and related objects based on distances and blacklist. Works only a single time after init! """ empty_stations = self.get_station_names_without_data() blacklist.extend(empty_stations) self.stations = utility.apply_station_blacklist( self.stations, blacklist) self.stations = utility.weed_stations( self.stations, event, distances=distances, remove_duplicate=True) if self.n_data > 0: self.datasets = utility.weed_data_traces( self.datasets, self.stations) self.targets = utility.weed_targets(self.targets, self.stations) # reset mappings self._target2index = None self._station2index = None if self.n_t > 0: self._update_station_corrections() self.check_consistency()
[docs] def get_station_names(self): """ Returns list of strings of station names """ return [station.station for station in self.stations]
def get_station_names_without_data(self): blacklist = [] station_names = self.get_station_names() dataset_station_names = [tr.station for tr in self.datasets] for station_name in station_names: if station_name not in dataset_station_names: logger.warning( 'Found no data for station "%s" ' '- removing it from setup.' % station_name) blacklist.append(station_name) return blacklist def check_consistency(self): if self.n_t != self.n_data: raise CollectionError( 'Inconsistent number of datasets and targets!') elif self.n_t == 0: raise CollectionError( 'No data left in wavemap "%s" after applying the distance ' 'filter! Either (1) Adjust distance range (set "distances" ' ' parameter in beat.WaveformFitConfig, given in degrees ' ' epicentral distance) or (2) deactivate the wavemap ' 'completely by setting include=False!' % self._mapid) else:'Consistent number of ' 'datasets and targets in %s wavemap!' % self._mapid) def update_interpolation(self, method): for target in self.targets: target.interpolation = method def _update_trace_wavenames(self, wavename=None): if wavename is None: wavename = for dtrace in self.datasets: dtrace.set_wavename(wavename) @property def _mapid(self): if hasattr(self, 'mapnumber'): return '_'.join((, str(self.mapnumber))) else: return @property def time_shifts_id(self): return 'time_shifts_' + self._mapid @property def n_t(self): return len(self.targets) @property def hypersize(self): """ Return the size of the related hyperparameters as an integer. """ nhyp = self.n_t / len(self.channels) if nhyp.is_integer(): return int(nhyp) else: raise ValueError( 'hyperparameter size is not integer ' 'for wavemap %s' % self._mapid) @property def n_data(self): return len(self.datasets) def get_target_idxs(self, channels=['Z']): t2i = self.target_index_mapping() dtargets = utility.gather(self.targets, lambda t:[3]) tidxs = [] for cha in channels: tidxs.extend([t2i[target] for target in dtargets[cha]]) return tidxs
[docs] def prepare_data( self, source, engine, outmode='array', chop_bounds=['b', 'c']): """ Taper, filter data traces according to given reference event. Traces are concatenated to one single array. """ if self._prepared_data is not None: logger.debug( 'Overwriting observed data windows in "%s"!' % ( + '_' + str(self.mapnumber))) if hasattr(self, 'config'): arrival_times = num.zeros((self.n_t), dtype=tconfig.floatX) for i, target in enumerate(self.targets): arrival_times[i] = get_phase_arrival_time( engine=engine, source=source, target=target, if self.config.preprocess_data: logger.debug('Pre-processing data ...') filterer = self.config.filterer else: logger.debug('Not pre-processing data ...') filterer = None self._prepared_data = taper_filter_traces( self.datasets, arrival_taper=self.config.arrival_taper, filterer=filterer, arrival_times=arrival_times, outmode=outmode, chop_bounds=chop_bounds, deltat=self.deltat, plot=False) self._arrival_times = arrival_times else: raise ValueError('Wavemap needs configuration!')
[docs] def get_highest_frequency(self): """ Loop over filterers and return highest frequency. """ highest_fs = [] for filt in self.config.filterer: if isinstance(filt, Filter): highest_fs.append(filt.upper_corner) if len(highest_fs) > 0: return num.max(highest_fs) else: raise ValueError( 'No Filterer objects configured for wavemap %s' 'Cannot return upper corner frequency!' % self._mapid)
@property def shared_data_array(self): if self._prepared_data is None: raise ValueError('Data array is not initialized') elif isinstance(self._prepared_data, list): raise ValueError( 'Data got initialized as pyrocko traces, need array!') else: return shared( self._prepared_data, name='%s_data' %, borrow=True)
[docs]class CollectionError(Exception): pass
[docs]class DataWaveformCollection(object): """ Collection of available datasets, data-weights, waveforms and DynamicTargets used to create synthetics. Is used to return Mappings of the waveforms of interest to fit to the involved data, weights and synthetics generating objects. Parameters ---------- stations : List of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` List of station objects that are contained in the dataset waveforms : list of strings of tabulated phases that are to be used for misfit calculation target_deltat : float sampling interval the data is going to be downsampled to """ def __init__(self, stations, waveforms=None, target_deltat=None): self.stations = stations self.waveforms = waveforms self._deltat = target_deltat self._targets = OrderedDict() self._datasets = OrderedDict() self._raw_datasets = OrderedDict() self._responses = None self._target2index = None self._station2index = None def adjust_sampling_datasets(self, deltat, snap=False, force=False): for tr in self._raw_datasets.values(): if tr.nslc_id not in self._datasets or force: self._datasets[tr.nslc_id] = \ utility.downsample_trace(tr, deltat, snap=snap) else: raise CollectionError( 'Downsampled trace %s already in' ' collection!' % utility.list2string(tr.nslc_id)) self._deltat = deltat def _check_collection(self, waveform, errormode='not_in', force=False): if errormode == 'not_in': if waveform not in self.waveforms: raise CollectionError( 'Waveform is not contained in collection!') else: pass elif errormode == 'in': if waveform in self.waveforms and not force: raise CollectionError('Wavefom already in collection!') else: pass @property def n_t(self): return len(self._targets.keys()) def add_collection(self, waveform=None, datasets=None, targets=None, weights=None, force=False): self.add_waveform(waveform, force=force) self.add_targets(waveform, targets, force=force) self.add_datasets(waveform, datasets, force=force) @property def n_waveforms(self): return len(self.waveforms) def target_index_mapping(self): if self._target2index is None: self._target2index = dict( (target, i) for (i, target) in enumerate( self._targets.values())) return self._target2index def get_waveform_names(self): return self.waveforms def get_dataset(self, nslc, raw=False): if not raw: return self._datasets[nslc] else: return self._raw_datasets[nslc] def add_waveforms(self, waveforms=[], force=False): for waveform in waveforms: self._check_collection(waveform, errormode='in', force=force) self.waveforms.append(waveform) def add_responses(self, responses, location=None): self._responses = OrderedDict() for k, v in responses.items(): if location is not None: k = list(k) k[2] = str(location) k = tuple(k) self._responses[k] = v def add_targets(self, targets, replace=False, force=False): if replace: self._targets = OrderedDict() current_targets = self._targets.values() for target in targets: if target not in current_targets or force: self._targets[] = target else: logger.warn( 'Target %s already in collection!' % str( def add_datasets(self, datasets, location=None, replace=False, force=False): if replace: self._datasets = OrderedDict() self._raw_datasets = OrderedDict() entries = self._raw_datasets.keys() for d in datasets: if location is not None: d.set_location(str(location)) nslc_id = d.nslc_id if nslc_id not in entries or force: self._raw_datasets[nslc_id] = d else: logger.warn( 'Dataset %s already in collection!' % str(nslc_id)) @property def n_data(self): return len(self._datasets.keys()) def get_waveform_mapping( self, waveform, channels=['Z', 'T', 'R'], quantity='displacement'): self._check_collection(waveform, errormode='not_in') dtargets = utility.gather( self._targets.values(), lambda t:[3]) targets = [] for cha in channels: targets.extend(dtargets[cha]) datasets = [] discard_targets = [] for target in targets: target.quantity = quantity nslc_id = try: dtrace = self._raw_datasets[nslc_id] datasets.append(dtrace) except KeyError: logger.warn( 'No data trace for target %s in ' 'the collection! Removing target!' % str(nslc_id)) discard_targets.append(target) if self._responses: try: target.update_response(*self._responses[nslc_id]) except KeyError: logger.warn( 'No response for target %s in ' 'the collection!' % str(nslc_id)) targets = utility.weed_targets( targets, self.stations, discard_targets=discard_targets) ndata = len(datasets) n_t = len(targets) if ndata != n_t: logger.warn( 'Inconsistent number of targets %i ' 'and datasets %i! in wavemap %s init' % (n_t, ndata, waveform)) return WaveformMapping( name=waveform, stations=copy.deepcopy(self.stations), datasets=copy.deepcopy(datasets), targets=copy.deepcopy(targets), channels=channels, deltat=self._deltat)
[docs]def concatenate_datasets(datasets): """ Concatenate datasets to single arrays Parameters ---------- datasets : list of :class:`GeodeticDataset` Returns ------- datasets : 1d :class:numpy.NdArray` n x 1 los_vectors : 2d :class:numpy.NdArray` n x 3 odws : 1d :class:numpy.NdArray` n x 1 Bij : :class:`utility.ListToArrayBijection` """ _disp_list = [data.displacement.astype(tconfig.floatX) for data in datasets] _odws_list = [data.odw.astype(tconfig.floatX) for data in datasets] _lv_list = [data.update_los_vector().astype(tconfig.floatX) for data in datasets] # merge geodetic data to calculate residuals on single array ordering = utility.ListArrayOrdering(_disp_list, intype='numpy') Bij = utility.ListToArrayBijection(ordering, _disp_list) odws = Bij.l2a(_odws_list).astype(tconfig.floatX) datasets = Bij.l2a(_disp_list).astype(tconfig.floatX) los_vectors = Bij.f3map(_lv_list).astype(tconfig.floatX) return datasets, los_vectors, odws, Bij
[docs]def init_datahandler( seismic_config, seismic_data_path='./', responses_path=None): """ Initialise datahandler. Parameters ---------- seismic_config : :class:`config.SeismicConfig` seismic_data_path : str absolute path to the directory of the seismic data Returns ------- datahandler : :class:`DataWaveformCollection` """ sc = seismic_config stations, data_traces = utility.load_objects(seismic_data_path) wavenames = sc.get_waveform_names() targets = init_seismic_targets( stations, earth_model_name=sc.gf_config.earth_model_name, channels=sc.get_unique_channels(), sample_rate=sc.gf_config.sample_rate, crust_inds=[sc.gf_config.reference_model_idx], reference_location=sc.gf_config.reference_location) target_deltat = 1. / sc.gf_config.sample_rate datahandler = DataWaveformCollection(stations, wavenames, target_deltat) datahandler.add_datasets( data_traces, location=sc.gf_config.reference_model_idx) # decimation needs to come after filtering # datahandler.adjust_sampling_datasets(target_deltat, snap=True) datahandler.add_targets(targets) if responses_path: responses = utility.load_objects(responses_path) datahandler.add_responses( responses, location=sc.gf_config.reference_model_idx) return datahandler
[docs]def init_wavemap( waveformfit_config, datahandler=None, event=None, mapnumber=0): """ Initialise wavemap, which sets targets, datasets and stations into relation to the seismic Phase of interest and allows individual specificiations. Parameters ---------- waveformfit_config : :class:`config.WaveformFitConfig` datahandler : :class:`DataWaveformCollection` event : :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` mapnumber : int number of wavemap in list of wavemaps Returns ------- wmap : :class:`WaveformMapping` """ wc = waveformfit_config wmap = datahandler.get_waveform_mapping(, channels=wc.channels, quantity=wc.quantity) wmap.config = wc wmap.mapnumber = mapnumber wmap.config.arrival_taper.check_sample_rate_consistency( datahandler._deltat) wmap.station_weeding(event, wc.distances, blacklist=wc.blacklist) wmap.update_interpolation(wc.interpolation) wmap._update_trace_wavenames('_'.join([, str(wmap.mapnumber)]))'Number of seismic datasets for wavemap: %s: %i ' % ( wmap._mapid, wmap.n_data)) return wmap
[docs]def post_process_trace( trace, taper, filterer, taper_tolerance_factor=0., deltat=None, outmode=None, chop_bounds=['b', 'c'], transfer_function=None): """ Taper, filter and then chop one trace in place. Parameters ---------- trace : :class:`SeismicDataset` arrival_taper : :class:`pyrocko.trace.Taper` filterer : list of :class:`Filterer` taper_tolerance_factor : float default: 0 , cut exactly at the taper edges taper.fadein times this factor determines added tolerance chop_bounds : str determines where to chop the trace on the taper attributes may be combination of [a, b, c, d] """ if transfer_function: # convolve invert False deconvolve invert True dummy_filterer = FrequencyFilter() trace = trace.transfer( dummy_filterer.tfade, dummy_filterer.freqlimits, transfer_function=transfer_function, invert=False, cut_off_fading=False) logger.debug('transfer trace: %s' % trace.__str__()) if filterer: # apply all the filters for filt in filterer: filt.apply(trace) if deltat is not None: trace = utility.downsample_trace(trace, deltat, snap=True) if taper and outmode != 'data': tolerance = (taper.b - taper.a) * taper_tolerance_factor lower_cut = getattr(taper, chop_bounds[0]) - tolerance upper_cut = getattr(taper, chop_bounds[1]) + tolerance logger.debug('taper times: %s' % taper.__str__()) logger.debug('trace: %s' % trace.__str__()) trace.extend(lower_cut, upper_cut, fillmethod='zeros') trace.taper(taper, inplace=True) trace.chop(tmin=lower_cut, tmax=upper_cut, snap=(num.floor, num.floor)) logger.debug('chopped trace: %s' % trace.__str__()) return trace
[docs]class StackingError(Exception): pass
nzeros = { 'displacement': 2, 'velocity': 3, }
[docs]def proto2zpk(magnification, damping, period, quantity='displacement'): """ Convert magnification, damping and period of a station to poles and zeros. Parameters ---------- magnification : float gain of station damping : float in [] period : float in [s] quantity : string in which related data are recorded Returns ------- lists of zeros, poles and gain """ import cmath zeros = num.zeros(nzeros[quantity]).tolist() omega0 = 2.0 * num.pi / period preal = - damping * omega0 pimag = 1.0J * omega0 * cmath.sqrt(1.0 - damping ** 2) poles = [preal + pimag, preal - pimag] return zeros, poles, magnification
[docs]def seis_synthetics( engine, sources, targets, arrival_taper=None, wavename='any_P', filterer=None, reference_taperer=None, plot=False, nprocs=1, outmode='array', pre_stack_cut=False, taper_tolerance_factor=0., arrival_times=None, chop_bounds=['b', 'c']): """ Calculate synthetic seismograms of combination of targets and sources, filtering and tapering afterwards (filterer) tapering according to arrival_taper around P -or S wave. If reference_taper the given taper is always used. Parameters ---------- engine : :class:`` sources : list containing :class:`` Objects reference source is the first in the list!!! targets : list containing :class:`` Objects arrival_taper : :class:`ArrivalTaper` wavename : string of the tabulated phase that determines the phase arrival filterer : :class:`Filterer` plot : boolean flag for looking at traces nprocs : int number of processors to use for synthetics calculation --> currently no effect !!! outmode : string output format of synthetics can be 'array', 'stacked_traces', 'data' returns traces unstacked including post-processing, 'tapered_data' returns unstacked but tapered traces pre_stack_cut : boolean flag to decide wheather prior to stacking the GreensFunction traces should be cutted according to the phase arival time and the defined taper taper_tolerance_factor : float tolerance to chop traces around taper.a and taper.d arrival_times : None or :class:`numpy.NdArray` of phase to apply taper, if None theoretic arrival of ray tracing used chop_bounds : list of str determines where to chop the trace on the taper attributes may be combination of [a, b, c, d] transfer_functions : list of transfer functions to convolve the synthetics with Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` or List of :class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` with data each row-one target :class:`numpy.ndarray` of tmins for traces """ stackmodes = ['array', 'data', 'stacked_traces', 'tapered_data'] if outmode not in stackmodes: raise StackingError( 'Outmode "%s" not available! Available: %s' % ( outmode, utility.list2string(stackmodes))) if not arrival_times.all(): arrival_times = num.zeros((len(targets)), dtype=tconfig.floatX) arrival_times[:] = None taperers = [] tapp = taperers.append for i, target in enumerate(targets): if arrival_taper: tapp(get_phase_taperer( engine=engine, source=sources[0], wavename=wavename, target=target, arrival_taper=arrival_taper, arrival_time=arrival_times[i])) if pre_stack_cut and arrival_taper and outmode != 'data': for t, taperer in zip(targets, taperers): t.update_target_times(sources, taperer) t_2 = time() try: response = engine.process( sources=sources, targets=targets, nprocs=nprocs) t_1 = time() except IndexError: for source in sources: print(source) raise ValueError('The GF store returned an empty trace!') logger.debug('Synthetics generation time: %f' % (t_1 - t_2)) # logger.debug('Details: %s \n' % response.stats) nt = len(targets) ns = len(sources) t0 = time() synt_trcs = [] sapp = synt_trcs.append taper_index = [j for _ in range(ns) for j in range(nt)] for i, (source, target, tr) in enumerate(response.iter_results()): if arrival_taper: taper = taperers[taper_index[i]] else: taper = None tr = post_process_trace( trace=tr, taper=taper, filterer=filterer, taper_tolerance_factor=taper_tolerance_factor, outmode=outmode, chop_bounds=chop_bounds, transfer_function=target.response) sapp(tr) t1 = time() logger.debug('Post-process time %f' % (t1 - t0)) if plot: trace.snuffle(synt_trcs) if arrival_taper and outmode != 'data': try: synths = num.vstack([trc.ydata for trc in synt_trcs]) except ValueError: lengths = [trc.ydata.size for trc in synt_trcs] tmins = num.array([trc.tmin for trc in synt_trcs]) tmaxs = num.array([trc.tmax for trc in synt_trcs]) tmins -= tmins.min() print('lengths', lengths) print('tmins', tmins) print('tmaxs', tmins) print('duration', tmaxs - tmins) print('arrival_times', arrival_times) print('arrival_times norm', arrival_times - arrival_times.min()) trace.snuffle(synt_trcs) raise ValueError('Stacking error, traces different lengths!') # stack traces for all sources t6 = time() if ns == 1: outstack = synths else: outstack = num.zeros([nt, synths.shape[1]]) for k in range(ns): outstack += synths[(k * nt):(k + 1) * nt, :] t7 = time() logger.debug('Stack traces time %f' % (t7 - t6)) # get taper times for tapering data as well tmins = num.array([getattr(at, chop_bounds[0]) for at in taperers]) else: # no taper defined so return trace tmins tmins = num.array([trc.tmin for trc in synt_trcs]) if outmode == 'stacked_traces': if arrival_taper: outtraces = [] oapp = outtraces.append for i in range(nt): synt_trcs[i].ydata = outstack[i, :] oapp(synt_trcs[i]) return outtraces, tmins else: raise TypeError( 'arrival taper has to be defined for %s type!' % outmode) elif outmode == 'data': return synt_trcs, tmins elif outmode == 'tapered_data': outlist = [[] for i in range(nt)] for i, tr in enumerate(synt_trcs): outlist[taper_index[i]].append(tr) return outlist, tmins elif outmode == 'array': logger.debug('Returning...') return outstack, tmins else: raise TypeError('Outmode %s not supported!' % outmode)
[docs]def geo_synthetics( engine, targets, sources, outmode='stacked_array', plot=False, nprocs=1): """ Calculate synthetic displacements for a given static fomosto Greens Function database for sources and targets on the earths surface. Parameters ---------- engine : :class:`` sources : list containing :class:`` Objects reference source is the first in the list!!! targets : list containing :class:`` Objects plot : boolean flag for looking at synthetics - not implemented yet nprocs : int number of processors to use for synthetics calculation --> currently no effect !!! outmode : string output format of synthetics can be: 'array', 'arrays', 'stacked_array','stacked_arrays' Returns ------- depends on outmode: 'stacked_array' :class:`numpy.ndarray` (n_observations; ux-North, uy-East, uz-Down) 'stacked_arrays' or list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` (target.samples; ux-North, uy-East, uz-Down) """ response = engine.process(sources, targets) ns = len(sources) nt = len(targets) def stack_arrays(targets, disp_arrays): stacked_arrays = [] sapp = stacked_arrays.append for target in targets: sapp(num.zeros([target.lons.size, 3])) for k in range(ns): for l in range(nt): idx = l + (k * nt) stacked_arrays[l] += disp_arrays[idx] return stacked_arrays disp_arrays = [] dapp = disp_arrays.append for sresult in response.static_results(): n = sresult.result['displacement.n'] e = sresult.result['displacement.e'] u = -sresult.result['displacement.d'] dapp(num.vstack([n, e, u]).T) if outmode == 'arrays': return disp_arrays elif outmode == 'array': return num.vstack(disp_arrays) elif outmode == 'stacked_arrays': return stack_arrays(targets, disp_arrays) elif outmode == 'stacked_array': return num.vstack(stack_arrays(targets, disp_arrays)) else: raise ValueError('Outmode %s not available' % outmode)
[docs]def taper_filter_traces( traces, arrival_taper=None, filterer=None, deltat=None, arrival_times=None, plot=False, outmode='array', taper_tolerance_factor=0., chop_bounds=['b', 'c']): """ Taper and filter data_traces according to given taper and filterers. Tapering will start at the given tmin. Parameters ---------- traces : List containing :class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` objects arrival_taper : :class:`ArrivalTaper` filterer : list of :class:`Filterer` deltat : float if set data is downsampled to that sampling interval arrival_times : list or:class:`numpy.ndarray` containing the start times [s] since 1st.January 1970 to start tapering outmode : str defines the output structure, options: "stacked_traces", "array", "data" taper_tolerance_factor : float tolerance to chop traces around taper.a and taper.d chop_bounds : list of len 2 of taper attributes a, b, c, or d Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` with tapered and filtered data traces, rows different traces, columns temporal values """ cut_traces = [] ctpp = cut_traces.append for i, tr in enumerate(traces): cut_trace = tr.copy() cut_trace.set_location('f') if arrival_taper: taper = arrival_taper.get_pyrocko_taper(float(arrival_times[i])) else: taper = None logger.debug( 'Filtering, tapering, chopping ... ' 'trace_samples: %i' % cut_trace.ydata.size) cut_trace = post_process_trace( trace=cut_trace, taper=taper, filterer=filterer, deltat=deltat, taper_tolerance_factor=taper_tolerance_factor, outmode=outmode, chop_bounds=chop_bounds) ctpp(cut_trace) if plot: trace.snuffle(cut_traces + traces) if outmode == 'array': if arrival_taper: logger.debug('Returning chopped traces ...') try: return num.vstack( [ctr.ydata for ctr in cut_traces]) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Traces have different length, cannot return array!') else: raise IOError('Cannot return array without tapering!') else: return cut_traces
[docs]def velocities_from_pole( lats, lons, pole_lat, pole_lon, omega, earth_shape='ellipsoid'): """ Return horizontal velocities at input locations for rotation around given Euler pole Parameters ---------- lats: :class:`numpy.NdArray` of geographic latitudes [deg] of points to calculate velocities for lons: :class:`numpy.NdArray` of geographic longitudes [deg] of points to calculate velocities for pole_lat: float Euler pole latitude [deg] pole_lon: float Euler pole longitude [deg] omega: float angle of rotation around Euler pole [deg / million yrs] Returns ------- :class:`numpy.NdArray` of velocities [m / yrs] npoints x 3 (NEU) """ r_earth = orthodrome.earthradius def cartesian_to_local(lat, lon): rlat = lat * d2r rlon = lon * d2r return num.array([ [-num.sin(rlat) * num.cos(rlon), -num.sin(rlat) * num.sin(rlon), num.cos(rlat)], [-num.sin(rlon), num.cos(rlon), num.zeros_like(rlat)], [-num.cos(rlat) * num.cos(rlon), -num.cos(rlat) * num.sin(rlon), -num.sin(rlat)]]) npoints = lats.size if earth_shape == 'sphere': latlons = num.atleast_2d(num.vstack([lats, lons]).T) platlons = num.hstack([pole_lat, pole_lon]) xyz_points = orthodrome.latlon_to_xyz(latlons) xyz_pole = orthodrome.latlon_to_xyz(platlons) elif earth_shape == 'ellipsoid': xyz = orthodrome.geodetic_to_ecef(lats, lons, num.zeros_like(lats)) xyz_points = num.atleast_2d(num.vstack(xyz).T) / r_earth xyz_pole = num.hstack( orthodrome.geodetic_to_ecef(pole_lat, pole_lon, 0.)) / r_earth omega_rad_yr = omega * 1e-6 * d2r * r_earth xyz_poles = num.tile(xyz_pole, npoints).reshape(npoints, 3) v_vecs = num.cross(xyz_poles, xyz_points) vels_cartesian = omega_rad_yr * v_vecs T = cartesian_to_local(lats, lons) return num.einsum('ijk->ik', T * vels_cartesian.T).T
[docs]class StrainRateTensor(Object): exx = Float.T(default=10) eyy = Float.T(default=0) exy = Float.T(default=0) rotation = Float.T(default=0) def from_point(point): kwargs = {varname: float(rv) for varname, rv in point.items()} return StrainRateTensor(**kwargs) @property def m4(self): return num.array([ [self.exx, 0.5 * (self.exy + self.rotation)], [0.5 * (self.exy - self.rotation), self.eyy]]) @property def shear_strain_rate(self): return float( 0.5 * num.sqrt((self.exx - self.eyy) ** 2 + 4 * self.exy ** 2)) @property def eps1(self): """ Maximum extension eigenvalue of strain rate tensor, extension positive. """ return float(0.5 * (self.exx + self.eyy) + self.shear_strain_rate) @property def eps2(self): """ Maximum compression eigenvalue of strain rate tensor, extension positive. """ return float(0.5 * (self.exx + self.eyy) - self.shear_strain_rate) @property def azimuth(self): """ Direction of eps2 compared towards North [deg]. """ return float( 0.5 * r2d * num.arctan(2 * self.exy / (self.exx - self.exy)))
[docs]def velocities_from_strain_rate_tensor( lats, lons, exx=0., eyy=0., exy=0., rotation=0.): """ Get velocities [m] from 2d area strain rate tensor. Geographic coordinates are reprojected internally wrt. the centroid of the input locations. Parameters ---------- lats : array-like :class:`numpy.ndarray` geographic latitudes in [deg] lons : array-like :class:`numpy.ndarray` geographic longitudes in [deg] exx : float component of the 2d area strain-rate tensor [nanostrain] x-North eyy : float component of the 2d area strain-rate tensor [nanostrain] y-East exy : float component of the 2d area strain-rate tensor [nanostrain] rotation : float clockwise rotation rate around the centroid of input locations Returns ------- v_xyz: 2d array-like :class:`numpy.ndarray` Deformation rate in [m] in x - East, y - North, z - Up Direction """ D = num.array([ [float(exx), 0.5 * float(exy + rotation)], [0.5 * float(exy - rotation), float(eyy)]]) * nanostrain mid_lat, mid_lon = orthodrome.geographic_midpoint(lats, lons) norths, easts = orthodrome.latlon_to_ne_numpy(mid_lat, mid_lon, lats, lons) nes = num.atleast_2d(num.vstack([norths, easts])) v_x, v_y = v_xyz = num.zeros((lats.size, 3)) v_xyz[:, 0] = v_x v_xyz[:, 1] = v_y return v_xyz
[docs]def get_ramp_displacement(locx, locy, azimuth_ramp, range_ramp, offset): """ Get synthetic residual plane in azimuth and range direction of the satellite. Parameters ---------- locx : shared array-like :class:`numpy.ndarray` local coordinates [km] in east direction locy : shared array-like :class:`numpy.ndarray` local coordinates [km] in north direction azimuth_ramp : :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector with ramp parameter in azimuth range_ramp : :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector with ramp parameter in range offset : :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` scalar of offset in [m] """ return locy * azimuth_ramp + locx * range_ramp + offset
[docs]def check_problem_stores(problem, datatypes): """ Check GF stores for empty traces. """'Checking stores for empty traces ...') corrupted_stores = {} for datatype in datatypes: engine = problem.composites[datatype].engine storeids = engine.get_store_ids() cstores = [] for store_id in storeids: store = engine.get_store(store_id) stats = store.stats() if stats['empty'] > 0: cstores.append(store_id) engine.close_cashed_stores() corrupted_stores[datatype] = cstores return corrupted_stores