Source code for pyrocko.scenario.sources.base

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

Base class for source generators.

import os.path as op

from pyrocko import moment_tensor
from pyrocko.guts import Timestamp, Float, Int, Bool, String, load_all

from ..base import LocationGenerator
from ..error import ScenarioError

km = 1e3
guts_prefix = 'pf.scenario'

[docs]class SourceGenerator(LocationGenerator): ''' Base class for source generators. Provides the functionality to read sources from a file. Base class for generators producing random sources. ''' nevents = Int.T(default=2) avoid_water = Bool.T( default=False, help='Avoid sources offshore under the ocean / lakes.') time_min = Timestamp.T(default=Timestamp.D('2017-01-01 00:00:00')) time_max = Timestamp.T(default=Timestamp.D('2017-01-03 00:00:00')) magnitude_min = Float.T( default=4.0, help='minimum moment magnitude') magnitude_max = Float.T( optional=True, help='if set, maximum moment magnitude for a uniform distribution. ' 'If set to ``None``, magnitudes are drawn using a ' 'Gutenberg-Richter distribution, see :gattr:`b_value`.') b_value = Float.T( optional=True, help='b-value for Gutenberg-Richter magnitude distribution. If unset, ' 'a value of 1 is assumed.') source_file = String.T( optional=True, help='Path to source file. Sources are used as scenario events') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SourceGenerator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.b_value is not None and self.magnitude_max is not None: raise ScenarioError( '%s: b_value and magnitude_max are mutually exclusive.' % self.__class__.__name__) def draw_magnitude(self, rstate): if self.b_value is None and self.magnitude_max is None: b_value = 1.0 else: b_value = self.b_value if b_value is None: return rstate.uniform(self.magnitude_min, self.magnitude_max) else: return moment_tensor.rand_to_gutenberg_richter( rstate.rand(), b_value, magnitude_min=self.magnitude_min) def get_sources(self): sources = [] if self.source_file is not None: sources = load_all(filename=self.source_file) self.nevents = len(sources) for ievent in range(self.nevents): sources[ievent].name = 'scenario_ev%03d' % (ievent + 1) return sources else: for ievent in range(self.nevents): src = self.get_source(ievent) = 'scenario_ev%03d' % (ievent + 1) sources.append(src) return sources def ensure_data(self, path): fn_sources = op.join(path, 'sources.yml') if not op.exists(fn_sources): with open(fn_sources, 'w') as f: for src in self.get_sources(): f.write(src.dump()) fn_events = op.join(path, 'events.txt') if not op.exists(fn_events): with open(fn_events, 'w') as f: for isrc, src in enumerate(self.get_sources()): f.write(src.pyrocko_event().dump()) def add_map_artists(self, automap): pass