Source code for pyrocko.plot.beachball

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

from math import pi as PI
import logging
import numpy as num

from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

from pyrocko import moment_tensor as mtm

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.plot.beachball')

NA = num.newaxis
d2r = num.pi / 180.

def view_rotation(strike, dip):
    return mtm.euler_to_matrix(
        dip*d2r, strike*d2r, -90.*d2r)

_view_south = view_rotation(90., 90.)
_view_north = view_rotation(-90., 90.)
_view_east = view_rotation(0., 90.)
_view_west = view_rotation(180., 90.)

class BeachballError(Exception):

class _FixedPointOffsetTransform(Transform):
    def __init__(self, trans, dpi_scale_trans, fixed_point):
        self.input_dims = self.output_dims = 2
        self.has_inverse = False
        self.trans = trans
        self.dpi_scale_trans = dpi_scale_trans
        self.fixed_point = num.asarray(fixed_point, dtype=num.float64)

    def transform_non_affine(self, values):
        fp = self.trans.transform(self.fixed_point)
        return fp + self.dpi_scale_trans.transform(values)

def vnorm(points):
    return num.sqrt(num.sum(points**2, axis=1))

def clean_poly(points):
    if not num.all(points[0, :] == points[-1, :]):
        points = num.vstack((points, points[0:1, :]))

    dupl = num.concatenate(
        (num.all(points[1:, :] == points[:-1, :], axis=1), [False]))
    points = points[num.logical_not(dupl)]
    return points

def close_poly(points):
    if not num.all(points[0, :] == points[-1, :]):
        points = num.vstack((points, points[0:1, :]))

    return points

def circulation(points, axis):
    # assert num.all(points[:, axis] >= 0.0) or num.all(points[:, axis] <= 0.0)

    points2 = points[:, ((axis+2) % 3, (axis+1) % 3)].copy()
    points2 *= 1.0 / num.sqrt(1.0 + num.abs(points[:, axis]))[:, num.newaxis]

    result = -num.sum(
        (points2[1:, 0] - points2[:-1, 0]) *
        (points2[1:, 1] + points2[:-1, 1]))

    result -= (points2[0, 0] - points2[-1, 0]) \
        * (points2[0, 1] + points2[-1, 1])
    return result

def spoly_cut(l_points, axis=0, nonsimple=True, arcres=181):
    dphi = 2.*PI / (2*arcres)

    # cut sub-polygons and gather crossing point information
    crossings = []
    snippets = {}
    for ipath, points in enumerate(l_points):
        if not num.all(points[0, :] == points[-1, :]):
            points = num.vstack((points, points[0:1, :]))

        # get upward crossing points
        iup = num.where(num.logical_and(points[:-1, axis] <= 0.,
                                        points[1:, axis] > 0.))[0]
        aup = - points[iup, axis] / (points[iup+1, axis] - points[iup, axis])
        pup = points[iup, :] + aup[:, num.newaxis] * (points[iup+1, :] -
                                                      points[iup, :])
        phiup = num.arctan2(pup[:, (axis+2) % 3], pup[:, (axis+1) % 3])

        for i in range(len(iup)):
            crossings.append((phiup[i], ipath, iup[i], 1, pup[i], [1, -1]))

        # get downward crossing points
        idown = num.where(num.logical_and(points[:-1, axis] > 0.,
                                          points[1:, axis] <= 0.))[0]
        adown = - points[idown+1, axis] / (points[idown, axis] -
                                           points[idown+1, axis])
        pdown = points[idown+1, :] + adown[:, num.newaxis] * (
            points[idown, :] - points[idown+1, :])
        phidown = num.arctan2(pdown[:, (axis+2) % 3], pdown[:, (axis+1) % 3])

        for i in range(idown.size):
                (phidown[i], ipath, idown[i], -1, pdown[i], [1, -1]))

        icuts = num.sort(num.concatenate((iup, idown)))

        for i in range(icuts.size-1):
            snippets[ipath, icuts[i]] = (
                ipath, icuts[i+1], points[icuts[i]+1:icuts[i+1]+1])

        if icuts.size:
            points_last = num.concatenate((

            snippets[ipath, icuts[-1]] = (ipath, icuts[0], points_last)
            snippets[ipath, 0] = (ipath, 0, points)


    # assemble new sub-polygons
    current = snippets.pop(list(snippets.keys())[0])
    outs = [[]]
    while True:
        for i, c1 in enumerate(crossings):
            if c1[1:3] == current[:2]:
                direction = -1 * c1[3]
            if not snippets:
            current = snippets.pop(list(snippets.keys())[0])

        while True:
            i = (i + direction) % len(crossings)
            if crossings[i][3] == direction and direction in crossings[i][-1]:

        c2 = crossings[i]

        phi1 = c1[0]
        phi2 = c2[0]
        if direction == 1:
            if phi1 > phi2:
                phi2 += PI * 2.

        if direction == -1:
            if phi1 < phi2:
                phi2 -= PI * 2.

        n = int(abs(phi2 - phi1) / dphi) + 2

        phis = num.linspace(phi1, phi2, n)
        cpoints = num.zeros((n, 3))
        cpoints[:, (axis+1) % 3] = num.cos(phis)
        cpoints[:, (axis+2) % 3] = num.sin(phis)
        cpoints[:, axis] = 0.0


            current = snippets[c2[1:3]]
            del snippets[c2[1:3]]

        except KeyError:
            if not snippets:

            current = snippets.pop(list(snippets.keys())[0])

    # separate hemispheres, force polygons closed, remove duplicate points
    # remove polygons with less than 3 points (4, when counting repeated
    # endpoint)

    outs_upper = []
    outs_lower = []
    for out in outs:
        if out:
            out = clean_poly(num.vstack(out))
            if out.shape[0] >= 4:
                if num.sum(out[:, axis]) > 0.0:

    if nonsimple and (
            len(crossings) == 0 or
            len(outs_upper) == 0 or
            len(outs_lower) == 0):

        # check if we are cutting between holes
        need_divider = False
        if outs_upper:
            candis = sorted(
                outs_upper, key=lambda out: num.min(out[:, axis]))

            if circulation(candis[0], axis) > 0.0:
                need_divider = True

        if outs_lower:
            candis = sorted(
                outs_lower, key=lambda out: num.max(out[:, axis]))

            if circulation(candis[0], axis) < 0.0:
                need_divider = True

        if need_divider:
            phi1 = 0.
            phi2 = PI*2.
            n = int(abs(phi2 - phi1) / dphi) + 2

            phis = num.linspace(phi1, phi2, n)
            cpoints = num.zeros((n, 3))
            cpoints[:, (axis+1) % 3] = num.cos(phis)
            cpoints[:, (axis+2) % 3] = num.sin(phis)
            cpoints[:, axis] = 0.0

            outs_lower.append(cpoints[::-1, :])

    return outs_lower, outs_upper

def numpy_rtp2xyz(rtp):
    r = rtp[:, 0]
    theta = rtp[:, 1]
    phi = rtp[:, 2]
    vecs = num.empty(rtp.shape, dtype=num.float64)
    vecs[:, 0] = r*num.sin(theta)*num.cos(phi)
    vecs[:, 1] = r*num.sin(theta)*num.sin(phi)
    vecs[:, 2] = r*num.cos(theta)
    return vecs

def numpy_xyz2rtp(xyz):
    x, y, z = xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2]
    vecs = num.empty(xyz.shape, dtype=num.float64)
    vecs[:, 0] = num.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
    vecs[:, 1] = num.arctan2(num.sqrt(x**2+y**2), z)
    vecs[:, 2] = num.arctan2(y, x)
    return vecs

def circle_points(aphi, sign=1.0):
    vecs = num.empty((aphi.size, 3), dtype=num.float64)
    vecs[:, 0] = num.cos(sign*aphi)
    vecs[:, 1] = num.sin(sign*aphi)
    vecs[:, 2] = 0.0
    return vecs

def eig2gx(eig, arcres=181):
    aphi = num.linspace(0., 2.*PI, arcres)
    ep, en, et, vp, vn, vt = eig

    mt_sign = num.sign(ep + en + et)

    groups = []
    for (pt_name, pt_sign) in [('P', -1.), ('T', 1.)]:
        patches = []
        patches_lower = []
        patches_upper = []
        lines = []
        lines_lower = []
        lines_upper = []
        for iperm, (va, vb, vc, ea, eb, ec) in enumerate([
                (vp, vn, vt, ep, en, et),
                (vt, vp, vn, et, ep, en)]):  # (vn, vt, vp, en, et, ep)]):

            perm_sign = [-1.0, 1.0][iperm]
            to_e = num.vstack((vb, vc, va))
            from_e = to_e.T

            poly_es = []
            polys = []
            for sign in (-1., 1.):
                xphi = perm_sign*pt_sign*sign*aphi
                denom = eb*num.cos(xphi)**2 + ec*num.sin(xphi)**2
                if num.any(denom == 0.):

                Y = -ea/denom
                if num.any(Y < 0.):

                xtheta = num.arctan(num.sqrt(Y))
                rtp = num.empty(xphi.shape+(3,), dtype=num.float64)
                rtp[:, 0] = 1.
                if sign > 0:
                    rtp[:, 1] = xtheta
                    rtp[:, 1] = PI - xtheta

                rtp[:, 2] = xphi
                poly_e = numpy_rtp2xyz(rtp)
                poly =, poly_e.T).T
                poly[:, 2] -= 0.001


            if polys:
                polys_lower, polys_upper = spoly_cut(polys, 2, arcres=arcres)

            if poly_es:
                for aa in spoly_cut(poly_es, 0, arcres=arcres):
                    for bb in spoly_cut(aa, 1, arcres=arcres):
                        for cc in spoly_cut(bb, 2, arcres=arcres):
                            for poly_e in cc:
                                poly =, poly_e.T).T
                                poly[:, 2] -= 0.001
                                polys_lower, polys_upper = spoly_cut(
                                    [poly], 2, nonsimple=False, arcres=arcres)


        if not patches:
            if mt_sign * pt_sign == 1.:
                patches_lower.append(circle_points(aphi, -1.0))
                patches_upper.append(circle_points(aphi, 1.0))
                lines_lower.append(circle_points(aphi, -1.0))
                lines_upper.append(circle_points(aphi, 1.0))

            patches, patches_lower, patches_upper,
            lines, lines_lower, lines_upper))

    return groups

def extr(points):
    pmean = num.mean(points, axis=0)
    return points + pmean*0.05

def draw_eigenvectors_mpl(eig, axes):
    vp, vn, vt = eig[3:]
    for lab, v in [('P', vp), ('N', vn), ('T', vt)]:
        sign = num.sign(v[2]) + (v[2] == 0.0)
        axes.plot(sign*v[1], sign*v[0], 'o', color='black')
        axes.text(sign*v[1], sign*v[0], '  '+lab)

[docs]def project(points, projection='lambert'): ''' Project 3D points to 2D. :param projection: Projection to use. Choices: ``'lambert'``, ``'stereographic'``, ``'orthographic'``. :type projection: str ''' points_out = points[:, :2].copy() if projection == 'lambert': factor = 1.0 / num.sqrt(1.0 + points[:, 2]) elif projection == 'stereographic': factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + points[:, 2]) elif projection == 'orthographic': factor = None else: raise BeachballError( 'invalid argument for projection: %s' % projection) if factor is not None: points_out *= factor[:, num.newaxis] return points_out
def inverse_project(points, projection='lambert'): points_out = num.zeros((points.shape[0], 3)) rsqr = points[:, 0]**2 + points[:, 1]**2 if projection == 'lambert': points_out[:, 2] = 1.0 - rsqr points_out[:, 1] = num.sqrt(2.0 - rsqr) * points[:, 1] points_out[:, 0] = num.sqrt(2.0 - rsqr) * points[:, 0] elif projection == 'stereographic': points_out[:, 2] = - (rsqr - 1.0) / (rsqr + 1.0) points_out[:, 1] = 2.0 * points[:, 1] / (rsqr + 1.0) points_out[:, 0] = 2.0 * points[:, 0] / (rsqr + 1.0) elif projection == 'orthographic': points_out[:, 2] = num.sqrt(num.maximum(1.0 - rsqr, 0.0)) points_out[:, 1] = points[:, 1] points_out[:, 0] = points[:, 0] else: raise BeachballError( 'invalid argument for projection: %s' % projection) return points_out def deco_part(mt, mt_type='full', view='top'): mt = mtm.as_mt(mt) if isinstance(view, str): if view == 'top': pass elif view == 'north': mt = mt.rotated(_view_north) elif view == 'south': mt = mt.rotated(_view_south) elif view == 'east': mt = mt.rotated(_view_east) elif view == 'west': mt = mt.rotated(_view_west) elif isinstance(view, tuple): mt = mt.rotated(view_rotation(*view)) else: raise BeachballError( 'Invaild argument for `view`. Allowed values are "top", "north", ' '"south", "east", "west" or a tuple of angles `(strike, dip)` ' 'orienting the view plane.') if mt_type == 'full': return mt res = mt.standard_decomposition() m = dict( dc=res[1][2], deviatoric=res[3][2])[mt_type] return mtm.MomentTensor(m=m) def choose_transform(axes, size_units, position, size): if size_units == 'points': transform = _FixedPointOffsetTransform( axes.transData, axes.figure.dpi_scale_trans, position) if size is None: size = 12. size = size * 0.5 / 72. position = (0., 0.) elif size_units == 'data': transform = axes.transData if size is None: size = 1.0 size = size * 0.5 elif size_units == 'axes': transform = axes.transAxes if size is None: size = 1. size = size * .5 else: raise BeachballError( 'invalid argument for size_units: %s' % size_units) position = num.asarray(position, dtype=num.float64) return transform, position, size def mt2beachball( mt, beachball_type='deviatoric', position=(0., 0.), size=None, color_t='red', color_p='white', edgecolor='black', linewidth=2, projection='lambert', view='top'): position = num.asarray(position, dtype=num.float64) size = size or 1 mt = deco_part(mt, beachball_type, view) eig = mt.eigensystem() if eig[0] == 0. and eig[1] == 0. and eig[2] == 0: raise BeachballError('eigenvalues are zero') data = [] for (group, patches, patches_lower, patches_upper, lines, lines_lower, lines_upper) in eig2gx(eig): if group == 'P': color = color_p else: color = color_t for poly in patches_upper: verts = project(poly, projection)[:, ::-1] * size + \ position[NA, :] data.append((verts, color, color, 1.0)) for poly in lines_upper: verts = project(poly, projection)[:, ::-1] * size + \ position[NA, :] data.append((verts, 'none', edgecolor, linewidth)) return data
[docs]def plot_beachball_mpl( mt, axes, beachball_type='deviatoric', position=(0., 0.), size=None, zorder=0, color_t='red', color_p='white', edgecolor='black', linewidth=2, alpha=1.0, arcres=181, decimation=1, projection='lambert', size_units='points', view='top'): ''' Plot beachball diagram to a Matplotlib plot :param mt: :py:class:`pyrocko.moment_tensor.MomentTensor` object or an array or sequence which can be converted into an MT object :param beachball_type: ``'deviatoric'`` (default), ``'full'``, or ``'dc'`` :param position: position of the beachball in data coordinates :param size: diameter of the beachball either in points or in data coordinates, depending on the ``size_units`` setting :param zorder: (passed through to matplotlib drawing functions) :param color_t: color for compressional quadrants (default: ``'red'``) :param color_p: color for extensive quadrants (default: ``'white'``) :param edgecolor: color for lines (default: ``'black'``) :param linewidth: linewidth in points (default: ``2``) :param alpha: (passed through to matplotlib drawing functions) :param projection: ``'lambert'`` (default), ``'stereographic'``, or ``'orthographic'`` :param size_units: ``'points'`` (default) or ``'data'``, where the latter causes the beachball to be projected in the plots data coordinates (axes must have an aspect ratio of 1.0 or the beachball will be shown distorted when using this). :param view: View the beachball from ``'top'``, ``'north'``, ``'south'``, ``'east'`` or ``'west'``, or project onto plane given by ``(strike, dip)``. Useful to show beachballs in cross-sections. Default is ``'top'``. ''' transform, position, size = choose_transform( axes, size_units, position, size) mt = deco_part(mt, beachball_type, view) eig = mt.eigensystem() if eig[0] == 0. and eig[1] == 0. and eig[2] == 0: raise BeachballError('eigenvalues are zero') data = [] for (group, patches, patches_lower, patches_upper, lines, lines_lower, lines_upper) in eig2gx(eig, arcres): if group == 'P': color = color_p else: color = color_t # plot "upper" features for lower hemisphere, because coordinate system # is NED for poly in patches_upper: verts = project(poly, projection)[:, ::-1] * size + position[NA, :] if alpha == 1.0: data.append( (verts[::decimation], color, color, linewidth)) else: data.append( (verts[::decimation], color, 'none', 0.0)) for poly in lines_upper: verts = project(poly, projection)[:, ::-1] * size + position[NA, :] data.append( (verts[::decimation], 'none', edgecolor, linewidth)) patches = [] for (path, facecolor, edgecolor, linewidth) in data: patches.append(Polygon( xy=path, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha)) collection = PatchCollection( patches, zorder=zorder, transform=transform, match_original=True) axes.add_artist(collection) return collection
def amplitudes_ned(mt, vecs): ep, en, et, vp, vn, vt = mt.eigensystem() to_e = num.vstack((vn, vt, vp)) vecs_e =, vecs.T).T rtp = numpy_xyz2rtp(vecs_e) atheta, aphi = rtp[:, 1], rtp[:, 2] return ep * num.cos(atheta)**2 + ( en * num.cos(aphi)**2 + et * num.sin(aphi)**2) * num.sin(atheta)**2
[docs]def amplitudes(mt, azimuths, takeoff_angles): ''' Get beachball amplitude values for selected azimuths and takeoff angles. :param azimuths: Azimuths, measured clockwise from north [deg]. :type azimuths: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param takeoff_angles: Takeoff angles, measured from downward vertical [deg]. :type takeoff_angles: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` ''' azimuths = num.asarray(azimuths, dtype=float) takeoff_angles = num.asarray(takeoff_angles, dtype=float) assert azimuths.size == takeoff_angles.size rtps = num.vstack( (num.ones(azimuths.size), takeoff_angles*d2r, azimuths*d2r)).T vecs = numpy_rtp2xyz(rtps) return amplitudes_ned(mt, vecs)
def mts2amps( mts, projection, beachball_type, grid_resolution=200, mask=True, view='top'): n_balls = len(mts) nx = grid_resolution ny = grid_resolution x = num.linspace(-1., 1., nx) y = num.linspace(-1., 1., ny) vecs2 = num.zeros((nx * ny, 2), dtype=num.float64) vecs2[:, 0] = num.tile(x, ny) vecs2[:, 1] = num.repeat(y, nx) ii_ok = vecs2[:, 0]**2 + vecs2[:, 1]**2 <= 1.0 amps = num.full(nx * ny, num.nan, dtype=num.float64) amps[ii_ok] = 0. vecs3_ok = inverse_project(vecs2[ii_ok, :], projection) for mt in mts: amps_ok = amplitudes_ned(deco_part(mt, beachball_type, view), vecs3_ok) if mask: amps_ok[amps_ok > 0] = 1. amps_ok[amps_ok < 0] = 0. amps[ii_ok] += amps_ok return num.reshape(amps, (ny, nx)) / n_balls, x, y
[docs]def plot_fuzzy_beachball_mpl_pixmap( mts, axes, best_mt=None, beachball_type='deviatoric', position=(0., 0.), size=None, zorder=0, color_t='red', color_p='white', edgecolor='black', best_color='red', linewidth=2, alpha=1.0, projection='lambert', size_units='data', grid_resolution=200, method='imshow', view='top'): ''' Plot fuzzy beachball from a list of given MomentTensors :param mts: list of :py:class:`pyrocko.moment_tensor.MomentTensor` object or an array or sequence which can be converted into an MT object :param best_mt: :py:class:`pyrocko.moment_tensor.MomentTensor` object or an array or sequence which can be converted into an MT object of most likely or minimum misfit solution to extra highlight :param best_color: mpl color for best MomentTensor edges, polygons are not plotted See plot_beachball_mpl for other arguments ''' if size_units == 'points': raise BeachballError( 'size_units="points" not supported in ' 'plot_fuzzy_beachball_mpl_pixmap') transform, position, size = choose_transform( axes, size_units, position, size) amps, x, y = mts2amps( mts, grid_resolution=grid_resolution, projection=projection, beachball_type=beachball_type, mask=True, view=view) ncolors = 256 cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'dummy', [color_p, color_t], N=ncolors) levels = num.linspace(0, 1., ncolors) if method == 'contourf': axes.contourf( position[0] + y * size, position[1] + x * size, amps.T, levels=levels, cmap=cmap, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha) elif method == 'imshow': axes.imshow( amps.T, extent=( position[0] + y[0] * size, position[0] + y[-1] * size, position[1] - x[0] * size, position[1] - x[-1] * size), cmap=cmap, transform=transform, zorder=zorder-0.1, alpha=alpha) else: assert False, 'invalid `method` argument' # draw optimum edges if best_mt is not None: best_amps, bx, by = mts2amps( [best_mt], grid_resolution=grid_resolution, projection=projection, beachball_type=beachball_type, mask=False) axes.contour( position[0] + by * size, position[1] + bx * size, best_amps.T, levels=[0.], colors=[best_color], linewidths=linewidth, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha) phi = num.linspace(0., 2 * PI, 361) x = num.cos(phi) y = num.sin(phi) axes.plot( position[0] + x * size, position[1] + y * size, linewidth=linewidth, color=edgecolor, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha)
def plot_beachball_mpl_construction( mt, axes, show='patches', beachball_type='deviatoric', view='top'): mt = deco_part(mt, beachball_type, view) eig = mt.eigensystem() for (group, patches, patches_lower, patches_upper, lines, lines_lower, lines_upper) in eig2gx(eig): if group == 'P': color = 'blue' lw = 1 else: color = 'red' lw = 1 if show == 'patches': for poly in patches_upper: px, py, pz = poly.T axes.plot(*extr(poly).T, color=color, lw=lw, alpha=0.5) if show == 'lines': for poly in lines_upper: px, py, pz = poly.T axes.plot(*extr(poly).T, color=color, lw=lw, alpha=0.5) def plot_beachball_mpl_pixmap( mt, axes, beachball_type='deviatoric', position=(0., 0.), size=None, zorder=0, color_t='red', color_p='white', edgecolor='black', linewidth=2, alpha=1.0, projection='lambert', size_units='data', view='top'): if size_units == 'points': raise BeachballError( 'size_units="points" not supported in plot_beachball_mpl_pixmap') transform, position, size = choose_transform( axes, size_units, position, size) mt = deco_part(mt, beachball_type, view) ep, en, et, vp, vn, vt = mt.eigensystem() amps, x, y = mts2amps( [mt], projection, beachball_type, grid_resolution=200, mask=False) axes.contourf( position[0] + y * size, position[1] + x * size, amps.T, levels=[-num.inf, 0., num.inf], colors=[color_p, color_t], transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha) axes.contour( position[0] + y * size, position[1] + x * size, amps.T, levels=[0.], colors=[edgecolor], linewidths=linewidth, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha) phi = num.linspace(0., 2 * PI, 361) x = num.cos(phi) y = num.sin(phi) axes.plot( position[0] + x * size, position[1] + y * size, linewidth=linewidth, color=edgecolor, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyrocko import model args = sys.argv[1:] data = [] for iarg, arg in enumerate(args): if os.path.exists(arg): events = model.load_events(arg) for ev in events: if not ev.moment_tensor: logger.warning('no moment tensor given for event') continue data.append((, ev.moment_tensor)) else: vals = list(map(float, arg.split(','))) mt = mtm.as_mt(vals) data.append(('%i' % (iarg+1), mt)) n = len(data) ncols = 1 while ncols**2 < n: ncols += 1 nrows = ncols fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1.) axes.axison = False axes.set_xlim(-0.05 - ncols, ncols + 0.05) axes.set_ylim(-0.05 - nrows, nrows + 0.05) for ibeach, (name, mt) in enumerate(data): irow = ibeach // ncols icol = ibeach % ncols plot_beachball_mpl( mt, axes, position=(icol*2-ncols+1, -irow*2+nrows-1), size_units='data') axes.annotate( name, xy=(icol*2-ncols+1, -irow*2+nrows-2), xycoords='data', xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', rotation=0.)