Source code for pyrocko.plot.automap

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

import math
import random
import logging

    from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
except ImportError:
    from io import BytesIO

import numpy as num

from pyrocko.guts import (Object, Float, Bool, Int, Tuple, String, List,
                          Unicode, Dict)
from pyrocko.guts_array import Array
from pyrocko.dataset import topo
from pyrocko import orthodrome as od
from .cpt import (
    get_cpt_path, CPT, CPTLevel, CPTParseError, read_cpt, write_cpt,
from . import gmtpy
from . import nice_value

CPT, CPTLevel, CPTParseError

points_in_region = od.points_in_region

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.plot.automap')

earthradius = 6371000.0
r2d = 180./math.pi
d2r = 1./r2d
km = 1000.
d2m = d2r*earthradius
m2d = 1./d2m
cm =

def darken(c, f=0.7):
    return (c[0]*f, c[1]*f, c[2]*f)

def corners(lon, lat, w, h):
    ll_lat, ll_lon = od.ne_to_latlon(lat, lon, -0.5*h, -0.5*w)
    ur_lat, ur_lon = od.ne_to_latlon(lat, lon, 0.5*h, 0.5*w)
    return ll_lon, ll_lat, ur_lon, ur_lat

def extent(lon, lat, w, h, n):
    x = num.linspace(-0.5*w, 0.5*w, n)
    y = num.linspace(-0.5*h, 0.5*h, n)
    slats, slons = od.ne_to_latlon(lat, lon, y[0], x)
    nlats, nlons = od.ne_to_latlon(lat, lon, y[-1], x)
    south = slats.min()
    north = nlats.max()

    wlats, wlons = od.ne_to_latlon(lat, lon, y, x[0])
    elats, elons = od.ne_to_latlon(lat, lon, y, x[-1])
    elons = num.where(elons < wlons, elons + 360., elons)

    if elons.max() - elons.min() > 180 or wlons.max() - wlons.min() > 180.:
        west = -180.
        east = 180.
        west = wlons.min()
        east = elons.max()

    return topo.positive_region((west, east, south, north))

class NoTopo(Exception):

class OutOfBounds(Exception):

[docs]class FloatTile(Object): xmin = Float.T() ymin = Float.T() dx = Float.T() dy = Float.T() data = Array.T(shape=(None, None), dtype=float, serialize_as='table') def __init__(self, xmin, ymin, dx, dy, data): Object.__init__(self, init_props=False) self.xmin = float(xmin) self.ymin = float(ymin) self.dx = float(dx) self.dy = float(dy) = data self._set_maxes() def _set_maxes(self): self.ny, self.nx = self.xmax = self.xmin + (self.nx-1) * self.dx self.ymax = self.ymin + (self.ny-1) * self.dy def x(self): return self.xmin + num.arange(self.nx) * self.dx def y(self): return self.ymin + num.arange(self.ny) * self.dy def get(self, x, y): ix = int(round((x - self.xmin) / self.dx)) iy = int(round((y - self.ymin) / self.dy)) if 0 <= ix < self.nx and 0 <= iy < self.ny: return[iy, ix] else: raise OutOfBounds()
[docs]class City(Object): def __init__(self, name, lat, lon, population=None, asciiname=None): name = str(name) lat = float(lat) lon = float(lon) if asciiname is None: asciiname = name.encode('ascii', errors='replace') if population is None: population = 0 else: population = int(population) Object.__init__(self, name=name, lat=lat, lon=lon, population=population, asciiname=asciiname) name = Unicode.T() lat = Float.T() lon = Float.T() population = Int.T() asciiname = String.T()
[docs]class Map(Object): lat = Float.T(optional=True) lon = Float.T(optional=True) radius = Float.T(optional=True) width = Float.T(default=20.) height = Float.T(default=14.) margins = List.T(Float.T()) illuminate = Bool.T(default=True) skip_feature_factor = Float.T(default=0.02) show_grid = Bool.T(default=False) show_topo = Bool.T(default=True) show_scale = Bool.T(default=False) show_topo_scale = Bool.T(default=False) show_center_mark = Bool.T(default=False) show_rivers = Bool.T(default=True) show_plates = Bool.T(default=False) show_plate_velocities = Bool.T(default=False) show_plate_names = Bool.T(default=False) show_boundaries = Bool.T(default=False) illuminate_factor_land = Float.T(default=0.5) illuminate_factor_ocean = Float.T(default=0.25) color_wet = Tuple.T(3, Int.T(), default=(216, 242, 254)) color_dry = Tuple.T(3, Int.T(), default=(172, 208, 165)) color_boundaries = Tuple.T(3, Int.T(), default=(1, 1, 1)) topo_resolution_min = Float.T( default=40., help='minimum resolution of topography [dpi]') topo_resolution_max = Float.T( default=200., help='maximum resolution of topography [dpi]') replace_topo_color_only = FloatTile.T( optional=True, help='replace topo color while keeping topographic shading') topo_cpt_wet = String.T(default='light_sea') topo_cpt_dry = String.T(default='light_land') topo_dry_path = String.T(optional=True) topo_wet_path = String.T(optional=True) axes_layout = String.T(optional=True) custom_cities = List.T(City.T()) gmt_config = Dict.T(String.T(), String.T()) comment = String.T(optional=True) approx_ticks = Int.T(default=4) def __init__(self, gmtversion='newest', **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._gmt = None self._scaler = None self._widget = None self._corners = None self._wesn = None self._minarea = None self._coastline_resolution = None self._rivers = None self._dems = None self._have_topo_land = None self._have_topo_ocean = None self._jxyr = None self._prep_topo_have = None self._labels = [] self._area_labels = [] self._gmtversion = gmtversion
[docs] def save(self, outpath, resolution=75., oversample=2., size=None, width=None, height=None, psconvert=False, crop_eps_mode=False): ''' Save the image. Save the image to ``outpath``. The format is determined by the filename extension. Formats are handled as follows: ``'.eps'`` and ``'.ps'`` produce EPS and PS, respectively, directly with GMT. If the file name ends with ``'.pdf'``, GMT output is fed through ``gmtpy-epstopdf`` to create a PDF file. For any other filename extension, output is first converted to PDF with ``gmtpy-epstopdf``, then with ``pdftocairo`` to PNG with a resolution oversampled by the factor ``oversample`` and finally the PNG is downsampled and converted to the target format with ``convert``. The resolution of rasterized target image can be controlled either by ``resolution`` in DPI or by specifying ``width`` or ``height`` or ``size``, where the latter fits the image into a square with given side length. To save transparency use ``psconvert=True``. To crop the output image with a rectangle to the nearest non-white element set ``crop_eps_mode=True``. ''' gmt = self.gmt self.draw_labels() self.draw_axes() if self.show_topo and self.show_topo_scale: self._draw_topo_scale(), resolution=resolution, oversample=oversample, crop_eps_mode=crop_eps_mode, size=size, width=width, height=height, psconvert=psconvert)
@property def scaler(self): if self._scaler is None: self._setup_geometry() return self._scaler @property def wesn(self): if self._wesn is None: self._setup_geometry() return self._wesn @property def widget(self): if self._widget is None: self._setup() return self._widget @property def layout(self): if self._layout is None: self._setup() return self._layout @property def jxyr(self): if self._jxyr is None: self._setup() return self._jxyr @property def pxyr(self): if self._pxyr is None: self._setup() return self._pxyr @property def gmt(self): if self._gmt is None: self._setup() if self._have_topo_ocean is None: self._draw_background() return self._gmt def _setup(self): if not self._widget: self._setup_geometry() self._setup_lod() self._setup_gmt() def _setup_geometry(self): wpage, hpage = self.width, self.height ml, mr, mt, mb = self._expand_margins() wpage -= ml + mr hpage -= mt + mb wreg = self.radius * 2.0 hreg = self.radius * 2.0 if wpage >= hpage: wreg *= wpage/hpage else: hreg *= hpage/wpage self._wreg = wreg self._hreg = hreg self._corners = corners(self.lon,, wreg, hreg) west, east, south, north = extent(self.lon,, wreg, hreg, 10) x, y, z = ((west, east), (south, north), (-6000., 4500.)) xax = gmtpy.Ax(mode='min-max', approx_ticks=self.approx_ticks) yax = gmtpy.Ax(mode='min-max', approx_ticks=self.approx_ticks) zax = gmtpy.Ax(mode='min-max', inc=1000., label='Height', scaled_unit='km', scaled_unit_factor=0.001) scaler = gmtpy.ScaleGuru(data_tuples=[(x, y, z)], axes=(xax, yax, zax)) par = scaler.get_params() west = par['xmin'] east = par['xmax'] south = par['ymin'] north = par['ymax'] self._wesn = west, east, south, north self._scaler = scaler def _setup_lod(self): w, e, s, n = self._wesn if self.radius > 1500.*km: coastline_resolution = 'i' rivers = False else: coastline_resolution = 'f' rivers = True self._minarea = (self.skip_feature_factor * self.radius/km)**2 self._coastline_resolution = coastline_resolution self._rivers = rivers self._prep_topo_have = {} self._dems = {} cm2inch = dmin = 2.0 * self.radius * m2d / (self.topo_resolution_max * (self.height * cm2inch)) dmax = 2.0 * self.radius * m2d / (self.topo_resolution_min * (self.height * cm2inch)) for k in ['ocean', 'land']: self._dems[k] = topo.select_dem_names(k, dmin, dmax, self._wesn) if self._dems[k]: logger.debug('using topography dataset %s for %s' % (','.join(self._dems[k]), k)) def _expand_margins(self): if len(self.margins) == 0 or len(self.margins) > 4: ml = mr = mt = mb = 2.0 elif len(self.margins) == 1: ml = mr = mt = mb = self.margins[0] elif len(self.margins) == 2: ml = mr = self.margins[0] mt = mb = self.margins[1] elif len(self.margins) == 4: ml, mr, mt, mb = self.margins return ml, mr, mt, mb def _setup_gmt(self): w, h = self.width, self.height scaler = self._scaler if gmtpy.is_gmt5(self._gmtversion): gmtconf = dict( MAP_TICK_PEN_PRIMARY='1.25p', MAP_TICK_PEN_SECONDARY='1.25p', MAP_TICK_LENGTH_PRIMARY='0.2c', MAP_TICK_LENGTH_SECONDARY='0.6c', FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY='12p,1,black', FONT_LABEL='12p,1,black', PS_CHAR_ENCODING='ISOLatin1+', MAP_FRAME_TYPE='fancy', FORMAT_GEO_MAP='D', PS_MEDIA='Custom_%ix%i' % ( w*, h*, PS_PAGE_ORIENTATION='portrait', MAP_GRID_PEN_PRIMARY='thinnest,0/50/0', MAP_ANNOT_OBLIQUE='6') else: gmtconf = dict( TICK_PEN='1.25p', TICK_LENGTH='0.2c', ANNOT_FONT_PRIMARY='1', ANNOT_FONT_SIZE_PRIMARY='12p', LABEL_FONT='1', LABEL_FONT_SIZE='12p', CHAR_ENCODING='ISOLatin1+', BASEMAP_TYPE='fancy', PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT='D', PAPER_MEDIA='Custom_%ix%i' % ( w*, h*, GRID_PEN_PRIMARY='thinnest/0/50/0', DOTS_PR_INCH='1200', OBLIQUE_ANNOTATION='6') gmtconf.update( (k.upper(), v) for (k, v) in self.gmt_config.items()) gmt = gmtpy.GMT(config=gmtconf, version=self._gmtversion) layout = gmt.default_layout() layout.set_fixed_margins(*[x*cm for x in self._expand_margins()]) widget = layout.get_widget() widget['P'] = widget['J'] widget['J'] = ('-JA%g/%g' % (self.lon, + '/%(width)gp' scaler['R'] = '-R%g/%g/%g/%gr' % self._corners # aspect = gmtpy.aspect_for_projection( # gmt.installation['version'], *(widget.J() + scaler.R())) aspect = self._map_aspect(jr=widget.J() + scaler.R()) widget.set_aspect(aspect) self._gmt = gmt self._layout = layout self._widget = widget self._jxyr = self._widget.JXY() + self._scaler.R() self._pxyr = self._widget.PXY() + [ '-R%g/%g/%g/%g' % (0, widget.width(), 0, widget.height())] self._have_drawn_axes = False self._have_drawn_labels = False def _draw_background(self): self._have_topo_land = False self._have_topo_ocean = False if self.show_topo: self._have_topo = self._draw_topo() self._draw_basefeatures() def _read_grd(self, path): lons, lats, z = gmtpy.loadgrd(path) dlons = num.diff(lons) dlats = num.diff(lats) dlon = dlons[0] dlat = dlats[0] eps = 1e-5 assert num.all(num.abs(dlons - dlon) < dlon*eps) assert num.all(num.abs(dlats - dlat) < dlat*eps) return topo.tile.Tile( lons[0], lats[0], dlon, dlat, z) def _get_topo_tile(self, k): if k == 'land' and self.topo_dry_path is not None: return self._read_grd(self.topo_dry_path), 'custom' if k == 'ocean' and self.topo_wet_path is not None: return self._read_grd(self.topo_wet_path), 'custom' t = None demname = None for dem in self._dems[k]: t = topo.get(dem, self._wesn) demname = dem if t is not None: break if not t: raise NoTopo() return t, demname def _prep_topo(self, k): gmt = self._gmt t, demname = self._get_topo_tile(k) if demname not in self._prep_topo_have: grdfile = gmt.tempfilename() is_flat = num.all([0] == gmtpy.savegrd( t.x(), t.y(),, filename=grdfile, naming='lonlat') if self.illuminate and not is_flat: if k == 'ocean': factor = self.illuminate_factor_ocean else: factor = self.illuminate_factor_land ilumfn = gmt.tempfilename() gmt.grdgradient( grdfile, N='e%g' % factor, A=-45, G=ilumfn, out_discard=True) ilumargs = ['-I%s' % ilumfn] else: ilumargs = [] if self.replace_topo_color_only: t2 = self.replace_topo_color_only grdfile2 = gmt.tempfilename() gmtpy.savegrd( t2.x(), t2.y(),, filename=grdfile2, naming='lonlat') if gmt.is_gmt5(): gmt.grdsample( grdfile2, G=grdfile, n='l', I='%g/%g' % (t.dx, t.dy), # noqa R=grdfile, out_discard=True) else: gmt.grdsample( grdfile2, G=grdfile, Q='l', I='%g/%g' % (t.dx, t.dy), # noqa R=grdfile, out_discard=True) gmt.grdmath( grdfile, '0.0', 'AND', '=', grdfile2, out_discard=True) grdfile = grdfile2 self._prep_topo_have[demname] = grdfile, ilumargs return self._prep_topo_have[demname] def _draw_topo(self): widget = self._widget scaler = self._scaler gmt = self._gmt cres = self._coastline_resolution minarea = self._minarea JXY = widget.JXY() R = scaler.R() try: grdfile, ilumargs = self._prep_topo('ocean') gmt.pscoast(D=cres, S='c', A=minarea, *(JXY+R)) gmt.grdimage(grdfile, C=get_cpt_path(self.topo_cpt_wet), *(ilumargs+JXY+R)) gmt.pscoast(Q=True, *(JXY+R)) self._have_topo_ocean = True except NoTopo: self._have_topo_ocean = False try: grdfile, ilumargs = self._prep_topo('land') gmt.pscoast(D=cres, G='c', A=minarea, *(JXY+R)) gmt.grdimage(grdfile, C=get_cpt_path(self.topo_cpt_dry), *(ilumargs+JXY+R)) gmt.pscoast(Q=True, *(JXY+R)) self._have_topo_land = True except NoTopo: self._have_topo_land = False def _draw_topo_scale(self, label='Elevation [km]'): dry = read_cpt(get_cpt_path(self.topo_cpt_dry)) wet = read_cpt(get_cpt_path(self.topo_cpt_wet)) combi = cpt_merge_wet_dry(wet, dry) for level in combi.levels: level.vmin /= km level.vmax /= km topo_cpt = self.gmt.tempfilename() + '.cpt' write_cpt(combi, topo_cpt) (w, h), (xo, yo) = self.widget.get_size() self.gmt.psscale( D='%gp/%gp/%gp/%gph' % (xo + 0.5*w, yo - 2.0*, w, 0.5*, C=topo_cpt, B='1:%s:' % label) def _draw_basefeatures(self): gmt = self._gmt cres = self._coastline_resolution rivers = self._rivers minarea = self._minarea color_wet = self.color_wet color_dry = self.color_dry if self.show_rivers and rivers: rivers = ['-Ir/0.25p,%s' % gmtpy.color(self.color_wet)] else: rivers = [] fill = {} if not self._have_topo_land: fill['G'] = color_dry if not self._have_topo_ocean: fill['S'] = color_wet if self.show_boundaries: fill['N'] = '1/1p,%s,%s' % ( gmtpy.color(self.color_boundaries), 'solid') gmt.pscoast( D=cres, W='thinnest,%s' % gmtpy.color(darken(gmtpy.color_tup(color_dry))), A=minarea, *(rivers+self._jxyr), **fill) if self.show_plates: self.draw_plates() def _draw_axes(self): gmt = self._gmt scaler = self._scaler widget = self._widget if self.axes_layout is None: if > 0.0: axes_layout = 'WSen' else: axes_layout = 'WseN' else: axes_layout = self.axes_layout scale_km = nice_value(self.radius/5.) / 1000. if self.show_center_mark: gmt.psxy( in_rows=[[self.lon,]], S='c20p', W='2p,black', *self._jxyr) if self.show_grid: btmpl = ('%(xinc)gg%(xinc)g:%(xlabel)s:/' '%(yinc)gg%(yinc)g:%(ylabel)s:') else: btmpl = '%(xinc)g:%(xlabel)s:/%(yinc)g:%(ylabel)s:' if self.show_scale: scale = 'x%gp/%gp/%g/%g/%gk' % ( 6./7*widget.width(), widget.height()/7., self.lon,, scale_km) else: scale = False gmt.psbasemap( B=(btmpl % scaler.get_params())+axes_layout, L=scale, *self._jxyr) if self.comment: font_size = self.gmt.label_font_size() _, east, south, _ = self._wesn if gmt.is_gmt5(): row = [ 1, 0, '%gp,%s,%s' % (font_size, 0, 'black'), 'BR', self.comment] farg = ['-F+f+j'] else: row = [1, 0, font_size, 0, 0, 'BR', self.comment] farg = [] gmt.pstext( in_rows=[row], N=True, R=(0, 1, 0, 1), D='%gp/%gp' % (-font_size*0.2, font_size*0.3), *(widget.PXY() + farg)) def draw_axes(self): if not self._have_drawn_axes: self._draw_axes() self._have_drawn_axes = True def _have_coastlines(self): gmt = self._gmt cres = self._coastline_resolution minarea = self._minarea checkfile = gmt.tempfilename() gmt.pscoast( M=True, D=cres, W='thinnest,black', A=minarea, out_filename=checkfile, *self._jxyr) points = [] with open(checkfile, 'r') as f: for line in f: ls = line.strip() if ls.startswith('#') or ls.startswith('>') or ls == '': continue plon, plat = [float(x) for x in ls.split()] points.append((plat, plon)) points = num.array(points, dtype=float) return num.any(points_in_region(points, self._wesn)) def have_coastlines(self): self.gmt return self._have_coastlines() def project(self, lats, lons, jr=None): onepoint = False if isinstance(lats, float) and isinstance(lons, float): lats = [lats] lons = [lons] onepoint = True if jr is not None: j, r = jr gmt = gmtpy.GMT(version=self._gmtversion) else: j, _, _, r = self.jxyr gmt = self.gmt f = BytesIO() gmt.mapproject(j, r, in_columns=(lons, lats), out_stream=f, D='p') data = num.loadtxt(f, ndmin=2) xs, ys = data.T if onepoint: xs = xs[0] ys = ys[0] return xs, ys def _map_box(self, jr=None): ll_lon, ll_lat, ur_lon, ur_lat = self._corners xs_corner, ys_corner = self.project( (ll_lat, ur_lat), (ll_lon, ur_lon), jr=jr) w = xs_corner[1] - xs_corner[0] h = ys_corner[1] - ys_corner[0] return w, h def _map_aspect(self, jr=None): w, h = self._map_box(jr=jr) return h/w def _draw_labels(self): points_taken = [] regions_taken = [] def no_points_in_rect(xs, ys, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax): xx = not num.any(la(la(xmin < xs, xs < xmax), la(ymin < ys, ys < ymax))) return xx def roverlaps(a, b): return (a[0] < b[2] and b[0] < a[2] and a[1] < b[3] and b[1] < a[3]) w, h = self._map_box() label_font_size = self.gmt.label_font_size() if self._labels: n = len(self._labels) lons, lats, texts, sx, sy, colors, fonts, font_sizes, \ angles, styles = list(zip(*self._labels)) font_sizes = [ (font_size or label_font_size) for font_size in font_sizes] sx = num.array(sx, dtype=float) sy = num.array(sy, dtype=float) xs, ys = self.project(lats, lons) points_taken.append((xs, ys)) dxs = num.zeros(n) dys = num.zeros(n) for i in range(n): dx, dy = gmtpy.text_box( texts[i], font=fonts[i], font_size=font_sizes[i], **styles[i]) dxs[i] = dx dys[i] = dy la = num.logical_and anchors_ok = ( la(xs + sx + dxs < w, ys + sy + dys < h), la(xs - sx - dxs > 0., ys - sy - dys > 0.), la(xs + sx + dxs < w, ys - sy - dys > 0.), la(xs - sx - dxs > 0., ys + sy + dys < h), ) arects = [ (xs, ys, xs + sx + dxs, ys + sy + dys), (xs - sx - dxs, ys - sy - dys, xs, ys), (xs, ys - sy - dys, xs + sx + dxs, ys), (xs - sx - dxs, ys, xs, ys + sy + dys)] for i in range(n): for ianch in range(4): anchors_ok[ianch][i] &= no_points_in_rect( xs, ys, *[xxx[i] for xxx in arects[ianch]]) anchor_choices = [] anchor_take = [] for i in range(n): choices = [ianch for ianch in range(4) if anchors_ok[ianch][i]] anchor_choices.append(choices) if choices: anchor_take.append(choices[0]) else: anchor_take.append(None) def cost(anchor_take): noverlaps = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if i != j: i_take = anchor_take[i] j_take = anchor_take[j] if i_take is None or j_take is None: continue r_i = [xxx[i] for xxx in arects[i_take]] r_j = [xxx[j] for xxx in arects[j_take]] if roverlaps(r_i, r_j): noverlaps += 1 return noverlaps cur_cost = cost(anchor_take) imax = 30 while cur_cost != 0 and imax > 0: for i in range(n): for t in anchor_choices[i]: anchor_take_new = list(anchor_take) anchor_take_new[i] = t new_cost = cost(anchor_take_new) if new_cost < cur_cost: anchor_take = anchor_take_new cur_cost = new_cost imax -= 1 while cur_cost != 0: for i in range(n): anchor_take_new = list(anchor_take) anchor_take_new[i] = None new_cost = cost(anchor_take_new) if new_cost < cur_cost: anchor_take = anchor_take_new cur_cost = new_cost break anchor_strs = ['BL', 'TR', 'TL', 'BR'] for i in range(n): ianchor = anchor_take[i] color = colors[i] if color is None: color = 'black' if ianchor is not None: regions_taken.append([xxx[i] for xxx in arects[ianchor]]) anchor = anchor_strs[ianchor] yoff = [-sy[i], sy[i]][anchor[0] == 'B'] xoff = [-sx[i], sx[i]][anchor[1] == 'L'] if self.gmt.is_gmt5(): row = ( lons[i], lats[i], '%i,%s,%s' % (font_sizes[i], fonts[i], color), anchor, texts[i]) farg = ['-F+f+j+a%g' % angles[i]] else: row = ( lons[i], lats[i], font_sizes[i], angles[i], fonts[i], anchor, texts[i]) farg = ['-G%s' % color] self.gmt.pstext( in_rows=[row], D='%gp/%gp' % (xoff, yoff), *(self.jxyr + farg), **styles[i]) if self._area_labels: for lons, lats, text, color, font, font_size, style in \ self._area_labels: if font_size is None: font_size = label_font_size if color is None: color = 'black' if self.gmt.is_gmt5(): farg = ['-F+f+j'] else: farg = ['-G%s' % color] xs, ys = self.project(lats, lons) dx, dy = gmtpy.text_box( text, font=font, font_size=font_size, **style) rects = [xs-0.5*dx, ys-0.5*dy, xs+0.5*dx, ys+0.5*dy] locs_ok = num.ones(xs.size, dtype=bool) for iloc in range(xs.size): rcandi = [xxx[iloc] for xxx in rects] locs_ok[iloc] = True locs_ok[iloc] &= ( 0 < rcandi[0] and rcandi[2] < w and 0 < rcandi[1] and rcandi[3] < h) overlap = False for r in regions_taken: if roverlaps(r, rcandi): overlap = True break locs_ok[iloc] &= not overlap for xs_taken, ys_taken in points_taken: locs_ok[iloc] &= no_points_in_rect( xs_taken, ys_taken, *rcandi) if not locs_ok[iloc]: break rows = [] for iloc, (lon, lat) in enumerate(zip(lons, lats)): if not locs_ok[iloc]: continue if self.gmt.is_gmt5(): row = ( lon, lat, '%i,%s,%s' % (font_size, font, color), 'MC', text) else: row = ( lon, lat, font_size, 0, font, 'MC', text) rows.append(row) regions_taken.append([xxx[iloc] for xxx in rects]) break self.gmt.pstext( in_rows=rows, *(self.jxyr + farg), **style) def draw_labels(self): self.gmt if not self._have_drawn_labels: self._draw_labels() self._have_drawn_labels = True def add_label( self, lat, lon, text, offset_x=5., offset_y=5., color=None, font='1', font_size=None, angle=0, style={}): if 'G' in style: style = style.copy() color = style.pop('G') self._labels.append( (lon, lat, text, offset_x, offset_y, color, font, font_size, angle, style)) def add_area_label( self, lat, lon, text, color=None, font='3', font_size=None, style={}): self._area_labels.append( (lon, lat, text, color, font, font_size, style)) def cities_in_region(self): from pyrocko.dataset import geonames cities = geonames.get_cities_region(region=self.wesn, minpop=0) cities.extend(self.custom_cities) cities.sort(key=lambda x: x.population) return cities def draw_cities(self, exact=None, include=[], exclude=[], nmax_soft=10, psxy_style=dict(S='s5p', G='black')): cities = self.cities_in_region() if exact is not None: cities = [c for c in cities if in exact] minpop = None else: cities = [c for c in cities if not in exclude] minpop = 10**3 for minpop_new in [1e3, 3e3, 1e4, 3e4, 1e5, 3e5, 1e6, 3e6, 1e7]: cities_new = [ c for c in cities if c.population > minpop_new or in include] if len(cities_new) == 0 or ( len(cities_new) < 3 and len(cities) < nmax_soft*2): break cities = cities_new minpop = minpop_new if len(cities) <= nmax_soft: break if cities: lats = [ for c in cities] lons = [c.lon for c in cities] self.gmt.psxy( in_columns=(lons, lats), *self.jxyr, **psxy_style) for c in cities: try: text ='iso-8859-1').decode('iso-8859-1') except UnicodeEncodeError: text = c.asciiname self.add_label(, c.lon, text) self._cities_minpop = minpop def add_stations(self, stations, psxy_style=dict()): default_psxy_style = { 'S': 't8p', 'G': 'black' } default_psxy_style.update(psxy_style) lats, lons = zip(*[s.effective_latlon for s in stations]) self.gmt.psxy( in_columns=(lons, lats), *self.jxyr, **default_psxy_style) for station in stations: self.add_label( station.effective_lat, station.effective_lon, '.'.join(x for x in (, station.station) if x)) def add_kite_scene(self, scene): tile = FloatTile( scene.frame.llLon, scene.frame.llLat, scene.frame.dLon, scene.frame.dLat, scene.displacement) return tile def add_gnss_campaign(self, campaign, psxy_style=None, offset_scale=None, labels=True, vertical=False, fontsize=10): stations = campaign.stations if offset_scale is None: offset_scale = num.zeros(campaign.nstations) for ista, sta in enumerate(stations): for comp in sta.components.values(): offset_scale[ista] += comp.shift offset_scale = num.sqrt(offset_scale**2).max() size = math.sqrt(self.height**2 + self.width**2) scale = (size/10.) / offset_scale logger.debug('GNSS: Using offset scale %f, map scale %f', offset_scale, scale) lats, lons = zip(*[s.effective_latlon for s in stations]) if self.gmt.is_gmt6(): sign_factor = 1. arrow_head_placement = 'e' else: sign_factor = -1. arrow_head_placement = 'b' if vertical: rows = [[lons[ista], lats[ista], 0., sign_factor * s.up.shift, (s.east.sigma + s.north.sigma) if s.east.sigma else 0., s.up.sigma, 0., s.code if labels else None] for ista, s in enumerate(stations) if s.up is not None] else: rows = [[lons[ista], lats[ista], sign_factor * s.east.shift, sign_factor * s.north.shift, s.east.sigma, s.north.sigma, s.correlation_ne, s.code if labels else None] for ista, s in enumerate(stations) if s.east is not None or s.north is not None] default_psxy_style = { 'h': 0, 'W': '2p,black', 'A': '+p2p,black+{}+a40'.format(arrow_head_placement), 'G': 'black', 'L': True, 'S': 'e%dc/0.95/%d' % (scale, fontsize), } if not labels: for row in rows: row.pop(-1) if psxy_style is not None: default_psxy_style.update(psxy_style) self.gmt.psvelo( in_rows=rows, *self.jxyr, **default_psxy_style) def draw_plates(self): from pyrocko.dataset import tectonics neast = 20 nnorth = max(1, int(round(num.round(self._hreg/self._wreg * neast)))) norths = num.linspace(-self._hreg*0.5, self._hreg*0.5, nnorth) easts = num.linspace(-self._wreg*0.5, self._wreg*0.5, neast) norths2 = num.repeat(norths, neast) easts2 = num.tile(easts, nnorth) lats, lons = od.ne_to_latlon(, self.lon, norths2, easts2) bird = tectonics.PeterBird2003() plates = bird.get_plates() color_plates = gmtpy.color('aluminium5') color_velocities = gmtpy.color('skyblue1') color_velocities_lab = gmtpy.color(darken(gmtpy.color_tup('skyblue1'))) points = num.vstack((lats, lons)).T used = [] for plate in plates: mask = plate.contains_points(points) if num.any(mask): used.append((plate, mask)) if len(used) > 1: candi_fixed = {} label_data = [] for plate, mask in used: mean_north = num.mean(norths2[mask]) mean_east = num.mean(easts2[mask]) iorder = num.argsort(num.sqrt( (norths2[mask] - mean_north)**2 + (easts2[mask] - mean_east)**2)) lat_candis = lats[mask][iorder] lon_candis = lons[mask][iorder] candi_fixed[] = lat_candis.size label_data.append(( lat_candis, lon_candis, plate, color_plates)) boundaries = bird.get_boundaries() size = 1. psxy_kwargs = [] for boundary in boundaries: if num.any(points_in_region(boundary.points, self._wesn)): for typ, part in boundary.split_types( [['SUB'], ['OSR', 'CRB'], ['OTF', 'CTF', 'OCB', 'CCB']]): lats, lons = part.T kwargs = {} kwargs['in_columns'] = (lons, lats) kwargs['W'] = '%gp,%s' % (size, color_plates) if typ[0] == 'SUB': if boundary.kind == '\\': kwargs['S'] = 'f%g/%gp+t+r' % ( 0.45*size, 3.*size) elif boundary.kind == '/': kwargs['S'] = 'f%g/%gp+t+l' % ( 0.45*size, 3.*size) kwargs['G'] = color_plates elif typ[0] in ['OSR', 'CRB']: kwargs_bg = {} kwargs_bg['in_columns'] = (lons, lats) kwargs_bg['W'] = '%gp,%s' % ( size * 3, color_plates) psxy_kwargs.append(kwargs_bg) kwargs['W'] = '%gp,%s' % (size * 2, 'white') psxy_kwargs.append(kwargs) if boundary.kind == '\\': if boundary.plate_name2 in candi_fixed: candi_fixed[boundary.plate_name2] += \ neast*nnorth elif boundary.kind == '/': if boundary.plate_name1 in candi_fixed: candi_fixed[boundary.plate_name1] += \ neast*nnorth candi_fixed = [name for name in sorted( list(candi_fixed.keys()), key=lambda name: -candi_fixed[name])] candi_fixed.append(None) gsrm = tectonics.GSRM1() for name in candi_fixed: if name not in gsrm.plate_names() \ and name not in gsrm.plate_alt_names(): continue lats, lons, vnorth, veast, vnorth_err, veast_err, corr = \ gsrm.get_velocities(name, region=self._wesn) fixed_plate_name = name if self.show_plate_velocities: self.gmt.psvelo( in_columns=( lons, lats, veast, vnorth, veast_err, vnorth_err, corr), W='0.25p,%s' % color_velocities, A='9p+e+g%s' % color_velocities, S='e0.2p/0.95/10', *self.jxyr) for _ in range(len(lons) // 50 + 1): ii = random.randint(0, len(lons)-1) v = math.sqrt(vnorth[ii]**2 + veast[ii]**2) self.add_label( lats[ii], lons[ii], '%.0f' % v, font_size=0.7*self.gmt.label_font_size(), style=dict( G=color_velocities_lab)) break if self.show_plate_names: for (lat_candis, lon_candis, plate, color) in label_data: full_name = bird.full_name( if == fixed_plate_name: full_name = '@_' + full_name + '@_' self.add_area_label( lat_candis, lon_candis, full_name, color=color, font='3') for kwargs in psxy_kwargs: self.gmt.psxy(*self.jxyr, **kwargs)
def rand(mi, ma): mi = float(mi) ma = float(ma) return random.random() * (ma-mi) + mi def split_region(region): west, east, south, north = topo.positive_region(region) if east > 180: return [(west, 180., south, north), (-180., east-360., south, north)] else: return [region] if __name__ == '__main__': from pyrocko import util util.setup_logging('pyrocko.automap', 'info') import sys if len(sys.argv) == 2: n = int(sys.argv[1]) for i in range(n): m = Map( lat=rand(-60., 60.), lon=rand(-180., 180.), radius=math.exp(rand(math.log(500*km), math.log(3000*km))), width=30., height=30., show_grid=True, show_topo=True, color_dry=(238, 236, 230), topo_cpt_wet='light_sea_uniform', topo_cpt_dry='light_land_uniform', illuminate=True, illuminate_factor_ocean=0.15, show_rivers=False, show_plates=True) m.draw_cities() print(m)'map_%02i.pdf' % i)