Source code for pyrocko.guts_array

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

NumPy support for :py:mod:`pyrocko.guts`.

import numpy as num
from io import BytesIO
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
import binascii

from .guts import TBase, Object, ValidationError, literal

except NameError:
    unicode = str

restricted_dtype_map = {
    num.dtype('float64'): '<f8',
    num.dtype('float32'): '<f4',
    num.dtype('int64'): '<i8',
    num.dtype('int32'): '<i4',
    num.dtype('int16'): '<i2',
    num.dtype('int8'): '<i1'}

restricted_dtype_map_rev = dict(
    (v, k) for (k, v) in restricted_dtype_map.items())

def array_equal(a, b):
    return a.dtype == b.dtype \
        and a.shape == b.shape \
        and num.all(a == b)

[docs]class Array(Object): ''' Placeholder for :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Normally, no objects of this class should be instatiated. It is needed by Guts' type system. ''' dummy_for = num.ndarray dummy_for_description = 'numpy.ndarray' class __T(TBase): def __init__( self, shape=None, dtype=None, serialize_as='table', serialize_dtype=None, *args, **kwargs): TBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.shape = shape self.dtype = dtype assert serialize_as in ( 'table', 'base64', 'list', 'npy', 'base64+meta', 'base64-compat') self.serialize_as = serialize_as self.serialize_dtype = serialize_dtype def is_default(self, val): if self._default is None: return val is None elif val is None: return False else: return array_equal(self._default, val) def regularize_extra(self, val): if isinstance(val, str): ndim = None if self.shape: ndim = len(self.shape) if self.serialize_as == 'table': val = num.loadtxt( BytesIO(val.encode('utf-8')), dtype=self.dtype, ndmin=ndim) elif self.serialize_as == 'base64': data = b64decode(val) val = num.frombuffer( data, dtype=self.serialize_dtype).astype(self.dtype) elif self.serialize_as == 'base64-compat': try: data = b64decode(val) val = num.frombuffer( data, dtype=self.serialize_dtype).astype(self.dtype) except binascii.Error: val = num.loadtxt( BytesIO(val.encode('utf-8')), dtype=self.dtype, ndmin=ndim) elif self.serialize_as == 'npy': data = b64decode(val) try: val = num.load(BytesIO(data), allow_pickle=False) except TypeError: # allow_pickle only available in newer NumPy val = num.load(BytesIO(data)) elif isinstance(val, dict): if self.serialize_as == 'base64+meta': if not sorted(val.keys()) == ['data', 'dtype', 'shape']: raise ValidationError( 'array in format "base64+meta" must have keys ' '"data", "dtype", and "shape"') shape = val['shape'] if not isinstance(shape, list): raise ValidationError('invalid shape definition') for n in shape: if not isinstance(n, int): raise ValidationError('invalid shape definition') serialize_dtype = val['dtype'] allowed = list(restricted_dtype_map_rev.keys()) if self.serialize_dtype is not None: allowed.append(self.serialize_dtype) if serialize_dtype not in allowed: raise ValidationError( 'only the following dtypes are allowed: %s' % ', '.join(sorted(allowed))) data = val['data'] if not isinstance(data, str): raise ValidationError( 'data must be given as a base64 encoded string') data = b64decode(data) dtype = self.dtype or \ restricted_dtype_map_rev[serialize_dtype] val = num.frombuffer( data, dtype=serialize_dtype).astype(dtype) if val.size != raise ValidationError('size/shape mismatch') val = val.reshape(shape) else: val = num.asarray(val, dtype=self.dtype) return val def validate_extra(self, val): if not isinstance(val, num.ndarray): raise ValidationError( 'object %s is not of type numpy.ndarray: %s' % ( self.xname(), type(val))) if self.dtype is not None and self.dtype != val.dtype: raise ValidationError( 'array %s not of required type: need %s, got %s' % ( self.xname(), self.dtype, val.dtype)) if self.shape is not None: la, lb = len(self.shape), len(val.shape) if la != lb: raise ValidationError( 'array %s dimension mismatch: need %i, got %i' % ( self.xname(), la, lb)) for a, b in zip(self.shape, val.shape): if a is not None: if a != b: raise ValidationError( 'array %s shape mismatch: need %s, got: %s' % ( self.xname(), self.shape, val.shape)) def to_save(self, val): if self.serialize_as == 'table': out = BytesIO() num.savetxt(out, val, fmt='%12.7g') return literal(out.getvalue().decode('utf-8')) elif self.serialize_as == 'base64' \ or self.serialize_as == 'base64-compat': data = val.astype(self.serialize_dtype).tobytes() return literal(b64encode(data).decode('utf-8')) elif self.serialize_as == 'list': if self.dtype == complex: return [repr(complex(x)) for x in val] else: return val.tolist() elif self.serialize_as == 'npy': out = BytesIO() try:, val, allow_pickle=False) except TypeError: # allow_pickle only available in newer NumPy, val) return literal(b64encode(out.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')) elif self.serialize_as == 'base64+meta': serialize_dtype = self.serialize_dtype or \ restricted_dtype_map[val.dtype] data = val.astype(serialize_dtype).tobytes() return dict( dtype=serialize_dtype, shape=val.shape, data=literal(b64encode(data).decode('utf-8')))
__all__ = ['Array']