Source code for pyrocko.gui.sparrow.elements.catalog

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

# import copy
import logging
import operator
import calendar
import numpy as num

from pyrocko.guts import \
    Object, StringChoice, String, List, Float

from pyrocko import table, model  # , automap
from pyrocko.client import fdsn, catalog
from pyrocko.gui.qt_compat import qw
from pyrocko.plot import beachball
# from pyrocko.himesh import HiMesh

# from pyrocko.gui.vtk_util import TrimeshPipe

from .. import common

from .table import TableElement, TableState

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.gui.sparrow.elements.catalog')

guts_prefix = 'sparrow'

attribute_names = [
    'time', 'lat', 'lon', 'northing', 'easting', 'depth', 'magnitude']

attribute_dtypes = [
    'f16', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8']

name_to_icol = dict(
    (name, icol) for (icol, name) in enumerate(attribute_names))

# event_dtype = num.dtype(list(zip(attribute_names, attribute_dtypes)))

t_time = num.float64

def binned_statistic(values, ibins, function):
    order = num.argsort(ibins)
    values_sorted = values[order]
    ibins_sorted = ibins[order]
    parts = num.concatenate((
        num.where(num.diff(ibins_sorted) != 0)[0] + 1,

    results = []
    ibins_result = []
    for ilow, ihigh in zip(parts[:-1], parts[1:]):
        values_part = values_sorted[ilow:ihigh]

    return num.array(ibins_result, dtype=num.int64), num.array(results)

def load_text(
        column_names=('time', 'lat', 'lon', 'depth', 'magnitude'),

    with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
        if column_names == 'from_header':
            line = f.readline()
            column_names = line.split()

        name_to_icol_in = dict(
            (name, icol) for (icol, name) in enumerate(column_names)
            if name in attribute_names)

    data_in = num.loadtxt(filepath, skiprows=1)

    nevents = data_in.shape[0]
    c5 = num.zeros((nevents, 5))
    c5[:, 0] = data_in[:, name_to_icol_in['lat']]
    c5[:, 1] = data_in[:, name_to_icol_in['lon']]
    c5[:, 2] = 0.0
    c5[:, 3] = 0.0
    c5[:, 4] = data_in[:, name_to_icol_in['depth']] * 1000.

    tab = table.Table()
    loc_rec = table.LocationRecipe()

    tab.add_col(loc_rec.c5_header, c5)
    for k, unit in [
            ('time', 's'),
            ('magnitude', None)]:

        values = data_in[:, name_to_icol_in[k]]

        if k == 'time' and time_format == 'year':
            values = decimal_year_to_time(values)

        tab.add_col(table.Header(k, unit), values)

    return tab

def decimal_year_to_time(year):
    iyear_start = num.floor(year).astype(num.int64)
    iyear_end = iyear_start + 1

    iyear_min = num.min(iyear_start)
    iyear_max = num.max(iyear_end)

    iyear_to_time = num.zeros(iyear_max - iyear_min + 1, dtype=t_time)
    for iyear in range(iyear_min, iyear_max+1):
        iyear_to_time[iyear-iyear_min] = calendar.timegm(
            (iyear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))

    tyear_start = iyear_to_time[iyear_start - iyear_min]
    tyear_end = iyear_to_time[iyear_end - iyear_min]

    t = tyear_start + (year - iyear_start) * (tyear_end - tyear_start)

    return t

def oa_to_array(objects, attribute):
    return num.fromiter(
        map(operator.attrgetter(attribute), objects),

def eventtags_to_array(events, tab):

    ks = set()
    event_tags = []
    for ev in events:
        tags = ev.tags_as_dict()

    for k in sorted(ks):
        column = [tags.get(k, None) for tags in event_tags]
        if all(isinstance(v, int) for v in column):
            dtype = int
        elif all(isinstance(v, float) for v in column):
            dtype = float
            dtype = num.string_
            column = [v or '' for v in column]

        arr = num.array(column, dtype=dtype)

        tab.add_col(table.Header('tag_%s' % k), arr)

def eventextras_to_array(events, tab):
    n_extras = num.array([len(ev.extras) for ev in events])
    evts_all_extras = num.arange(len(events))[n_extras != 0]

    if evts_all_extras.shape[0] == 0:
        return tab

    ev0 = events[evts_all_extras[0]]

    if num.unique(n_extras).shape[0] > 1:
        msg = 'Not all events have equal number of extras.'
        if num.unique(n_extras).shape[0] == 2 and num.min(n_extras) == 0:
            logger.warning(msg + ' Zero length lists are filled with NaNs.')
            raise IndexError(
                msg + ' Several non-zero shapes detected. Please check.')

    for key, val in ev0.extras.items():
        dtype = num.string_
        values = num.array(['' for x in range(n_extras.shape[0])], dtype=dtype)

        if type(val) is float:
            dtype, values = num.float64, num.ones_like(n_extras) * num.nan

        elif type(val) is int:
            dtype = num.int64
            values = num.ones_like(n_extras, dtype=num.int64) * num.nan

        header = 'extra_%s' % key
        values[evts_all_extras] = num.array([
            events[iev].extras[key] for iev in evts_all_extras], dtype=dtype)

        tab.add_col(table.Header(header), values)

def events_to_table(events):
    c5 = num.zeros((len(events), 5))
    m6 = None

    for i, ev in enumerate(events):
        c5[i, :] = (
  , ev.lon, ev.north_shift, ev.east_shift, ev.depth)

        if ev.moment_tensor:
            if m6 is None:
                m6 = num.zeros((len(events), 6))
                m6[:, 0:3] = 1.0

            m6[i, :] = beachball.deco_part(ev.moment_tensor, 'deviatoric').m6()

    tab = table.Table()

    ev_rec = table.EventRecipe()
    tab.add_col(ev_rec.get_header('c5'), c5)

    for k in ['time', 'magnitude']:
        tab.add_col(ev_rec.get_header(k), oa_to_array(events, k))

    if events:
        eventtags_to_array(events, tab)
        eventextras_to_array(events, tab)

    if m6 is not None:
        mt_rec = table.MomentTensorRecipe()
        tab.add_col(mt_rec.m6_header, m6)

    return tab

[docs]class LoadingChoice(StringChoice): choices = [choice.upper() for choice in [ 'file', 'fdsn']]
[docs]class FDSNSiteChoice(StringChoice): choices = [key.upper() for key in fdsn.g_site_abbr.keys()]
[docs]class CatalogSelection(Object): pass
[docs]class MemoryCatalogSelection(CatalogSelection): def __init__(self, events=None): if events is None: events = [] self._events = events def get_table(self): return events_to_table(self._events)
[docs]class FileCatalogSelection(CatalogSelection): paths = List.T(String.T()) def get_table(self): from import quakeml events = [] for path in self.paths: fn_ext = path.split('.')[-1].lower() if fn_ext in ['xml', 'qml', 'quakeml']: qml = quakeml.QuakeML.load_xml(filename=path) events.extend(qml.get_pyrocko_events()) if fn_ext in ['dat', 'csv']: assert len(self.paths) == 1 tab = load_text( path, column_names='from_header', time_format='year') return tab else: events.extend(model.load_events(path)) return events_to_table(events)
g_catalogs = { 'Geofon': catalog.Geofon(), 'USGS/NEIC US': catalog.USGS('us'), 'Global-CMT': catalog.GlobalCMT(), 'Saxony (Uni-Leipzig)': catalog.Saxony() } g_fdsn_has_events = ['ISC', 'SCEDC', 'NCEDC', 'IRIS', 'GEONET'] g_sites = sorted(g_catalogs.keys()) g_sites.extend(g_fdsn_has_events)
[docs]class OnlineCatalogSelection(CatalogSelection): site = String.T() tmin = Float.T() tmax = Float.T() magnitude_min = Float.T(optional=True) def get_table(self):'Getting events from "%s" catalog.' % cat = g_catalogs.get(, None) try: if cat: kwargs = {} if self.magnitude_min is not None: kwargs['magmin'] = self.magnitude_min events = cat.get_events( time_range=(self.tmin, self.tmax), **kwargs) else: kwargs = {} if self.magnitude_min is not None: kwargs['minmagnitude'] = self.magnitude_min request = fdsn.event( starttime=self.tmin, endtime=self.tmax,, **kwargs) from import quakeml qml = quakeml.QuakeML.load_xml(request) events = qml.get_pyrocko_events()'Got %i event%s from "%s" catalog.' % ( len(events), '' if len(events) == 1 else 's', except Exception as e: logger.error( 'Getting events from "%s" catalog failed: %s' % (, str(e))) events = [] return events_to_table(events)
[docs]class CatalogState(TableState): selection = CatalogSelection.T(optional=True) size_parameter = String.T(default='magnitude', optional=True) color_parameter = String.T(default='depth', optional=True) @classmethod def get_name(self): return 'Catalog' def create(self): element = CatalogElement() return element
class CatalogElement(TableElement): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): TableElement.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._selection_view = None # self._himesh = HiMesh(order=6) # cpt_data = [ # (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # (1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 0.2)] # # self.cpt_mesh = automap.CPT( # levels=[ # automap.CPTLevel( # vmin=a[0], # vmax=b[0], # color_min=[255*x for x in a[1:]], # color_max=[255*x for x in b[1:]]) # for (a, b) in zip(cpt_data[:-1], cpt_data[1:])]) def get_name(self): return 'Catalog' def get_size_parameter_extra_entries(self): return ['magnitude'] def get_color_parameter_extra_entries(self): return ['depth'] def bind_state(self, state): TableElement.bind_state(self, state) self.talkie_connect(state, 'selection', self.update) def update(self, *args): state = self._state # ifaces = None if self._selection_view is not state.selection: self.set_table(state.selection.get_table()) self._selection_view = state.selection # ifaces = self._himesh.points_to_faces(self._table.get_col('xyz')) TableElement.update(self, *args) # if ifaces is not None: # ifaces_x, sizes = binned_statistic( # ifaces, ifaces, lambda part: part.shape[0]) # # vertices = self._himesh.get_vertices() # # vertices *= 0.95 # faces = self._himesh.get_faces() # # values = num.zeros(faces.shape[0]) # values[ifaces_x] = num.log(1+sizes) # # self._mesh = TrimeshPipe(vertices, faces, values=values) # cpt = copy.deepcopy(self.cpt_mesh) # cpt.scale(num.min(values), num.max(values)) # self._mesh.set_cpt(cpt) # self._mesh.set_opacity(0.5) # self._parent.add_actor( def open_file_dialog(self): caption = 'Select one or more files to open' fns, _ = qw.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames( self._parent, caption, options=common.qfiledialog_options) if fns: self._state.selection = FileCatalogSelection( paths=[str(fn) for fn in fns]) def open_catalog_load_dialog(self): dialog = qw.QDialog(self._parent) dialog.setWindowTitle('Get events from online catalog.') layout = qw.QHBoxLayout(dialog) layout.addWidget(qw.QLabel('Site')) cb = qw.QComboBox() for i, s in enumerate(g_sites): cb.insertItem(i, s) layout.addWidget(cb) pb = qw.QPushButton('Cancel') pb.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) layout.addWidget(pb) pb = qw.QPushButton('Ok') pb.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) layout.addWidget(pb) dialog.exec_() site = str(cb.currentText()) vstate = self._parent.state if dialog.result() == qw.QDialog.Accepted: self._state.selection = OnlineCatalogSelection( site=site, tmin=vstate.tmin, tmax=vstate.tmax) def _get_table_widgets_start(self): return 1 # used as y arg in addWidget calls def _get_controls(self): if not self._controls: frame = TableElement._get_controls(self) # sets self._controls layout = frame.layout() lab = qw.QLabel('Load from') pb_file = qw.QPushButton('File') layout.addWidget(lab, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(pb_file, 0, 1) pb_file.clicked.connect(self.open_file_dialog) pb_file = qw.QPushButton('Online Catalog') layout.addWidget(lab, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(pb_file, 0, 2) pb_file.clicked.connect(self.open_catalog_load_dialog) return self._controls __all__ = [ 'CatalogSelection', 'FileCatalogSelection', 'MemoryCatalogSelection', 'CatalogElement', 'CatalogState', ]