Source code for pyrocko.gui.snuffler.snufflings.spectrogram

import math
import logging
import numpy as num
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

from pyrocko import plot, trace
from ..snuffling import Snuffling, Param, Choice

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.gui.snufflings.spectrogram')

def to01(c):
    return c[0]/255., c[1]/255., c[2]/255.

def desat(c, a):
    cmean = (c[0] + c[1] + c[2]) / 3.
    return tuple(cc*a + cmean*(1.0-a) for cc in c)

name_to_taper = {
    'Hanning': num.hanning,
    'Hamming': num.hamming,
    'Blackman': num.blackman,
    'Bartlett': num.bartlett}

cmap_colors = [plot.tango_colors[x] for x in [
    'skyblue1', 'chameleon1', 'butter1', 'orange1', 'scarletred1', 'plum3']]

name_to_cmap = {
    'spectro': LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
        'spectro', [desat(to01(c), 0.8) for c in cmap_colors])}

def get_cmap(name):
    if name in name_to_cmap:
        return name_to_cmap[name]
        return plot.mpl_get_cmap(name)

def downsample_plan(n, n_max):
    n_mean = (n-1) // n_max + 1
    n_new = n // n_mean
    return n_new, n_mean

[docs]class Spectrogram(Snuffling): ''' <html> <body> <h1>Plot spectrogram</h1> <p>Plots a basic spectrogram.</p> </body> </html> '''
[docs] def setup(self): '''Customization of the snuffling.''' self.set_name('Spectrogram') self.add_parameter( Param('Window length [s]:', 'twin', 100, 0.1, 10000.)) self.add_parameter( Param('Overlap [%]:', 'overlap', 75., 0., 99.)) self.add_parameter( Choice('Taper function', 'taper_name', 'Hanning', ['Hanning', 'Hamming', 'Blackman', 'Bartlett'])) self.add_parameter(Param( 'Fmin [Hz]', 'fmin', None, 0.001, 50., low_is_none=True)) self.add_parameter(Param( 'Fmax [Hz]', 'fmax', None, 0.001, 50., high_is_none=True)) self.add_parameter( Choice('Color scale', 'color_scale', 'log', ['log', 'sqrt', 'lin'])) self.add_parameter( Choice('Color table', 'ctb_name', 'spectro', ['spectro', 'rainbow'])) self.set_live_update(False) self._tapers = {} self.nt_max = 2000 self.nf_max = 500 self.iframe = 0
def panel_visibility_changed(self, visible): viewer = self.get_viewer() if visible: viewer.pile_has_changed_signal.connect(self.adjust_controls) self.adjust_controls() else: viewer.pile_has_changed_signal.disconnect(self.adjust_controls) def adjust_controls(self): viewer = self.get_viewer() dtmin, dtmax = viewer.content_deltat_range() maxfreq = 0.5/dtmin minfreq = (0.5/dtmax)*0.001 self.set_parameter_range('fmin', minfreq, maxfreq) self.set_parameter_range('fmax', minfreq, maxfreq) def get_taper(self, name, n): taper_key = (name, n) if taper_key not in self._tapers: self._tapers[taper_key] = name_to_taper[name](n) return self._tapers[taper_key] def make_spectrogram(self, tmin, tmax, tinc, tpad, nslc, deltat): nt = int(round((tmax - tmin) / tinc)) nsamples_want = int( math.floor((tinc + 2*tpad) / deltat)) nsamples_want_pad = trace.nextpow2(nsamples_want) nf = nsamples_want_pad // 2 + 1 df = 1.0 / (deltat * nsamples_want_pad) if self.fmin is not None: ifmin = int(math.ceil(self.fmin / df)) else: ifmin = 0 if self.fmax is not None: ifmax = min(int(math.floor(self.fmax / df)) + 1, nf) else: ifmax = nf nf_show = ifmax - ifmin assert nf_show >= 2 nf_show_ds, nf_mean = downsample_plan(nf_show, self.nf_max) amps = num.zeros((nf_show_ds, nt)) amps.fill(num.nan) win = self.get_taper(self.taper_name, nsamples_want) for batch in self.chopper_selected_traces( tinc=tinc, tpad=tpad+deltat, want_incomplete=False, fallback=True, trace_selector=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id == nslc, mode='inview', style='batch', progress='Calculating Spectrogram'): for tr in batch.traces: if tr.deltat != deltat: 'Unexpected sampling rate on channel %s.%s.%s.%s: %g' % (tr.nslc_id + (tr.deltat,))) trs = batch.traces if len(trs) != 1: continue tr = trs[0] if deltat is None: deltat = tr.deltat else: if tr.deltat != deltat: raise Exception('Unexpected sampling rate.') tr.chop(tmin - tpad, tr.tmax, inplace=True) tr.set_ydata(tr.ydata[:nsamples_want]) if tr.data_len() != nsamples_want:'incomplete trace') continue tr.ydata = tr.ydata.astype(num.float64) tr.ydata -= tr.ydata.mean() tr.ydata *= win f, a = tr.spectrum(pad_to_pow2=True) assert nf == f.size assert (nf-1)*df == f[-1] f = f[ifmin:ifmax] a = a[ifmin:ifmax] a = num.abs(a) # a /= self.cached_abs_response(sq.get_response(tr), f) a **= 2 a *= tr.deltat * 2. / (df*num.sum(win**2)) if nf_mean != 1: nf_trim = (nf_show // nf_mean) * nf_mean f = num.mean(f[:nf_trim].reshape((-1, nf_mean)), axis=1) a = num.mean(a[:nf_trim].reshape((-1, nf_mean)), axis=1) tmid = 0.5*(tr.tmax + tr.tmin) it = int(round((tmid-tmin)/tinc)) if it < 0 or nt <= it: continue amps[:, it] = a have_data = True if not have_data: 'No data could be extracted for channel: %s.%s.%s.%s' % nslc) t = tmin + 0.5 * tinc + tinc * num.arange(nt) return t, f, amps def get_selected_time_range(self): markers = self.get_viewer().selected_markers() times = [] for marker in markers: times.append(marker.tmin) times.append(marker.tmax) if times: return (min(times), max(times)) else: return self.get_viewer().get_time_range() def prescan(self, tinc, tpad): tmin, tmax = self.get_selected_time_range() nt = int(round((tmax - tmin) / tinc)) if nt > self.nt_max: _, nt_mean = downsample_plan(nt, self.nt_max) 'Number of samples in spectrogram time axis: %i. Resulting ' 'image will be unreasonably large. Consider increasing window ' 'length to about %g s.' % ( nt, (tinc*nt_mean) / (1.-self.overlap/100.))) data = {} times = [] for batch in self.chopper_selected_traces( tinc=tinc, tpad=tpad, want_incomplete=False, fallback=True, load_data=False, mode='inview', style='batch'): times.append(batch.tmin) times.append(batch.tmax) for tr in batch.traces: nslc = tr.nslc_id if nslc not in data: data[nslc] = set() data[nslc].add(tr.deltat) nslcs = sorted(data.keys()) deltats = [sorted(data[nslc]) for nslc in nslcs] return min(times), max(times), nslcs, deltats
[docs] def call(self): '''Main work routine of the snuffling.''' tpad = self.twin * self.overlap/100. * 0.5 tinc = self.twin - 2 * tpad tmin, tmax, nslcs, deltats = self.prescan(tinc, tpad) for nslc, deltats in zip(nslcs, deltats): if len(deltats) > 1: 'Multiple sample rates found for channel %s.%s.%s.%s.' % nslc) ncols = int(len(nslcs) // 5 + 1) nrows = (len(nslcs)-1) // ncols + 1 frame = self.smartplot_frame( 'Spectrogram %i' % (self.iframe + 1), ['time'] * ncols, ['frequency'] * nrows, ['psd']) self.iframe += 1 zvalues = [] for i, nslc in enumerate(nslcs): t, f, a = self.make_spectrogram( tmin, tmax, tinc, tpad, nslc, deltats[0]) if self.color_scale == 'log': a = num.log(a) elif self.color_scale == 'sqrt': a = num.sqrt(a) icol, irow = i % ncols, i // ncols axes = frame.plot.axes(icol, nrows-1-irow) min_a = num.nanmin(a) max_a = num.nanmax(a) mean_a = num.nanmean(a) std_a = num.nanstd(a) zmin = max(min_a, mean_a - 3.0 * std_a) zmax = min(max_a, mean_a + 3.0 * std_a) zvalues.append(zmin) zvalues.append(zmax) c = axes.pcolormesh( t, f, a, cmap=get_cmap(self.ctb_name), shading='gouraud') frame.plot.set_color_dim(c, 'psd') if self.fmin is not None: fmin = self.fmin else: fmin = 2.0 / self.twin if self.fmax is not None: fmax = self.fmax else: fmax = f[-1] axes.set_title( '.'.join(x for x in nslc if x), ha='right', va='top', x=0.99, y=0.9) axes.grid(color='black', alpha=0.3) plot.mpl_time_axis(axes, 10. / ncols) for i in range(len(nslcs), ncols*nrows): icol, irow = i % ncols, i // ncols axes = frame.plot.axes(icol, nrows-1-irow) axes.set_axis_off() if self.color_scale == 'log': label = 'log PSD' elif self.color_scale == 'sqrt': label = 'sqrt PSD' else: label = 'PSD' frame.plot.set_label('psd', label) frame.plot.colorbar('psd') frame.plot.set_lim('time', t[0], t[-1]) frame.plot.set_lim('frequency', fmin, fmax) frame.plot.set_lim('psd', min(zvalues), max(zvalues)) frame.plot.set_label('time', '') frame.plot.set_label('frequency', 'Frequency [Hz]') frame.draw()
def __snufflings__(): '''Returns a list of snufflings to be exported by this module.''' return [Spectrogram()]