Source code for pyrocko.gui.snuffler.snufflings.rms

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

import time
import logging
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as num

from ..snuffling import Snuffling, Param, Switch
from pyrocko.trace import Trace, NoData
from pyrocko import util

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.gui.snuffling.rms')

[docs]class RootMeanSquareSnuffling(Snuffling): ''' Create traces with blockwise root mean square values. '''
[docs] def setup(self): ''' Customization of the snuffling. ''' self.set_name('RMS') self.add_parameter(Param( 'Highpass [Hz]', 'highpass', None, 0.001, 1000., low_is_none=True)) self.add_parameter(Param( 'Lowpass [Hz]', 'lowpass', None, 0.001, 1000., high_is_none=True)) self.add_parameter(Param( 'Block Length [s]', 'block_length', 100., 0.1, 3600.)) self.add_parameter(Switch( 'Group channels', 'group_channels', True)) self.add_parameter(Switch( 'Log RMS', 'log', False)) self.add_trigger( 'Copy passband from Main', self.copy_passband) self.set_live_update(False)
def panel_visibility_changed(self, visible): viewer = self.get_viewer() if visible: viewer.pile_has_changed_signal.connect(self.adjust_controls) self.adjust_controls() else: viewer.pile_has_changed_signal.disconnect(self.adjust_controls) def adjust_controls(self): viewer = self.get_viewer() dtmin, dtmax = viewer.content_deltat_range() maxfreq = 0.5/dtmin minfreq = (0.5/dtmax)*0.001 self.set_parameter_range('lowpass', minfreq, maxfreq) self.set_parameter_range('highpass', minfreq, maxfreq) def copy_passband(self): viewer = self.get_viewer() self.set_parameter('lowpass', viewer.lowpass) self.set_parameter('highpass', viewer.highpass)
[docs] def call(self): ''' Main work routine of the snuffling. ''' self.cleanup() tinc = self.block_length tpad = 0.0 for freq in (self.highpass, self.lowpass): if freq is not None: tpad = max(tpad, 1./freq) targets = {} tlast = time.time() for batch in self.chopper_selected_traces( tinc=tinc, tpad=tpad, want_incomplete=False, style='batch', mode='visible', progress='Calculating RMS', responsive=True, fallback=True): tcur = batch.tmin + 0.5 * tinc if self.group_channels: def grouping(nslc): return nslc[:3] + (nslc[3][:-1],) else: def grouping(nslc): return nslc rms = defaultdict(list) for tr in batch.traces: # don't work traces produced by this (and other) snuffling if tr.meta and 'tabu' in tr.meta and tr.meta['tabu']: continue if self.lowpass is not None: tr.lowpass(4, self.lowpass, nyquist_exception=True) if self.highpass is not None: tr.highpass(4, self.highpass, nyquist_exception=True) try: tr.chop(batch.tmin, batch.tmax) val = 0.0 if tr.ydata.size != 0: y = tr.ydata.astype(float) if num.any(num.isnan(y)): logger.error( 'NaN value in trace %s (%s - %s)' % ( '.'.join(tr.nslc_id), util.time_to_str(tr.tmin), util.time_to_str(tr.tmax))) val = num.sqrt(num.sum(y**2)/tr.ydata.size) rms[grouping(tr.nslc_id)].append(val) except NoData: continue tnow = time.time() insert_now = False if tnow > tlast + 0.8: insert_now = True tlast = tnow to_add = [] for key, values in rms.items(): target = targets.get(key, None) if not target \ or abs((target.tmax + tinc) - tcur) > 0.01 * tinc \ or insert_now: if target: to_add.append(target) target = targets[key] = Trace( network=key[0], station=key[1], location=key[2], channel=key[3] + '-RMS', tmin=tcur, deltat=tinc, ydata=num.zeros(0, dtype=float), meta={'tabu': True}) value = num.atleast_1d( num.sqrt(num.sum(num.array(values, dtype=float)**2))) if self.log and value != 0.0: value = num.log(value) targets[key].append(value) if to_add: self.add_traces(to_add) # add the newly created traces to the viewer if targets.values(): self.add_traces(list(targets.values()))
def __snufflings__(): ''' Returns a list of snufflings to be exported by this module. ''' return [RootMeanSquareSnuffling()]