Source code for

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

import os
import sys
import shutil
import subprocess
import re
import io
import base64
import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mkdtemp
from string import Template

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm, transforms

from pyrocko import gf, trace, cake, util, plot
from pyrocko.response import DifferentiationResponse
from pyrocko.plot import beachball
from pyrocko.guts import load, Object, String, List, Float, Int, Bool, Dict
from import Source, Target
from import OutOfBounds

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

guts_prefix = 'gft'
ex_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
ja_latex_env = Environment(block_start_string='\\BLOCK{',

class FomostoReportError(Exception):

class GreensFunctionError(FomostoReportError):

class FilterFrequencyError(GreensFunctionError):

    def __init__(self, frequency):
        self.frequency = frequency

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Cannot set {0} frequency to both an absolute and' \
               ' revlative value.'.format(self.frequency)

class SourceError(GreensFunctionError):

    def __init__(self, typ):
        self.type = typ

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Source type not currently supported: {0}'.format(self.type)

[docs]class SensorArray(Target): distance_min = Float.T() distance_max = Float.T() strike = Float.T() sensor_count = Int.T(default=50) __target_allowed = dir(Target) __sensorarray_allowed = ['distance_min', 'distance_max', 'strike', 'sensor_count', 'change_dists'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.validate_args(kwargs) self.__build(**kwargs) @classmethod def validate_args(cls, kwargs): ks = [] for k in kwargs: if not (k in cls.__target_allowed or k in cls.__sensorarray_allowed): ks.append(k) for i in ks: del kwargs[i] @classmethod def __validate_args_target(cls, kwargs): ks = [] for k in kwargs: if k not in cls.__target_allowed: ks.append(k) for i in ks: del kwargs[i] def __build(self, **kwargs): if 'quantity' not in kwargs: kwargs['quantity'] = 'displacement' dists = np.linspace(self.distance_min, self.distance_max, self.sensor_count) self.__validate_args_target(kwargs) self.sensors = [ Target(north_shift=float(np.cos(np.radians(self.strike)) * dist), east_shift=float(np.sin(np.radians(self.strike)) * dist), **kwargs) for dist in dists]
[docs]class GreensFunctionTest(Object): __valid_properties = ['store_dir', 'pdf_dir', 'output_format', 'lowpass_frequency', 'rel_lowpass_frequency', 'highpass_frequency', 'rel_highpass_frequency', 'filter_order', 'plot_velocity', 'plot_everything'] __notesize = 7.45 __scalelist = [1, 5, 9.5, 19, 29] __has_phase = True store_dir = String.T() pdf_dir = String.T(default=os.path.expanduser('~')) output_format = String.T(optional=True, default='pdf') lowpass_frequency = Float.T(optional=True) highpass_frequency = Float.T(optional=True) rel_lowpass_frequency = Float.T(optional=True) rel_highpass_frequency = Float.T(optional=True) filter_order = Int.T(default=4) sensor_count = Int.T(default=50) plot_velocity = Bool.T(default=False) plot_everything = Bool.T(default=True) src_ids = List.T(String.T()) sen_ids = List.T(String.T()) sources = Dict.T(String.T(), Source.T()) sensors = Dict.T(String.T(), SensorArray.T()) trace_configs = List.T(List.T(String.T()), optional=True) @classmethod def __get_valid_arguments(cls, args): tdict = {} for k in args: if k in cls.__valid_properties: tdict[k] = args[k] return tdict def __init__(self, store_dir, **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, store_dir=store_dir, **kwargs) if self.lowpass_frequency and self.rel_lowpass_frequency: raise FilterFrequencyError('lowpass') if self.highpass_frequency and self.rel_highpass_frequency: raise FilterFrequencyError('highpass') if self.store_dir[-1] != '/': self.store_dir += '/' self.engine = gf.LocalEngine(store_dirs=[self.store_dir]) ids = self.engine.get_store_ids() self.store_id = ids[0] = self.engine.get_store(self.store_id) if self.rel_lowpass_frequency is not None: self.lowpass_frequency = * \ self.rel_lowpass_frequency if self.rel_highpass_frequency is not None: self.highpass_frequency = * \ self.rel_highpass_frequency self.rel_lowpass_frequency = None self.rel_highpass_frequency = None self.phases = '|'.join([ for x in]) if self.phases == '': self.phase_ratio_string = r'\color{red}' \ '{warning: store has no tabulated phases}' elif 'begin' in self.phases: self.phase_ratio_string = 'begin' else: self.phase_ratio_string = 'first({0})'.format(self.phases) if len(self.src_ids) == 0 and len(self.sources) > 0: self.src_ids = sorted(self.sources) if len(self.sen_ids) == 0 and len(self.sensors) > 0: self.sen_ids = sorted(self.sensors) self.traces = OrderedDict() if self.pdf_dir is None: self.pdf_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') if self.pdf_dir[-1] != '/': self.pdf_dir += '/' self.pdf_name = '{0}_{1}'.format( self.store_id, self.getFrequencyString(None)) util.setup_logging() self.temp_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='gft_') self.message = None self.changed_depth = False self.changed_dist_min = False self.changed_dist_max = False def __addToMessage(self, msg): if self.message is None: self.message = '\nmessage(s) for store {0}:\n'. \ format(self.store_id) self.message += msg + '\n' def __printMessage(self): if self.message is not None: print(self.message) def cleanup(self): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir) for i in ['.aux', '.log', '.out', '.toc']: path = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(self.pdf_dir, self.pdf_name, i) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) def getSourceString(self, sid): if sid not in self.sources: return '' src = self.sources[sid] if isinstance(src, gf.DCSource): typ = 'Double Couple' sstr = 'Source Type: {0}, Strike: {1:g}, Dip: {2:g}, Rake: {3:g}' \ .format(typ, src.strike, src.dip, src.rake) elif isinstance(src, gf.RectangularExplosionSource): typ = 'Explosion' sstr = 'Source Type: {0}, Strike: {1:g}, Dip: {2:g}'.format( typ, src.strike, src.dip) else: typ = '{0}'.format(type(src)).split('.')[-1].split("'")[0] sstr = 'Source Type: {0}, see config page'.format(typ) return sstr def getSensorString(self, sid): if sid not in self.sensors: return '' sen_ar = self.sensors[sid] sensors = sen_ar.sensors targ = sensors[0] senstr = 'Sensor Strike: {0:g}, Azimuth: {1:g}, Dip: {2:g}'. \ format(sen_ar.strike, targ.azimuth, targ.dip) return senstr def getFrequencyString(self, tid): lpf = self.lowpass_frequency hpf = self.highpass_frequency if tid is None: if lpf and hpf: return '{0:.4g}-{1:.4g}Hz'.format(lpf, hpf) elif lpf: return 'lowpass {0:.4g}Hz'.format(lpf) elif hpf: return 'highpass {0:.4g}Hz'.format(hpf) else: return 'unfiltered' if tid not in self.traces: return '' tdict = self.traces[tid] lpfa = tdict['lowpass_applied'] hpfa = tdict['highpass_applied'] if lpf and hpf and lpfa and hpfa: return '{0:.4g}-{1:.4g} [Hz]'.format(lpf, hpf) elif lpf and lpfa: return 'lowpass frequency: {0:.4g} [Hz]'.format(lpf) elif hpf and hpfa: return 'highpass frequency: {0:.4g} [Hz]'.format(hpf) else: return 'unfiltered' def getAnnotateString(self, src_id, sen_id, fac=None): tstr = "Green's Function: {0}\n{1}\n{2}".format( self.store_id, self.getSourceString(src_id), self.getSensorString(sen_id)) if fac is not None: tstr += '\nAmplitude Scale Factor: {0:0.4g} [microns/km]'. \ format(fac * 1e-9 / 1e3) return tstr def createSource(self, typ, depth, strike, dip, rake=None, lat=0., lon=0., north_shift=0., east_shift=0., change_dists=True, **kwargs): stCfg = stMin = stCfg.source_depth_min stMax = stCfg.source_depth_max if depth is None: depth = (stMax + stMin) / 2. elif depth < stMin or depth > stMax: if not change_dists: raise OutOfBounds('Source depth.') diff = abs(stMin - depth) if diff < stMax - depth: depth = stMin else: depth = stMax if not self.changed_depth: self.changed_depth = True self.__addToMessage( 'Source depth out of bounds. Changed to: {0:g}m.'. format(depth)) if typ.upper() in ('EX' 'EXPLOSION'): src = gf.RectangularExplosionSource( lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth, strike=strike, dip=dip) elif typ.upper() in ('DC' 'DOUBLE COUPLE'): src = gf.DCSource( lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth, strike=strike, dip=dip, rake=rake) else: raise SourceError(typ) srcstr = '{0}.{1:.2g}.{2:.2g}.{3:.2g}'.format( typ[0:2], depth, strike, dip) tstr = srcstr tint = 96 while tstr in self.sources: tint += 1 tstr = srcstr + chr(tint) self.sources[tstr] = src self.src_ids.append(tstr) return tstr def createSensors(self, distance_min=None, distance_max=None, change_dists=True, **kwargs): stCfg = stMin = stCfg.distance_min stMax = stCfg.distance_max if distance_min is None: distance_min = stMin elif distance_min < stMin or distance_min > stMax: if not change_dists: raise OutOfBounds('Minimum sensor distance.') distance_min = stMin if not self.changed_dist_min: self.changed_dist_min = True self.__addToMessage( 'Sensor minimum distance out of bounds. Changed to allowed' ' minimum {0:g}m.'.format(stMin)) if distance_max is None: distance_max = stMax elif (distance_max > stMax or distance_max < stMin): if not change_dists: raise OutOfBounds('Maximum sensor distance') distance_max = stMax if not self.changed_dist_max: self.changed_dist_max = True self.__addToMessage( 'Sensor maximum distance out of bounds. Changed to allowed' ' maximum {0:g}m.'.format(stMax)) if change_dists and distance_min == distance_max: distance_min = stMin distance_max = stMax self.__addToMessage( 'Sensor minimum and maximum distance equal. Changed to' ' allowed minimum {0:g}m and maximum {1:g}m.'.format(stMin, stMax)) sen_ar = SensorArray(distance_min=distance_min, distance_max=distance_max, **kwargs) senstr = '{0}.{1:.2g}'.format('.'.join(, sen_ar.strike) tstr = senstr tint = 96 while tstr in self.sensors: tint += 1 tstr = senstr + chr(tint) self.sensors[tstr] = sen_ar self.sen_ids.append(tstr) return tstr def createDisplacementTraces(self, src_id='all', sen_id='all'): for sr_id in self.src_ids: if sr_id not in self.sources: continue if not (src_id == 'all' or sr_id == src_id): continue for sn_id in self.sen_ids: if sn_id not in self.sensors: continue if not (sen_id == 'all' or sn_id == sen_id): continue try: response = self.engine.process( self.sources[sr_id], self.sensors[sn_id].sensors) trcs = response.pyrocko_traces() tstr = '{0}|{1}'.format(sr_id, sn_id) if tstr not in self.traces: self.traces[tstr] = {} tdict = self.traces[tstr] tdict['displacement_traces'] = trcs mina, maxa, minb, maxb, ratio = \ self.__tracesMinMax(trcs, sr_id, sn_id) if ratio != 0.: tdict['displacement_spectra'] = [ trc.spectrum() for trc in trcs] tdict['lowpass_applied'] = False tdict['highpass_applied'] = False tdict['displacement_ratio'] = ratio tdict['displacement_scale'] = max(abs(mina), abs(maxa)) except IndexError: self.__addToMessage( 'warning: IndexError: no traces created for' ' source-sensor combination: {0} - {1}. Try increasing' ' the sensor minimum distance.'.format( sr_id, sn_id)) def createVelocityTraces(self, trc_id='all'): for tid in self.traces: ids = trc_id.split('|') if len(ids) == 2: src_id, sen_id = ids else: src_id = sen_id = None if not (trc_id == 'all' or ((src_id == 'all' or src_id in self.sources) and (sen_id == 'all' or sen_id in self.sensors))): continue tdict = self.traces[tid] if 'displacement_traces' not in tdict: continue trcs = [trc.transfer( transfer_function=DifferentiationResponse()) for trc in tdict['displacement_traces']] tdict['velocity_traces'] = trcs src_id, sen_id = tid.split('|') mina, maxa, minb, maxb, ratio = \ self.__tracesMinMax(trcs, src_id, sen_id) if ratio != 0.: tdict['velocity_spectra'] = [ trc.spectrum() for trc in trcs] tdict['velocity_ratio'] = ratio tdict['velocity_scale'] = max(abs(mina), abs(maxa)) def getPhaseArrivals(self, trc_id='all', phase_ids='all'): for tid in self.traces: if trc_id == 'all' or trc_id == tid: self.__setPhaseArrivals(tid, phase_ids) def __setPhaseArrivals(self, trc_id, phase_ids='all'): st = src_id, sen_id = trc_id.split('|') src = self.sources[src_id] tdict = self.traces[trc_id] if 'phase_arrivals' not in tdict: tdict['phase_arrivals'] = {} phdict = tdict['phase_arrivals'] for pid in self.phases.split('|'): if pid == '': continue if phase_ids == 'all' or pid == phase_ids: dists = [] times = [] for sen in self.sensors[sen_id].sensors: time = st.t(pid, src, sen) if time is None: continue dists.append(src.distance_to(sen)) times.append(time) if len(times) > 0: phdict[pid] = (times, dists) def applyFrequencyFilters(self, trc_id='all'): dispname = 'displacement_traces' velname = 'velocity_traces' for tid in self.traces: if trc_id == 'all' or trc_id == tid: tdict = self.traces[tid] if self.lowpass_frequency: if dispname in tdict: for trc in tdict[dispname]: trc.lowpass(self.filter_order, self.lowpass_frequency, demean=False) tdict['lowpass_applied'] = True if velname in tdict: for trc in tdict[velname]: trc.lowpass(self.filter_order, self.lowpass_frequency, demean=False) tdict['lowpass_applied'] = True if self.highpass_frequency: if dispname in tdict: for trc in tdict[dispname]: trc.highpass(self.filter_order, self.highpass_frequency, demean=False) tdict['highpass_applied'] = True if velname in tdict: for trc in tdict[velname]: trc.highpass(self.filter_order, self.highpass_frequency, demean=False) tdict['highpass_applied'] = True sr_id, sn_id = tid.split('|') if dispname in tdict: trcs = tdict[dispname] mina, maxa, minb, maxb, ratio = \ self.__tracesMinMax(trcs, sr_id, sn_id) tdict['displacement_ratio'] = ratio tdict['displacement_scale'] = max(abs(mina), abs(maxa)) if velname in tdict: trcs = tdict[velname] mina, maxa, minb, maxb, ratio = \ self.__tracesMinMax(trcs, sr_id, sn_id) tdict['velocity_ratio'] = ratio tdict['velocity_scale'] = max(abs(mina), abs(maxa)) def __createOutputDoc(self, artefacts, chapters, gft2=None, together=False): str_id = self.store_id is_tex = self.output_format == 'pdf' if is_tex: file_type = 'tex' dir = self.temp_dir fstr_id = self.__formatLatexString(str_id) else: file_type = self.output_format dir = self.pdf_dir fstr_id = str_id temp = ja_latex_env.get_template('gfreport.{0}'.format(file_type)) out = '{0}/{1}.{2}'.format(dir, self.pdf_name, file_type) config = if together: tpath = self.__createVelocityProfile(gft2) if is_tex: img_ttl = r'{0} \& {1}'.format( fstr_id, gft2.__formatLatexString(gft2.store_id)) else: img_ttl = r'{0} & {1}'.format(str_id, gft2.store_id) else: tpath = self.__createVelocityProfile() img_ttl = fstr_id info = [(fstr_id, config, tpath, img_ttl)] if gft2 is not None: if is_tex: fstr_id = self.__formatLatexString(gft2.store_id) str_id = r'{0} \& {1}'.format(str_id, gft2.store_id) else: fstr_id = gft2.store_id str_id = r'{0} & {1}'.format(str_id, gft2.store_id) config = if together: tpath = '' else: tpath = gft2.__createVelocityProfile() info += [(fstr_id, config, tpath, fstr_id)] with open(out, 'w') as f: if is_tex: f.write(temp.render( rpt_id=self.__formatLatexString(str_id), str_info=info, artefacts=artefacts, chapters=chapters, config=config, headings='headings')) elif file_type == 'html': f.write(temp.render( rpt_id=str_id, str_info=info, artefacts=artefacts, chapters=chapters, config=config,'%B %d, %Y'))) if is_tex: pro_call = ['pdflatex', '-output-directory', self.pdf_dir, out, '-interaction', 'nonstop'] try: except OSError: raise FomostoReportError( 'Cannot run "pdflatex" executable. Is it installed?') self.cleanup() if gft2 is not None: gft2.cleanup() @staticmethod def __formatLatexString(string): rep = {'_': r'\_', r'\n': r'\\', '|': r'\textbar '} rep = {re.escape(k): v for k, v in rep.items()} pat = re.compile('|'.join(rep.keys())) return pat.sub(lambda m: rep[re.escape(], string) def createOutputDoc(self, *trc_ids): trcs = self.traces if len(trc_ids) == 0: trc_ids = trcs.keys() artefacts = self.__getArtefactPageInfo(trc_ids) chapters = [] if self.plot_everything: for tid in trc_ids: if tid not in trcs: continue src_id, sen_id = tid.split('|') ttl = '{0}, {1}'.format( self.getSourceString(src_id), self.getSensorString(sen_id)) tdict = trcs[tid] img_data = [] href = r'\hypertarget{${trc_id}|${str_id}|${type}}{}' trcname = 'displacement_traces' if trcname in tdict: hstr = Template(href).substitute( trc_id=tid, str_id=self.store_id, type='d') figs = self.__createTraceFigures(tid, trcname) fig = figs[0] img_data.extend([(self.__getFigureTitle(fig), hstr, self.__saveTempFigure(fig))]) img_data.extend([('', '', self.__saveTempFigure(x)) for x in figs[1:]]) if 'displacement_spectra' in tdict: fig = self.__createMaxAmpFigure(tid, trcname) img_data.append((self.__getFigureTitle(fig), '', self.__saveTempFigure(fig))) fig = self.__createSpectraFigure(tid, 'displacement_spectra') img_data.append((self.__getFigureTitle(fig), '', self.__saveTempFigure(fig))) trcname = 'velocity_traces' if self.plot_velocity and trcname in tdict: hstr = Template(href).substitute( trc_id=tid, str_id=self.store_id, type='v') figs = self.__createTraceFigures(tid, trcname) fig = figs[0] img_data.extend([(self.__getFigureTitle(fig), hstr, self.__saveTempFigure(fig))]) img_data.extend([('', '', self.__saveTempFigure(x)) for x in figs[1:]]) if 'velocity_spectra' in tdict: fig = self.__createMaxAmpFigure(tid, trcname) img_data.append((self.__getFigureTitle(fig), '', self.__saveTempFigure(fig))) fig = self.__createSpectraFigure(tid, 'velocity_spectra') img_data.append((self.__getFigureTitle(fig), '', self.__saveTempFigure(fig))) if self.output_format == 'pdf': src_str = self.__formatLatexString( self.sources[src_id].dump()) sen_str = self.__formatLatexString( self.sensors[sen_id].dump()) else: src_str = self.sources[src_id].dump() sen_str = self.sensors[sen_id].dump() chapters.append([ttl, src_str, sen_str, img_data]) if self.output_format == 'pdf': self.__createOutputDoc( [[self.__formatLatexString(self.store_id), self.__formatLatexString(self.phase_ratio_string), artefacts]], chapters) elif self.output_format == 'html': self.__createOutputDoc( [[self.store_id, self.phase_ratio_string, artefacts]], chapters) @classmethod def createComparisonOutputDoc(cls, gft1, gft2, *trc_ids, **kwargs): # only valid kwargs is 'together' if 'together' in kwargs: together = kwargs['together'] else: together = True if len(trc_ids) == 0: trc_ids = gft1.traces.keys() tname = '{0}-{1}{2}{3}'.format( gft1.store_id, gft2.store_id, '_together_' if together else '_', gft1.getFrequencyString(None)) gft1.pdf_name = tname gft2.pdf_name = tname trcs1 = gft1.traces trcs2 = gft2.traces art1 = gft1.__getArtefactPageInfo(trc_ids) art2 = gft2.__getArtefactPageInfo(trc_ids, gft1.store_id) chapters = [] if gft1.plot_everything: for tid in trc_ids: if tid not in trcs1 or tid not in trcs2: continue src_id, sen_id = tid.split('|') ttl = '{0}, {1}'.format( gft1.getSourceString(src_id), gft1.getSensorString(sen_id)) tdict1 = trcs1[tid] tdict2 = trcs2[tid] img_data = [] href = r'\hypertarget{${trc_id}|${str_id}|${type}}{}' trcname = 'displacement_traces' tstr = 'displacement_spectra' if trcname in tdict1 and trcname in tdict2: hstr = Template(href).substitute( trc_id=tid, str_id=gft1.store_id, type='d') figs = cls.__createComparisonTraceFigures( gft1, gft2, tid, trcname, together) fig = figs[0] img_data.extend([(gft1.__getFigureTitle(fig), hstr, gft1.__saveTempFigure(fig))]) img_data.extend([('', '', gft1.__saveTempFigure(x)) for x in figs[1:]]) if tstr in tdict1 and tstr in tdict2: fig = gft1.__createComparisonMaxAmpFigure( gft1, gft2, tid, trcname, together) img_data.append((gft1.__getFigureTitle(fig), '', gft1.__saveTempFigure(fig))) trcname = tstr if not together: if trcname in tdict1 and trcname in tdict2: fig = cls.__createComparissonSpectraFigure( gft1, gft2, tid, trcname) img_data.append((gft1.__getFigureTitle(fig), '', gft1.__saveTempFigure(fig))) trcname = 'velocity_traces' tstr = 'velocity_spectra' if gft1.plot_velocity and gft2.plot_velocity and \ trcname in tdict1 and trcname in tdict2: hstr = Template(href).substitute( trc_id=tid, str_id=gft1.store_id, type='v') figs = cls.__createComparisonTraceFigures( gft1, gft2, tid, trcname, together) fig = figs[0] img_data.extend([(gft1.__getFigureTitle(fig), hstr, gft1.__saveTempFigure(fig))]) img_data.extend([('', '', gft1.__saveTempFigure(x)) for x in figs[1:]]) if tstr in tdict1 and tstr in tdict2: fig = gft1.__createComparisonMaxAmpFigure( gft1, gft2, tid, trcname, together) img_data.append((gft1.__getFigureTitle(fig), '', gft1.__saveTempFigure(fig))) if not together: if tstr in tdict1 and tstr in tdict2: fig = cls.__createComparissonSpectraFigure( gft1, gft2, tid, tstr) img_data.append((gft1.__getFigureTitle(fig), '', gft1.__saveTempFigure(fig))) if gft1.output_format == 'pdf': src_str = gft1.__formatLatexString( gft1.sources[src_id].dump()) sen_str = gft1.__formatLatexString( gft1.sensors[sen_id].dump()) else: src_str = gft1.sources[src_id].dump() sen_str = gft1.sensors[sen_id].dump() chapters.append([ttl, src_str, sen_str, img_data]) if gft1.output_format == 'pdf': gft1.__createOutputDoc( [[gft1.__formatLatexString(gft1.store_id), gft1.__formatLatexString(gft1.phase_ratio_string), art1], [gft2.__formatLatexString(gft2.store_id), gft2.__formatLatexString(gft2.phase_ratio_string), art2]], chapters, gft2=gft2, together=together) elif gft1.output_format == 'html': gft1.__createOutputDoc( [[gft1.store_id, gft1.phase_ratio_string, art1], [gft2.store_id, gft2.phase_ratio_string, art2]], chapters, gft2=gft2, together=together) def __getArtefactPageInfo(self, trc_ids, str_id=None): is_tex = self.output_format == 'pdf' if is_tex: sp = r'\ '*6 else: sp = r' '*6 ratio_tol = 0.4 artefacts = [] # list of [<trace string>, <ratio text color>, <ratio string>] if str_id is None: str_id = self.store_id for tid in trc_ids: if tid not in self.traces: continue src_id, sen_id = tid.split('|') tdict = self.traces[tid] ttl_str = r'%s, %s' % (self.getSourceString(src_id), self.getSensorString(sen_id)) if self.output_format == 'pdf': ttl_str = r'\textbr{%s}' % ttl_str artefacts.append([ttl_str, 'black', '']) chCode = self.sensors[sen_id].codes[3] ttl_str = r'{0}{1} traces ({2})'.format( sp, 'Displacement', chCode) ratio = tdict['displacement_ratio'] color = ('red' if ratio == 0. or ratio > ratio_tol else 'black') rat_str = '{0:0.3f}'.format(ratio) if is_tex: tex = r'\hyperlink{${tid}|${str_id}|${type}}{${title}}' ttl_str = Template(tex).substitute( tid=tid, str_id=str_id, type='d', title=ttl_str) artefacts.append([ttl_str, color, rat_str]) if self.plot_velocity and 'velocity_traces' in tdict: ttl_str = r'{0}{1} traces ({2})'.format(sp, 'Velocity', chCode) ratio = tdict['velocity_ratio'] color = ('red' if ratio == 0. or ratio > ratio_tol else 'black') rat_str = '{0:0.3f}'.format(ratio) if is_tex: tex = r'\hyperlink{${tid}|${str_id}|${type}}{${title}}' ttl_str = Template(tex).substitute( tid=tid, str_id=str_id, type='v', title=ttl_str) artefacts.append([ttl_str, color, rat_str]) artefacts.append(['', 'black', '']) return artefacts def __createTraceFigures(self, trc_id, trc_type): figs = [] for i in self.__scalelist: fig = self.__setupFigure(trc_type, 1) ax, ax2 = fig.axes zerotrc = self.__drawTraceData(trc_id, trc_type, ax, ax2, i, (0.01, 0.01)) self.__drawBeachball(trc_id, ax) figs.append(fig) if zerotrc: break return figs @staticmethod def __createComparisonTraceFigures( gfTest1, gfTest2, trc_id, trc_type, together): tdict = gfTest1.traces[trc_id] sc1 = tdict['{0}_scale'.format(trc_type.split('_')[0])] tdict = gfTest2.traces[trc_id] sc2 = tdict['{0}_scale'.format(trc_type.split('_')[0])] absmax = (sc1 + sc2) / 2. figs = [] for i in gfTest1.__scalelist: if together: fig = gfTest1.__setupFigure(trc_type, 1) ax, ax2 = fig.axes zerotrc1 = gfTest1.__drawTraceData( trc_id, trc_type, ax, ax2, i, (0.01, 0.01), showphases=False, absmax=absmax) zerotrc2 = gfTest2.__drawTraceData( trc_id, trc_type, ax, ax2, i, (0.92, 0.01), color=plot.mpl_color('scarletred2'), hor_ali='right', showphases=False, absmax=absmax) gfTest1.__drawBeachball(trc_id, ax) else: fig = gfTest1.__setupFigure(trc_type, 2) ax, ax2, ax3, ax4 = fig.axes zerotrc1 = gfTest1.__drawTraceData( trc_id, trc_type, ax, ax2, i, (0.01, 0.01), absmax=absmax) gfTest1.__drawBeachball(trc_id, ax) zerotrc2 = gfTest2.__drawTraceData( trc_id, trc_type, ax3, ax4, i, (0.98, 0.01), hor_ali='right', absmax=absmax) gfTest2.__drawBeachball(trc_id, ax3) figs.append(fig) if zerotrc1 and zerotrc2: break return figs def __drawTraceData(self, trc_id, trc_type, lfax, rtax, yfac, anno_pt, color='black', hor_ali='left', showphases=True, absmax=None): new_axis = lfax.get_ylim() == (0.0, 1.0) tdict = self.traces[trc_id] trcs = tdict[trc_type] phdict = None if showphases and 'phase_arrivals' in tdict: phdict = tdict['phase_arrivals'] if len(phdict) == 0: phdict = None times = trace.minmaxtime(trcs, key=lambda trc: None)[None] times = np.linspace(times[0], times[1], 10) diff = (times[1] - times[0]) / 10. src_id, sen_id = trc_id.split('|') chCode = self.sensors[sen_id].codes[3] dists = self.__getSensorDistances(src_id, sen_id) ysc = dists[1] - dists[0] zerotrc = False if absmax is None: absmax = tdict['{0}_scale'.format(trc_type.split('_')[0])] if absmax == 0.: absmax = 1. zerotrc = True ysc2 = ysc / absmax * yfac for i in range(len(self.sensors[sen_id].sensors)): trc = trcs[i] dist = dists[i] lfax.plot(trc.get_xdata(), (dist + trc.get_ydata() * ysc2) * cake.m2d, '-', color=color) if phdict is not None: for i, pid in enumerate(phdict): ts, ds = phdict[pid] ds = [d * cake.m2d for d in ds] lfax.plot(ts, ds, label='{0}-wave'.format(pid), marker='o', markersize=3, color=plot.to01(plot.graph_colors[i % 7])) lfax.legend(loc='lower right', shadow=False, prop={'size': 10.}) xmin = times[0] - diff xmax = times[-1] + diff dmin = dists[0] dmax = dists[-1] ymin = (dmin - ysc * 3.) ymax = (dmax + ysc * 3.) if new_axis: lfax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) lfax.set_ylim(ymin * cake.m2d, ymax * cake.m2d) rtax.set_ylim(ymin / 1e3, ymax / 1e3) else: xlims = lfax.get_xlim() xlims = (min(xmin, xlims[0]), max(xmax, xlims[1])) lfax.set_xlim(xlims) lfax.set_title('{0} traces ({1}), {2}'.format( trc_type.split('_')[0].title(), chCode, self.getFrequencyString(trc_id)), y=1.015) lfax.annotate(self.getAnnotateString(src_id, sen_id, ysc2), xy=anno_pt, fontsize=(self.__notesize), xycoords='figure fraction', ha=hor_ali, color=color) if zerotrc: lfax.annotate('Zero amplitudes!\nSpectra will not\nbe plotted.', xy=(0.001, 0.), fontsize=25, alpha=0.75, rotation=0., xycoords='axes fraction', color=plot.mpl_color('aluminium4')) self.__drawGrid(lfax) return zerotrc def __createSpectraFigure(self, trc_id, spc_id): fig = self.__setupFigure('spectra', 1) ax = fig.axes[0] self.__drawSpectraData(trc_id, ax, (0.01, 0.01), spc_id) return fig @staticmethod def __createComparissonSpectraFigure(gfTest1, gfTest2, trc_id, spc_id): fig = gfTest1.__setupFigure('spectra', 2) ax, ax2 = fig.axes gfTest1.__drawSpectraData(trc_id, ax, (0.01, 0.01), spc_id, show_cbar=False) gfTest2.__drawSpectraData(trc_id, ax2, (0.98, 0.01), spc_id, hor_ali='right') # evenly space the axes ax1, ax2, ax3 = fig.axes pos1 = ax1.get_position() pos2 = ax2.get_position() fac = (pos2.x0 - pos1.x1) / 2. mid = (pos2.x1 + pos1.x0) / 2. wid = mid - fac - pos1.x0 ax1.set_position([pos1.x0, pos1.y0, wid, pos1.height]) ax2.set_position([mid + fac, pos2.y0, wid, pos2.height]) return fig def __drawSpectraData(self, trc_id, ax, anno_pt, spc_id, hor_ali='left', show_cbar=True): tdict = self.traces[trc_id] spcs = tdict[spc_id] clrs = np.linspace(0., 1., len(spcs)) cmap = cm.jet src_id, sen_id = trc_id.split('|') chCode = self.sensors[sen_id].codes[3] dists = self.__getSensorDistances(src_id, sen_id) for idx, data in enumerate(spcs): f, v = data ax.plot(f, abs(v), color=cmap(clrs[idx]), marker='x') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude [{0}]'.format( 'm' if spc_id.startswith('displacement') else 'm/s')) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax.set_title('{0} spectra for ({1})'. format(spc_id.split('_')[0].title(), chCode), y=1.015) ax.annotate(self.getAnnotateString(src_id, sen_id), xy=anno_pt, ha=hor_ali, fontsize=(self.__notesize), xycoords='figure fraction') if show_cbar: tmin = min(dists) / 1e3 tmax = max(dists) / 1e3 sm = cmap=cmap, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=tmin, vmax=tmax)) sm.set_array(np.linspace(tmin, tmax, self.sensors[sen_id].sensor_count)) cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, shrink=0.95)'Sensor distance [km]') def __createMaxAmpFigure(self, trc_id, trc_typ): fig = self.__setupFigure('maxamp_{0}'.format(trc_typ), 1) ax, ax2 = fig.axes self.__drawMaxAmpData(trc_id, ax, ax2, (0.01, 0.01), trc_typ) return fig @staticmethod def __createComparisonMaxAmpFigure(gfTest1, gfTest2, trc_id, trc_typ, together): if together: fig = gfTest1.__setupFigure('maxamp_{0}'.format(trc_typ), 1) ax, ax2 = fig.axes gfTest1.__drawMaxAmpData(trc_id, ax, ax2, (0.01, 0.01), trc_typ) gfTest2.__drawMaxAmpData(trc_id, ax, ax2, (0.92, 0.01), trc_typ, color=plot.mpl_color('scarletred2'), hor_ali='right') else: fig = gfTest1.__setupFigure('maxamp_{0}'.format(trc_typ), 2) ax, ax2, ax3, ax4 = fig.axes gfTest1.__drawMaxAmpData(trc_id, ax, ax2, (0.01, 0.01), trc_typ) gfTest2.__drawMaxAmpData(trc_id, ax3, ax4, (0.98, 0.01), trc_typ, hor_ali='right') return fig def __drawMaxAmpData(self, trc_id, btmax, topax, anno_pt, trc_typ, color='black', hor_ali='left'): new_axis = btmax.get_ylim() == (0.0, 1.0) src_id, sen_id = trc_id.split('|') chCode = self.sensors[sen_id].codes[3] trcs = self.traces[trc_id][trc_typ] dists = [x / 1e3 for x in self.__getSensorDistances(src_id, sen_id)] before, after = self.__tracesMinMaxs(trcs, src_id, sen_id) amps = [max(abs(x[0]), abs(x[1])) for x in after] btmax.plot(dists, amps, '-x', color=color) xlims = [x * cake.m2d * 1e3 for x in btmax.get_xlim()] ylims = (min(amps) * 1e-1, max(amps) * 1e1) if new_axis: topax.set_xlim(xlims) btmax.set_ylim(ylims) else: tlims = btmax.get_ylim() ylims = (min(ylims[0], tlims[0]), max(ylims[1], tlims[1])) btmax.set_ylim(ylims) topax.set_ylim(ylims) btmax.set_title('{0} amplitudes for ({1})'. format(trc_typ.split('_')[0].title(), chCode), y=1.08) btmax.annotate(self.getAnnotateString(src_id, sen_id), xy=anno_pt, ha=hor_ali, color=color, fontsize=(self.__notesize), xycoords='figure fraction') self.__drawGrid(btmax) def __getModelProperty(self, prop): mod = depths = mod.profile('z') / 1e3 if '/' in prop: pros = prop.split('/') data = mod.profile(pros[0]) / mod.profile(pros[1]) else: data = mod.profile(prop) if prop in ['vp', 'vs', 'rho']: data /= 1e3 return data, depths def __createVelocityProfile(self, gft2=None): opts = ['vp', 'vs', 'vp/vs', 'rho', 'qp', 'qs', 'qp/qs'] fig = self.__setupFigure('profile', 4, rows=2) axs = fig.axes for i, opt in enumerate(opts): ax = axs[i] if gft2 is None: data, depths = self.__getModelProperty(opt) ax.plot(data, depths) else: data, depths = self.__getModelProperty(opt) ax.plot(data, depths, linewidth=3, linestyle='--', alpha=0.8, label=self.store_id, color=plot.mpl_color('aluminium4')) data, depths = gft2.__getModelProperty(opt) ax.plot(data, depths, linewidth=1, color=plot.mpl_color('scarletred2'), label=gft2.store_id) if opt in ['vp', 'vs']: ex = ' [km/s]' elif opt == 'rho': ex = ' [kg/m^3]' else: ex = '' ax.set_xlabel(opt + ex) ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.13) ax.invert_yaxis() pos = ax.get_position() if i == 0 or i == 4: ax.set_ylabel('Depth [km]') if i > 1: for j in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[1::2]: j.set_visible(False) if (i // 4) == 0: y = pos.y0 * 1.025 ax.set_position([pos.x0, y, pos.width, pos.height - (y - pos.y0)]) else: y = pos.height * 0.975 ax.set_position([pos.x0, pos.y0, pos.width, y]) if gft2 is None: ttl = 'Earth model plots: {0}'.format(self.store_id) else: ttl = 'Earth model plots: {0} & {1}'.format(self.store_id, gft2.store_id) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 1.), loc=2) ax.annotate(ttl, xy=(0.5, 0.95), fontsize=(self.__notesize * 2), xycoords='figure fraction', ha='center', va='top') return self.__saveTempFigure(fig) @staticmethod def __setupFigure(fig_type, cols, rows=1): fontsize = 10. figsize = plot.mpl_papersize('a4', 'landscape') plot.mpl_init(fontsize=fontsize) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) labelpos = plot.mpl_margins(fig, w=7., h=6., units=fontsize, wspace=7., nw=cols, nh=rows) for cnt in range(1, (cols * rows) + 1): if fig_type == 'profile' and cnt >= 8: continue ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, cnt) labelpos(ax, 2., 2.25) if fig_type.startswith('maxamp'): if fig_type.split('_')[1] == 'displacement': ax.set_ylabel('Max. Amplitude [m]') else: ax.set_ylabel('Max. Amplitude [m/s]') ax.set_yscale('log') ax2 = ax.twiny() ax.set_xlabel('Distance [km]') ax2.set_xlabel('Distance [deg]') elif '_traces' in fig_type: ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel('Distance [km]') ax.set_ylabel('Distance [deg]') return fig @staticmethod def __drawGrid(ax, major=True, minor=True): if major: ax.grid( visible=True, which='major', c='grey', linestyle='-', alpha=.45) if minor: ax.minorticks_on() ax.grid( visible=True, which='minor', c='grey', linestyle=':', alpha=.8) @staticmethod def __getFigureTitle(fig): for ax in fig.axes: ttl = ax.get_title() if ttl == '': continue return ttl return '' def __drawBeachball(self, trc_id, ax): src_id, sen_id = trc_id.split('|') src = self.sources[src_id] mt = src.pyrocko_moment_tensor() sz = 20. szpt = sz / 72. bbx = ax.get_xlim()[0] bby = ax.get_ylim()[1] move_trans = transforms.ScaledTranslation( szpt, -szpt, ax.figure.dpi_scale_trans) inv_trans = ax.transData.inverted() bbx, bby = inv_trans.transform(move_trans.transform( ax.transData.transform((bbx, bby)))) beachball.plot_beachball_mpl(mt, ax, beachball_type='full', size=sz, position=(bbx, bby)) def __saveTempFigure(self, fig): if self.output_format == 'pdf': fname = NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='gft_', suffix='.pdf', dir=self.temp_dir, delete=False) fname.close() fig.savefig(, transparent=True) out = elif self.output_format == 'html': imgdata = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(imgdata, format='png') out = base64.b64encode( plt.close(fig) return out def __tracesMinMaxs(self, trcs, src_id, sen_id): # return the min/max amplitudes before and after the arrival of the # self.phase_ratio_string phase found in the traces, # plus the maximum ratio between the max absolute value before = [] after = [] tbrk = None src = self.sources[src_id] sensors = self.sensors[sen_id].sensors for i, trc in enumerate(trcs): if self.phases == '': tbrk = None else: tbrk =, src, sensors[i]) times = trc.get_xdata() data = trc.get_ydata() tmina = None tmaxa = None tminb = None tmaxb = None for idx, time in enumerate(times): val = data[idx] if time < tbrk or tbrk is None: if tminb is None or tminb > val: tminb = val if tmaxb is None or tmaxb < val: tmaxb = val else: if tmina is None or tmina > val: tmina = val if tmaxa is None or tmaxa < val: tmaxa = val if tminb is None: tminb = 0. if tmaxb is None: tmaxb = 0. before.append((tminb, tmaxb)) if tbrk is None: after.append((tminb, tmaxb)) else: after.append((tmina, tmaxa)) return before, after def __tracesMinMax(self, trcs, src_id, sen_id): # return the min/max amplitudes before and after the arrival of the # self.phase_ratio_string phase found in the traces, # plus the maximum ratio between the max absolute value before, after = self.__tracesMinMaxs(trcs, src_id, sen_id) mina = min([x[0] for x in after]) maxa = max([x[1] for x in after]) minb = min([x[0] for x in before]) maxb = max([x[1] for x in before]) ratios = list(map(lambda b, a: 0. if a[0] == a[1] == 0. else max(abs(b[0]), abs(b[1]))/max(abs(a[0]), abs(a[1])), before, after)) return mina, maxa, minb, maxb, max(ratios) def __getSensorDistances(self, src_id, sen_id): src = self.sources[src_id] return [src.distance_to(sen) for sen in self.sensors[sen_id].sensors] @classmethod def __createStandardSetups(cls, store_dir, **kwargs): tdict = cls.__get_valid_arguments(kwargs) gft = cls(store_dir, **tdict) if 'source_depth' in kwargs: depth = kwargs['source_depth'] else: depth = None src1 = gft.createSource('DC', depth, 0., 90., 0., **kwargs) # src2 = gft.createSource('DC', depth, -90., 90., -90., **kwargs) src3 = gft.createSource('DC', depth, 45., 90., 180., **kwargs) # src4 = gft.createSource('Explosion', depth, 0., 90., **kwargs) SensorArray.validate_args(kwargs) sen1 = gft.createSensors(strike=0., codes=('', 'STA', '', 'R'), azimuth=0., dip=0., **kwargs) sen2 = gft.createSensors(strike=0., codes=('', 'STA', '', 'T'), azimuth=90., dip=0., **kwargs) sen3 = gft.createSensors(strike=0., codes=('', 'STA', '', 'Z'), azimuth=0., dip=-90., **kwargs) gft.trace_configs = [[src3, sen1], [src1, sen2], [src3, sen3]] # gft.trace_configs = [[src3, sen1]] # gft.trace_configs = [[src3, sen1], [src1, sen2], [src3, sen3], # [src4, 'all']] # gft.trace_configs = [[src4, 'all']] # gft.trace_configs = [['all', 'all']] gft.__applyTypicalProcedures() return gft def __applyTypicalProcedures(self): if self.trace_configs is None: self.createDisplacementTraces() else: for src, sen in self.trace_configs: self.createDisplacementTraces(src, sen) if self.plot_velocity: if self.trace_configs is None: self.createVelocityTraces() else: for src, sen in self.trace_configs: self.createVelocityTraces('{0}|{1}'.format(src, sen)) self.applyFrequencyFilters() self.getPhaseArrivals() def __update(self, **kwargs): for k in kwargs: temp = kwargs[k] if temp is not None: setattr(self, k, temp) @classmethod def runStandardCheck( cls, store_dir, source_depth=None, lowpass_frequency=None, highpass_frequency=None, rel_lowpass_frequency=(1. / 110), rel_highpass_frequency=(1. / 16), distance_min=None, distance_max=None, sensor_count=50, filter_order=4, pdf_dir=None, plot_velocity=False, plot_everything=True, output_format='pdf'): args = locals() del args['cls'] gft = cls.__createStandardSetups(**args) gft.createOutputDoc() gft.__printMessage() return gft @classmethod def runComparissonStandardCheck( cls, store_dir1, store_dir2, distance_min, distance_max, together=True, source_depth=None, output_format='pdf', lowpass_frequency=None, highpass_frequency=None, rel_lowpass_frequency=(1. / 110), rel_highpass_frequency=(1. / 16), filter_order=4, pdf_dir=None, plot_velocity=False, plot_everything=True, sensor_count=50): args = locals() del args['cls'] args['change_dists'] = False gft1 = cls.__createStandardSetups(store_dir1, **args) if 'source_depth' not in args or args['source_depth'] is None: args['source_depth'] = gft1.sources[list(gft1.sources.keys())[0]]\ .depth gft2 = cls.__createStandardSetups(store_dir2, **args) cls.createComparisonOutputDoc(gft1, gft2, together=together) gft1.__printMessage() gft2.__printMessage() return gft1, gft2 @staticmethod def createDocumentFromFile(filename, allowed=1, **kwargs): with open(filename, 'r') as f: fstr = gfts = [] st = None end = -1 tstr = '--- !{0}.GreensFunctionTest'.format(guts_prefix) try: while True: st = fstr.index(tstr, end + 1) if st is None: break if st > 0 and fstr[st - 1:st] != '\n': end = st st = None continue end = fstr.index('\n{0}'.format(tstr), st) gfts.append(fstr[st:end]) except ValueError: if st is not None: gfts.append(fstr[st:]) cnt = len(gfts) if cnt == 0: raise TypeError('error: GreensFunctionTest: non-valid config' ' file passed: {0}'.format(filename)) elif cnt > allowed: raise TypeError('error: GreensFunctionTest: to many configs in' ' file passed: {0}'.format(filename)) elif cnt < allowed: raise TypeError('error: GreensFunctionTest: not enough configs in' ' file passed: {0}'.format(filename)) if cnt == allowed == 1: gft = load(stream=gfts[0]) gft.__update(**kwargs) gft.__applyTypicalProcedures() gft.createOutputDoc() gft.__printMessage() return gft if cnt == allowed == 2: gft = load(stream=gfts[0]) gft.__update(**kwargs) gft.__applyTypicalProcedures() gft2 = load(stream=gfts[1]) gft2.__update(**kwargs) gft2.__applyTypicalProcedures() gft.createComparisonOutputDoc(gft, gft2, **kwargs) gft.__printMessage() gft2.__printMessage() return gft, gft2