Source code for utility

This module provides a namespace for various functions:
coordinate transformations,
loading and storing objects,
book-keeping of indexes in arrays that relate to defined variable names,
manipulation of various pyrocko objects
and many more ...

import collections
import copy
import logging
import os
import re
from functools import wraps
from timeit import Timer

import cloudpickle as pickle
import numpy as num
from pyrocko import catalog, orthodrome, util
from pyrocko.cake import LayeredModel, m2d, read_nd_model_str
from pyrocko.guts import Float, Int, Object
from pytensor import config as tconfig

logger = logging.getLogger("utility")

DataMap = collections.namedtuple("DataMap", "list_ind, slc, shp, dtype, name")

locationtypes = {

dimensiontypes = {
mttypes = {"mnn", "mee", "mdd", "mne", "mnd", "med"}
degtypes = {"strike", "dip", "rake"}
nucleationtypes = {"nucleation_x", "nucleation_y"}
patch_anchor_points = {"center", "bottom_depth", "bottom_left"}

patypes = {"traction", "strike_traction", "dip_traction", "tensile_traction"}
kmtypes = set.union(locationtypes, dimensiontypes, patch_anchor_points)
grouped_vars = set.union(kmtypes, mttypes, degtypes, nucleationtypes)

unit_sets = {
    "locationtypes": locationtypes,
    "dimensiontypes": dimensiontypes,
    "mttypes": mttypes,
    "degtypes": degtypes,
    "nucleationtypes": nucleationtypes,

seconds_str = "00:00:00"

sphr = 3600.0
hrpd = 24.0

d2r = num.pi / 180.0
km = 1000.0

def argsorted(seq, reverse=False):
    # by unutbu
    return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=seq.__getitem__, reverse=reverse)

[docs] class Counter(object): """ Counts calls of types with string_ids. Repeated calls with the same string id increase the count. """ def __init__(self): self.d = dict() def __call__(self, string, multiplier=1): if string not in self.d: self.d[string] = 0 else: self.d[string] += 1 * multiplier return self.d[string] def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.d[key] except ValueError: raise KeyError( 'type "%s" is not listed in the counter!' " Counted types are: %s" % (key, list2string(list(self.d.keys()))) ) def reset(self, string=None): if string is None: self.d = dict() else: self.d[string] = 0
[docs] class ListArrayOrdering(object): """ An ordering for a list to an array space. Takes also non pytensor.tensors. Modified from pymc blocking. Parameters ---------- list_arrays : list :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`pytensor.tensor.Tensor` intype : str defining the input type 'tensor' or 'numpy' """ def __init__(self, list_arrays, intype="numpy"): self.vmap = [] dim = 0 count = 0 for array in list_arrays: if intype == "tensor": name = array = array.get_test_value() elif intype == "numpy": name = "numpy" slc = slice(dim, dim + array.size) vm = DataMap(count, slc, array.shape, array.dtype, name) self.vmap.append(vm) dim += array.size count += 1 self.size = dim self._keys = None def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.vmap[self.variables.index(key)] except ValueError: raise KeyError( 'Variable "%s" is not in the mapping!' " Mapped Variables: %s" % (key, list2string(self.variables)) ) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.variables) @property def variables(self): if self._keys is None: self._keys = [ for vmap in self.vmap] return self._keys
[docs] class ListToArrayBijection(object): """ A mapping between a List of arrays and an array space Parameters ---------- ordering : :class:`ListArrayOrdering` list_arrays : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ def __init__(self, ordering, list_arrays, blacklist=[]): self.ordering = ordering self.list_arrays = list_arrays self.dummy = -9.0e40 self.blacklist = blacklist
[docs] def d2l(self, dpt): """ Maps values from dict space to List space If variable expected from ordering is not in point it is filled with a low dummy value -999999. Parameters ---------- dpt : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- lpoint """ a_list = copy.copy(self.list_arrays) for list_ind, _, shp, _, var in self.ordering.vmap: try: a_list[list_ind] = dpt[var].ravel() except KeyError: # Needed for initialisation of chain_l_point in Metropolis a_list[list_ind] = num.atleast_1d(num.ones(shp) * self.dummy).ravel() return a_list
[docs] def l2d(self, a_list): """ Maps values from List space to dict space Parameters ---------- list_arrays : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- :class:`pymc.model.Point` """ point = {} for list_ind, _, _, _, var in self.ordering.vmap: if var not in self.blacklist: point[var] = a_list[list_ind].ravel() return point
[docs] def l2a(self, list_arrays): """ Maps values from List space to array space Parameters ---------- list_arrays : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` single array comprising all the input arrays """ array = num.empty(self.ordering.size) for list_ind, slc, _, _, _ in self.ordering.vmap: array[slc] = list_arrays[list_ind].ravel() return array
[docs] def f3map(self, list_arrays): """ Maps values from List space to array space with 3 columns Parameters ---------- list_arrays : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` with size: n x 3 Returns ------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` single array comprising all the input arrays """ array = num.empty((self.ordering.size, 3)) for list_ind, slc, _, _, _ in self.ordering.vmap: array[slc, :] = list_arrays[list_ind] return array
[docs] def a2l(self, array): """ Maps value from array space to List space Inverse operation of fmap. Parameters ---------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- a_list : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ a_list = copy.copy(self.list_arrays) for list_ind, slc, shp, dtype, _ in self.ordering.vmap: try: a_list[list_ind] = num.atleast_1d(array)[slc].reshape(shp).astype(dtype) except ValueError: # variable does not exist in array use dummy a_list[list_ind] = num.atleast_1d(num.ones(shp) * self.dummy).ravel() return a_list
[docs] def a_nd2l(self, array): """ Maps value from ndarray space (ndims, data) to List space Inverse operation of fmap. Nd Parameters ---------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- a_list : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ a_list = copy.copy(self.list_arrays) nd = array.ndim if nd != 2: raise ValueError( "Input array has wrong dimensions! Needed 2d array! Got %i" % nd ) for list_ind, slc, shp, dtype, _ in self.ordering.vmap: shpnd = (array.shape[0],) + shp try: a_list[list_ind] = ( num.atleast_2d(array)[:, slc].reshape(shpnd).astype(dtype) ) except ValueError: # variable does not exist in array use dummy a_list[list_ind] = num.atleast_2d(num.ones(shpnd) * self.dummy) return a_list
[docs] def srmap(self, tarray): """ Maps value from symbolic variable array space to List space Parameters ---------- tarray : :class:`pytensor.tensor.Tensor` Returns ------- a_list : list of :class:`pytensor.tensor.Tensor` """ a_list = copy.copy(self.list_arrays) for list_ind, slc, shp, dtype, _ in self.ordering.vmap: a_list[list_ind] = tarray[slc].reshape(shp).astype( return a_list
[docs] def weed_input_rvs(input_rvs, mode, datatype): """ Throw out random variables (RV)s from input list that are not included by the respective synthetics generating functions. Parameters ---------- input_rvs : dict of :class:`pymc.Distribution` or set of variable names mode : str 'geometry', 'static, 'kinematic', 'interseismic' determining the discarded RVs datatype : str 'seismic' or 'geodetic' determining the discarded RVs Returns ------- weeded_input_rvs : dict of :class:`pymc.Distribution` """ weeded_input_rvs = copy.copy(input_rvs) burian = """ lat lon name stf stf1 stf2 stf_mode moment anchor velocity interpolation decimation_factor npointsources elevation exponent aggressive_oversampling """.split() if mode == "geometry": if datatype == "geodetic": tobeweeded = [ "time", "duration", "delta_time", "nucleation_x", "nucleation_y", "peak_ratio", ] + burian elif datatype == "seismic": tobeweeded = ["opening"] + burian elif datatype == "polarity": tobeweeded = [ "time", "duration", "magnitude", "peak_ratio", "slip", "opening_fraction", "nucleation_x", "nucleation_y", "length", "width", "fn", "fe", "fd", ] + burian elif mode == "bem": if datatype == "geodetic": tobeweeded = [ "time", "duration", "peak_ratio", ] + burian elif mode == "ffi": tobeweeded = [] else: raise TypeError(f"Mode {mode} not supported!") for weed in tobeweeded: if isinstance(weeded_input_rvs, dict): if weed in weeded_input_rvs.keys(): weeded_input_rvs.pop(weed) elif isinstance(weeded_input_rvs, set): weeded_input_rvs.discard(weed) else: raise TypeError( "Variables are not of proper format: %s !" % weeded_input_rvs.__class__ ) return weeded_input_rvs
[docs] def apply_station_blacklist(stations, blacklist): """ Weed stations listed in the blacklist. Parameters ---------- stations : list :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` blacklist : list strings of station names Returns ------- stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` """ outstations = [] for st in stations: station_name = get_ns_id((, st.station)) if station_name not in blacklist: outstations.append(st) return outstations
[docs] def weed_data_traces(data_traces, stations): """ Throw out data traces belonging to stations that are not in the stations list. Keeps list orders! Parameters ---------- data_traces : list of :class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` Returns ------- weeded_data_traces : list of :class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` """ station_names = [ get_ns_id((, station.station)) for station in stations ] weeded_data_traces = [] for tr in data_traces: trace_name = get_ns_id(tr.nslc_id) if trace_name in station_names: weeded_data_traces.append(tr) return weeded_data_traces
[docs] def weed_targets(targets, stations, discard_targets=[]): """ Throw out targets belonging to stations that are not in the stations list. Keeps list orders and returns new list! Parameters ---------- targets : list of :class:`` stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` Returns ------- weeded_targets : list of :class:`` """ station_names = [ get_ns_id((, station.station)) for station in stations ] weeded_targets = [] for target in targets: target_name = get_ns_id(([0],[1])) if target_name in station_names: if target in discard_targets: pass else: weeded_targets.append(target) return weeded_targets
[docs] def downsample_trace(data_trace, deltat=None, snap=False): """ Downsample data_trace to given sampling interval 'deltat'. Parameters ---------- data_trace : :class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` deltat : sampling interval [s] to which trace should be downsampled Returns ------- :class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` new instance """ tr = data_trace.copy() if deltat is not None: if num.abs(tr.deltat - deltat) > 1.0e-6: try: tr.downsample_to(deltat, snap=snap, allow_upsample_max=5, demean=False) tr.deltat = deltat if snap: tr.snap() except util.UnavailableDecimation as e: logger.error("Cannot downsample %s.%s.%s.%s: %s" % (tr.nslc_id + (e,))) elif snap: if tr.tmin / tr.deltat > 1e-6 or tr.tmax / tr.deltat > 1e-6: tr.snap() else: raise ValueError("Need to provide target sample rate!") return tr
[docs] def weed_stations(stations, event, distances=(30.0, 90.0), remove_duplicate=False): """ Weed stations, that are not within the given distance range(min, max) to a reference event. Parameters ---------- stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` event :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` distances : tuple of minimum and maximum distance [deg] for station-event pairs Returns ------- weeded_stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` """ weeded_stations = [] logger.debug("Valid distance range: [%f, %f]!" % (distances[0], distances[1])) check_duplicate = [] for station in stations: distance = orthodrome.distance_accurate50m(event, station) * m2d logger.debug("Distance of station %s: %f [deg]" % (station.station, distance)) if distance >= distances[0] and distance <= distances[1]: logger.debug("Inside defined distance range!") ns_str = get_ns_id((, station.station)) if ns_str in check_duplicate and remove_duplicate: logger.warning( "Station %s already in wavemap! Multiple " "locations not supported yet! " "Discarding duplicate ..." % ns_str ) else: weeded_stations.append(station) check_duplicate.append(ns_str) else: logger.debug("Outside defined distance range!") return weeded_stations
[docs] def transform_sources(sources, datatypes, decimation_factors=None): """ Transforms a list of :py:class:`heart.RectangularSource` to a dictionary of sources :py:class:`pscmp.PsCmpRectangularSource` for geodetic data and :py:class:`` for seismic data. Parameters ---------- sources : list :class:`heart.RectangularSource` datatypes : list of strings with the datatypes to be included 'geodetic' or 'seismic' decimation_factors : dict of datatypes and their respective decimation factor Returns ------- d : dict of transformed sources with datatypes as keys """ d = dict() for datatype in datatypes: transformed_sources = [] for idx, source in enumerate(sources): transformed_source = source.clone() if decimation_factors is not None: try: transformed_source.update( decimation_factor=decimation_factors[datatype], anchor="top" ) except KeyError:"Not setting decimation for source %i" % idx) if datatype == "geodetic" or datatype == "polarity": transformed_source.stf = None transformed_sources.append(transformed_source) d[datatype] = transformed_sources return d
[docs] def adjust_point_units(point): """ Transform variables with [km] units to [m] Parameters ---------- point : dict :func:`pymc.model.Point` of model parameter units as keys Returns ------- mpoint : dict :func:`pymc.model.Point` """ mpoint = {} for key, value in point.items(): if key in kmtypes: mpoint[key] = value * km elif key in patypes: mpoint[key] = value * km * km else: mpoint[key] = value return mpoint
[docs] def split_point(point, mapping=None, n_sources_total=None, weed_params=False): """ Split point in solution space into List of dictionaries with source parameters for each source. Parameters ---------- point : dict :func:`pymc.model.Point` mapping : :class: `beat.config.DatatypeParameterMapping` n_sources_total : int total number of sources for each type in setup weed_params: bool if True only source related parameters are kept in the point if False it may raise an error. Returns ------- source_points : list of :func:`pymc.model.Point` """ if mapping is not None and n_sources_total is not None: raise ValueError("Must provide either mapping or n_sources_total") if mapping is None and n_sources_total is None: raise ValueError("Must provide either mapping or n_sources_total") if mapping is not None: point_to_sources = mapping.point_to_sources_mapping() n_sources_total = mapping.n_sources else: point_to_sources = None if weed_params: source_parameter_names = mapping.point_variable_names() for param in list(point.keys()): if param not in source_parameter_names: point.pop(param) source_points = [{} for i in range(n_sources_total)] for param, values in point.items(): if point_to_sources: source_idxs = point_to_sources[param] else: source_idxs = range(n_sources_total) for value, idx in zip(values, source_idxs): try: source_points[idx][param] = float(value) except IndexError: raise IndexError( "Tried to set index %i for parameter %s, but does not exist." % (idx, param) ) return source_points
[docs] def join_points(ldicts): """ Join list of dicts into one dict with concatenating values of keys that are present in multiple dicts. """ keys = set([k for d in ldicts for k in d.keys()]) jpoint = {} for k in keys: jvar = [] for d in ldicts: jvar.append(d[k]) jpoint[k] = num.array(jvar) return jpoint
[docs] def check_point_keys(point, phrase): """ Searches point keys for a phrase, returns list of keys with the phrase. """ from fnmatch import fnmatch keys = list(point.keys()) contains = False contained_keys = [] for k in keys: if fnmatch(k, phrase): contains = True contained_keys.append(k) return contains, contained_keys
[docs] def update_source(source, **point): """ Update source keeping stf and source params separate. Modifies input source Object! Parameters ---------- source : :class:`` point : dict :func:`pymc.model.Point` """ for k, v in point.items(): if k not in source.keys(): if source.stf is not None: try: source.stf[k] = float(v) except (KeyError, TypeError): logger.warning("Not updating source with %s" % k) else: raise AttributeError( "Please set a STF before updating its" " parameters." ) else: source[k] = float(v)
[docs] def setup_logging(project_dir, levelname, logfilename="BEAT_log.txt"): """ Setup function for handling BEAT logging. The logfile 'BEAT_log.txt' is saved in the 'project_dir'. Parameters ---------- project_dir : str absolute path to the output directory for the Log file levelname : str defining the level of logging """ levels = { "debug": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warning": logging.WARNING, "error": logging.ERROR, "critical": logging.CRITICAL, } filename = os.path.join(project_dir, logfilename) logger = logging.getLogger() # remove existing handlers for handler in logger.handlers: logger.removeHandler(handler) # setup file handler fhandler = logging.FileHandler(filename=filename, mode="a") fformatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) fhandler.setFormatter(fformatter) fhandler.setLevel(levels[levelname]) logger.addHandler(fhandler) # setup screen handler console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(levels[levelname]) cformatter = logging.Formatter("%(name)-12s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s") console.setFormatter(cformatter) logger.addHandler(console) logger.setLevel(levels[levelname])
[docs] def search_catalog(date, min_magnitude, dayrange=1.0): """ Search the gcmt catalog for the specified date (+- 1 day), filtering the events with given magnitude threshold. Parameters ---------- date : str 'YYYY-MM-DD', date of the event min_magnitude : float approximate minimum Mw of the event dayrange : float temporal search interval [days] around date Returns ------- event : :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` """ gcmt = catalog.GlobalCMT() time_s = util.stt(date + " " + seconds_str) d1 = time_s - (dayrange * (sphr * hrpd)) d2 = time_s + (dayrange * (sphr * hrpd)) "Getting relevant events from the gCMT catalog for the dates:" "%s - %s \n" % (util.tts(d1), util.tts(d2)) ) events = gcmt.get_events((d1, d2), magmin=min_magnitude) if len(events) < 1: logger.warn("Found no event information in the gCMT catalog.") event = None if len(events) > 1: "More than one event from that date with specified magnitude " "found! Please copy the relevant event information to the " "configuration file!" ) for event in events: print(event) event = events[0] elif len(events) == 1: event = events[0] return event
[docs] def RS_dipvector(source): """ Get 3 dimensional dip-vector of a planar fault. Parameters ---------- source : RectangularSource Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return num.array( [ num.cos(source.dip * d2r) * num.cos(source.strike * d2r), -num.cos(source.dip * d2r) * num.sin(source.strike * d2r), num.sin(source.dip * d2r), ] )
def strike_vector(strike, order="ENZ"): if order == "ENZ": return num.array([num.sin(strike * d2r), num.cos(strike * d2r), 0.0]) elif order == "NEZ": return num.array([num.cos(strike * d2r), num.sin(strike * d2r), 0.0]) else: raise Exception("Order %s not implemented!" % order)
[docs] def RS_strikevector(source): """ Get 3 dimensional strike-vector of a planar fault. Parameters ---------- source : RedctangularSource Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return strike_vector(source.strike)
[docs] def RS_center(source): """ Get 3d fault center coordinates. Depth attribute is top depth! Parameters ---------- source : RedctangularSource Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` with x, y, z coordinates of the center of the fault """ return num.array( [source.east_shift, source.north_shift, source.depth] ) + 0.5 * source.width * RS_dipvector(source)
[docs] def adjust_fault_reference(source, input_depth="top"): """ Adjusts source depth and east/north-shifts variables of fault according to input_depth mode 'top/center'. Parameters ---------- source : :class:`RectangularSource` or :class:`pscmp.RectangularSource` or :class:`` input_depth : string if 'top' the depth in the source is interpreted as top depth if 'center' the depth in the source is interpreted as center depth Returns ------- Updated input source object """ if input_depth == "top": center = RS_center(source) elif input_depth == "center": center = num.array([source.east_shift, source.north_shift, source.depth]) else: raise Exception("input_depth %s not supported!" % input_depth) source.east_shift = float(center[0]) source.north_shift = float(center[1]) source.depth = float(center[2])
[docs] def dump_objects(outpath, outlist): """ Dump objects in outlist into pickle file. Parameters ---------- outpath : str absolute path and file name for the file to be stored outlist : list of objects to save pickle """ with open(outpath, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(outlist, f, protocol=4)
[docs] def load_objects(loadpath): """ Load (unpickle) saved (pickled) objects from specified loadpath. Parameters ---------- loadpath : absolute path and file name to the file to be loaded Returns ------- objects : list of saved objects """ try: objects = pickle.load(open(loadpath, "rb")) except UnicodeDecodeError: objects = pickle.load(open(loadpath, "rb"), encoding="latin1") except IOError: raise Exception("File %s does not exist!" % loadpath) return objects
[docs] def ensure_cov_psd(cov): """ Ensure that the input covariance matrix is positive definite. If not, find the nearest positive semi-definite matrix. Parameters ---------- cov : :class:`numpy.ndarray` symmetric covariance matrix Returns ------- cov : :class:`numpy.ndarray` positive definite covariance matrix """ try: num.linalg.cholesky(cov) except num.linalg.LinAlgError: logger.debug("Cov_pv not positive definite!" " Finding nearest psd matrix...") cov = repair_covariance(cov) return cov
[docs] def near_psd(x, epsilon=num.finfo(num.float64).eps): """ Calculates the nearest positive semi-definite matrix for a correlation/ covariance matrix Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Covariance/correlation matrix epsilon : float Eigenvalue limit here set to accuracy of numbers in numpy, otherwise the resulting matrix, likely is still not going to be positive definite Returns ------- near_cov : :class:`numpy.ndarray` closest positive definite covariance/correlation matrix Notes ----- Numpy number precision not high enough to resolve this for low valued covariance matrixes! The result will have very small negative eigvals!!! See repair_covariance below for a simpler implementation that can resolve the numbers! Algorithm after Rebonato & Jaekel 1999 """ if min(num.linalg.eigvals(x)) > epsilon: return x # Removing scaling factor of covariance matrix n = x.shape[0] scaling = num.sqrt(num.diag(x)) a, b = num.meshgrid(scaling, scaling) y = x / (a * b) # getting the nearest correlation matrix eigval, eigvec = num.linalg.eigh(y) val = num.maximum(eigval, epsilon) vec = num.matrix(eigvec) T = 1.0 / (num.multiply(vec, vec) * val.T) T = num.matrix(num.sqrt(num.diag(num.array(T).reshape((n))))) B = T * vec * num.diag(num.array(num.sqrt(val)).reshape((n))) near_corr = num.array(B * B.T) # returning the scaling factors return near_corr * a * b
[docs] def repair_covariance(x, epsilon=num.finfo(num.float64).eps): """ Make covariance input matrix A positive definite. Setting eigenvalues that are lower than the of numpy floats to at least that precision and backtransform. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Covariance/correlation matrix epsilon : float Eigenvalue limit here set to accuracy of numbers in numpy, otherwise the resulting matrix, likely is still not going to be positive definite Returns ------- near_cov : :class:`numpy.ndarray` closest positive definite covariance/correlation matrix Notes ----- Algorithm after Gilbert Strange, 'Introduction to linear Algebra' """ eigval, eigvec = num.linalg.eigh(x) val = num.maximum(eigval, epsilon) return
[docs] def running_window_rms(data, window_size, mode="valid"): """ Calculate the standard deviations of a running window over data. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` 1-d containing data to calculate stds from window_size : int sample size of running window mode : str see numpy.convolve for modes Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` 1-d with stds, size data.size - window_size + 1 """ data2 = num.power(data, 2) window = num.ones(window_size) / float(window_size) return num.sqrt(num.convolve(data2, window, mode))
[docs] def slice2string(slice_obj): """ Wrapper for better formatted string method for slices. Returns ------- str """ if isinstance(slice_obj, slice): if slice_obj.step: return "{}:{}:{}".format(slice_obj.start, slice_obj.stop, slice_obj.step) else: return "{}:{}".format(slice_obj.start, slice_obj.stop) else: return slice_obj
[docs] def list2string(any_list, fill=", "): """ Convert list of string to single string. Parameters ---------- l: list of strings """ return fill.join("%s" % slice2string(listentry) for listentry in any_list)
[docs] def string2slice(slice_string): """ Convert string of slice form to python slice object. Parameters ---------- slice_string: str of form "0:2" i.e. two integer numbers separated by colon """ return slice(*[int(idx) for idx in slice_string.split(":")])
[docs] def unique_list(any_list): """ Find unique entries in list and return them in a list. Keeps variable order. Parameters ---------- l : list Returns ------- list with only unique elements """ used = [] return [x for x in any_list if x not in used and (used.append(x) or True)]
[docs] def join_models(global_model, crustal_model): """ Replace the part of the 'global model' that is covered by 'crustal_model'. Parameters ---------- global_model : :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` crustal_model : :class:`pyrocko.cake.LayeredModel` Returns ------- joined_model : cake.LayeredModel """ max_depth = crustal_model.max("z") cut_model = global_model.extract(depth_min=max_depth) joined_model = copy.deepcopy(crustal_model) for element in cut_model.elements(): joined_model.append(element) return joined_model
[docs] def split_off_list(any_list, off_length): """ Split a list with length 'off_length' from the beginning of an input list l. Modifies input list! Parameters ---------- l : list of objects to be separated off_length : int number of elements from l to be split off Returns ------- list """ return [any_list.pop(0) for i in range(off_length)]
[docs] def mod_i(i, cycle): """ Calculates modulus of a function and returns number of full cycles and the rest. Parameters ---------- i : int or float Number to be cycled over cycle : int o float Cycle length Returns ------- fullc : int or float depending on input rest : int or float depending on input """ fullc = i // cycle rest = i % cycle return fullc, rest
[docs] def biggest_common_divisor(a, b): """ Find the biggest common divisor of two float numbers a and b. Parameters ---------- a, b: float Returns ------- int """ while b > 0: rest = a % b a = b b = rest return int(a)
[docs] def gather(any_list, key, sort=None, filter=None): """ Return dictionary of input l grouped by key. """ d = {} for x in any_list: if filter is not None and not filter(x): continue k = key(x) if k not in d: d[k] = [] d[k].append(x) if sort is not None: for v in d.values(): v.sort(key=sort) return d
[docs] def get_fit_indexes(llk): """ Find indexes of various likelihoods in a likelihood distribution. Parameters ---------- llk : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- dict with array indexes """ mean_idx = (num.abs(llk - llk.mean())).argmin() min_idx = (num.abs(llk - llk.min())).argmin() max_idx = (num.abs(llk - llk.max())).argmin() posterior_idxs = {"mean": mean_idx, "min": min_idx, "max": max_idx} return posterior_idxs
[docs] def check_hyper_flag(problem): """ Check problem setup for type of model standard/hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- :class:`models.Problem` Returns ------- flag : boolean """ if os.path.basename(problem.outfolder) == "hypers": return True else: return False
[docs] def error_not_whole(f, errstr=""): """ Test if float is a whole number, if not raise Error. """ if f.is_integer(): return int(f) else: raise ValueError("%s : %f is not a whole number!" % (errstr, f))
def scalar2floatX(a, floatX=tconfig.floatX): if floatX == "float32": return num.float32(a) elif floatX == "float64": return num.float64(a) def scalar2int(a, floatX=tconfig.floatX): if floatX == "float32": return num.int16(a) elif floatX == "float64": return num.int64(a)
[docs] def PsGrnArray2LayeredModel(psgrn_input_path): """ Read PsGrn Input file and return velocity model. Parameters ---------- psgrn_input_path : str Absolute path to the psgrn input file. Returns ------- :class:`LayeredModel` """ a = num.loadtxt(psgrn_input_path, skiprows=136) b = a[:, 1:-1] b[:, 3] /= 1000.0 return LayeredModel.from_scanlines( read_nd_model_str( re.sub( "[\[\]]", "", num.array2string( b, precision=4, formatter={"float_kind": lambda x: "%.3f" % x} ), ) ) )
[docs] def swap_columns(array, index1, index2): """ Swaps the column of the input array based on the given indexes. """ array[:, index1], array[:, index2] = array[:, index2], array[:, index1].copy() return array
[docs] def line_intersect(e1, e2, n1, n2): """ Get intersection point of n-lines. Parameters ---------- end points of each line in (n x 2) arrays e1 : :class:`numpy.array` (n x 2) east coordinates of first line e2 : :class:`numpy.array` (n x 2) east coordinates of second line n1 : :class:`numpy.array` (n x 2) north coordinates of first line n2 : :class:`numpy.array` (n x 2) east coordinates of second line Returns ------- :class:`numpy.array` (n x 2) of intersection points (easts, norths) """ perp = num.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]]) de = num.atleast_2d(e2 - e1) dn = num.atleast_2d(n2 - n1) dp = num.atleast_2d(e1 - n1) dep =, perp) denom = num.sum(dep * dn, axis=1) if denom == 0: logger.warn("Lines are parallel! No intersection point!") return None tmp = num.sum(dep * dp, axis=1) return num.atleast_2d(tmp / denom).T * dn + n1
[docs] def get_rotation_matrix(axes=["x", "y", "z"]): """ Return a function for 3-d rotation matrix for a specified axis. Parameters ---------- axes : str or list of str x, y or z for the axis Returns ------- func that takes an angle [rad] """ ax_avail = ["x", "y", "z"] for ax in axes: if ax not in ax_avail: raise TypeError( "Rotation axis %s not supported!" " Available axes: %s" % (ax, list2string(ax_avail)) ) def rotx(angle): cos_angle = num.cos(angle) sin_angle = num.sin(angle) return num.array( [[1, 0, 0], [0, cos_angle, -sin_angle], [0, sin_angle, cos_angle]], dtype="float64", ) def roty(angle): cos_angle = num.cos(angle) sin_angle = num.sin(angle) return num.array( [[cos_angle, 0, sin_angle], [0, 1, 0], [-sin_angle, 0, cos_angle]], dtype="float64", ) def rotz(angle): cos_angle = num.cos(angle) sin_angle = num.sin(angle) return num.array( [[cos_angle, -sin_angle, 0], [sin_angle, cos_angle, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype="float64", ) R = {"x": rotx, "y": roty, "z": rotz} if isinstance(axes, list): return R elif isinstance(axes, str): return R[axes] else: raise Exception("axis has to be either string or list of strings!")
[docs] def get_random_uniform(lower, upper, dimension=1): """ Get uniform random values between given bounds Parameters ========== lower : float upper : float dimension : size of result vector """ values = (upper - lower) * num.random.rand(dimension) + lower if dimension == 1: return float(values) else: return values
[docs] def positions2idxs(positions, cell_size, min_pos=0.0, backend=num, dtype="int16"): """ Return index to a grid with a given cell size.npatches Parameters ---------- positions : :class:`numpy.NdArray` float of positions [km] cell_size : float size of grid cells backend : str dtype : str data type of returned array, default: int16 """ return backend.round((positions - min_pos - (cell_size / 2.0)) / cell_size).astype( dtype )
def rotate_coords_plane_normal(coords, sf): coords -= sf.bottom_left / km rots = get_rotation_matrix() rotz =["z"](d2r * -sf.strike)) roty =["y"](d2r * -sf.dip)) roty[:, 0] *= -1.0 return roty def get_ns_id(nslc_id): return "{}.{}".format(nslc_id[0], nslc_id[1]) def time_method(loop=10000): def timer_decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrap_func(*args, **kwargs): total_time = Timer(lambda: func(*args, **kwargs)).timeit(number=loop) print( "Method {name} run {loop} times".format(name=func.__name__, loop=loop) ) print( "It took: {time} s, Mean: {mean_time} s".format( mean_time=total_time / loop, time=total_time ) ) # return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrap_func return timer_decorator def is_odd(value): return (value & 1) == 1 def is_even(value): return (value & 1) == 0
[docs] def get_valid_spectrum_data(deltaf, taper_frequencies=[0, 1.0]): """extract valid frequency range of spectrum""" lower_f, upper_f = taper_frequencies lower_idx = int(num.floor(lower_f / deltaf)) upper_idx = int(num.ceil(upper_f / deltaf)) return lower_idx, upper_idx
[docs] def get_data_radiant(data): """ Data needs to be [n, 2] """ return num.arctan2( data[:, 1].max() - data[:, 1].min(), data[:, 0].max() - data[:, 0].min() )
[docs] def find_elbow(data, theta=None, rotate_left=False): """ Get point closest to turning point in data by rotating it by theta. Adapted from: how-to-find-the-point-from-where-the-curve-starts-to-rise Parameters ---------- data : array like, [n, 2] theta : rotation angle Returns ------- Index : int closest to elbow. rotated_data : array-like [n, 2] """ if theta is None: theta = get_data_radiant(data) if rotate_left: theta = 2 * num.pi - theta # make rotation matrix co = num.cos(theta) si = num.sin(theta) rotation_matrix = num.array(((co, -si), (si, co))) # rotate data vector rotated_data = return rotated_data[:, 1].argmin(), rotated_data
[docs] class StencilOperator(Object): h = Float.T(default=0.1, help="step size left and right of the reference value") order = Int.T(default=3, help="number of points of central differences") def __init__(self, **kwargs): stencil_order = kwargs["order"] if stencil_order not in [3, 5]: raise ValueError( "Only stencil orders 3 and 5 implemented." " Requested: %i" % stencil_order ) self._coeffs = {3: num.array([1.0, -1.0]), 5: num.array([1.0, 8.0, -8.0, -1.0])} self._denominator = {3: 2.0, 5: 12.0} self._hsteps = {3: num.array([-1, 1]), 5: num.array([-2, -1, 1, 2])} Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def coefficients(self): coeffs = self._coeffs[self.order] return coeffs.reshape((coeffs.size, 1, 1)) def __len__(self): return self.coefficients.size @property def denominator(self): return self._denominator[self.order] * self.h @property def hsteps(self): return self._hsteps[self.order] * self.h
[docs] def distances(points, ref_points): """ Calculate distances in Cartesian coordinates between points and reference points in N-D. Parameters ---------- points: :class:`numpy.Ndarray` (n points x n spatial dimensions) ref_points: :class:`numpy.Ndarray` (m points x n spatial dimensions) Returns ------- ndarray (n_points x n_ref_points) """ nref_points = ref_points.shape[0] ndim = points.shape[1] ndim_ref = ref_points.shape[1] if ndim != ndim_ref: raise TypeError( "Coordinates to calculate differences must have the same number " "of dimensions! Given dimensions are {} and {}".format(ndim, ndim_ref) ) points_rep = num.tile(points, nref_points).reshape( points.shape[0], nref_points, ndim ) distances = num.sqrt(num.power(points_rep - ref_points, 2).sum(axis=2)) return distances