Source code for plotting.seismic

import logging
import os

import numpy as num
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from pyrocko import gmtpy, trace
from pyrocko.cake_plot import str_to_mpl_color as scolor
from pyrocko.guts import load
from pyrocko.moment_tensor import to6
from pyrocko.plot import (
from scipy import stats
from tqdm import tqdm

from beat import utility
from beat.heart import calculate_radiation_weights
from beat.models import Stage, load_stage

from .common import (

km = 1000.0
SQRT2 = num.sqrt(2.0)
PI = num.pi

logger = logging.getLogger("plotting.seismic")

def skey(tr):

[docs] def n_model_plot(models, axes=None, draw_bg=True, highlightidx=[]): """ Plot cake layered earth models. """ from pyrocko import cake_plot as cp fontsize = 10 if axes is None: mpl_init(fontsize=fontsize) fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=mpl_papersize("a6", "portrait") ) labelpos = mpl_margins( fig, left=6, bottom=4, top=1.5, right=0.5, units=fontsize ) labelpos(axes, 2.0, 1.5) def plot_profile(mod, axes, vp_c, vs_c, lw=0.5): z = mod.profile("z") vp = mod.profile("vp") vs = mod.profile("vs") axes.plot(vp, z, color=vp_c, lw=lw) axes.plot(vs, z, color=vs_c, lw=lw) cp.labelspace(axes) cp.labels_model(axes=axes) if draw_bg: cp.sketch_model(models[0], axes=axes) else: axes.spines["right"].set_visible(False) axes.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ref_vp_c = scolor("aluminium5") ref_vs_c = scolor("aluminium5") vp_c = scolor("scarletred2") vs_c = scolor("skyblue2") for i, mod in enumerate(models): plot_profile( mod, axes, vp_c=cp.light(vp_c, 0.3), vs_c=cp.light(vs_c, 0.3), lw=1.0 ) for count, i in enumerate(sorted(highlightidx)): if count == 0: vpcolor = ref_vp_c vscolor = ref_vs_c else: vpcolor = vp_c vscolor = vs_c plot_profile(models[i], axes, vp_c=vpcolor, vs_c=vscolor, lw=2.0) ymin, ymax = axes.get_ylim() xmin, xmax = axes.get_xlim() xmin = 0.0 my = (ymax - ymin) * 0.05 mx = (xmax - xmin) * 0.2 axes.set_ylim(ymax, ymin - my) axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax + mx) return fig, axes
def load_earthmodels(store_superdir, store_ids, depth_max="cmb"): ems = [] emr = [] for store_id in store_ids: path = os.path.join(store_superdir, store_id, "config") config = load(filename=path) em = config.earthmodel_1d.extract(depth_max=depth_max) ems.append(em) if config.earthmodel_receiver_1d is not None: emr.append(config.earthmodel_receiver_1d) return [ems, emr] def draw_earthmodels(problem, plot_options): from beat.heart import init_geodetic_targets, init_seismic_targets po = plot_options for datatype, composite in problem.composites.items(): if datatype == "seismic": models_dict = {} sc = problem.config.seismic_config if sc.gf_config.reference_location is None: plot_stations = composite.datahandlers[0].stations else: plot_stations = [composite.datahandlers[0].stations[0]] plot_stations[0].station = sc.gf_config.reference_location.station for station in plot_stations: outbasepath = os.path.join( problem.outfolder, po.figure_dir, "%s_%s_velocity_model" % (datatype, station.station), ) if not os.path.exists(outbasepath) or po.force: targets = init_seismic_targets( [station], earth_model_name=sc.gf_config.earth_model_name, channels=sc.get_unique_channels()[0], sample_rate=sc.gf_config.sample_rate, crust_inds=list(range(*sc.gf_config.n_variations)), interpolation="multilinear", ) store_ids = [t.store_id for t in targets] models = load_earthmodels( composite.engine.store_superdirs[0], store_ids, depth_max=sc.gf_config.depth_limit_variation * km, ) for i, mods in enumerate(models): if i == 0: site = "source" elif i == 1: site = "receiver" outpath = outbasepath + "_%s.%s" % (site, po.outformat) models_dict[outpath] = mods else: "%s earthmodel plot for station %s exists. Use " "force=True for replotting!" % (datatype, station.station) ) elif datatype == "geodetic": gc = problem.config.geodetic_config models_dict = {} outpath = os.path.join( problem.outfolder, po.figure_dir, "%s_%s_velocity_model.%s" % (datatype, "psgrn", po.outformat), ) if not os.path.exists(outpath) or po.force: targets = init_geodetic_targets( datasets=composite.datasets, event=problem.config.event, earth_model_name=gc.gf_config.earth_model_name, interpolation="multilinear", crust_inds=list(range(*gc.gf_config.n_variations)), sample_rate=gc.gf_config.sample_rate, ) store_ids = [t.store_id for t in targets] models = load_earthmodels( store_superdir=composite.engine.store_superdirs[0], store_ids=store_ids, depth_max=gc.gf_config.source_depth_max * km, ) models_dict[outpath] = models[0] # select only source site else: "%s earthmodel plot exists. Use force=True for" " replotting!" % datatype ) return else: raise TypeError("Plot for datatype %s not (yet) supported" % datatype) figs = [] axes = [] tobepopped = [] for path, models in models_dict.items(): if len(models) > 0: fig, axs = n_model_plot( models, axes=None, draw_bg=po.reference, highlightidx=[0] ) figs.append(fig) axes.append(axs) else: tobepopped.append(path) for entry in tobepopped: models_dict.pop(entry) if po.outformat == "display": else: for fig, outpath in zip(figs, models_dict.keys()):"saving figure to %s" % outpath) fig.savefig(outpath, format=po.outformat, dpi=po.dpi) def get_fuzzy_cmap(ncolors=256, colors=[scolor("chocolate2"), scolor("scarletred2")]): from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap return LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("dummy", ["white"] + colors, N=ncolors)
[docs] def fuzzy_waveforms( ax, traces, linewidth, zorder=0, extent=None, grid_size=(500, 500), cmap=None, alpha=0.6, ): """ Fuzzy waveforms traces : list of class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace`, the times of the traces should not vary too much zorder : int the higher number is drawn above the lower number extent : list of [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] (tmin, tmax, min/max of amplitudes) if None, the default is to determine it from traces list """ if cmap is None: cmap = get_fuzzy_cmap() # cmap = if extent is None: key = traces[0].channel ymin, ymax = trace.minmax(traces, key=skey)[key] xmin, xmax = trace.minmaxtime(traces, key=skey)[key] ymax = max(abs(ymin), abs(ymax)) ymin = -ymax extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] grid = num.zeros(grid_size, dtype="float64") for tr in traces: draw_line_on_array( tr.get_xdata(), tr.ydata, grid=grid, extent=extent, grid_resolution=grid.shape, linewidth=linewidth, ) # increase contrast reduce high intense values # truncate = len(traces) / 2 # grid[grid > truncate] = truncate ax.imshow( grid, extent=extent, origin="lower", cmap=cmap, aspect="auto", alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder, )
def zero_pad_spectrum(trace): ydata = trace.get_ydata() # [lower_idx:upper_idx] ydata[[0, -1]] = 0.0 return ydata def fuzzy_spectrum( ax, traces, taper_frequencies=(0, 1.0), ypad_factor=1.2, zorder=0, extent=None, linewidth=7.0, grid_size=(500, 500), cmap=None, alpha=0.5, ): if cmap is None: cmap = get_fuzzy_cmap() grid = num.zeros(grid_size, dtype="float64") fxdata = traces[0].get_xdata() if extent is None: key = traces[0].channel ymin, ymax = trace.minmax(traces, key=skey)[key] lower_idx, upper_idx = utility.get_valid_spectrum_data( deltaf=fxdata[1] - fxdata[0], taper_frequencies=taper_frequencies ) extent = [*taper_frequencies, 0, ypad_factor * ymax] for tr in traces: ydata = zero_pad_spectrum(tr) draw_line_on_array( fxdata, ydata, grid=grid, extent=extent, grid_resolution=grid.shape, linewidth=linewidth, ) ax.imshow( grid, extent=extent, origin="lower", cmap=cmap, aspect="auto", alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder, ) def extract_time_shifts(point, hierarchicals, wmap): if wmap.config.domain == "time": try: time_shifts = point[wmap.time_shifts_id][wmap.station_correction_idxs] except KeyError: if wmap.time_shifts_id in hierarchicals: time_shifts = hierarchicals[wmap.time_shifts_id][ wmap.station_correction_idxs ] else: raise ValueError( "Sampling results do not contain time-shifts for wmap" " %s!" % wmap.time_shifts_id ) else: time_shifts = [0] * wmap.n_t return time_shifts def form_result_ensemble( stage, composite, nensemble, chop_bounds, target_index, bresults, bvar_reductions ): if nensemble > 0:"Collecting ensemble of %i synthetic waveforms ..." % nensemble) nchains = len(stage.mtrace) csteps = float(nchains) / nensemble idxs = num.floor(num.arange(0, nchains, csteps)).astype("int32") ens_results = [] points = [] ens_var_reductions = [] for idx in tqdm(idxs): point = stage.mtrace.point(idx=idx) points.append(point) results = composite.assemble_results( point, chop_bounds=chop_bounds, force=False ) ens_results.append(results) ens_var_reductions.append( composite.get_variance_reductions( point, weights=composite.weights, results=results, chop_bounds=chop_bounds, ) ) else: points = [] # collecting results for targets"Mapping results to targets ...") all_syn_trs_target = {} all_var_reductions = {} for target in composite.targets: target_results = [] target_synths = [] target_var_reductions = [] i = target_index[target] nslcd_id_str = target.nslcd_id_str target_results.append(bresults[i]) target_synths.append(bresults[i].processed_syn) target_var_reductions.append(bvar_reductions[nslcd_id_str]) if nensemble > 0: for results, var_reductions in zip(ens_results, ens_var_reductions): # put all results per target here not only single target_results.append(results[i]) target_synths.append(results[i].processed_syn) target_var_reductions.append(var_reductions[nslcd_id_str]) all_syn_trs_target[target] = target_synths all_var_reductions[target] = num.array(target_var_reductions) * 100.0 return all_syn_trs_target, all_var_reductions, points def subplot_waveforms( axes, axes2, po, target, source, traces, result, stdz_residual, var_reductions, time_shifts, time_shift_bounds, synth_plot_flag, absmax, mode, fontsize, tap_color_edge, syn_color, obs_color, time_shift_color, tap_color_annot, ): def plot_trace(axes, tr, **kwargs): return axes.plot(tr.get_xdata(), tr.get_ydata(), **kwargs) def plot_taper(axes, t, taper, mode="geometry", **kwargs): y = num.ones(t.size) * 0.9 if mode == "geometry": taper(y, t[0], t[1] - t[0]) y2 = num.concatenate((y, -y[::-1])) t2 = num.concatenate((t, t[::-1])) axes.fill(t2, y2, **kwargs) inset_axs_width, inset_axs_height = 0.2, 0.18 plot_taper( axes2, result.processed_obs.get_xdata(), result.taper, mode=mode, fc="None", ec=tap_color_edge, zorder=0, alpha=0.6, ) if po.nensemble > 1: xmin, xmax = trace.minmaxtime(traces, key=skey)[[3]] fuzzy_waveforms( axes, traces, linewidth=7, zorder=0, grid_size=(500, 500), alpha=1.0 ) logger.debug("Plotting variance reductions for %s" % target.nslcd_id_str) best_data = var_reductions[0] in_ax = plot_inset_hist( axes, data=num.atleast_2d(var_reductions), best_data=best_data, bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 0.75, inset_axs_width, inset_axs_height), background_alpha=0.7, ) in_ax.set_title("VR [%]", fontsize=5) # histogram of stdz residual in_ax_res = plot_inset_hist( axes, data=num.atleast_2d(stdz_residual), best_data=None, bbox_to_anchor=(0.65, 0.75, inset_axs_width, inset_axs_height), color="grey", background_alpha=0.7, ) # reference gaussian x = num.linspace(*stats.norm.ppf((0.001, 0.999)), 100) gauss = stats.norm.pdf(x) in_ax_res.plot(x, gauss, "k-", lw=0.5, alpha=0.8) in_ax_res.set_title(r"std. res. [$\sigma$]", fontsize=5) if synth_plot_flag: # only plot if highlighted point exists if po.plot_projection == "individual": for i, tr in enumerate(result.source_contributions): plot_trace(axes, tr, color=mpl_graph_color(i), lw=0.5, zorder=5) else: plot_trace(axes, result.processed_syn, color=syn_color, lw=0.5, zorder=5) plot_trace(axes, result.processed_obs, color=obs_color, lw=0.5, zorder=5) xdata = result.processed_obs.get_xdata() axes.set_xlim(xdata[0], xdata[-1]) tmarks = [result.processed_obs.tmin, result.processed_obs.tmax] tmark_fontsize = fontsize - 1 if time_shifts is not None: sidebar_ybounds = [-0.3, -0.4] ytmarks = [-1.15, -0.7] hor_alignment = "center" if synth_plot_flag: best_data = time_shifts[0] else: # for None post_llk best_data = None if po.nensemble > 1: in_ax = plot_inset_hist( axes, data=num.atleast_2d(time_shifts), best_data=best_data, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.0985, 0.16, inset_axs_width, inset_axs_height), # cmap=plt.get_cmap('seismic'), # cbounds=time_shift_bounds, color=time_shift_color, alpha=0.7, background_alpha=0.7, ) in_ax.set_xlim(*time_shift_bounds) else: sidebar_ybounds = [-0.6, -0.4] ytmarks = [-0.9, -0.7] hor_alignment = "center" for tmark, ybound in zip(tmarks, sidebar_ybounds): axes2.plot([tmark, tmark], [ybound, 0.1], color=tap_color_annot) for xtmark, ytmark, text, ha, va in [ ( tmarks[0], ytmarks[0], r"$\,$ " + str_duration(tmarks[0] - source.time), hor_alignment, "bottom", ), ( tmarks[1], ytmarks[1], r"$\Delta$ " + str_duration(tmarks[1] - tmarks[0]), "center", "bottom", ), ]: axes2.annotate( text, xy=(xtmark, ytmark), xycoords="data", xytext=(fontsize * 0.4 * [-1, 1][ha == "left"], fontsize * 0.2), textcoords="offset points", ha=ha, va=va, color=tap_color_annot, fontsize=tmark_fontsize, zorder=10, ) # annotate axis amplitude axes.annotate( "%0.3g %s -" % (-absmax, str_unit(target.quantity)), xycoords="data", xy=(tmarks[1], -absmax / 2), xytext=(1.0, 1.0), textcoords="offset points", ha="right", va="center", fontsize=fontsize - 3, color=obs_color, fontstyle="normal", ) axes2.set_zorder(10) def subplot_spectrum( axes, axes2, po, target, traces, result, stdz_residual, synth_plot_flag, only_spectrum, var_reductions, fontsize, syn_color, obs_color, misfit_color, tap_color_annot, ypad_factor, ): from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes inset_axs_width, inset_axs_height = 0.2, 0.18 if not only_spectrum: axes = inset_axes( axes2, width="100%", height="100%", bbox_to_anchor=(-0.05, -0.15, 0.65, 0.24), bbox_transform=axes.transAxes, loc=2, borderpad=0, ) bbox_y = -0.15 else: bbox_y = 0.75 taper_frequencies = result.get_taper_frequencies() if po.nensemble > 1: fuzzy_spectrum( axes, traces=traces, taper_frequencies=taper_frequencies, ypad_factor=ypad_factor, zorder=0, extent=None, linewidth=7.0, grid_size=(500, 500), cmap=None, alpha=1.0, ) if synth_plot_flag: best_data = var_reductions[0] else: # for None post_llk best_data = None in_ax = plot_inset_hist( axes2, data=num.atleast_2d(var_reductions), best_data=best_data, bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, bbox_y, inset_axs_width, inset_axs_height), ) in_ax.set_title("SPC_VR [%]", fontsize=5) # histogram of stdz residual in_ax_res = plot_inset_hist( axes2, data=num.atleast_2d(stdz_residual), best_data=None, bbox_to_anchor=(0.65, bbox_y, inset_axs_width, inset_axs_height), color="grey", background_alpha=0.7, ) # reference gaussian x = num.linspace(*stats.norm.ppf((0.001, 0.999)), 100) gauss = stats.norm.pdf(x) in_ax_res.plot(x, gauss, "k-", lw=0.5, alpha=0.8) in_ax_res.set_title(r"spc. std. res. [$\sigma$]", fontsize=5) fxdata = result.processed_syn.get_xdata() linewidths = [1.0, 0.5, 0.5] colors = [obs_color, syn_color, misfit_color] ymaxs = [] for attr_suffix, lw, color in zip(["obs", "syn", "res"], linewidths, colors): tr = getattr(result, "processed_{}".format(attr_suffix)) ydata = zero_pad_spectrum(tr) ymaxs.append(ydata.max()) if attr_suffix == "res": axes.fill(fxdata, ydata, clip_on=False, color=color, lw=lw, alpha=0.15) else: axes.plot(fxdata, ydata, color=color, lw=lw) ymax = num.max(ymaxs) format_axes(axes, remove=["right", "top", "left", "bottom"]) axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) axes.set_xlim([fxdata.min(), fxdata.max()]) axes.set_ylim([0, ypad_factor * ymax]) if only_spectrum: ybounds = [0.6 * ymax, 0.6 * ymax] ymax_factor_amp = 0.45 ymax_factor_f = 0.2 else: ybounds = [0.5 * ymax, ymax] ymax_factor_amp = 0.9 ymax_factor_f = 0.4 for tmark, ybound in zip([fxdata[0], fxdata[-1]], ybounds): axes.plot([tmark, tmark], [0.0, ybound], color=tap_color_annot, lw=0.75) # annotate axis amplitude xpos = fxdata[-1] axes.annotate( "%0.3g -" % (ymax), xycoords="data", xy=(xpos, ymax_factor_amp * ymax), xytext=(1.0, 1.0), textcoords="offset points", ha="right", va="center", fontsize=fontsize - 3, color=obs_color, fontstyle="normal", ) axes.annotate( r"$ f \ |\ ^{%0.2g}_{%0.2g} \ $" % (fxdata[0], xpos), xycoords="data", xy=(xpos, ymax_factor_f * ymax), xytext=(1.0, 1.0), textcoords="offset points", ha="right", va="center", fontsize=fontsize + 1, color=obs_color, fontstyle="normal", )
[docs] def seismic_fits(problem, stage, plot_options): """ Modified from grond. Plot synthetic and data waveforms and the misfit for the selected posterior model. """ time_shift_color = scolor("aluminium3") obs_color = scolor("aluminium5") syn_color = scolor("scarletred2") misfit_color = scolor("scarletred2") tap_color_annot = (0.35, 0.35, 0.25) tap_color_edge = (0.85, 0.85, 0.80) # tap_color_fill = (0.95, 0.95, 0.90) problem.init_hierarchicals() composite = problem.composites["seismic"] fontsize = 8 fontsize_title = 12 target_index = dict((target, i) for (i, target) in enumerate(composite.targets)) po = plot_options if not po.reference: best_point = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, po.post_llk) else: best_point = po.reference try: composite.point2sources(best_point) source = composite.sources[0] chop_bounds = ["a", "d"] except AttributeError:"FFI waveform fit, using reference source ...") source = composite.config.gf_config.reference_sources[0] source.time = composite.event.time chop_bounds = ["b", "c"] if best_point: # for source individual contributions bresults = composite.assemble_results( best_point, outmode="tapered_data", chop_bounds=chop_bounds ) synth_plot_flag = True else: # get dummy results for data logger.warning('Got "None" post_llk, still loading MAP for VR calculation') best_point = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, "max") bresults = composite.assemble_results(best_point, chop_bounds=chop_bounds) synth_plot_flag = False tpoint = get_weights_point(composite, best_point, problem.config) composite.analyse_noise(tpoint, chop_bounds=chop_bounds) composite.update_weights(tpoint, chop_bounds=chop_bounds) bvar_reductions = composite.get_variance_reductions( best_point, weights=composite.weights, results=bresults, chop_bounds=chop_bounds ) stdz_residuals = composite.get_standardized_residuals( best_point, chop_bounds=chop_bounds, results=bresults, weights=composite.weights, ) (all_syn_trs_target, all_var_reductions, points) = form_result_ensemble( stage, composite, po.nensemble, chop_bounds, target_index=target_index, bresults=bresults, bvar_reductions=bvar_reductions, ) # collecting time-shifts: station_corr = composite.config.station_corrections time_shift_bounds = [0, 0] if station_corr: tshifts = problem.config.problem_config.hierarchicals["time_shift"] time_shift_bounds = [tshifts.lower.squeeze(), tshifts.upper.squeeze()]"Collecting time-shifts ...") if plot_options.nensemble > 1: ens_time_shifts = [] for point in points: comp_time_shifts = [] for wmap in composite.wavemaps: comp_time_shifts.append( extract_time_shifts(point, composite.hierarchicals, wmap) ) ens_time_shifts.append(num.hstack(comp_time_shifts)) btime_shifts = num.hstack( [ extract_time_shifts(best_point, composite.hierarchicals, wmap) for wmap in composite.wavemaps ] )"Mapping time-shifts to targets ...") all_time_shifts = {} for target in composite.targets: target_time_shifts = [] i = target_index[target] target_time_shifts.append(btime_shifts[i]) if plot_options.nensemble > 1: for time_shifts in ens_time_shifts: target_time_shifts.append(time_shifts[i]) all_time_shifts[target] = num.array(target_time_shifts) else: all_time_shifts = {target: None for target in composite.targets} event_figs = [] for event_idx, event in enumerate( # gather event related targets event_targets = [] for wmap in composite.wavemaps: if event_idx == wmap.config.event_idx: event_targets.extend(wmap.targets) target_codes_to_targets = utility.gather(event_targets, lambda t: # gather unique target codes unique_target_codes = list(target_codes_to_targets.keys()) ns_id_to_target_codes = utility.gather( unique_target_codes, lambda t: (t[0], t[1]) ) cg_to_target_codes = utility.gather(unique_target_codes, lambda t: t[3]) cgs = cg_to_target_codes.keys() # target_domains = list(utility.gather(event_targets, lambda t: t.domain).keys()) channel_index = dict((channel, i) for (i, channel) in enumerate(cgs)) figs = []"Plotting waveforms ... for event number: %i" % event_idx) nxmax = 3 nymax = 5 data = [] for target_codes in ns_id_to_target_codes.values(): target = target_codes_to_targets[target_codes[0]][0] dist = source.distance_to(target) data.append(dist) dists = num.array(data, dtype=num.float64) iorder = num.argsort(dists) ns_id_codes_sorted = [list(ns_id_to_target_codes.keys())[ii] for ii in iorder] if len(ns_id_codes_sorted) == 0:"Did not find targets for event, skipping plotting ...") continue figures = {} # draw station specific data-fits for istation, ns_id in enumerate(ns_id_codes_sorted): target_codes = ns_id_to_target_codes[ns_id] for target_code in target_codes: domain_targets = target_codes_to_targets[target_code] for k_subf, target in enumerate(domain_targets): ichannel = channel_index[[3]] iyy, row_idx = utility.mod_i(istation, nymax) ixx = ichannel // nxmax if (iyy, ixx) not in figures: figures[iyy, ixx] = plt.figure( figsize=mpl_papersize("a4", "portrait") ) figures[iyy, ixx].subplots_adjust( left=0.03, right=1.0 - 0.03, bottom=0.06, top=0.96, wspace=0.20, hspace=0.30, ) figs.append(figures[iyy, ixx]) logger.debug("iyy %i, ixx %i" % (iyy, ixx)) fig = figures[iyy, ixx] if len(domain_targets) > 1: only_spectrum = False else: only_spectrum = True syn_traces = all_syn_trs_target[target] itarget = target_index[target] result = bresults[itarget] # get min max of all traces key =[3] amin, amax = trace.minmax(syn_traces, key=skey)[key] # need target specific minmax absmax = max(abs(amin), abs(amax)) i_this = row_idx * nxmax + (ichannel % nxmax) + 1 logger.debug("i_this %i" % i_this) logger.debug("Station {}".format(utility.list2string( if k_subf == 0: # only create axes instances for first target axes2 = fig.add_subplot(nymax, nxmax, i_this) space = 0.4 space_factor = 0.7 + space axes2.set_axis_off() axes2.set_ylim(-1.05 * space_factor, 1.05) axes = axes2.twinx() axes.set_axis_off() if target.domain == "time": ymin, ymax = -absmax * 1.5 * space_factor, absmax * 1.5 try: axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) except ValueError: logger.debug( "These traces contain NaN or Inf open in snuffler?" ) input("Press enter! Otherwise Ctrl + C") from pyrocko.trace import snuffle snuffle(syn_traces) subplot_waveforms( axes=axes, axes2=axes2, po=po, result=result, stdz_residual=stdz_residuals[target.nslcd_id_str], target=target, traces=syn_traces, source=source, var_reductions=all_var_reductions[target], time_shifts=all_time_shifts[target], time_shift_bounds=time_shift_bounds, synth_plot_flag=synth_plot_flag, absmax=absmax, mode=composite._mode, fontsize=fontsize, syn_color=syn_color, obs_color=obs_color, time_shift_color=time_shift_color, tap_color_edge=tap_color_edge, tap_color_annot=tap_color_annot, ) if target.domain == "spectrum": subplot_spectrum( axes=axes, axes2=axes2, po=po, target=target, traces=syn_traces, result=result, stdz_residual=stdz_residuals[target.nslcd_id_str], synth_plot_flag=synth_plot_flag, only_spectrum=only_spectrum, var_reductions=all_var_reductions[target], fontsize=fontsize, syn_color=syn_color, obs_color=obs_color, misfit_color=misfit_color, tap_color_annot=tap_color_annot, ypad_factor=1.2, ) scale_string = None infos = [] if scale_string: infos.append(scale_string) infos.append(".".join(x for x in if x)) dist = source.distance_to(target) azi = source.azibazi_to(target)[0] infos.append(str_dist(dist)) infos.append("%.0f\u00B0" % azi) # infos.append('%.3f' % gcms[itarget]) axes2.annotate( "\n".join(infos), xy=(0.0, 1.0), xycoords="axes fraction", xytext=(1.0, 1.0), textcoords="offset points", ha="left", va="top", fontsize=fontsize, fontstyle="normal", zorder=10, ) axes2.set_zorder(10) title_channels = [""] * 3 for i, channel in enumerate(cgs): title_channels[i] = channel for (iyy, ixx), fig in figures.items(): title = "".ljust(50).join(x for x in title_channels) fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fontsize_title) event_figs.append((event_idx, figs)) return event_figs
def draw_seismic_fits(problem, po): if "seismic" not in list(problem.composites.keys()): raise TypeError("No seismic composite defined for this problem!")"Drawing Waveform fits ...") stage = Stage( homepath=problem.outfolder, backend=problem.config.sampler_config.backend ) mode = problem.config.problem_config.mode if not po.reference: llk_str = po.post_llk stage.load_results( varnames=problem.varnames, model=problem.model, stage_number=po.load_stage, load="trace", chains=[-1], ) else: llk_str = "ref" outpath = os.path.join( problem.config.project_dir, mode, po.figure_dir, "waveforms_%s_%s_%i" % (stage.number, llk_str, po.nensemble), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): return event_figs = seismic_fits(problem, stage, po) for event_idx, figs in event_figs: event_outpath = f"{outpath}_{event_idx}" save_figs(figs, event_outpath, po.outformat, po.dpi)
[docs] def point2array(point, varnames, idx_source=1, rpoint=None): """ Concatenate values of point according to order of given varnames. """ if point is not None: array = num.empty((len(varnames)), dtype="float64") for i, varname in enumerate(varnames): try: array[i] = point[varname][idx_source].ravel() except KeyError: # in case fixed variable if rpoint: array[i] = rpoint[varname][idx_source].ravel() else: raise ValueError( 'Fixed Component "%s" no fixed value given!' % varname ) return array else: return None
[docs] def extract_mt_components(problem, po, include_magnitude=False): """ Extract Moment Tensor components from problem results for plotting. """ source_types = problem.config.problem_config.source_types n_sources = problem.config.problem_config.n_sources composite = problem.composites[problem.config.problem_config.datatypes[0]] list_m6s = [] list_best_mts = [] running_source_idx = 0 for n_source, source_type in zip(n_sources, source_types): if source_type in ["MTSource", "MTQTSource"]: varnames = ["mnn", "mee", "mdd", "mne", "mnd", "med"] elif source_type in [ "DCSource", "RectangularSource", "RectangularBEMSource", "DiskBEMSource", ]: varnames = ["strike", "dip", "rake"] else: logger.warning("Plot is not supported for source_type %s" % source_type) list_m6s.append(None) list_best_mts.append(None) continue if include_magnitude: varnames += ["magnitude"] if not po.reference: rpoint = None llk_str = po.post_llk stage = load_stage( problem, stage_number=po.load_stage, load="trace", chains=[-1] ) best_idx = get_llk_idx_to_trace(stage.mtrace, po.post_llk) point = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, po.post_llk) source_points = utility.split_point( point, mapping=composite.mapping, weed_params=True, ) for idx_source in range(n_source): n_mts = len(stage.mtrace) m6s = num.empty((n_mts, len(varnames)), dtype="float64") for i, varname in enumerate(varnames): try: m6s[:, i] = ( stage.mtrace.get_values(varname, combine=True, squeeze=True) .T[idx_source] .ravel() ) except ValueError: # if fixed value add that to the ensemble rpoint = source_points[running_source_idx] mtfield = num.full_like( num.empty((n_mts), dtype=num.float64), rpoint[varname], ) m6s[:, i] = mtfield best_mt = m6s[best_idx, :] if po.nensemble:"Drawing %i solutions from ensemble ..." % po.nensemble) csteps = float(n_mts) / po.nensemble idxs = num.floor(num.arange(0, n_mts, csteps)).astype("int32") m6s = m6s[idxs, :] else:"Drawing full ensemble ...") list_m6s.append(m6s) list_best_mts.append(best_mt) running_source_idx += 1 else: llk_str = "ref" point = po.reference list_best_mts = [] list_m6s = [] for n_source, source_type in zip(n_sources, source_types): if source_type == "MTQTSource": composite.point2sources(po.reference) for source in composite.sources: list_m6s.append([source.get_derived_parameters()[0:6]]) list_best_mts.append(None) else: for idx_source in range(n_source): list_m6s.append( [ point2array( point=po.reference, varnames=varnames, idx_source=idx_source, ) ] ) list_best_mts.append(None) return list_m6s, list_best_mts, llk_str, point
def draw_ray_piercing_points_bb( ax, takeoff_angles_rad, azimuths_rad, polarities, nomask=False, markersize=5, size=1, position=(0, 0), transform=None, stations=None, projection="lambert", ): # overturn takeoff-angles above 90 deg toa_idx = takeoff_angles_rad >= (num.pi / 2.0) takeoff_angles_rad[toa_idx] = num.pi - takeoff_angles_rad[toa_idx] # project stations to coordinate system of beachball rtp = num.vstack( [num.ones_like(takeoff_angles_rad), takeoff_angles_rad, azimuths_rad] ).T points = beachball.numpy_rtp2xyz(rtp) x, y = beachball.project(points, projection=projection).T x = size * x + position[1] y = size * y + position[0] if not nomask: xp, yp = x[polarities >= 0], y[polarities >= 0] xt, yt = x[polarities < 0], y[polarities < 0] ax.plot( yp, xp, "D", ms=markersize, mew=0.5, mec="black", mfc="white", transform=transform, ) ax.plot( yt, xt, "s", ms=markersize, mew=0.5, mec="white", mfc="black", transform=transform, ) else: ax.scatter(y, x, markersize, polarities, transform=transform) if stations is not None: if len(stations) != x.size: raise ValueError("Number of stations is inconsistent with polarity data!") for i_s, station in enumerate(stations): ax.text( y[i_s], x[i_s], "{}.{}".format(, station.station, # takeoff_angles_rad[i_s] * 180 / num.pi, # azimuths_rad[i_s] * 180 / num.pi, ), # polarities[i_s]), color="red", fontsize=5, va="top", ha="right", rotation=45, ) def lower_focalsphere_angles(grid_resolution, projection): nx = grid_resolution ny = grid_resolution x = num.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, nx) y = num.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, ny) vecs2 = num.zeros((nx * ny, 2), dtype=num.float64) vecs2[:, 0] = num.tile(x, ny) vecs2[:, 1] = num.repeat(y, nx) ii_ok = vecs2[:, 0] ** 2 + vecs2[:, 1] ** 2 <= 1.0 amps = num.full(nx * ny, num.nan, dtype=num.float64) amps[ii_ok] = 0.0 vp = num.array([1, 0, 0]) vt = num.array([0, 1, 0]) vn = num.array([0, 0, 1]) vecs3_ok = beachball.inverse_project(vecs2[ii_ok, :], projection) to_e = num.vstack((vp, vt, vn)) vecs_e =, vecs3_ok.T).T rtp = beachball.numpy_xyz2rtp(vecs_e) atheta, aphi = rtp[:, 1], rtp[:, 2] if 0: atheta_re = num.zeros_like(amps) atheta_re[ii_ok] = atheta aphi_re = num.zeros_like(amps) aphi_re[ii_ok] = aphi atheta_re = num.reshape(atheta_re * 180 / num.pi, (ny, nx)) aphi_re = num.reshape(aphi_re * 180 / num.pi, (ny, nx)).T print("theta", atheta_re.min(), atheta_re.max()) print("phi", aphi_re.min(), aphi_re.max()) fig, axs = plt.subplots( nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=mpl_papersize("a6", "landscape") ) im1 = axs[0].imshow(atheta_re) plt.colorbar(im1) im2 = axs[1].imshow(aphi_re, origin="lower") plt.colorbar(im2) return amps, atheta, aphi, ii_ok, x, y def mts2amps( mts, projection, beachball_type, grid_resolution=200, mask=True, view="top", wavename="any_P", ): n_balls = len(mts) nx = ny = grid_resolution amps, takeoff_angles_rad, azimuths_rad, ii_ok, x, y = lower_focalsphere_angles( grid_resolution, projection ) for mt in mts: mt = beachball.deco_part(mt, mt_type=beachball_type, view=view) radiation_weights = calculate_radiation_weights( takeoff_angles_rad, azimuths_rad, wavename=wavename ) m9 = mt.m() if isinstance(m9, num.matrix): m9 = m9.A m0_unscaled = num.sqrt(num.sum(m9**2)) / SQRT2 m9 /= m0_unscaled amps_ok = if mask: amps_ok[amps_ok > 0] = 1.0 amps_ok[amps_ok < 0] = 0.0 amps[ii_ok] += amps_ok return num.reshape(amps, (ny, nx)) / n_balls, x, y
[docs] def plot_fuzzy_beachball_mpl_pixmap( mts, axes, best_mt=None, beachball_type="deviatoric", wavename="any_P", position=(0.0, 0.0), size=None, zorder=0, color_t="red", color_p="white", edgecolor="black", best_color="red", linewidth=2, alpha=1.0, projection="lambert", size_units="data", grid_resolution=100, method="imshow", view="top", ): """ Plot fuzzy beachball from a list of given MomentTensors :param mts: list of :py:class:`pyrocko.moment_tensor.MomentTensor` object or an array or sequence which can be converted into an MT object :param best_mt: :py:class:`pyrocko.moment_tensor.MomentTensor` object or an array or sequence which can be converted into an MT object of most likely or minimum misfit solution to extra highlight :param best_color: mpl color for best MomentTensor edges, polygons are not plotted See plot_beachball_mpl for other arguments """ from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap if size_units == "points": raise beachball.BeachballError( 'size_units="points" not supported in ' "plot_fuzzy_beachball_mpl_pixmap" ) transform, position, size = beachball.choose_transform( axes, size_units, position, size ) amps, x, y = mts2amps( mts, grid_resolution=grid_resolution, projection=projection, beachball_type=beachball_type, mask=True, wavename=wavename, view=view, ) ncolors = 256 cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("dummy", [color_p, color_t], N=ncolors) levels = num.linspace(0, 1.0, ncolors) if method == "contourf": axes.contourf( position[0] + y * size, position[1] + x * size, amps.T, levels=levels, cmap=cmap, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha, ) elif method == "imshow": extent = ( position[0] + y[0] * size, position[0] + y[-1] * size, position[1] - x[0] * size, position[1] - x[-1] * size, ) axes.imshow( amps.T, extent=extent, cmap=cmap, transform=transform, zorder=zorder - 0.1, alpha=alpha, ) else: assert False, "invalid `method` argument" # draw optimum edges if best_mt is not None: best_amps, bx, by = mts2amps( [best_mt], grid_resolution=grid_resolution, projection=projection, wavename=wavename, beachball_type=beachball_type, mask=False, ) axes.contour( position[0] + by * size, position[1] + bx * size, best_amps.T, levels=[0.0], colors=[best_color], linewidths=linewidth, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha, ) phi = num.linspace(0.0, 2 * PI, 361) x = num.cos(phi) y = num.sin(phi) pos_y = position[0] + y * size pos_x = position[1] + x * size axes.plot( pos_y, pos_x, linewidth=linewidth, color=edgecolor, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha, )
def draw_fuzzy_beachball(problem, po): if po.load_stage is None: po.load_stage = -1 list_m6s, list_best_mt, llk_str, point = extract_mt_components(problem, po)"Drawing Fuzzy Beachball ...") kwargs = { "beachball_type": "full", "size": 8, "size_units": "data", "linewidth": 2.0, "alpha": 1.0, "position": (5, 5), "color_t": "black", "edgecolor": "black", "projection": "lambert", "zorder": 0, "grid_resolution": 400, } if "polarity" in problem.config.problem_config.datatypes: composite = problem.composites["polarity"] composite.point2sources(point) wavenames = [ for pmap in composite.wavemaps] else: wavenames = ["any_P"] for k_pamp, wavename in enumerate(wavenames): for idx_source, (m6s, best_mt) in enumerate(zip(list_m6s, list_best_mt)): outpath = os.path.join( problem.outfolder, po.figure_dir, "fuzzy_beachball_%i_%s_%i_%s_%i" % (po.load_stage, llk_str, po.nensemble, wavename, idx_source), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): return fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.0, 4.0)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0) axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) transform, position, size = beachball.choose_transform( axes, kwargs["size_units"], kwargs["position"], kwargs["size"] ) plot_fuzzy_beachball_mpl_pixmap( m6s, axes, best_mt=best_mt, best_color="white", wavename=wavename, **kwargs, ) if best_mt is not None: best_amps, bx, by = mts2amps( [best_mt], grid_resolution=kwargs["grid_resolution"], projection=kwargs["projection"], beachball_type=kwargs["beachball_type"], wavename=wavename, mask=False, ) axes.contour( position[0] + by * size, position[1] + bx * size, best_amps.T, levels=[0.0], colors=["black"], linestyles="dashed", linewidths=kwargs["linewidth"], transform=transform, zorder=kwargs["zorder"], alpha=kwargs["alpha"], ) if "polarity" in problem.config.problem_config.datatypes: pmap = composite.wavemaps[k_pamp] source = composite.sources[pmap.config.event_idx] pmap.update_targets( composite.engine, source, always_raytrace=composite.config.gf_config.always_raytrace, ) draw_ray_piercing_points_bb( axes, pmap.get_takeoff_angles_rad(), pmap.get_azimuths_rad(), pmap._prepared_data, stations=pmap.stations, size=size, position=position, transform=transform, ) axes.set_xlim(0.0, 10.0) axes.set_ylim(0.0, 10.0) axes.set_axis_off() save_figs([fig], outpath, po.outformat, po.dpi)
[docs] def fuzzy_mt_decomposition(axes, list_m6s, labels=None, colors=None, fontsize=12): """ Plot fuzzy moment tensor decompositions for list of mt ensembles. """ from pyrocko.moment_tensor import MomentTensor"Drawing Fuzzy MT Decomposition ...") # beachball kwargs kwargs = { "beachball_type": "full", "size": 1.0, "size_units": "data", "edgecolor": "black", "linewidth": 1, "grid_resolution": 400, } def get_decomps(source_vals): isos = [] dcs = [] clvds = [] devs = [] tots = [] for val in source_vals: m = MomentTensor.from_values(val) iso, dc, clvd, dev, tot = m.standard_decomposition() isos.append(iso) dcs.append(dc) clvds.append(clvd) devs.append(dev) tots.append(tot) return isos, dcs, clvds, devs, tots yscale = 1.3 nlines = len(list_m6s) nlines_max = nlines * yscale if colors is None: colors = nlines * [None] if labels is None: labels = ["Ensemble"] + ([None] * (nlines - 1)) lines = [] for i, (label, m6s, color) in enumerate(zip(labels, list_m6s, colors)): if color is None: color = mpl_graph_color(i) lines.append((label, m6s, color)) magnitude_full_max = max( m6s.mean(axis=0)[-1] for (_, m6s, _) in lines if m6s is not None ) for xpos, label in [ (0.0, "Full"), (2.0, "Isotropic"), (4.0, "Deviatoric"), (6.0, "CLVD"), (8.0, "DC"), ]: axes.annotate( label, xy=(1 + xpos, nlines_max), xycoords="data", xytext=(0.0, 0.0), textcoords="offset points", ha="center", va="center", color="black", fontsize=fontsize, ) for i, (label, m6s, color_t) in enumerate(lines): if m6s is None: continue ypos = nlines_max - (i * yscale) - 1.0 mean_magnitude = m6s.mean(0)[-1] size0 = mean_magnitude / magnitude_full_max isos, dcs, clvds, devs, tots = get_decomps(m6s) axes.annotate( label, xy=(-2.0, ypos), xycoords="data", xytext=(0.0, 0.0), textcoords="offset points", ha="left", va="center", color="black", fontsize=fontsize, ) for xpos, decomp, ops in [ (0.0, tots, "-"), (2.0, isos, "="), (4.0, devs, "="), (6.0, clvds, "+"), (8.0, dcs, None), ]: ratios = num.array([comp[1] for comp in decomp]) ratio = ratios.mean() ratios_diff = ratios.max() - ratios.min() ratios_qu = num.percentile(ratios * 100.0, [2.5, 97.5]) mt_parts = [comp[2] for comp in decomp] if ratio > 1e-4: try: size = num.sqrt(ratio) * 0.98 * size0 kwargs["position"] = (1.0 + xpos, ypos) kwargs["size"] = size kwargs["color_t"] = color_t plot_fuzzy_beachball_mpl_pixmap( mt_parts, axes, best_mt=None, **kwargs ) if ratios_diff > 0.0: label = "{:03.1f}-{:03.1f}%".format(*ratios_qu) else: label = "{:03.1f}%".format(ratios_qu[0]) axes.annotate( label, xy=(1.0 + xpos, ypos - 0.65), xycoords="data", xytext=(0.0, 0.0), textcoords="offset points", ha="center", va="center", color="black", fontsize=fontsize - 2, ) except beachball.BeachballError as e: logger.warn(str(e)) axes.annotate( "ERROR", xy=(1.0 + xpos, ypos), ha="center", va="center", color="red", fontsize=fontsize, ) else: axes.annotate( "N/A", xy=(1.0 + xpos, ypos), ha="center", va="center", color="black", fontsize=fontsize, ) label = "{:03.1f}%".format(0.0) axes.annotate( label, xy=(1.0 + xpos, ypos - 0.65), xycoords="data", xytext=(0.0, 0.0), textcoords="offset points", ha="center", va="center", color="black", fontsize=fontsize - 2, ) if ops is not None: axes.annotate( ops, xy=(2.0 + xpos, ypos), ha="center", va="center", color="black", fontsize=fontsize, ) axes.axison = False axes.set_xlim(-2.25, 9.75) axes.set_ylim(-0.7, nlines_max + 0.5) axes.set_axis_off()
def draw_fuzzy_mt_decomposition(problem, po): fontsize = 10 n_sources = sum(problem.config.problem_config.n_sources) if po.load_stage is None: po.load_stage = -1 list_m6s, _, llk_str, _ = extract_mt_components(problem, po, include_magnitude=True) outpath = os.path.join( problem.outfolder, po.figure_dir, "fuzzy_mt_decomposition_%i_%s_%i" % (po.load_stage, llk_str, po.nensemble), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): return height = 1.5 + (n_sources - 1) * 0.65 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.0, height)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.99, bottom=0.03, top=0.97) axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) fuzzy_mt_decomposition(axes, list_m6s=list_m6s, fontsize=fontsize) save_figs([fig], outpath, po.outformat, po.dpi) def station_variance_reductions(problem, stage, plot_options): def target_network_station(target): return ([0],[1]) cmaps = { # "time": plt.get_cmap("Oranges"), "time": (get_fuzzy_cmap(colors=[scolor("chocolate1")]), "red"), "spectrum": (get_fuzzy_cmap(colors=[scolor("plum1")]), "blue"), } problem.init_hierarchicals() composite = problem.composites["seismic"] fontsize = 8 # fontsize_title = 10 labelpad = 1 # distance between ticks and label target_index = dict((target, i) for (i, target) in enumerate(composite.targets)) po = plot_options if not po.reference: best_point = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, po.post_llk) else: best_point = po.reference try: composite.point2sources(best_point) source = composite.sources[0] chop_bounds = ["a", "d"] except AttributeError:"FFI mode, using reference source ...") source = composite.config.gf_config.reference_sources[0] source.time = composite.event.time chop_bounds = ["b", "c"] if best_point: # for source individual contributions bresults = composite.assemble_results( best_point, outmode="tapered_data", chop_bounds=chop_bounds ) # synth_plot_flag = True else: # get dummy results for data logger.warning('Got "None" post_llk, still loading MAP for VR calculation') best_point = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, "max") bresults = composite.assemble_results(best_point, chop_bounds=chop_bounds) # synth_plot_flag = False tpoint = get_weights_point(composite, best_point, problem.config) composite.analyse_noise(tpoint, chop_bounds=chop_bounds) composite.update_weights(tpoint, chop_bounds=chop_bounds) bvar_reductions = composite.get_variance_reductions( best_point, weights=composite.weights, results=bresults, chop_bounds=chop_bounds ) (all_syn_trs_target, all_var_reductions, points) = form_result_ensemble( stage, composite, po.nensemble, chop_bounds, target_index=target_index, bresults=bresults, bvar_reductions=bvar_reductions, ) event_figs = [] ones = num.ones((po.nensemble + 1)) for event_idx, event in enumerate( # gather event related targets event_targets = [] for wmap in composite.wavemaps: if event_idx == wmap.config.event_idx: event_targets.extend(wmap.targets) target_codes_to_targets = utility.gather(event_targets, lambda t: target_domains = list(utility.gather(event_targets, lambda t: t.domain).keys()) # gather unique target codes unique_target_codes = list(target_codes_to_targets.keys()) ns_id_to_target_codes = utility.gather( unique_target_codes, lambda t: (t[0], t[1]) ) cg_to_target_codes = utility.gather(unique_target_codes, lambda t: t[3]) if len(ns_id_to_target_codes) == 0: "Did not find targets for event %s, skipping plotting ..." % event.__str__() ) continue # get channel group specific mean variance reductions cg_var_reductions = {} for cg, target_codes in cg_to_target_codes.items(): cg_domain_data = {} cg_var_reduction = num.array( [ all_var_reductions[target] for target_code in target_codes for target in target_codes_to_targets[target_code] ] ) cg_vr_min, cg_vr_max = cg_var_reduction.min(), cg_var_reduction.max() for domain in target_domains: cg_domain_var_reduction = num.array( [ all_var_reductions[target] for target_code in target_codes for target in target_codes_to_targets[target_code] if target.domain == domain ] ) mean_cg_var_red = cg_domain_var_reduction.mean(0) cg_domain_data[domain] = mean_cg_var_red cg_var_reductions[cg] = cg_domain_data, cg_vr_min, cg_vr_max data = [] for target_codes in ns_id_to_target_codes.values(): target = target_codes_to_targets[target_codes[0]][0] dist = source.distance_to(target) data.append(dist) dists = num.array(data, dtype=num.float64) iorder = num.argsort(dists) sorted_dists = dists[iorder] / km ns_id_codes_sorted = [list(ns_id_to_target_codes.keys())[ii] for ii in iorder] cgs = cg_to_target_codes.keys() channel_index = dict((channel, i) for (i, channel) in enumerate(cgs)) domain_index = dict((domain, i) for (i, domain) in enumerate(target_domains)) max_domain_idx = num.max(list(domain_index.values())) nrows = len(cgs) ncols = len(ns_id_to_target_codes) + 1 # add total hist fig_width, fig_height = mpl_papersize("a5", "landscape") fig_height /= 3 figs = []"Stations variance reductions ... for event number: %i" % event_idx) fig, axs = plt.subplots( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(fig_width, fig_height * nrows) ) fig.subplots_adjust( left=0.09, right=1.0 - 0.02, bottom=0.15, top=0.96, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.02, ) # draw total mean vrs xbounds = 0.5, max_domain_idx + 1.5 for channel, cg_vr_data in cg_var_reductions.items(): cg_domain_var_red, cg_vr_min, cg_vr_max = cg_vr_data for domain, mean_var_reds in cg_domain_var_red.items(): cmap, color = cmaps[domain] idomain = domain_index[domain] ichannel = channel_index[channel] ax = axs[ichannel, 0] centre_x = ones * (idomain + 1) hist2d_plot_op( ax, centre_x, mean_var_reds, bins=(1, 40), cmap=cmap, ) mvr = mean_var_reds.mean() ax.plot( [centre_x - 0.5, centre_x + 0.5], [mvr, mvr], lw=0.5, color=color, ) format_axes(ax, remove=["top", "right"]) ax.set_ylabel("{} VRs [%]".format(channel), fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylim(cg_vr_min, cg_vr_max) ax.set_xlim(*xbounds) ax.set_xlabel("Mean", rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize, labelpad=labelpad) ax.grid(axis="y", color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.3) yax = ax.get_yaxis() yticker = MaxNLocator(nbins=4) yax.set_major_locator(yticker) yax.set_tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) xax = ax.get_xaxis() xax.set_ticklabels([]) xax.set_ticks([num.sum(xbounds) / 2]) # draw station specific var reds for istation, ns_id in enumerate(ns_id_codes_sorted): target_codes = ns_id_to_target_codes[ns_id] have_drawn = [] for target_code in target_codes: domain_targets = target_codes_to_targets[target_code] for target in domain_targets: cmap, color = cmaps[target.domain] ichannel = channel_index[[3]] idomain = domain_index[target.domain] ax = axs[ichannel, istation + 1] centre_x = ones * (idomain + 1) hist2d_plot_op( ax, centre_x, all_var_reductions[target], bins=(1, 40), cmap=cmap, ) bvar_red = all_var_reductions[target][0] ax.plot( [centre_x - 0.5, centre_x + 0.5], [bvar_red, bvar_red], lw=0.5, color=color, ) have_drawn.append(ichannel) format_axes(ax) hide_ticks(ax, axis="yaxis") yax = ax.get_yaxis() yax.set_ticklabels([]) yticker = MaxNLocator(nbins=4) yax.set_major_locator(yticker) xax = ax.get_xaxis() xax.set_ticks([num.sum(xbounds) / 2]) xax.set_ticklabels([]) _, cg_vr_min, cg_vr_max = cg_var_reductions[target_code[3]] ax.set_xlim(*xbounds) ax.set_ylim(cg_vr_min, cg_vr_max) ax.set_xlabel( "%s\n%s\n%0.1fkm" % (*target_network_station(target), sorted_dists[istation]), rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize - 3, labelpad=labelpad, ) ax.grid(axis="y", color="grey", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.3) # remove channels that dont exist for ichannel in channel_index.values(): if ichannel not in have_drawn: ax = axs[ichannel, istation + 1] fig.delaxes(ax) figs.append(fig) event_figs.append((event_idx, figs)) return event_figs def draw_station_variance_reductions(problem, po): if "seismic" not in list(problem.composites.keys()): raise TypeError("No seismic composite defined for this problem!")"Drawing station variance reductions ...") stage = Stage( homepath=problem.outfolder, backend=problem.config.sampler_config.backend ) mode = problem.config.problem_config.mode if not po.reference: llk_str = po.post_llk stage.load_results( varnames=problem.varnames, model=problem.model, stage_number=po.load_stage, load="trace", chains=[-1], ) else: llk_str = "ref" outpath = os.path.join( problem.config.project_dir, mode, po.figure_dir, "station_variance_reductions_%s_%s_%i" % (stage.number, llk_str, po.nensemble), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): return event_figs = station_variance_reductions(problem, stage, po) for event_idx, figs in event_figs: event_outpath = f"{outpath}_{event_idx}" save_figs(figs, event_outpath, po.outformat, po.dpi)
[docs] def draw_hudson(problem, po): """ Modified from grond. Plot the hudson graph for the reference event(grey) and the best solution (red beachball). Also a random number of models from the selected stage are plotted as smaller beachballs on the hudson graph. """ from numpy import random from pyrocko import moment_tensor as mtm from pyrocko.plot import beachball, hudson if po.load_stage is None: po.load_stage = -1 list_m6s, list_best_mts, llk_str, _ = extract_mt_components(problem, po)"Drawing Hudson plot ...") fontsize = 12 beachball_type = "full" color = "red" markersize = fontsize * 1.5 markersize_small = markersize * 0.2 beachballsize = markersize beachballsize_small = beachballsize * 0.5 for idx_source, (m6s, best_mt) in enumerate(zip(list_m6s, list_best_mts)): outpath = os.path.join( problem.outfolder, po.figure_dir, "hudson_%i_%s_%i_%i.%s" % (po.load_stage, llk_str, po.nensemble, idx_source, po.outformat), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): return fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.0, 4.0)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0) axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) hudson.draw_axes(axes) data = [] for m6 in m6s: mt = mtm.as_mt(m6) u, v = hudson.project(mt) if random.random() < 0.05: try: beachball.plot_beachball_mpl( mt, axes, beachball_type=beachball_type, position=(u, v), size=beachballsize_small, color_t="black", alpha=0.5, zorder=1, linewidth=0.25, ) except beachball.BeachballError as e: logger.warn(str(e)) else: data.append((u, v)) if data: u, v = num.array(data).T axes.plot( u, v, "o", color=color, ms=markersize_small, mec="none", mew=0, alpha=0.25, zorder=0, ) if best_mt is not None: mt = mtm.as_mt(best_mt) u, v = hudson.project(mt) try: beachball.plot_beachball_mpl( mt, axes, beachball_type=beachball_type, position=(u, v), size=beachballsize, color_t=color, alpha=0.5, zorder=2, linewidth=0.25, ) except beachball.BeachballError as e: logger.warn(str(e)) if isinstance(problem.event.moment_tensor, mtm.MomentTensor): mt = problem.event.moment_tensor u, v = hudson.project(mt) if not po.reference: try: beachball.plot_beachball_mpl( mt, axes, beachball_type=beachball_type, position=(u, v), size=beachballsize, color_t="grey", alpha=0.5, zorder=2, linewidth=0.25, )"drawing reference event in grey ...") except beachball.BeachballError as e: logger.warn(str(e)) else: "No reference event moment tensor information given, " "skipping drawing ..." )"saving figure to %s" % outpath) fig.savefig(outpath, dpi=po.dpi)
[docs] def draw_data_stations( gmt, stations, data, dist, data_cpt=None, scale_label=None, *args ): """ Draw MAP time-shifts at station locations as colored triangles """ miny = data.min() maxy = data.max() bound = num.ceil(max(num.abs(miny), maxy)) if data_cpt is None: data_cpt = "/tmp/tempfile.cpt" gmt.makecpt( C="blue,white,red", Z=True, T="%g/%g" % (-bound, bound), out_filename=data_cpt, suppress_defaults=True, ) for i, station in enumerate(stations): logger.debug("%s, %f" % (station.station, data[i])) st_lons = [station.lon for station in stations] st_lats = [ for station in stations] gmt.psxy(in_columns=(st_lons, st_lats, data.tolist()), C=data_cpt, *args) if dist > 30.0: D = "x1.25c/0c+w5c/0.5c+jMC+h" F = False else: D = "x5.5c/4.1c+w5c/0.5c+jMC+h" F = "+gwhite" if scale_label: # add a colorbar gmt.psscale( B="xa%s +l %s" % (num.floor(bound), scale_label), D=D, F=F, C=data_cpt ) else:'Not plotting scale as "scale_label" is None')
def draw_events(gmt, events, *args, **kwargs): ev_lons = [ev.lon for ev in events] ev_lats = [ for ev in events] gmt.psxy(in_columns=(ev_lons, ev_lats), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def gmt_station_map_azimuthal( gmt, stations, event, data_cpt=None, data=None, max_distance=90, width=20, bin_width=15, fontsize=12, font="1", plot_names=True, scale_label="time-shifts [s]", ): """ Azimuth equidistant station map, if data given stations are colored accordingly Parameters ---------- gmt : :class:`pyrocko.plot.gmtpy.GMT` stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.station.Station` event : :class:`pyrocko.model.event.Event` data_cpt : str path to gmt `*.cpt` file for coloring data : :class:`numoy.NdArray` 1d vector length of stations to color stations max_distance : float maximum distance [deg] of event to map bound width : float plot width [cm] bin_width : float grid spacing [deg] for distance/ azimuth grid fontsize : int font-size in points for station labels font : str GMT font specification (number or name) """ max_distance = max_distance * 1.05 # add interval to have bound J_basemap = "E0/-90/%s/%i" % (max_distance, width) J_location = "E%s/%s/%s/%i" % (event.lon,, max_distance, width) R_location = "0/360/-90/0" gmt.psbasemap( R=R_location, J="S0/-90/90/%i" % width, B="xa%sf%s" % (bin_width * 2, bin_width) ) gmt.pscoast(R="g", J=J_location, D="c", G="darkgrey") # plotting equal distance circles bargs = ["-Bxg%f" % bin_width, "-Byg%f" % (2 * bin_width)] gmt.psbasemap(R="g", J=J_basemap, *bargs) if data is not None: draw_data_stations( gmt, stations, data, max_distance, data_cpt, scale_label, *("-J%s" % J_location, "-R%s" % R_location, "-St14p"), ) else: st_lons = [station.lon for station in stations] st_lats = [ for station in stations] gmt.psxy( R=R_location, J=J_location, in_columns=(st_lons, st_lats), G="red", S="t14p" ) if plot_names: rows = [] alignment = "TC" for st in stations: if gmt.is_gmt5(): row = ( st.lon,, "%i,%s,%s" % (fontsize, font, "black"), alignment, "{}.{}".format(, st.station), ) farg = ["-F+f+j"] else: raise gmtpy.GmtPyError("Only GMT version 5.x supported!") rows.append(row) gmt.pstext(in_rows=rows, R=R_location, J=J_location, N=True, *farg) draw_events( gmt, [event], *("-J%s" % J_location, "-R%s" % R_location), **dict(G="orange", S="a14p"), )
[docs] def draw_station_map_gmt(problem, po): """ Draws distance dependent for teleseismic vs regional/local setups """ if len(gmtpy.detect_gmt_installations()) < 1: raise gmtpy.GmtPyError("GMT needs to be installed for station_map plot!") if po.outformat == "svg": raise NotImplementedError("SVG format is not supported for this plot!") ts = "time_shift" if ts in po.varnames:"Plotting time-shifts on station locations") stage = load_stage( problem, stage_number=po.load_stage, load="trace", chains=[-1] ) point = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, po.post_llk) value_string = "%i" % po.load_stage else: point = None value_string = "0" if len(po.varnames) > 0: raise ValueError( "Requested variables %s is not supported for plotting!" "Supported: %s" % (utility.list2string(po.varnames), ts) ) fontsize = 12 font = "1" bin_width = 15 # major grid and tick increment in [deg] h = 15 # outsize in cm w = h - 5"Drawing Station Map ...") for datatype in problem.config.problem_config.datatypes: sc = problem.composites[datatype] if datatype != "geodetic": wmaps = sc.wavemaps else: wmaps = [] event = problem.config.event gmtconfig = get_gmt_config(gmtpy, h=h, w=h, fontsize=fontsize) gmtconfig["MAP_LABEL_OFFSET"] = "4p" for wmap in wmaps: outpath = os.path.join( problem.outfolder, po.figure_dir, "station_map_%s_%i_%s.%s" % (, wmap.mapnumber, value_string, po.outformat), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): continue dist = max(wmap.get_distances_deg()) if point: time_shifts = extract_time_shifts(point, sc.hierarchicals, wmap) else: time_shifts = None if dist > 30: "Using equidistant azimuthal projection for" " teleseismic setup of wavemap %s." % wmap._mapid ) gmt = gmtpy.GMT(config=gmtconfig) gmt_station_map_azimuthal( gmt, wmap.stations, event, data=time_shifts, max_distance=dist, width=w, bin_width=bin_width, fontsize=fontsize, font=font, ), resolution=po.dpi, size=w) else: "Using equidistant projection for regional setup " "of wavemap %s." % wmap._mapid ) from pyrocko import orthodrome as otd from pyrocko.automap import Map m = Map(, lon=event.lon, radius=dist * otd.d2m, width=h, height=h, show_grid=True, show_topo=True, show_scale=True, color_dry=(143, 188, 143), # grey illuminate=True, illuminate_factor_ocean=0.15, # illuminate_factor_land = 0.2, show_rivers=True, show_plates=False, gmt_config=gmtconfig, ) if time_shifts: sargs = m.jxyr + ["-St14p"] draw_data_stations( m.gmt, wmap.stations, time_shifts, dist, data_cpt=None, scale_label="time shifts [s]", *sargs, ) for st in wmap.stations: text = "{}.{}".format(, st.station) m.add_label(, lon=st.lon, text=text) else: m.add_stations(wmap.stations, psxy_style=dict(S="t14p", G="red")) draw_events(m.gmt, [event], *m.jxyr, **dict(G="yellow", S="a14p")), resolution=po.dpi, oversample=2.0)"saving figure to %s" % outpath)
def draw_lune_plot(problem, po): if po.outformat == "svg": raise NotImplementedError("SVG format is not supported for this plot!") try: idx = problem.config.problem_config.source_types.index("MTQTSource") except ValueError: raise TypeError("Lune plot is only supported for the MTQTSource!") if po.load_stage is None: po.load_stage = -1 stage = load_stage(problem, stage_number=po.load_stage, load="trace", chains=[-1]) n_mts = len(stage.mtrace) n_source = problem.config.problem_config.n_sources[idx] for idx_source in range(n_source): result_ensemble = {} for varname in ["v", "w"]: try: result_ensemble[varname] = ( stage.mtrace.get_values(varname, combine=True, squeeze=True) .T[idx_source] .ravel() ) except ValueError: # if fixed value add that to the ensemble rpoint = problem.get_random_point() result_ensemble[varname] = num.full_like( num.empty((n_mts), dtype=num.float64), rpoint[varname][idx_source] ) if po.reference: reference_v_tape = po.reference["v"][idx_source] reference_w_tape = po.reference["w"][idx_source] llk_str = "ref" else: reference_v_tape = None reference_w_tape = None llk_str = po.post_llk outpath = os.path.join( problem.outfolder, po.figure_dir, "lune_%i_%s_%i_%i.%s" % (po.load_stage, llk_str, po.nensemble, idx_source, po.outformat), ) if po.nensemble > 1:"Plotting selected ensemble as nensemble > 1 ...") selected = num.linspace(0, n_mts, po.nensemble, dtype="int", endpoint=False) v_tape = result_ensemble["v"][selected] w_tape = result_ensemble["w"][selected] else:"Plotting whole posterior ...") v_tape = result_ensemble["v"] w_tape = result_ensemble["w"] if not os.path.exists(outpath) or po.force or po.outformat == "display":"Drawing Lune plot ...") gmt = lune_plot( v_tape=v_tape, w_tape=w_tape, reference_v_tape=reference_v_tape, reference_w_tape=reference_w_tape, )"saving figure to %s" % outpath), resolution=300, size=10) else:"Plot exists! Use --force to overwrite!") def lune_plot(v_tape=None, w_tape=None, reference_v_tape=None, reference_w_tape=None): from beat.sources import v_to_gamma, w_to_delta if len(gmtpy.detect_gmt_installations()) < 1: raise gmtpy.GmtPyError("GMT needs to be installed for lune_plot!") fontsize = 14 font = "1" def draw_lune_arcs(gmt, R, J): lons = [30.0, -30.0, 30.0, -30.0] lats = [54.7356, 35.2644, -35.2644, -54.7356] gmt.psxy(in_columns=(lons, lats), N=True, W="1p,black", R=R, J=J) def draw_lune_points(gmt, R, J, labels=True): lons = [0.0, -30.0, -30.0, -30.0, 0.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 0.0] lats = [-90.0, -54.7356, 0.0, 35.2644, 90.0, 54.7356, 0.0, -35.2644, 0.0] annotations = ["-ISO", "", "+CLVD", "+LVD", "+ISO", "", "-CLVD", "-LVD", "DC"] alignments = ["TC", "TC", "RM", "RM", "BC", "BC", "LM", "LM", "TC"] gmt.psxy(in_columns=(lons, lats), N=True, S="p6p", W="1p,0", R=R, J=J) rows = [] if labels: farg = ["-F+f+j"] for lon, lat, text, align in zip(lons, lats, annotations, alignments): rows.append( (lon, lat, "%i,%s,%s" % (fontsize, font, "black"), align, text) ) gmt.pstext(in_rows=rows, N=True, R=R, J=J, D="j5p", *farg) def draw_lune_kde(gmt, v_tape, w_tape, grid_size=(200, 200), R=None, J=None): def check_fixed(a, varname): if a.std() < 0.1: 'Spread of variable "%s" is %f, which is below necessary' " width to estimate a spherical kde, adding some jitter to" " make kde estimate possible" % (varname, a.std()) ) a += num.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=0.05, size=a.size) gamma = num.rad2deg(v_to_gamma(v_tape)) # lune longitude [rad] delta = num.rad2deg(w_to_delta(w_tape)) # lune latitude [rad] check_fixed(gamma, varname="v") check_fixed(delta, varname="w") lats_vec, lats_inc = num.linspace(-90.0, 90.0, grid_size[0], retstep=True) lons_vec, lons_inc = num.linspace(-30.0, 30.0, grid_size[1], retstep=True) lons, lats = num.meshgrid(lons_vec, lats_vec) kde_vals, _, _ = spherical_kde_op( lats0=delta, lons0=gamma, lons=lons, lats=lats, grid_size=grid_size ) Tmin = num.min([0.0, kde_vals.min()]) Tmax = num.max([0.0, kde_vals.max()]) cptfilepath = "/tmp/tempfile.cpt" gmt.makecpt( C="white,yellow,orange,red,magenta,violet", Z=True, D=True, T="%f/%f" % (Tmin, Tmax), out_filename=cptfilepath, suppress_defaults=True, ) grdfile = gmt.tempfilename() gmt.xyz2grd( G=grdfile, R=R, I="%f/%f" % (lons_inc, lats_inc), in_columns=(lons.ravel(), lats.ravel(), kde_vals.ravel()), # noqa out_discard=True, ) gmt.grdimage(grdfile, R=R, J=J, C=cptfilepath) # gmt.pscontour( # in_columns=(lons.ravel(), lats.ravel(), kde_vals.ravel()), # R=R, J=J, I=True, N=True, A=True, C=cptfilepath) # -Ctmp_$out.cpt -I -N -A- -O -K >> $ps def draw_reference_lune(gmt, R, J, reference_v_tape, reference_w_tape): gamma = num.rad2deg(v_to_gamma(reference_v_tape)) # lune longitude [rad] delta = num.rad2deg(w_to_delta(reference_w_tape)) # lune latitude [rad] gmt.psxy( in_rows=[(float(gamma), float(delta))], N=True, G="blue", W="1p,black", S="p3p", R=R, J=J, ) h = 20.0 w = h / 1.9 gmtconfig = get_gmt_config(gmtpy, h=h, w=w) bin_width = 15 # tick increment J = "H0/%f" % (w - 5.0) R = "-30/30/-90/90" B = "f%ig%i/f%ig%i" % (bin_width, bin_width, bin_width, bin_width) # range_arg="-T${zmin}/${zmax}/${dz}" gmt = gmtpy.GMT(config=gmtconfig) draw_lune_kde(gmt, v_tape=v_tape, w_tape=w_tape, grid_size=(701, 301), R=R, J=J) gmt.psbasemap(R=R, J=J, B=B) draw_lune_arcs(gmt, R=R, J=J) draw_lune_points(gmt, R=R, J=J) if reference_v_tape is not None: draw_reference_lune( gmt, R=R, J=J, reference_v_tape=reference_v_tape, reference_w_tape=reference_w_tape, ) return gmt