Source code for plotting.geodetic

import copy
import logging
import os

import numpy as num
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrow
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from pyrocko import gmtpy
from pyrocko import orthodrome as otd
from pyrocko.cake_plot import light
from pyrocko.cake_plot import str_to_mpl_color as scolor
from pyrocko.plot import mpl_graph_color, mpl_papersize
from scipy import stats

from beat import utility
from beat.config import ffi_mode_str
from beat.models import Stage

from .common import (

logger = logging.getLogger("plotting.geodetic")

def map_displacement_grid(displacements, scene):
    arr = num.full_like(scene.displacement, fill_value=num.nan)
    qt = scene.quadtree

    for syn_v, leaf in zip(displacements, qt.leaves):
        arr[leaf._slice_rows, leaf._slice_cols] = syn_v

    arr[scene.displacement_mask] = num.nan
    return arr

[docs] def shaded_displacements( displacement, shad_data, cmap="RdBu", shad_lim=(0.4, 0.98), tick_step=0.01, contrast=1.0, mask=None, data_limits=(-0.5, 0.5), ): """ Map color data (displacement) on shaded relief. """ from import ScalarMappable from scipy.ndimage import convolve as im_conv # Light source from somewhere above - psychologically the best choice # from upper left ramp = num.array([[1, 0], [0, -1.0]]) * contrast # convolution of two 2D arrays shad = im_conv(shad_data * km, ramp.T) shad *= -1.0 # if there are strong artificial edges in the data, shades get # dominated by them. Cutting off the largest and smallest 2% of # shades helps percentile2 = num.quantile(shad, 0.02) percentile98 = num.quantile(shad, 0.98) shad[shad > percentile98] = percentile98 shad[shad < percentile2] = percentile2 # normalize shading shad -= num.nanmin(shad) shad /= num.nanmax(shad) if mask is not None: shad[mask] = num.nan # reduce range to balance gray color shad *= shad_lim[1] - shad_lim[0] shad += shad_lim[0] # create ticks for plotting - real values for the labels # and their position in normed data for the ticks if data_limits is None: data_max = num.nanmax(num.abs(displacement)) data_limits = (-data_max, data_max) displ_min, displ_max = data_limits # Combine color and shading color_map = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap) color_map.set_clim(displ_min, displ_max) rgb_map = color_map.to_rgba(displacement) rgb_map[num.isnan(displacement)] = 1.0 rgb_map *= shad[:, :, num.newaxis] return rgb_map
def gnss_fits(problem, stage, plot_options): from pyrocko import automap from pyrocko.model import gnss if len(gmtpy.detect_gmt_installations()) < 1: raise gmtpy.GmtPyError("GMT needs to be installed for GNSS plot!") gc = problem.config.geodetic_config try: ds_config = gc.types["GNSS"] except KeyError: raise ImportError("No GNSS data in configuration!")"Trying to load GNSS data from: {}".format(ds_config.datadir)) campaigns = ds_config.load_data(campaign=True) if not campaigns: raise ImportError("Did not fing GNSS data under %s" % ds_config.datadir) if len(campaigns) > 1: logger.warning("Plotting for more than 1 GNSS dataset needs tp be implemented") campaign = campaigns[0] datatype = "geodetic" mode = problem.config.problem_config.mode problem.init_hierarchicals() figsize = 20.0 # size in cm po = plot_options composite = problem.composites[datatype] try: sources = composite.sources ref_sources = None except AttributeError:"FFI gnss fit, using reference source ...") ref_sources = composite.config.gf_config.reference_sources set_anchor(ref_sources, anchor="top") fault = composite.load_fault_geometry() sources = fault.get_all_subfaults( datatype=datatype, component=composite.slip_varnames[0] ) set_anchor(sources, anchor="top") if po.reference: if mode != ffi_mode_str: composite.point2sources(po.reference) ref_sources = copy.deepcopy(composite.sources) bpoint = po.reference else: bpoint = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, po.post_llk) results = composite.assemble_results(bpoint) bvar_reductions = composite.get_variance_reductions( bpoint, weights=composite.weights, results=results ) dataset_to_result = {} for dataset, result in zip(composite.datasets, results): if dataset.typ == "GNSS": dataset_to_result[dataset] = result if po.plot_projection == "latlon": # event = problem.config.event locations = campaign.stations # + [event] # print(locations) # lat, lon = otd.geographic_midpoint_locations(locations) coords = num.array([loc.effective_latlon for loc in locations]) lat, lon = num.mean(num.vstack([coords.min(0), coords.max(0)]), axis=0) elif po.plot_projection == "local": lat, lon = otd.geographic_midpoint_locations(sources) coords = num.hstack([source.outline(cs="latlon").T for source in sources]).T else: raise NotImplementedError("%s projection not implemented!" % po.plot_projection) if po.nensemble > 1: from tqdm import tqdm "Collecting ensemble of %i " "synthetic displacements ..." % po.nensemble ) nchains = len(stage.mtrace) csteps = float(nchains) / po.nensemble idxs = num.floor(num.arange(0, nchains, csteps)).astype("int32") ens_results = [] # points = [] ens_var_reductions = [] for idx in tqdm(idxs): point = stage.mtrace.point(idx=idx) # points.append(point) e_results = composite.assemble_results(point) ens_results.append(e_results) ens_var_reductions.append( composite.get_variance_reductions( point, weights=composite.weights, results=e_results ) ) all_var_reductions = {} bvar_reductions_comp = {} for dataset in dataset_to_result.keys(): target_var_reds = [] target_bvar_red = bvar_reductions[] target_var_reds.append(target_bvar_red) bvar_reductions_comp[dataset.component] = target_bvar_red * 100.0 for var_reds in ens_var_reductions: target_var_reds.append(var_reds[]) all_var_reductions[dataset.component] = num.array(target_var_reds) * 100.0 radius = otd.distance_accurate50m_numpy( lat[num.newaxis], lon[num.newaxis], coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1] ).max() radius *= 1.2 if radius < 30.0 * km: logger.warning( "Radius of GNSS campaign %s too small, defaulting" " to 30 km" % ) radius = 30 * km model_camp = gnss.GNSSCampaign( stations=copy.deepcopy(campaign.stations), name="model" ) for dataset, result in dataset_to_result.items(): for ista, sta in enumerate(model_camp.stations): comp = getattr(sta, dataset.component) comp.shift = result.processed_syn[ista] comp.sigma = 0.0 plot_component_flags = [] if "east" in ds_config.components or "north" in ds_config.components: plot_component_flags.append(False) if "up" in ds_config.components: plot_component_flags.append(True) figs = [] for vertical in plot_component_flags: m = automap.Map( width=figsize, height=figsize, lat=lat, lon=lon, radius=radius, show_topo=False, show_grid=True, show_rivers=True, color_wet=(216, 242, 254), color_dry=(238, 236, 230), ) all_stations = campaign.stations + model_camp.stations offset_scale = num.zeros(len(all_stations)) for ista, sta in enumerate(all_stations): for comp in sta.components.values(): offset_scale[ista] += comp.shift offset_scale = num.sqrt(offset_scale**2).max() if len(campaign.stations) > 40: logger.warning("More than 40 stations disabling station labels ..") labels = False else: labels = True m.add_gnss_campaign( campaign, psxy_style={"G": "black", "W": "0.8p,black"}, offset_scale=offset_scale, vertical=vertical, labels=labels, ) m.add_gnss_campaign( model_camp, psxy_style={"G": "red", "W": "0.8p,red", "t": 30}, offset_scale=offset_scale, vertical=vertical, labels=False, ) for i, source in enumerate(sources): in_rows = source.outline(cs="lonlat") if mode != ffi_mode_str: color = (num.array(mpl_graph_color(i)) * 255).tolist() color_str = utility.list2string(color, "/") else: color_str = "black" if in_rows.shape[0] > 1: # finite source m.gmt.psxy( in_rows=in_rows, L="+p0.1p,%s" % color_str, W="0.1p,black", G=color_str, t=70, *m.jxyr, ) m.gmt.psxy(in_rows=in_rows[0:2], W="1p,black", *m.jxyr) else: # point source source_scale_factor = 2.0 m.gmt.psxy( in_rows=in_rows, W="0.1p,black", G=color_str, S="c%fp" % float(source.magnitude * source_scale_factor), t=70, *m.jxyr, ) if dataset: # plot strain rate tensor if dataset.has_correction: from beat.heart import StrainRateTensor from beat.models.corrections import StrainRateCorrection for i, corr in enumerate(dataset.corrections): if isinstance(corr, StrainRateCorrection): lats, lons = corr.get_station_coordinates() mid_lat, mid_lon = otd.geographic_midpoint(lats, lons) corr_point = corr.get_point_rvs(bpoint) srt = StrainRateTensor.from_point(corr_point) in_rows = [(mid_lon, mid_lat, srt.eps1, srt.eps2, srt.azimuth)] color_str = get_gmt_colorstring_from_mpl(i) m.gmt.psvelo( in_rows=in_rows, S="x%f" % offset_scale, A="9p+g%s+p1p" % color_str, W=color_str, *m.jxyr, ) m.draw_axes() if po.nensemble > 1: if vertical: var_reductions_ens = all_var_reductions["up"] else: var_reductions_tmp = [] if "east" in all_var_reductions: var_reductions_tmp.append(all_var_reductions["east"]) if "north" in all_var_reductions: var_reductions_tmp.append(all_var_reductions["north"]) var_reductions_ens = num.mean(var_reductions_tmp, axis=0) # draw white background box for histogram m.gmt.psbasemap(D="n0.722/0.716+w4c/4c", F="+gwhite+p0.25p", *m.jxyr) # get resulting bounds no plotting vmin, vmax = var_reductions_ens.min(), var_reductions_ens.max() vspread = num.abs(vmax - vmin) if vspread < 1e-4: logger.warning( "Spread in Variance Reduction is too small: %f, " "skipping histogram plot!" % vspread ) figs.append(m) continue # axis bounds imin, imax, sinc = get_nice_plot_bounds(vmin, vmax) # hist bins Z = 0 W = (imax - imin) / 30 # T = "%s/%s/%s+i" % (imin, imax, 0.1) this is buggy out_filename = "/tmp/histbounds.txt" in_rows = num.atleast_2d(var_reductions_ens).T m.gmt.pshistogram( in_rows=in_rows, # T=T, W=W, out_filename=out_filename, Z=Z, I="o", ) bin_bounds = num.atleast_2d(num.loadtxt(out_filename)).max(0) bmin, bmax, binc = get_nice_plot_bounds(0, bin_bounds[1]) # set data region jxyr = [ "-JX4c/4c", "-Xf13.5c", "-Yf13.4c", "-R{}/{}/{}/{}".format(imin, imax, bmin, bmax), ] hist_args = [ "-Bxa%ff%f+lVR [%s]" % (sinc, sinc, "%"), "-Bya%i" % binc, "-BwSne", ] + jxyr m.gmt.pshistogram( in_rows=in_rows, W=W, # T=T, G="lightorange", Z=Z, F=True, L="0.5p,orange", *hist_args, ) # plot vertical line on hist with best solution m.gmt.psxy( in_rows=( [var_reductions_ens[0], 0], [var_reductions_ens[0], po.nensemble], ), W="1.5p,red", *jxyr, ) figs.append(m) return figs def geodetic_covariances(problem, stage, plot_options): datatype = "geodetic" mode = problem.config.problem_config.mode problem.init_hierarchicals() po = plot_options composite = problem.composites[datatype] # event = composite.event try: sources = composite.sources ref_sources = None except AttributeError:"FFI scene fit, using reference source ...") ref_sources = composite.config.gf_config.reference_sources set_anchor(ref_sources, anchor="top") fault = composite.load_fault_geometry() sources = fault.get_all_subfaults( datatype=datatype, component=composite.slip_varnames[0] ) set_anchor(sources, anchor="top") if po.reference: if mode != ffi_mode_str: composite.point2sources(po.reference) ref_sources = copy.deepcopy(composite.sources) bpoint = po.reference else: bpoint = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, po.post_llk) tpoint = get_weights_point(composite, bpoint, problem.config) composite.assemble_results(bpoint) composite.analyse_noise(tpoint) covariances = [dataset.covariance for dataset in composite.datasets] figs, _ = plot_covariances(composite.datasets, covariances) return figs
[docs] def scene_fits(problem, stage, plot_options): """ Plot geodetic data, synthetics and residuals. """ import gc from kite.scene import Scene, UserIOWarning from pyrocko.dataset import gshhg try: homepath = problem.config.geodetic_config.types["SAR"].datadir except KeyError: raise ValueError("SAR data not in geodetic types!") datatype = "geodetic" mode = problem.config.problem_config.mode problem.init_hierarchicals() fontsize = 10 fontsize_title = 12 ndmax = 3 nxmax = 3 # cmap = # cmap = roma_colormap(256) cmap = po = plot_options composite = problem.composites[datatype] event = composite.event if po.reference: bpoint = po.reference else: bpoint = get_result_point(stage.mtrace, po.post_llk) bresults_tmp = composite.assemble_results(bpoint) if mode == ffi_mode_str:"FFI scene fit, using reference source ...") ref_sources = composite.config.gf_config.reference_sources set_anchor(ref_sources, anchor="top") fault = composite.load_fault_geometry() sources = fault.get_all_subfaults( datatype=datatype, component=composite.slip_varnames[0] ) set_anchor(sources, anchor="top") else: sources = [source.clone() for source in composite.sources] ref_sources = None tpoint = get_weights_point(composite, bpoint, problem.config) composite.analyse_noise(tpoint) composite.update_weights(tpoint) # to display standardized residuals stdz_residuals = composite.get_standardized_residuals( bpoint, results=bresults_tmp, weights=composite.weights ) if po.plot_projection == "individual": for result, dataset in zip(bresults_tmp, composite.datasets): result.processed_res = stdz_residuals[] bvar_reductions = composite.get_variance_reductions( bpoint, weights=composite.weights, results=bresults_tmp ) dataset_to_result = {} for dataset, bresult in zip(composite.datasets, bresults_tmp): if dataset.typ == "SAR": dataset_to_result[dataset] = bresult results = dataset_to_result.values() dataset_index = dict((data, i) for (i, data) in enumerate(dataset_to_result.keys())) nrmax = len(dataset_to_result.keys()) fullfig, restfig = utility.mod_i(nrmax, ndmax) factors = num.ones(fullfig).tolist() if restfig: factors.append(float(restfig) / ndmax) topo_plot_thresh = 300 if plot_options.nensemble > topo_plot_thresh:"Plotting shaded relief as nensemble > %i." % topo_plot_thresh) show_topo = True else: "Not plotting shaded relief for nensemble < %i." % (topo_plot_thresh + 1) ) show_topo = False if po.nensemble > 1: from tqdm import tqdm "Collecting ensemble of %i " "synthetic displacements ..." % po.nensemble ) nchains = len(stage.mtrace) csteps = float(nchains) / po.nensemble idxs = num.floor(num.arange(0, nchains, csteps)).astype("int32") ens_results = [] points = [] ens_var_reductions = [] for idx in tqdm(idxs): point = stage.mtrace.point(idx=idx) points.append(point) e_results = composite.assemble_results(point) ens_results.append(e_results) ens_var_reductions.append( composite.get_variance_reductions( point, weights=composite.weights, results=e_results ) ) all_var_reductions = {} for dataset in dataset_to_result.keys(): target_var_reds = [] target_var_reds.append(bvar_reductions[]) for var_reds in ens_var_reductions: target_var_reds.append(var_reds[]) all_var_reductions[] = num.array(target_var_reds) * 100.0 figures = [] axes = [] for f in factors: figsize = list(mpl_papersize("a4", "portrait")) figsize[1] *= f fig, ax = plt.subplots( nrows=int(round(ndmax * f)), ncols=nxmax, figsize=figsize ) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust( left=0.08, right=1.0 - 0.03, bottom=0.06, top=1.0 - 0.06, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.1, ) figures.append(fig) ax_a = num.atleast_2d(ax) axes.append(ax_a) # nfigs = len(figures) def axis_config(axes, source, scene, po): latlon_ratio = 1.0 / num.cos(source.effective_lat * num.pi / 180.0) for i, ax in enumerate(axes): if po.plot_projection == "latlon": ystr = "Latitude [deg]" xstr = "Longitude [deg]" if scene.frame.isDegree(): scale_x = {"scale": 1.0} scale_y = {"scale": 1.0} ax.set_aspect(latlon_ratio) else: scale_x = {"scale": otd.m2d} scale_y = {"scale": otd.m2d} ax.set_aspect("equal") scale_x["offset"] = source.lon scale_y["offset"] = elif po.plot_projection in ["local", "individual"]: ystr = "Distance [km]" xstr = "Distance [km]" if scene.frame.isDegree(): scale_x = {"scale": otd.d2m / km / latlon_ratio} scale_y = {"scale": otd.d2m / km} ax.set_aspect(latlon_ratio) else: scale_x = {"scale": 1.0 / km} scale_y = {"scale": 1.0 / km} ax.set_aspect("equal") else: raise TypeError("Plot projection %s not available" % po.plot_projection) set_locator_axes(ax.get_xaxis(), MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) set_locator_axes(ax.get_yaxis(), MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) if i == 0: ax.set_ylabel(ystr, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xstr, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=90) scale_x["precision"] = 2 scale_y["precision"] = 2 ax.scale_x = scale_x ax.scale_y = scale_y scale_axes(ax.get_xaxis(), **scale_x) scale_axes(ax.get_yaxis(), **scale_y) if i > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) def draw_coastlines(ax, xlim, ylim, event, scene, po): """ xlim and ylim in Lon/Lat[deg] """ logger.debug("Drawing coastlines ...") coasts = gshhg.GSHHG.full() if po.plot_projection == "latlon": west, east = xlim south, north = ylim elif po.plot_projection in ["local", "individual"]: lats, lons = otd.ne_to_latlon(, event.lon, north_m=num.array(ylim) * km, east_m=num.array(xlim) * km, ) south, north = lats west, east = lons polygons = coasts.get_polygons_within( west=west, east=east, south=south, north=north ) for p in polygons: if p.is_land() or p.is_antarctic_grounding_line() or p.is_island_in_lake(): if scene.frame.isMeter(): ys, xs = otd.latlon_to_ne_numpy(, event.lon, p.lats, p.lons ) elif scene.frame.isDegree(): xs = p.lons - event.lon ys = p.lats - ax.plot(xs, ys, "-k", linewidth=0.5) def add_arrow(ax, scene): phi = num.nanmean(scene.phi) theta = num.nanmean(scene.theta) if theta == 0.0: # MAI / az offsets phi -= num.pi los_dx = num.cos(phi + num.pi) * 0.0625 los_dy = num.sin(phi + num.pi) * 0.0625 az_dx = num.cos(phi - num.pi / 2) * 0.125 az_dy = num.sin(phi - num.pi / 2) * 0.125 anchor_x = 0.9 if los_dx < 0 else 0.1 anchor_y = 0.85 if los_dx < 0 else 0.975 if theta > 0.0: # MAI / az offsets az_arrow = FancyArrow( x=anchor_x - az_dx, y=anchor_y - az_dy, dx=az_dx, dy=az_dy, head_width=0.025, alpha=0.5, fc="k", head_starts_at_zero=False, length_includes_head=True, transform=ax.transAxes, ) ax.add_artist(az_arrow) los_arrow = FancyArrow( x=anchor_x - az_dx / 2, y=anchor_y - az_dy / 2, dx=los_dx, dy=los_dy, head_width=0.02, alpha=0.5, fc="k", head_starts_at_zero=False, length_includes_head=True, transform=ax.transAxes, ) ax.add_artist(los_arrow) def draw_leaves(ax, scene, offset_e=0, offset_n=0): rects = scene.quadtree.getMPLRectangles() for r in rects: r.set_edgecolor((0.4, 0.4, 0.4)) r.set_linewidth(0.5) r.set_facecolor("none") r.set_x(r.get_x() - offset_e) r.set_y(r.get_y() - offset_n) map(ax.add_artist, rects) ax.scatter( scene.quadtree.leaf_coordinates[:, 0] - offset_e, scene.quadtree.leaf_coordinates[:, 1] - offset_n, s=0.25, c="black", alpha=0.1, ) def draw_sources(ax, sources, scene, po, event, **kwargs): bgcolor = kwargs.pop("color", None) for i, source in enumerate(sources): if scene.frame.isMeter(): fn, fe = source.outline(cs="xy").T elif scene.frame.isDegree(): fn, fe = source.outline(cs="latlon").T fn -= fe -= event.lon if not bgcolor: color = mpl_graph_color(i) else: color = bgcolor if fn.size > 1: alpha = 0.4 ax.plot(fe, fn, "-", linewidth=0.5, color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) ax.fill( fe, fn, edgecolor=color, facecolor=light(color, 0.5), alpha=alpha ) n_upper_edge_points = round(fn.size / 2.0) ax.plot( fe[0:n_upper_edge_points], fn[0:n_upper_edge_points], "-k", alpha=0.7, linewidth=1.0, ) else: ax.plot(fe, fn, marker="*", markersize=10, color=color, **kwargs) colims = [ num.max([num.max(num.abs(r.processed_obs)), num.max(num.abs(r.processed_syn))]) for r in results ] dcolims = [num.max(num.abs(r.processed_res)) for r in results] import string for idata, (dataset, result) in enumerate(dataset_to_result.items()): subplot_letter = string.ascii_lowercase[idata] try: scene_path = os.path.join(homepath,"Loading full resolution kite scene: %s" % scene_path) scene = Scene.load(scene_path) except UserIOWarning: logger.warning("Full resolution data could not be loaded! Skipping ...") continue if scene.frame.isMeter(): offset_n, offset_e = map( float, otd.latlon_to_ne_numpy( scene.frame.llLat, scene.frame.llLon,, event.lon ), ) elif scene.frame.isDegree(): offset_n = - scene.frame.llLat offset_e = event.lon - scene.frame.llLon im_extent = ( scene.frame.E.min() - offset_e, scene.frame.E.max() - offset_e, scene.frame.N.min() - offset_n, scene.frame.N.max() - offset_n, ) urE, urN, llE, llN = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) true, turN, tllE, tllN = zip( *[ ( leaf.gridE.max() - offset_e, leaf.gridN.max() - offset_n, leaf.gridE.min() - offset_e, leaf.gridN.min() - offset_n, ) for leaf in scene.quadtree.leaves ] ) true, turN = map(max, (true, turN)) tllE, tllN = map(min, (tllE, tllN)) urE, urN = map(max, ((true, urE), (urN, turN))) llE, llN = map(min, ((tllE, llE), (llN, tllN))) lat, lon = otd.ne_to_latlon( sources[0].lat, sources[0].lon, num.array([llN, urN]), num.array([llE, urE]) ) # result = dataset_to_result[dataset] tidx = dataset_index[dataset] figidx, rowidx = utility.mod_i(tidx, ndmax) axs = axes[figidx][rowidx, :] imgs = [] for ax, data_str in zip(axs, ["obs", "syn", "res"]):"Plotting %s" % data_str) datavec = getattr(result, "processed_%s" % data_str) if data_str == "res" and po.plot_projection in ["local", "individual"]: vmin = -dcolims[tidx] vmax = dcolims[tidx] logger.debug( "Variance of residual for %s is: %f",, datavec.var() ) else: vmin = -colims[tidx] vmax = colims[tidx] data = map_displacement_grid(datavec, scene) if show_topo: elevation = scene.get_elevation() elevation_mask = num.where(elevation == 0.0, True, False) data = shaded_displacements( data, elevation, cmap, shad_lim=(0.4, 0.99), contrast=1.0, mask=elevation_mask, data_limits=(vmin, vmax), ) imgs.append( ax.imshow( data, extent=im_extent, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest", ) ) ax.set_xlim(llE, urE) ax.set_ylim(llN, urN) draw_leaves(ax, scene, offset_e, offset_n) draw_coastlines(ax, lon, lat, event, scene, po) # histogram of stdz residual if stdz_residuals: in_ax_res = plot_inset_hist( axs[2], data=num.atleast_2d(stdz_residuals[]), best_data=None, linewidth=1.0, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 0.775, 0.25, 0.225), labelsize=6, color="grey", ) # reference gaussian x = num.linspace(*stats.norm.ppf((0.001, 0.999)), 100) gauss = stats.norm.pdf(x) in_ax_res.plot(x, gauss, "k-", lw=0.5, alpha=0.8) format_axes( in_ax_res, remove=["right", "bottom"], visible=True, linewidth=0.75 ) in_ax_res.set_xlabel(r"std. res. [$\sigma$]", fontsize=fontsize - 3) if po.nensemble > 1: in_ax = plot_inset_hist( axs[2], data=num.atleast_2d(all_var_reductions[]), best_data=bvar_reductions[] * 100.0, linewidth=1.0, bbox_to_anchor=(0.75, 0.775, 0.25, 0.225), labelsize=6, ) format_axes(in_ax, remove=["left", "bottom"], visible=True, linewidth=0.75) in_ax.set_xlabel("VR [%]", fontsize=fontsize - 3) fontdict = { "fontsize": fontsize, "fontweight": "bold", "verticalalignment": "top", } transform = axes[figidx][rowidx, 0].transAxes if[-5::] == "dscxn": title = "descending" elif[-5::] == "ascxn": title = "ascending" else: title = axes[figidx][rowidx, 0].text( 0.025, 1.025, "({}) {}".format(subplot_letter, title), fontsize=fontsize_title, alpha=1.0, va="bottom", transform=transform, ) for i, quantity in enumerate(["data", "model", "residual"]): transform = axes[figidx][rowidx, i].transAxes axes[figidx][rowidx, i].text( 0.5, 0.95, quantity, fontdict, transform=transform, horizontalalignment="center", ) draw_sources(axes[figidx][rowidx, 1], sources, scene, po, event=event) if ref_sources: ref_color = scolor("aluminium4")"Plotting reference sources") draw_sources( axes[figidx][rowidx, 1], ref_sources, scene, po, event=event, color=ref_color, ) f = factors[figidx] if f > 2.0 / 3: cbb = 0.68 - (0.3075 * rowidx) elif f > 1.0 / 2: cbb = 0.53 - (0.47 * rowidx) elif f > 1.0 / 4: cbb = 0.06 cbl = 0.46 cbw = 0.15 cbh = 0.01 cbaxes = figures[figidx].add_axes([cbl, cbb, cbw, cbh]) cblabel = "LOS displacement [m]" cbs = plt.colorbar( imgs[1], ax=axes[figidx][rowidx, 0], ticks=cbtick(colims[tidx]), cax=cbaxes, orientation="horizontal", ) cbs.set_label(cblabel, fontsize=fontsize) if po.plot_projection in ["local", "individual"]: dcbaxes = figures[figidx].add_axes([cbl + 0.3, cbb, cbw, cbh]) cbr = plt.colorbar( imgs[2], ax=axes[figidx][rowidx, 2], ticks=cbtick(dcolims[tidx]), cax=dcbaxes, orientation="horizontal", ) if po.plot_projection == "individual": cblabel = r"standard dev [$\sigma$]" cbr.set_label(cblabel, fontsize=fontsize) axis_config(axes[figidx][rowidx, :], event, scene, po) add_arrow(axes[figidx][rowidx, 0], scene) del scene gc.collect() return figures
def draw_geodetic_covariances(problem, plot_options): if "geodetic" not in list(problem.composites.keys()): raise TypeError("No geodetic composite defined in the problem!")"Drawing geodetic covariances ...") po = plot_options stage = Stage( homepath=problem.outfolder, backend=problem.config.sampler_config.backend ) if not po.reference: stage.load_results( varnames=problem.varnames, model=problem.model, stage_number=po.load_stage, load="trace", chains=[-1], ) llk_str = po.post_llk else: llk_str = "ref" mode = problem.config.problem_config.mode outpath = os.path.join( problem.config.project_dir, mode, po.figure_dir, "geodetic_covs_%s_%s" % (stage.number, llk_str), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): return figs = geodetic_covariances(problem, stage, po) save_figs(figs, outpath, po.outformat, po.dpi) def draw_scene_fits(problem, plot_options): if "geodetic" not in list(problem.composites.keys()): raise TypeError("No geodetic composite defined in the problem!") if "SAR" not in problem.config.geodetic_config.types: raise TypeError("There is no SAR data in the problem setup!")"Drawing SAR misfits ...") po = plot_options stage = Stage( homepath=problem.outfolder, backend=problem.config.sampler_config.backend ) if not po.reference: stage.load_results( varnames=problem.varnames, model=problem.model, stage_number=po.load_stage, load="trace", chains=[-1], ) llk_str = po.post_llk else: llk_str = "ref" mode = problem.config.problem_config.mode outpath = os.path.join( problem.config.project_dir, mode, po.figure_dir, "scenes_%s_%s_%s_%i" % (stage.number, llk_str, po.plot_projection, po.nensemble), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): return figs = scene_fits(problem, stage, po) save_figs(figs, outpath, po.outformat, po.dpi) def draw_gnss_fits(problem, plot_options): if "geodetic" not in list(problem.composites.keys()): raise TypeError("No geodetic composite defined in the problem!") if "GNSS" not in problem.config.geodetic_config.types: raise TypeError("There is no GNSS data in the problem setup!")"Drawing GNSS misfits ...") po = plot_options stage = Stage( homepath=problem.outfolder, backend=problem.config.sampler_config.backend ) if not po.reference: stage.load_results( varnames=problem.varnames, model=problem.model, stage_number=po.load_stage, load="trace", chains=[-1], ) llk_str = po.post_llk else: llk_str = "ref" mode = problem.config.problem_config.mode outpath = os.path.join( problem.config.project_dir, mode, po.figure_dir, "gnss_%s_%s_%i_%s" % (stage.number, llk_str, po.nensemble, po.plot_projection), ) if plot_exists(outpath, po.outformat, po.force): return figs = gnss_fits(problem, stage, po) if po.outformat == "display": else:"saving figures to %s" % outpath) for component, fig in zip(("horizontal", "vertical"), figs): + "_%s.%s" % (component, po.outformat), resolution=po.dpi)