Source code for plotting.common

import logging
import os

import numpy as num
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib.ticker import FixedLocator, MaxNLocator
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from pyrocko.guts import Bool, Dict, Int, List, Object, String, StringChoice
from pyrocko.plot import mpl_graph_color, mpl_papersize
from pytensor import config as tconfig
from scipy.stats import kde

from beat import utility

logger = logging.getLogger("plotting.common")

km = 1000.0

def arccosdeg(x):
    return num.rad2deg(num.arccos(x))

transforms = {
    "h": ("dip", arccosdeg),
    "kappa": ("strike", num.rad2deg),
    "sigma": ("rake", num.rad2deg),

def get_transform(varname):
    def do_nothing(x):
        return x

        new_varname, transform = transforms[varname]
    except KeyError:
        transform = do_nothing
        new_varname = varname

    return new_varname, transform

plot_projections = ["latlon", "local", "individual"]

def get_matplotlib_version():
    from matplotlib import __version__ as mplversion

    return float(mplversion[0]), float(mplversion[2:])

def cbtick(x):
    rx = num.floor(x * 1000.0) / 1000.0
    return [-rx, rx]

def plot_cov(target, point_size=20):
    ax = plt.axes()
    im = ax.scatter(
    plt.title("Prediction Covariance [m2] %s" %

[docs] def plot_matrix(A): """ Very simple plot of a matrix for fast inspections. """ ax = plt.axes() im = ax.matshow(A) plt.colorbar(im)
def plot_log_cov(cov_mat): ax = plt.axes() mask = num.ones_like(cov_mat) mask[cov_mat < 0] = -1.0 im = ax.imshow(num.multiply(num.log(num.abs(cov_mat)), mask)) plt.colorbar(im) def get_gmt_config(gmtpy, fontsize=14, h=20.0, w=20.0): if gmtpy.is_gmt5(version="newest"): gmtconfig = { "MAP_GRID_PEN_PRIMARY": "0.1p", "MAP_GRID_PEN_SECONDARY": "0.1p", "MAP_FRAME_TYPE": "fancy", "FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY": "%ip,Helvetica,black" % fontsize, "FONT_ANNOT_SECONDARY": "%ip,Helvetica,black" % fontsize, "FONT_LABEL": "%ip,Helvetica,black" % fontsize, "FORMAT_GEO_MAP": "D", "GMT_TRIANGULATE": "Watson", "PS_MEDIA": "Custom_%ix%i" % (w *, h *, } else: gmtconfig = { "MAP_FRAME_TYPE": "fancy", "GRID_PEN_PRIMARY": "0.01p", "ANNOT_FONT_PRIMARY": "1", "ANNOT_FONT_SIZE_PRIMARY": "12p", "PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT": "D", "GRID_PEN_SECONDARY": "0.01p", "FONT_LABEL": "%ip,Helvetica,black" % fontsize, "PS_MEDIA": "Custom_%ix%i" % (w *, h *, } return gmtconfig
[docs] class PlotOptions(Object): post_llk = String.T( default="max", help='Which model to plot on the specified plot; Default: "max";' ' Options: "max", "min", "mean", "all"', ) plot_projection = StringChoice.T( default="local", choices=plot_projections, help='Projection to use for plotting geodetic data; options: "latlon"', ) utm_zone = Int.T( default=36, optional=True, help='Only relevant if plot_projection is "utm"' ) load_stage = Int.T(default=-1, help="Which stage to select for plotting") figure_dir = String.T( default="figures", help="Name of the output directory of plots" ) reference = Dict.T( default={}, help="Reference point for example from a synthetic test.", optional=True, ) outformat = String.T(default="pdf") dpi = Int.T(default=300) force = Bool.T(default=False) varnames = List.T(default=[], optional=True, help="Names of variables to plot") source_idxs = List.T( default=None, optional=True, help="Indexes to patches of slip distribution to draw marginals for", ) nensemble = Int.T( default=1, help="Number of draws from the PPD to display fuzzy results." )
[docs] def str_unit(quantity): """ Return string representation of waveform unit. """ if quantity == "displacement": return "$m$" elif quantity == "velocity": return "$m/s$" elif quantity == "acceleration": return "$m/s^2$" else: raise ValueError("Quantity %s not supported!" % quantity)
[docs] def str_dist(dist): """ Return string representation of distance. """ if dist < 10.0: return "%g m" % dist elif 10.0 <= dist < 1.0 * km: return "%.0f m" % dist elif 1.0 * km <= dist < 10.0 * km: return "%.1f km" % (dist / km) else: return "%.0f km" % (dist / km)
[docs] def str_duration(t): """ Convert time to str representation. """ from pyrocko import util s = "" if t < 0.0: s = "-" t = abs(t) if t < 60.0: return s + "%.2g s" % t elif 60.0 <= t < 3600.0: return s + util.time_to_str(t, format="%M:%S min") elif 3600.0 <= t < 24 * 3600.0: return s + util.time_to_str(t, format="%H:%M h") else: return s + "%.1f d" % (t / (24.0 * 3600.0))
[docs] def get_llk_idx_to_trace(mtrace, point_llk="max"): """ Return Point idx to multitrace Parameters ---------- mtrace: pm.MultiTrace sampled result trace containing the posterior ensemble point_llk: str returning according point with 'max', 'min', 'mean' likelihood """ llk = mtrace.get_values(varname="like", combine=True) posterior_idxs = utility.get_fit_indexes(llk) return posterior_idxs[point_llk]
[docs] def get_result_point(mtrace, point_llk="max"): """ Return Point dict from multitrace Parameters ---------- mtrace: pm.MultiTrace sampled result trace containing the posterior ensemble point_llk: str returning according point with 'max', 'min', 'mean' likelihood Returns ------- point: dict keys varnames, values numpy ndarrays """ if point_llk != "None": idx = get_llk_idx_to_trace(mtrace, point_llk="max") point = mtrace.point(idx=idx) else: point = None return point
def hist_binning(mind, maxd, nbins=40): step = ((maxd - mind) / nbins).astype(tconfig.floatX) if step == 0: step = num.finfo(tconfig.floatX).eps bins = int(num.ceil((maxd - mind) / step)) if bins == 0: bins = 10 return bins
[docs] def histplot_op( ax, data, reference=None, alpha=0.35, color=None, cmap=None, bins=None, tstd=None, qlist=[0.01, 99.99], cbounds=None, kwargs={}, ): """ Modified from pymc3. Additional color argument. data: array_like samples of one group for the histogram are expected row-wise ordering. """ cumulative = kwargs.pop("cumulative", False) nsources = kwargs.pop("nsources", False) isource = kwargs.pop("isource", 0) if color is not None and cmap is not None: logger.debug("Using color for histogram edgecolor ...") if cmap is not None: from matplotlib.colors import Colormap if not isinstance(cmap, Colormap): raise TypeError("The colormap needs to be a valid matplotlib colormap!") histtype = "bar" else: if not cumulative: histtype = "stepfilled" else: histtype = "step" for d in data: quants = num.percentile(d, q=qlist) mind = quants[0] maxd = quants[-1] if reference is not None: mind = num.minimum(mind, reference).min() maxd = num.maximum(maxd, reference).max() if tstd is None: tstd = num.std(d) if bins is None: bins = hist_binning(mind, maxd, nbins=40) major, minor = get_matplotlib_version() if major < 3: kwargs["normed"] = True else: kwargs["density"] = True n, outbins, patches = ax.hist( d, bins=bins, stacked=True, alpha=alpha, align="left", histtype=histtype, color=color, edgecolor=color, cumulative=cumulative, **kwargs, ) if cmap: bin_centers = 0.5 * (outbins[:-1] + outbins[1:]) if cbounds is None: col = bin_centers - min(bin_centers) col /= max(col) else: col = (bin_centers - cbounds[0]) / (cbounds[1] - cbounds[0]) for c, p in zip(col, patches): plt.setp(p, "facecolor", cmap(c)) left, right = ax.get_xlim() leftb = mind - tstd rightb = maxd + tstd if left != 0.0 or right != 1.0: leftb = num.minimum(leftb, left) rightb = num.maximum(rightb, right) logger.debug("Histogram bounds: left %f, right %f", leftb, rightb) ax.set_xlim(leftb, rightb) if cumulative: # need left plot bound, leftb quants = [5, 68, 95] sigma_quants = num.percentile(d, q=quants) for quantile, value in zip(quants, sigma_quants): quantile /= 100.0 if nsources == 1: x = [leftb, value, value] y = [quantile, quantile, 0.0] else: x = [leftb, rightb] y = [quantile, quantile] fontsize = 6 if isource + 1 == nsources: # plot for last hist in axis ax.plot(x, y, "--k", linewidth=0.5) xval = (value - leftb) / 2 + leftb ax.text( xval, quantile, "{}%".format(int(quantile * 100)), fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", ) if nsources == 1: ax.text( value, quantile / 2, "%.3f" % value, fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="bottom", )
def hist2d_plot_op(ax, data_x, data_y, bins=(None, None), cmap=None): if cmap is None: cmap = plt.get_cmap("afmhot_r") dmax_y = data_y.max() dmin_y = data_y.min() dmax_x = data_x.max() dmin_x = data_x.min() if bins[0] is None: bins[0] = hist_binning(dmin_x, dmax_x, nbins=40) if bins[1] is None: bins[1] = hist_binning(dmin_y, dmax_y, nbins=40) ax.hist2d(data_x, data_y, bins=bins, cmap=cmap, density=True) def variance_reductions_hist_plot(axs, variance_reductions, labels): n_vrs = len(variance_reductions) if n_vrs != len(labels): raise ValueError( "Number of labels must be equal to number of variance reductions" ) ones = num.ones((variance_reductions[0].size)) for i, ax in enumerate(axs): variance_red = variance_reductions[i] hist2d_plot_op(ax, ones, variance_red, bins=(1, 40)) # ax.set_ylim(locs.min() - 4, locs.max() + 4) if i > 0: format_axes(ax) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) elif i == 0: format_axes(ax, remove=["top", "right"]) ax.set_ylabel("VR [%]") xax = ax.get_xaxis() xax.set_ticks([1]) xax.set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_xlabel("%i0" % i, rotation=90) def kde2plot_op(ax, x, y, grid=200, **kwargs): xmin = x.min() xmax = x.max() ymin = y.min() ymax = y.max() extent = kwargs.pop("extent", []) if len(extent) != 4: extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] grid = grid * 1j X, Y = num.mgrid[xmin:xmax:grid, ymin:ymax:grid] positions = num.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]) values = num.vstack([x.ravel(), y.ravel()]) kernel = kde.gaussian_kde(values) Z = num.reshape(kernel(positions).T, X.shape) ax.imshow(num.rot90(Z), extent=extent, **kwargs) def kde2plot(x, y, grid=200, ax=None, **kwargs): if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=True) kde2plot_op(ax, x, y, grid, **kwargs) return ax def spherical_kde_op( lats0, lons0, lats=None, lons=None, grid_size=(200, 200), sigma=None ): from beat.models.distributions import vonmises_fisher, vonmises_std if sigma is None: logger.debug("No sigma given, estimating VonMisesStd ...") sigmahat = vonmises_std(lats=lats0, lons=lons0) sigma = 1.06 * sigmahat * lats0.size**-0.2 logger.debug("suggested sigma: %f, sigmahat: %f" % (sigma, sigmahat)) if lats is None and lons is None: lats_vec = num.linspace(-90.0, 90, grid_size[0]) lons_vec = num.linspace(-180.0, 180, grid_size[1]) lons, lats = num.meshgrid(lons_vec, lats_vec) if lats is not None: assert lats.size == lons.size batch_size = 500 cycles, rest = utility.mod_i(lats0.size, batch_size) if rest != 0: logger.debug("Processing rest of spherical kde samples %i" % (rest)) vmf = vonmises_fisher( lats=lats, lons=lons, lats0=lats0[-rest:], lons0=lons0[-rest:], sigma=sigma ) kde = ( num.exp(vmf) .sum(axis=-1) .reshape((grid_size[0], grid_size[1])) # , b=self.weights) ) else: logger.debug("Init new spherical kde samples") kde = num.zeros(grid_size)"Drawing lune plot for %i samples ... " % lats0.size) for cyc in range(cycles): cyc_s = cyc * batch_size cyc_e = cyc_s + batch_size logger.debug("Looping over spherical kde samples %i - %i" % (cyc_s, cyc_e)) vmf = vonmises_fisher( lats=lats, lons=lons, lats0=lats0[cyc_s:cyc_e], lons0=lons0[cyc_s:cyc_e], sigma=sigma, ) kde += num.exp(vmf).sum(axis=-1) return kde, lats, lons
[docs] def format_axes(ax, remove=["right", "top", "left"], linewidth=None, visible=False): """ Removes box top, left and right. """ for rm in remove: ax.spines[rm].set_visible(visible) if linewidth is not None: ax.spines[rm].set_linewidth(linewidth)
[docs] def hide_ticks(ax, axis="yaxis"): """ Hide ticks from plot axes. Still draws grid. """ if axis == "xaxis": xax = ax.get_xaxis() elif axis == "yaxis": xax = ax.get_yaxis() else: raise TypeError("axis must be 'yaxis' or 'xaxis'") for tick in xax.get_major_ticks(): tick.tick1line.set_visible(False) tick.tick2line.set_visible(False)
def scale_axes(axis, scale, offset=0.0, precision=1): from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter class FormatScaled(ScalarFormatter): @staticmethod def __call__(value, pos): return f"{offset + value * scale:.{precision}f}" axis.set_major_formatter(FormatScaled()) def set_locator_axes(axis, locator): axis.set_major_locator(locator) ticks_loc = axis.get_majorticklocs().tolist() axis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(ticks_loc)) def set_anchor(sources, anchor): for source in sources: source.anchor = anchor def get_gmt_colorstring_from_mpl(i): color = (num.array(mpl_graph_color(i)) * 255).tolist() return utility.list2string(color, "/") def plot_inset_hist( axes, data, best_data, bbox_to_anchor, linewidth=0.5, labelsize=5, cmap=None, cbounds=None, color="orange", alpha=0.4, background_alpha=1.0, ): in_ax = inset_axes( axes, width="100%", height="100%", bbox_to_anchor=bbox_to_anchor, bbox_transform=axes.transAxes, loc=2, borderpad=0, ) histplot_op( in_ax, data, alpha=alpha, color=color, cmap=cmap, cbounds=cbounds, tstd=0.0 ) format_axes(in_ax) format_axes(in_ax, remove=["bottom"], visible=True, linewidth=linewidth) if best_data: in_ax.axvline(x=best_data, color="red", lw=linewidth) in_ax.tick_params(axis="both", direction="in", labelsize=labelsize, width=linewidth) in_ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) xticker = MaxNLocator(nbins=2) in_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xticker) in_ax.patch.set_alpha(background_alpha) return in_ax def _weighted_line(r0, c0, r1, c1, w, rmin=0, rmax=num.inf, cmin=0, cmax=num.inf): """ Draw weighted lines into array Modiefied from: Parameters ---------- r0 : int row index for line end point 0 c0 : int col index for line end point 0 r1 : int row index for line end point 1 c1 : int col index for line end point 1 w : int width in pixels for line rmin : int min row index for grid to draw on rmax : int max row index for grid to draw on Returns ------- rr : array of row indexes of line cc : array of col indexes of line w : array of line weights """ def trapez(y, y0, w): return num.clip(num.minimum(y + 1 + w / 2 - y0, -y + 1 + w / 2 + y0), 0, 1) # The algorithm below works fine if c1 >= c0 and c1-c0 >= abs(r1-r0). # If either of these cases are violated, do some switches. if abs(c1 - c0) < abs(r1 - r0): # Switch x and y, and switch again when returning. xx, yy, val = _weighted_line( c0, r0, c1, r1, w=w, rmin=cmin, rmax=cmax, cmin=rmin, cmax=rmax ) return (yy, xx, val) # At this point we know that the distance in columns (x) is greater # than that in rows (y). Possibly one more switch if c0 > c1. if c0 > c1: return _weighted_line( r1, c1, r0, c0, w=w, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax ) # The following is now always < 1 in abs slope = (r1 - r0) / (c1 - c0) # Adjust weight by the slope w *= num.sqrt(1 + num.abs(slope)) / 2 # We write y as a function of x, because the slope is always <= 1 # (in absolute value) x = num.arange(c0, c1 + 1, dtype=float) y = (x * slope) + ((c1 * r0) - (c0 * r1)) / (c1 - c0) # Now instead of 2 values for y, we have 2*np.ceil(w/2). # All values are 1 except the upmost and bottommost. thickness = num.ceil(w / 2) yy = num.floor(y).reshape(-1, 1) + num.arange( -thickness - 1, thickness + 2 ).reshape(1, -1) xx = num.repeat(x, yy.shape[1]) vals = trapez(yy, y.reshape(-1, 1), w).flatten() yy = yy.flatten() # Exclude useless parts and those outside of the interval # to avoid parts outside of the picture mask_y = num.logical_and.reduce((yy >= rmin, yy < rmax, vals > 0)) mask_x = num.logical_and.reduce((xx >= cmin, xx < cmax, vals > 0)) mask = num.logical_and.reduce((mask_y > 0, mask_x > 0)) return (yy[mask].astype(int), xx[mask].astype(int), vals[mask])
[docs] def draw_line_on_array( X, Y, grid=None, extent=[], grid_resolution=(400, 400), linewidth=1 ): """ Draw line on given array by adding 1 to its fields. Parameters ---------- X : array_like timeseries on xcoordinate (columns of array) Y : array_like timeseries on ycoordinate (rows of array) grid : array_like 2d input array that is used for drawing extent : array extent [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] (cols, rows) grid_resolution : tuple shape of given grid or grid that is being used for allocation linewidth : int weight (width) of line drawn on grid Returns ------- grid, extent """ def check_grid_shape(ngr, naim, axis): if ngr != naim: raise TypeError( "Gridsize of given grid is inconistent for axis %i!" " Expected %i got %i" % (axis, naim, ngr) ) def check_line_in_grid(idxs, axis, nmax, extent): imax = idxs.max() if imax > nmax: raise TypeError( 'Line endpoint outside of given grid Axis "%s"! %i > %i' " Extent [%s]" % (axis, imax, nmax, utility.list2string(extent)) ) nxs = len(X) nys = len(Y) if nxs != nys: raise TypeError("Length of X and Y have to be identical! %i != %i" % (nxs, nys)) if len(extent) == 0: xmin = X.min() xmax = X.max() ymin = Y.min() ymax = Y.max() extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] elif len(extent) == 4: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent else: raise TypeError("extent has to be of length 4! [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]") if len(grid_resolution) != 2: raise TypeError("grid_resolution has to be of length 2! [xstep, ystep]!") ynstep, xnstep = grid_resolution xvec, xstep = num.linspace(xmin, xmax, xnstep, endpoint=True, retstep=True) yvec, ystep = num.linspace(ymin, ymax, ynstep, endpoint=True, retstep=True) if grid is not None: if grid.ndim != 2: raise TypeError("Given grid has to be of dimension 2!") for axis, (ngr, naim) in enumerate(zip(grid.shape, grid_resolution)): check_grid_shape(ngr, naim, axis) else: grid = num.zeros((ynstep, xnstep), dtype="float64") xidxs = utility.positions2idxs(X, min_pos=xmin, cell_size=xstep, dtype="int32") yidxs = utility.positions2idxs(Y, min_pos=ymin, cell_size=ystep, dtype="int32") check_line_in_grid(xidxs, "x", nmax=xnstep - 1, extent=extent) check_line_in_grid(yidxs, "y", nmax=ynstep - 1, extent=extent) new_grid = num.zeros_like(grid) for i in range(1, nxs): c0 = xidxs[i - 1] r0 = yidxs[i - 1] c1 = xidxs[i] r1 = yidxs[i] try: rr, cc, w = _weighted_line( r0=r0, c0=c0, r1=r1, c1=c1, w=linewidth, rmax=ynstep - 1, cmax=xnstep - 1, ) new_grid[rr, cc] = w.astype(grid.dtype) except ValueError: # line start and end fall in the same grid point can't be drawn pass grid += new_grid return grid, extent
[docs] def get_nice_plot_bounds(dmin, dmax, override_mode="min-max"): """ Get nice min, max and increment for plots """ from pyrocko.plot import AutoScaler, nice_value inc = nice_value(dmax - dmin) autos = AutoScaler(inc=inc, snap="on", approx_ticks=2) return autos.make_scale((dmin, dmax), override_mode=override_mode)
def plot_covariances(datasets, covariances): cmap = plt.get_cmap("seismic") ndata = len(covariances) fontsize = 10 ndmax = 3 fullfig, restfig = utility.mod_i(ndata, ndmax) factors = num.ones(fullfig).tolist() if restfig: factors.append(float(restfig) / ndmax) figures = [] axes = [] for f in factors: figsize = list(mpl_papersize("a4", "portrait")) figsize[1] *= f fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=int(round(ndmax * f)), ncols=2, figsize=figsize) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust( left=0.08, right=1.0 - 0.03, bottom=0.05, top=1.0 - 0.03, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.25, ) figures.append(fig) ax_a = num.atleast_2d(ax) axes.append(ax_a) cbl = 0.76 cbh = 0.01 cbw = 0.15 for kidx, (cov, dataset) in enumerate(zip(covariances, datasets)): figidx, rowidx = utility.mod_i(kidx, ndmax) axs = axes[figidx][rowidx, :] f = factors[figidx] if f > 2.0 / 3: cbb = 0.68 - (0.3075 * rowidx) elif f > 1.0 / 2: cbb = 0.53 - (0.47 * rowidx) elif f > 1.0 / 4: cbb = 0.06 vmin, vmax = cov.get_min_max_components() for i_l, attr in enumerate(["data", "pred_v"]): cmat = getattr(cov, attr) ax = axs[i_l] if cmat is not None and cmat.sum() != 0.0: im = ax.imshow( cmat, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation="nearest", ) xticker = MaxNLocator(nbins=2) yticker = MaxNLocator(nbins=2) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xticker) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(yticker) if i_l == 0: ax.set_ylabel("Sample idx") ax.set_xlabel("Sample idx") ax.set_title( cbaxes = fig.add_axes([cbl, cbb, cbw, cbh]) cblabel = "Covariance [m²]" cbs = plt.colorbar( im, ax=ax, ticks=(vmin, vmax), format=lambda x, _: f"{x:.2e}", cax=cbaxes, orientation="horizontal", ) cbs.set_label(cblabel, fontsize=fontsize) else: 'Did not find "%s" covariance component for %s', attr, ) fig.delaxes(ax) return figures, axes
[docs] def set_axes_equal_3d(ax, axes="xyz"): """ Make axes of 3D plot have equal scale so that spheres appear as spheres, cubes as cubes, etc.. This is one possible solution to Matplotlib's ax.set_aspect('equal') and ax.axis('equal') not working for 3D. Parameters ---------- ax: a matplotlib axis, e.g., as output from plt.gca(). """ def set_axes_radius(ax, origin, radius, axes=["xyz"]): if "x" in axes: ax.set_xlim3d([origin[0] - radius, origin[0] + radius]) if "y" in axes: ax.set_ylim3d([origin[1] - radius, origin[1] + radius]) if "z" in axes: ax.set_zlim3d([origin[2] - radius, origin[2] + radius]) limits = num.array([ax.get_xlim3d(), ax.get_ylim3d(), ax.get_zlim3d()]) origin = num.mean(limits, axis=1) radius = 0.5 * num.max(num.abs(limits[:, 1] - limits[:, 0])) set_axes_radius(ax, origin, radius, axes=axes)
def get_weights_point(composite, best_point, config): if composite.config.noise_estimator.structure == "non-toeplitz": # nT run is done with test point covariances! if config.sampler_config.parameters.update_covariances:"Non-Toeplitz noise structure: Using BestPoint for Covariance!") tpoint = best_point else:"Non-Toeplitz noise structure: Using TestPoint for Covariance!") tpoint = config.problem_config.get_test_point() else: tpoint = best_point return tpoint def plot_exists(outpath, outformat, force): outpath_tmp = f"{outpath}.{outformat}" if os.path.exists(outpath_tmp) and not force and outformat != "display": logger.warning("Plot exists! Use --force to overwrite!") return True else: return False def save_figs(figs, outpath, outformat, dpi): if outformat == "display": elif outformat == "pdf": filepath = f"{outpath}.pdf""saving figures to %s" % filepath) with PdfPages(filepath) as opdf: for fig in figs: opdf.savefig(fig) else: for i, fig in enumerate(figs): filepath = f"{outpath}_{i}.{outformat}""saving figure to %s" % filepath) fig.savefig(filepath, dpi=dpi)