Source code for kite.scene_io

import re
import glob
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime

import utm
import numpy as num

from kite import util

__all__ = ['Gamma', 'Matlab', 'ISCE', 'GMTSAR', 'ROI_PAC', 'SARscape']

    from osgeo import gdal
except ImportError:

d2r = num.pi/180.
km = 1e3
op = os.path

LAMBDA_SENTINEL = 0.055465763

def check_required(required, params):
    for r in required:
        if r not in params:
            return False
    return True

def safe_cast(val, to_type, default=None):
        return to_type(val)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return default

class HeaderError(Exception):

class AttribDict(dict):

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        return self[item]

    def __setattr__(self, item, value):
        self[item] = value

class SceneIO(object):
    """ Prototype class for SARIO objects. """
    def __init__(self, scene=None):
        if scene is not None:
            self._log = scene._log.getChild('IO/%s' % self.__class__.__name__)
            import logging
            self._log = logging.getLogger('SceneIO/%s'
                                          % self.__class__.__name__)

        self.container = AttribDict(
            phi=0.,    # Look orientation counter-clockwise angle from east
            theta=0.,  # Look elevation angle (up from horizontal in degree)
                       # 90 deg North
            displacement=None,  # Displacement towards LOS
                llLon=None,  # Lower left corner latitude
                llLat=None,  # Lower left corner londgitude
                dN=None,   # Pixel delta in north, meter or degree
                dE=None,   # Pixel delta in east, meter or degree
                spacing='meter',  # Pixel spacing unit
            # Meta information
            # All extra information

    def read(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """ Read function of the file format

        :param filename: file to read
        :type filename: string
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments
        :type kwargs: {dict}
        raise NotImplementedError('read not implemented')

    def write(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """ Write method for IO

        :param filename: file to write to
        :type filename: string
        :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments
        :type **kwargs: {dict}
        raise NotImplementedError('write not implemented')

    def validate(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """ Validate file format

        :param filename: file to validate
        :type filename: string
        :returns: Validation
        :rtype: {bool}
        raise NotImplementedError('validate not implemented')

[docs]class Matlab(SceneIO): """ Variable naming conventions for Matlab :file:`.mat` container: ================== ==================== ===================== ===== Property Matlab ``.mat`` name type unit ================== ==================== ===================== ===== Scene.displacement ``ig_`` n x m array [m] Scene.phi ``phi`` float or n x m array [rad] Scene.theta ``theta`` float or n x m array [rad] Scene.frame.x ``xx`` n x 1 vector [m] Scene.frame.y ``yy`` m x 1 vector [m] Scene.utm_zone ``utm_zone`` str ('33T') ================== ==================== ===================== ===== Displacement is expected to be in meters. Note that the displacement maps could also be pixel offset maps rather than unwrapped SAR interferograms. For SAR azimuth pixel offset maps calculate ``phi`` from the heading direction and set ``theta=0.``. For SAR range pixel offsets use the same LOS angles as for InSAR. """
[docs] def validate(self, filename, **kwargs): if filename[-4:] == '.mat': return True else: return False try: variables = if len(variables) > 50: return False return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] def read(self, filename, **kwargs): c = self.container mat = utm_e = None utm_n = None utm_zone = None utm_zone_letter = None phi0 = None theta0 = None for mat_k, v in mat.items(): for io_k in c.keys(): if io_k in mat_k: c[io_k] = num.rot90(mat[mat_k]) elif 'ig_' in mat_k: c.displacement = num.rot90(mat[mat_k]) elif 'xx' in mat_k: utm_e = mat[mat_k].flatten() elif 'yy' in mat_k: utm_n = mat[mat_k].flatten() elif 'utm_zone' in mat_k: utm_zone = int(mat['utm_zone'][0][:-1]) utm_zone_letter = str(mat['utm_zone'][0][-1]) elif 'phi' in mat_k: phi0 = mat[mat_k].flatten() elif 'theta' in mat_k: theta0 = mat[mat_k].flatten() if len(theta0) == 1: c.theta = num.ones(num.shape(c.displacement)) * theta0 if len(theta0) == 1: c.phi = num.ones(num.shape(c.displacement)) * phi0 if utm_zone is None: utm_zone = 33 utm_zone_letter = 'N' self._log.warning( 'Variable utm_zone not defined. Defaulting to UTM Zone %d%s!' % (utm_zone, utm_zone_letter)) if not (num.all(utm_e) or num.all(utm_n)): self._log.warning( 'Could not find referencing UTM vectors in .mat file!') utm_e = num.linspace(100000, 110000, c.displacement.shape[0]) utm_n = num.linspace(1100000, 1110000, c.displacement.shape[1]) if utm_e.min() < 1e4 or utm_n.min() < 1e4: utm_e *= km utm_n *= km c.frame.dE = num.abs(utm_e[1] - utm_e[0]) c.frame.dN = num.abs(utm_n[1] - utm_n[0]) try: c.frame.llLat, c.frame.llLon =\ utm.to_latlon(utm_e.min(), utm_n.min(), utm_zone, utm_zone_letter) except utm.error.OutOfRangeError: self._log.warning( 'Could not interpret spatial vectors,' ' referencing to 0, 0 (lat, lon)') c.frame.llLat, c.frame.llLon = (0., 0.) return c
[docs]class Gamma(SceneIO): """ Reading geocoded displacement maps (unwrapped igs) originating from GAMMA software. .. note :: Expects: * [:file:`*`] Binary file from Gamma with displacement in radians * [:file:`*.slc.par`] If you want to translate radians to meters using the `radar_frequency`. * [:file:`*par`] Parameter file, describing ``corner_lat, corner_lon, nlines, width, post_lat, post_lon`` or ``post_north, post_east, corner_east, corner_north, nlines, width``. * [:file:`*theta*`, :file:`*phi*`] Two look vector files, generated by GAMMA command ``look_vector``. .. warning :: * Data has to be georeferenced to latitude/longitude or UTM! * Look vector files - expected to have a particular name """ @staticmethod def _parseParameterFile(filename): params = {} rc = re.compile(r'^(\w*):\s*([a-zA-Z0-9+-.*]*\s[a-zA-Z0-9_]*).*') with open(filename, mode='r') as par: for line in par: parsed = rc.match(line) if parsed is None: continue groups = parsed.groups() params[groups[0]] = safe_cast(groups[1], float, default=groups[1].strip()) return params def _getParameters(self, path, log=False): required_utm = ['post_north', 'post_east', 'corner_east', 'corner_north', 'nlines', 'width'] required_lat_lon = ['corner_lat', 'corner_lon', 'nlines', 'width', 'post_lat', 'post_lon'] path = op.dirname(op.realpath(path)) par_files = glob.glob('%s/*par' % path) for file in par_files: params = self._parseParameterFile(file) if check_required(required_utm, params)\ or check_required(required_lat_lon, params): if not log:'Found parameter file %s' % file) return params raise ImportError( 'Parameter file does not hold required parameters') def _getSLCParameters(self, path): required_params = ['radar_frequency'] path = op.dirname(op.realpath(path)) par_files = glob.glob('%s/*slc.par' % path) for file in par_files: params = self._parseParameterFile(file) if check_required(required_params, params):'Found SLC parameter file %s' % file) return params raise ImportError('Could not find SLC parameter file *.slc.par' ' with parameters %s' % required_params)
[docs] def validate(self, filename, **kwargs): try: par_file = kwargs.pop('par_file', filename) self._getParameters(par_file) return True except ImportError: return False
def _getLOSAngles(self, filename, pattern): path = op.dirname(op.realpath(filename)) phi_files = glob.glob('%s/%s' % (path, pattern)) if len(phi_files) == 0: self._log.warning('Could not find LOS file %s, ' 'defaulting to angle to 0. [rad]' % pattern) return 0. elif len(phi_files) > 1: self._log.warning('Found multiple LOS files %s, ' 'defaulting to angle 0. [rad]' % pattern) return 0. filename = phi_files[0]'Loading LOS %s from %s' % (pattern, filename)) return num.memmap(filename, mode='r', dtype='>f4')
[docs] def read(self, filename, **kwargs): """ :param filename: Gamma software parameter file :type filename: str :param par_file: Corresponding parameter (:file:`*par`) file. (optional) :type par_file: str :returns: Import dictionary :rtype: dict :raises: ImportError """ par_file = kwargs.pop('par_file', filename) params = self._getParameters(par_file, log=True) try: params_slc = self._getSLCParameters(par_file) except ImportError as e: raise e fill = None ncols = int(params['width']) nlines = int(params['nlines']) radar_frequency = params_slc.get('radar_frequency', None) displ = num.fromfile(filename, dtype='>f4') # Resize array if last line is not scanned completely if (displ.size % ncols) != 0: fill = num.empty(ncols - displ.size % ncols) fill.fill(num.nan) displ = num.append(displ, fill) displ = displ.reshape(nlines, ncols) displ[displ == -0.] = num.nan displ = num.flipud(displ) if radar_frequency is not None: radar_frequency = float(radar_frequency)'Scaling displacement by radar_frequency %f GHz' % (radar_frequency/1e9)) wavelength = util.C / radar_frequency displ /= -4*num.pi displ *= wavelength else: wavelength = 'None' self._log.warning( 'Could not determine radar_frequency from *.slc.par file!' ' Leaving displacement to radians.') phi = self._getLOSAngles(filename, '*phi*') theta = self._getLOSAngles(filename, '*theta*') theta = theta if isinstance(phi, num.ndarray): phi = phi.reshape(nlines, ncols) phi = num.flipud(phi) if isinstance(theta, num.ndarray): theta = theta.reshape(nlines, ncols) theta = num.flipud(theta) if fill is not None: theta = num.append(theta, fill) phi = num.append(phi, fill) c = self.container c.displacement = displ c.theta = theta c.phi = phi c.meta.wavelength = wavelength c.meta.title = params.get('title', 'None') c.bin_file = filename c.par_file = par_file if params['DEM_projection'] == 'UTM': utm_zone = params['projection_zone'] try: utm_zone_letter = utm.latitude_to_zone_letter( params['center_latitude']) except ValueError: self._log.warning('Could not parse UTM Zone letter,' ' defaulting to N!') utm_zone_letter = 'N''Using UTM reference: Zone %d%s' % (utm_zone, utm_zone_letter)) dN = params['post_north'] dE = params['post_east'] utm_corn_e = params['corner_east'] utm_corn_n = params['corner_north'] utm_corn_eo = utm_corn_e + dE * displ.shape[1] utm_corn_no = utm_corn_n + dN * displ.shape[0] utm_e = num.linspace(utm_corn_e, utm_corn_eo, displ.shape[1]) utm_n = num.linspace(utm_corn_n, utm_corn_no, displ.shape[0]) llLat, llLon = utm.to_latlon(utm_e.min(), utm_n.min(), utm_zone, utm_zone_letter) c.frame.llLat = llLat c.frame.llLon = llLon c.frame.dE = abs(dE) c.frame.dN = abs(dN) else:'Using Lat/Lon reference') c.frame.spacing = 'degree' c.frame.llLat = params['corner_lat'] \ + params['post_lat'] * nlines c.frame.llLon = params['corner_lon'] c.frame.dE = abs(params['post_lon']) c.frame.dN = abs(params['post_lat']) return c
[docs]class ROI_PAC(SceneIO): """ .. note:: Expects: * Binary file from ROI_PAC (:file:`*`) * Parameter file (:file:`<binary_file>.rsc`), describing ``WIDTH, FILE_LENGTH, X_FIRST, Y_FIRST, X_STEP, Y_STEP, WAVELENGTH`` * If the georeferencing is in UTM coordinates, further needed entries in parameter file are 'X_UNIT' and 'Y_UNIT' that give 'meters' and 'LAT_REF3' as well as 'LON_REF3'. The unwrapped displacement is expected in radians and will be scaled to meters by ``WAVELENGTH`` parsed from the :file:`*.rsc` file. """
[docs] def validate(self, filename, **kwargs): try: par_file = kwargs.pop('par_file', self._getParameterFile(filename)) self._parseParameterFile(par_file) return True except ImportError: return False
def _getParameterFile(self, bin_file): par_file = op.realpath(bin_file) + '.rsc' try: self._parseParameterFile(par_file)'Found parameter file %s' % par_file) return par_file except (ImportError, IOError): raise ImportError('Could not find ROI_PAC parameter file (%s)' % par_file) @staticmethod def _parseParameterFile(par_file): params = {} required_L0 = ['WIDTH', 'FILE_LENGTH', 'X_FIRST', 'Y_FIRST', 'X_STEP', 'Y_STEP', 'WAVELENGTH'] required_utm = ['X_UNIT', 'LAT_REF1', 'LON_REF1'] rc = re.compile(r'([\w]*)\s*([\w.+-]*)') with open(par_file, 'r') as par: for line in par: parsed = rc.match(line) if parsed is None: continue groups = parsed.groups() params[groups[0]] = safe_cast(groups[1], float, default=groups[1].strip()) if check_required(required_L0, params): if check_required(required_utm, params): geo_ref = 'all' return params, geo_ref else: geo_ref = 'latlon' return params, geo_ref raise ImportError( 'Parameter file %s does not hold the basic \ required parameters' % par_file)
[docs] def read(self, filename, **kwargs): """ :param filename: ROI_PAC binary file :type filename: str :param par_file: Corresponding parameter (:file:`*rsc`) file. (optional) :type par_file: str :returns: Import dictionary :rtype: dict :raises: ImportError """ par_file = kwargs.pop('par_file', self._getParameterFile(filename)) par, geo_ref = self._parseParameterFile(par_file) nlines = int(par['FILE_LENGTH']) ncols = int(par['WIDTH']) wavelength = par['WAVELENGTH'] heading = par['HEADING_DEG'] if geo_ref == 'latlon': lat_ref = par['Y_FIRST'] lon_ref = par['X_FIRST'] elif geo_ref == 'all': lat_ref = par['LAT_REF3'] lon_ref = par['LON_REF3'] look_ref1 = par['LOOK_REF1'] look_ref2 = par['LOOK_REF2'] look_ref3 = par['LOOK_REF3'] look_ref4 = par['LOOK_REF4'] utm_zone_letter = utm.latitude_to_zone_letter(lat_ref) utm_zone = utm.latlon_to_zone_number(lat_ref, lon_ref) look = num.mean( num.array([look_ref1, look_ref2, look_ref3, look_ref4])) data = num.memmap(filename, dtype='<f4') data = data.reshape(nlines, ncols*2) displ = data[:, ncols:] displ = num.flipud(displ) displ[displ == -0.] = num.nan displ = displ / (4.*num.pi) * wavelength z_scale = par.get('Z_SCALE', 1.) z_offset = par.get('Z_OFFSET', 0.) displ += z_offset displ *= z_scale c = self.container c.displacement = displ c.theta = num.deg2rad(90. - look) c.phi = num.deg2rad(-heading + 180.) c.meta.title = par.get('TITLE', 'None') c.meta.wavelength = par['WAVELENGTH'] c.bin_file = filename c.par_file = par_file if geo_ref == 'all': if par['X_UNIT'] == 'meters': c.frame.spacing = 'meter' c.frame.dE = par['X_STEP'] c.frame.dN = -par['Y_STEP'] geo_ref = 'utm' elif par['X_UNIT'] == 'degree': c.frame.spacing = 'degree' geo_ref = 'latlon' elif geo_ref == 'latlon':'Georeferencing is in Lat-Lon [degrees].') c.frame.spacing = 'degree' c.frame.llLat = par['Y_FIRST'] + par['Y_STEP'] * nlines c.frame.llLon = par['X_FIRST'] # c_utm_0 = utm.from_latlon(lat_ref, lon_ref) # c_utm_1 = utm.from_latlon(lat_ref + par['Y_STEP'], # lon_ref + par['X_STEP']) # c.frame.dE = c_utm_1[0] - c_utm_0[0] # c.frame.dN = abs(c_utm_1[1] - c_utm_0[1]) c.frame.dE = par['X_STEP'] c.frame.dN = -par['Y_STEP'] elif geo_ref == 'utm':'Georeferencing is in UTM (zone %d%s)', utm_zone, utm_zone_letter) y_ll = par['Y_FIRST'] + par['Y_STEP'] * nlines c.frame.llLat, c.frame.llLon = utm.to_latlon( par['X_FIRST'], y_ll, utm_zone, zone_letter=utm_zone_letter) return self.container
class ISCEXMLParser(object): def __init__(self, filename): import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET self.root = ET.parse(filename).getroot() @staticmethod def type_convert(value): for t in (float, int, str): try: return t(value) except ValueError: continue raise ValueError('Could not convert value') def getProperty(self, name): name = name.lower() for child in self.root.iter(): child_name = child.get('name') if isinstance(child_name, str): child_name = child_name.lower() if child_name == name.lower(): if child.tag == 'property': return self.type_convert(child.find('value').text) elif child.tag == 'component': values = {} for prop in child.iter('property'): values[prop.get('name')] =\ self.type_convert(prop.find('value').text) return values return None
[docs]class ISCE(SceneIO): """ Reading geocoded, unwraped displacement maps processed with ISCE software ( .. note :: Expects: * Unwrapped displacement binary (:file:`*.unw.geo`) * Metadata XML (:file:`*.unw.geo.xml`) * LOS binary data (:file:`*.rdr.geo`) .. note :: When using ``gdal_translate`` to crop the scene, use the argument ``-co SCHEME=BIL`` to make the output .. note :: Data are in radians but no transformation to meters yet, as ``wavelength`` or at least sensor name is not provided in the XML file. """
[docs] def validate(self, filename, **kwargs): try: self._getDisplacementFile(filename) self._getLOSFile(filename) return True except ImportError: return False
def _getLOSFile(self, path): if not op.isdir(path): path = op.dirname(path) rdr_files = glob.glob(op.join(path, '*.rdr.geo')) if len(rdr_files) == 0: raise ImportError('Could not find LOS file (*.rdr.geo)') rdr_file = rdr_files[0]'Found LOS file: %s', rdr_file) return rdr_file def _getDisplacementFile(self, path): if op.isfile(path): disp_file = path else: files = glob.glob(op.join(path, '*.unw.geo')) if len(files) == 0: raise ImportError('Could not find displacement file ' '(.unw.geo) at %s', path) disp_file = files[0] if not op.isfile('%s.xml' % disp_file): raise ImportError('Could not find displacement XML file ' '(%s.unw.geo.xml)' % op.basename(disp_file))'Found Displacement file: %s', disp_file) return disp_file
[docs] def read(self, path, **kwargs): path = op.abspath(path) c = self.container xml_file = self._getDisplacementFile(path) + '.xml''Parsing ISCE XML file %s' % xml_file) isce_xml = ISCEXMLParser(xml_file) coord_lon = isce_xml.getProperty('coordinate1') coord_lat = isce_xml.getProperty('coordinate2') c.frame.dN = num.abs(coord_lat['delta']) c.frame.dE = num.abs(coord_lon['delta']) nlon = int(coord_lon['size']) nlat = int(coord_lat['size']) c.frame.spacing = 'degree' c.frame.llLat = coord_lat['startingvalue'] +\ (nlat * coord_lat['delta']) c.frame.llLon = coord_lon['startingvalue'] displ = num.memmap(self._getDisplacementFile(path), dtype='<f4')\ .reshape(nlat, nlon*2)[:, nlon:] displ = num.flipud(displ) displ[displ == 0.] = num.nan c.displacement = displ los_file = self._getLOSFile(path) los_data = num.fromfile(los_file, dtype='<f4')\ .reshape(nlat*2, nlon) theta = num.flipud(los_data[0::2, :]) phi = num.flipud(los_data[1::2, :]) def los_is_degree(): return num.abs(theta).max() > num.pi or num.abs(phi).max() > num.pi if not los_is_degree(): raise ImportError( 'The LOS file (%s) seems to be in radians! ' 'Change it to degree!' % op.basename(los_file)) phi[phi == 0.] = num.nan theta[theta == 0.] = num.nan phi *= d2r theta *= d2r phi = num.pi/2 + phi theta = num.pi/2 - theta c.phi = phi c.theta = theta return c
[docs]class GMTSAR(SceneIO): """ Reading GMTSAR grid files. .. note :: Expects: * Displacement grid (NetCDF, :file:`*los_ll.grd`) in meter (in case use "gmt grdmath los_cm_ll.grd 0.01 MUL = los_m_ll.grd') * LOS binary data (see instruction, :file:`*.los.enu`) Calculate the corresponding unit look vectors with GMT5SAR ``SAT_look``: .. code-block:: sh gmt grd2xyz los_ll.grd | gmt grdtrack -Gdem.grd | \\ awk {'print $1, $2, $4'} | \\ SAT_look 20050731.PRM -bos > 20050731.los.enu """
[docs] def validate(self, filename, **kwargs): try: if self._getDisplacementFile(filename)[-4:] == '.grd': return True except ImportError: return False return False
def _getLOSFile(self, path): if not op.isdir(path): path = op.dirname(path) los_files = glob.glob(op.join(path, '*.los.*')) if len(los_files) == 0: self._log.warning(GMTSAR.__doc__) raise ImportError('Could not find LOS file (*.los.*)') los_file = los_files[0] self._log.debug('Found LOS file: %s', los_file) return los_file def _getDisplacementFile(self, path): if op.isfile(path): return path else: files = glob.glob(op.join(path, '*.grd')) if len(files) == 0: raise ImportError('Could not find displacement file ' '(*.grd) at %s', path) disp_file = files[0] self._log.debug('Found Displacement file: %s', disp_file) return disp_file
[docs] def read(self, path, **kwargs): from import netcdf path = op.abspath(path) c = self.container grd = netcdf.netcdf_file(self._getDisplacementFile(path), mode='r', version=2) displ = grd.variables['z'][:].copy() c.displacement = displ shape = c.displacement.shape # LatLon c.frame.spacing = 'degree' c.frame.llLat = grd.variables['lat'][:].min() c.frame.llLon = grd.variables['lon'][:].min() c.frame.dN = (grd.variables['lat'][:].max() - c.frame.llLat) / shape[0] c.frame.dE = (grd.variables['lon'][:].max() - c.frame.llLon) / shape[1] # Theta and Phi try: los = num.memmap(self._getLOSFile(path), dtype='<f4') e = los[3::6].copy().reshape(shape) n = los[4::6].copy().reshape(shape) u = los[5::6].copy().reshape(shape) phi = num.arctan(n/e) theta = num.arcsin(u) # phi[n < 0] += num.pi c.phi = phi c.theta = theta except ImportError: self._log.warning(self.__doc__) self._log.warning('Defaulting theta to pi/2 and phi to 0. [rad]') c.theta = num.pi/2 c.phi = 0. return c
[docs]class SARscape(SceneIO): """ Reading SARscape :file:`*_disp` files. .. note :: Expects: * Header file in :file:`*_disp.hdr` * Displacement data in cm in :file:`*_disp` * LOS data in :file:`*disp_ILOS` and :file:`*disp_ALOS` files. """
[docs] def read(self, filename, **kwargs): header = self.parseHeaderFile(filename) def load_data(filename): self._log.debug('Loading %s' % filename) return num.flipud( num.fromfile(filename, dtype=num.float32) .reshape((header.lines, header.samples))) displacement = load_data(filename) theta_file, phi_file = self.getLOSFiles(filename) if not theta_file: theta = num.full_like(displacement, 0.) else: theta = load_data(theta_file) theta = num.deg2rad(theta) if not phi_file: phi = num.full_like(displacement, num.pi/2) else: phi = load_data(phi_file) phi = num.pi/2 - num.rad2deg(phi) c = self.container c.displacement = displacement c.phi = phi c.theta = theta map_info = header.map_info c.frame.dE = float(map_info[5]) c.frame.dN = dN = float(map_info[6]) c.frame.spacing = 'meter' c.frame.llLat, c.frame.llLon = utm.to_latlon( float(map_info[3]) - header.lines * dN, float(map_info[4]), zone_number=int(map_info[7]), northern=True if map_info[8] == 'Northern' else False) return c
def parseHeaderFile(self, filename): hdr_file = self._getHDRFile(filename) conf = re.compile(r'^(.+)\s+=\s+(.+)\n', re.MULTILINE) header = AttribDict() with open(hdr_file) as f: s = linebreaks = re.compile(r'{(.+)\n?(.+)}') s = linebreaks.sub(r'{ \g<1> \g<2> }', s) for match in conf.finditer(s): groups = match.groups() key = groups[0].strip().replace(' ', '_') value = groups[1].strip() try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass header[key] = value header.map_info = header.map_info.strip('{} ').split(', ') if not len(header.map_info) == 11: raise HeaderError('`map info` header is not consistent!') if header.map_info[0] != 'UTM': raise HeaderError('`map info` is not UTM!') return header def getLOSFiles(self, filename): ilos_file = op.abspath(filename + '_ILOS') if not op.exists(ilos_file): self._log.warning('Could not find ILOS file! (%s)' % ilos_file) ilos_file = False alos_file = op.abspath(filename + '_ALOS') if not op.exists(alos_file): self._log.warning('Could not find ALOS file! (%s)' % alos_file) alos_file = False return ilos_file, alos_file def _getHDRFile(self, filename): hdr_file = op.abspath(op.splitext(filename)[0] + '.hdr') if not op.exists(hdr_file): raise OSError('SARscape .hdr file not found (%s)' % hdr_file) return hdr_file
[docs] def validate(self, filename, **kwargs): val = re.compile(r'SARscape|ENVI Standard', re.MULTILINE) try: hdr_file = self._getHDRFile(filename) except OSError: return False with open(hdr_file) as f: res = if res is not None: return True return False
[docs]class LiCSAR(SceneIO): ''' Import unwrapped Geotiffs from the `COMET LiCSAR Portal <>`_. .. note :: Requires the Python package `gdal/osgeo <>`_! Or through Expects: * Unwrapped geotiff in :file:`*.unw.tif` * LOS data in :file:`*.geo.[NEU].tif` files See also the download script in :mod:`kite.clients`. ''' def _getLOS(self, filename, component): path = op.dirname(filename) fn = glob.glob(op.join(path, component)) if len(fn) != 1: raise ImportError('Cannot find LOS vector file %s!' % component) dataset = gdal.Open(fn[0], gdal.GA_ReadOnly) return self._readBandData(dataset) @staticmethod def _readBandData(dataset, band=1): band = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) array = band.ReadAsArray() array[array == band.GetNoDataValue()] = num.nan return num.flipud(array)
[docs] def read(self, filename, **kwargs): dataset = gdal.Open(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) georef = dataset.GetGeoTransform() llLon = georef[0] llLat = georef[3] + dataset.RasterYSize * georef[5] c = self.container c.frame.spacing = 'degree' c.frame.llLat = llLat c.frame.llLon = llLon c.frame.dE = georef[1] c.frame.dN = abs(georef[5]) displacement = self._readBandData(dataset) c.displacement = -displacement / (4*num.pi) * LAMBDA_SENTINEL try: los_n = self._getLOS(filename, '*.geo.N.tif') los_e = self._getLOS(filename, '*.geo.E.tif') los_u = self._getLOS(filename, '*.geo.U.tif') except ImportError: self._log.warning( 'Cannot find LOS angle files *.geo.[NEU].tif,' ' using static Sentinel-1 descending angles.') heading = 83. incident = 50. un = num.sin(d2r*incident) * num.cos(d2r*heading) ue = num.sin(d2r*incident) * num.sin(d2r*heading) uz = num.cos(d2r*incident) los_n = num.full_like(c.displacement, un) los_e = num.full_like(c.displacement, ue) los_u = num.full_like(c.displacement, uz) c.phi = num.arctan2(los_n, los_e) c.theta = num.arcsin(los_u) c.meta.title = dataset.GetDescription() return c
[docs] def validate(self, filename, **kwargs): if gdal.IdentifyDriver(filename) is None: return False return True
[docs]class ARIA(SceneIO): ''' Import unwrapped InSAR scenes from the `NASA/JPL ARIA <>`_ GUNW data products. .. note :: Requires the Python package `gdal/osgeo <>`_! Or through Expects: * Extracted layers: unwrappedPhase, lookAngle, incidenceAngle, connectedComponents Use ```` to extract the layers: .. code-block:: sh -w ascending -f -d download \\ -l unwrappedPhase,incidenceAngle,lookAngle ''' @staticmethod def _readBandData(dataset, band=1): band = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) array = band.ReadAsArray() if array.dtype != num.int16 and array.dtype != array[array == band.GetNoDataValue()] = num.nan return num.flipud(array) @staticmethod def _dataset_from_dir(folder): files = set(f for f in os.scandir(folder) if f.is_file()) for f in files: if op.splitext([-1] == '': break else: raise ImportError('could not load dataset from %s' % folder) return gdal.Open(f.path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
[docs] def read(self, folder, **kwargs): unw_phase = self._dataset_from_dir(op.join(folder, 'unwrappedPhase')) georef = unw_phase.GetGeoTransform() llLon = georef[0] llLat = georef[3] + unw_phase.RasterYSize * georef[5] c = self.container c.frame.spacing = 'degree' c.frame.llLat = llLat c.frame.llLon = llLon c.frame.dE = georef[1] c.frame.dN = abs(georef[5]) conn_comp = self._dataset_from_dir(op.join( folder, 'connectedComponents')) displacement = self._readBandData(unw_phase) conn_mask = self._readBandData(conn_comp) # Mask from snaphu displacement *= num.where(conn_mask, 1., num.nan) c.displacement = displacement / (4*num.pi) * LAMBDA_SENTINEL inc_angle = self._dataset_from_dir(op.join(folder, 'incidenceAngle')) azi_angle = self._dataset_from_dir(op.join(folder, 'azimuthAngle')) c.theta = num.pi/2 - self._readBandData(inc_angle) * d2r c.phi = self._readBandData(azi_angle) * d2r c.meta.scene_id = op.basename(unw_phase.GetDescription()) c.meta.scene_title = c.meta.scene_id t_slave, t_master = c.meta.scene_id.split('_') c.meta.time_master = datetime(*time.strptime(t_master, '%Y%m%d')[:6]) \ .timestamp() c.meta.time_slave = datetime(*time.strptime(t_slave, '%Y%m%d')[:6]) \ .timestamp() c.meta.satellite_name = 'undefined (ARIA)' return c
[docs] def validate(self, folder, **kwargs): expected_dirs = set( ['unwrappedPhase', 'incidenceAngle', 'lookAngle', 'connectedComponents']) if not op.isdir(folder): return False dirs = set( for d in os.scandir(folder) if d.is_dir()) if not expected_dirs - dirs: return True return False