Source code for kite.scene

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
import numpy as num
import utm
import os.path as op
import copy
from datetime import datetime as dt

from pyrocko import guts
from pyrocko.orthodrome import latlon_to_ne, latlon_to_ne_numpy  # noqa

from kite.quadtree import QuadtreeConfig
from kite.covariance import CovarianceConfig
from kite.util import Subject, property_cached
from kite import scene_io

def read(filename):
    scene = Scene()
        return scene
    except (ImportError, UserIOWarning):
        return scene
    except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Could not read file %s' % filename)

def _setDataNumpy(obj, variable, value):
    if isinstance(value, num.ndarray):
        return obj.__setattr__(variable, value)
        raise TypeError('value must be of type numpy.ndarray')

class UserIOWarning(UserWarning):

class SceneError(Exception):

[docs]class FrameConfig(guts.Object): """Config object holding :class:`kite.scene.Scene` configuration """ llLat = guts.Float.T( default=0., help='Scene latitude of lower left corner') llLon = guts.Float.T( default=0., help='Scene longitude of lower left corner') dN = guts.Float.T( default=25., help='Scene pixel spacing in north, give [m] or [deg]') dE = guts.Float.T( default=25., help='Scene pixel spacing in east, give [m] or [deg]') spacing = guts.StringChoice.T( choices=('degree', 'meter'), default='meter', help='Unit of pixel space') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.old_import = False mapping = { 'dE': 'dLon', 'dN': 'dLat' } for new, old in mapping.items(): if old in kwargs: kwargs[new] = kwargs.pop(old) kwargs['spacing'] = 'degree' self.old_import = True guts.Object.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Frame(object): """ Frame holding geographical references for :class:`kite.scene.Scene` The pixel spacing is given by ``dE`` and ``dN`` which can meters or degree. """ def __init__(self, scene, config=FrameConfig()): self.evChanged = Subject() self._scene = scene self._log = scene._log.getChild('Frame') self.N = None self.E = None self.llEutm = None self.llNutm = None self.utm_zone = None self.utm_zone_letter = None self._meter_grid = None self._updateConfig(config) self._scene.evConfigChanged.subscribe(self._updateConfig) self._scene.evChanged.subscribe(self.updateExtent) def _updateConfig(self, config=None): if config is not None: self.config = config elif self.config != self._scene.config.frame: self.config = self._scene.config.frame else: return if self.config.old_import: self._log.warning('Importing an old kite format...') self._log.warning('Please check your pixel spacing - dE, dN!') self.updateExtent() def updateExtent(self): if self._scene.cols == 0 or self._scene.rows == 0: return self.cols = self._scene.cols self.rows = self._scene.rows self.llEutm, self.llNutm, self.utm_zone, self.utm_zone_letter = \ utm.from_latlon(self.llLat, self.llLon) self.E = None self.N = None self.gridE = None self.gridN = None self._meter_grid = None self.coordinates = None self.config.regularize() self.evChanged.notify() @property def llLat(self): return self.config.llLat @llLat.setter def llLat(self, llLat): self.config.llLat = llLat self.updateExtent() @property def llLon(self): return self.config.llLon @llLon.setter def llLon(self, llLon): self.config.llLon = llLon self.updateExtent() @property def dN(self): return self.config.dN @dN.setter def dN(self, dN): self.config.dN = dN self.updateExtent() @property def dE(self): return self.config.dE @dE.setter def dE(self, dE): self.config.dE = dE self.updateExtent() @property def dEmeter(self): if self.isMeter(): return self.dE else: _, dEmeter = latlon_to_ne( self.llLat, self.llLon, self.llLat, self.llLon + self.dE * self.cols) return dEmeter / self.cols @property def dNmeter(self): if self.isMeter(): return self.dN else: dNmeter, _ = latlon_to_ne( self.llLat, self.llLon, self.llLat + self.dN * self.rows, self.llLon) return dNmeter / self.rows @property def spacing(self): return self.config.spacing @spacing.setter def spacing(self, unit): self.config.spacing = unit @property_cached def E(self): return num.arange(self.cols) * self.dE @property_cached def Emeter(self): return num.arange(self.cols) * self.dEmeter @property_cached def N(self): return num.arange(self.rows) * self.dN @property_cached def Nmeter(self): return num.arange(self.rows) * self.dNmeter @property_cached def gridE(self): """ Grid holding local east coordinates of all pixels in ``NxM`` matrix of :attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement`. :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, size ``NxM`` """ valid_data = num.isnan(self._scene.displacement) gridE = num.repeat(self.E[num.newaxis, :], self.rows, axis=0) return, valid_data, fill_value=num.nan) @property_cached def gridN(self): """ Grid holding local north coordinates of all pixels in ``NxM`` matrix of :attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement`. :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, size ``NxM`` """ valid_data = num.isnan(self._scene.displacement) gridN = num.repeat(self.N[:, num.newaxis], self.cols, axis=1) return, valid_data, fill_value=num.nan) def _calculateMeterGrid(self): if self.isMeter(): raise ValueError('Frame is defined in meter! ' 'Use gridE and gridN for meter grids') if self._meter_grid is None: self._log.debug('Transforming latlon grid to meters...') gridN, gridE = latlon_to_ne_numpy( self.llLat, self.llLon, self.llLat +, self.llLon + valid_data = num.isnan(self._scene.displacement) gridE = gridE.reshape(self.gridE.shape), valid_data, fill_value=num.nan) gridN = gridN.reshape(self.gridN.shape), valid_data, fill_value=num.nan) self._meter_grid = (gridE, gridN) return self._meter_grid @property_cached def gridEmeter(self): if self.isMeter(): return self.gridE return self._calculateMeterGrid()[0] @property_cached def gridNmeter(self): if self.isMeter(): return self.gridN return self._calculateMeterGrid()[1] @property_cached def coordinates(self): """ Local east and north coordinates [m] of all pixels in ``NxM`` matrix. :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, size ``NxM`` """ coords = num.empty((self.rows*self.cols, 2)) coords[:, 0] = num.repeat(self.E[num.newaxis, :], self.rows, axis=0).flatten() coords[:, 1] = num.repeat(self.N[:, num.newaxis], self.cols, axis=1).flatten() return coords @property_cached def coordinatesMeter(self): """ Local east and north coordinates [m] of all pixels in ``NxM`` matrix. :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, size ``NxM`` """ coords = num.empty((self.rows*self.cols, 2)) coords[:, 0] = num.repeat(self.Emeter[num.newaxis, :], self.rows, axis=0).flatten() coords[:, 1] = num.repeat(self.Nmeter[:, num.newaxis], self.cols, axis=1).flatten() return coords
[docs] def mapENMatrix(self, E, N): """ Local map coordinates in east and north to matrix row and column :param E: Easting in local coordinates :type E: float :param N: Northing in local coordinates :type N: float :returns: Row and column :rtype: tuple (int), (row, column) """ row = round(E/self.dE) if E > 0 else 0 col = round(N/self.dN) if N > 0 else 0 return int(row), int(col)
@property def shape(self): return self._scene.shape def isMeter(self): return self.config.spacing == 'meter' def isDegree(self): return self.config.spacing == 'degree' @property def npixel(self): return self.cols * self.rows def __eq__(self, other): return self.llLat == other.llLat and\ self.llLon == other.llLon and\ self.dE == other.dE and\ self.dN == other.dN and\ self.rows == other.rows and\ self.cols == other.cols
[docs]class Meta(guts.Object): """ Meta configuration for ``Scene``. """ scene_title = guts.String.T( default='Unnamed Scene', help='Scene title') scene_id = guts.String.T( default='None', help='Scene identification') satellite_name = guts.String.T( default='Undefined Mission', help='Satellite mission name') wavelength = guts.Float.T( optional=True, help='Wavelength in [m]') orbital_node = guts.StringChoice.T( choices=['Ascending', 'Descending', 'Undefined'], default='Undefined', help='Orbital direction, ascending/descending') time_master = guts.Timestamp.T( default=1481116161.930574, help='Timestamp for master acquisition') time_slave = guts.Timestamp.T( default=1482239325.482, help='Timestamp for slave acquisition') extra = guts.Dict.T( default={}, help='Extra header information') filename = guts.String.T( optional=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.old_import = False mapping = { 'orbit_direction': 'orbital_node' } for old, new in mapping.items(): if old in kwargs.keys(): kwargs[new] = kwargs.pop(old, None) self.old_import = True guts.Object.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @property def time_separation(self): """ :getter: Absolute time difference between ``time_master`` and ``time_slave`` :type: timedelta """ return dt.fromtimestamp(self.time_slave) -\ dt.fromtimestamp(self.time_master)
[docs]class SceneConfig(guts.Object): """ Configuration object, gathering ``kite.Scene`` and sub-objects configuration. """ meta = Meta.T( default=Meta.D(), help='Scene metainformation') frame = FrameConfig.T( default=FrameConfig.D(), help='Frame/reference configuration') quadtree = QuadtreeConfig.T( default=QuadtreeConfig.D(), help='Quadtree parameters') covariance = CovarianceConfig.T( default=CovarianceConfig.D(), help='Covariance parameters') @property def old_import(self): return self.frame.old_import
def dynamicmethod(func): """Decorator for dynamic classmethod / instancemethod declaration """ def dynclassmethod(*args, **kwargs): if isinstance(args[0], Scene): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: return func(Scene(), *args, **kwargs) dynclassmethod.__doc__ = func.__doc__ dynclassmethod.__name__ = func.__name__ return dynclassmethod
[docs]class BaseScene(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._initLogging() self.evChanged = Subject() self.evConfigChanged = Subject() self._displacement = None self._displacement_px_var = None self._phi = None self._theta = None self._los_factors = None self.cols = 0 self.rows = 0 self.los = LOSUnitVectors(scene=self) frame_config = kwargs.pop('frame_config', FrameConfig()) for fattr in ('llLat', 'llLon', 'dLat', 'dLon'): coord = kwargs.pop(fattr, None) if coord is not None: frame_config.__setattr__(fattr, coord) self.frame = Frame(scene=self, config=frame_config) for attr in ('displacement', 'displacement_px_var', 'theta', 'phi'): data = kwargs.pop(attr, None) if data is not None: self.__setattr__(attr, data) def _initLogging(self): self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) @property def displacement(self): """Surface displacement in meter on a regular grid. :setter: Set the unwrapped InSAR displacement. :getter: Return the displacement matrix. :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, ``NxM`` """ return self._displacement @displacement.setter def displacement(self, value): _setDataNumpy(self, '_displacement', value) self.rows, self.cols = self._displacement.shape self.displacement_mask = None self.evChanged.notify() @property def displacement_px_var(self): """ Variance of the surface displacement per pixel. Same dimension as displacement. :setter: Set standard deviation of of the displacement. :getter: Return the standard deviation matrix. :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, ``NxM`` """ return self._displacement_px_var @displacement_px_var.setter def displacement_px_var(self, value): self._displacement_px_var = value @property_cached def displacement_mask(self): """ Displacement :attr:`numpy.nan` mask :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype :class:`numpy.bool` """ return ~num.isfinite(self.displacement) @property def shape(self): return self._displacement.shape @property def phi(self): """ Horizontal angle towards satellite :abbr:`line of sight (LOS)` in radians counter-clockwise from East. .. important :: Kite's convention is: * :math:`0` is **East** * :math:`\\frac{\\pi}{2}` is **North**! :setter: Set the phi matrix for scene's displacement, can be ``int`` for static look vector. :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, size same as :attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement` or int """ return self._phi @phi.setter def phi(self, value): if isinstance(value, float): self._phi = value else: _setDataNumpy(self, '_phi', value) self.phiDeg = None self.los_rotation_factors = None self.evChanged.notify() @property def theta(self): """ Theta is the look vector elevation angle towards satellite from the horizon in radians. Matrix of theta towards satellite's :abbr:`line of sight (LOS)`. .. important :: Kite convention! * :math:`-\\frac{\\pi}{2}` is **Down** * :math:`\\frac{\\pi}{2}` is **Up** :setter: Set the theta matrix for scene's displacement, can be ``int`` for static look vector. :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, size same as :attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement` or int """ return self._theta @theta.setter def theta(self, value): if isinstance(value, float): self._theta = value else: _setDataNumpy(self, '_theta', value) self.thetaDeg = None self.los_rotation_factors = None self.evChanged.notify() @property_cached def thetaDeg(self): """ LOS elevation angle in degree, ``NxM`` matrix like :class:`kite.Scene.theta` :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return num.rad2deg(self.theta) @property_cached def phiDeg(self): """ LOS horizontal orientation angle in degree, counter-clockwise from East,``NxM`` matrix like :class:`kite.Scene.phi` :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return num.rad2deg(self.phi) @property_cached def los_rotation_factors(self): """ Trigonometric factors to rotate displacement matrices towards LOS Rotation is as follows: .. displacement_los =\ (los_rotation_factors[:, :, 0] * -down + los_rotation_factors[:, :, 1] * east + los_rotation_factors[:, :, 2] * north) :returns: Factors for rotation :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, ``NxMx3`` :raises: AttributeError """ if (self.theta.size != self.phi.size): raise AttributeError('LOS angles inconsistent with provided' ' coordinate shape.') if self._los_factors is None: self._los_factors = num.empty((self.theta.shape[0], self.theta.shape[1], 3)) self._los_factors[:, :, 0] = num.sin(self.theta) self._los_factors[:, :, 1] = num.cos(self.theta)\ * num.cos(self.phi) self._los_factors[:, :, 2] = num.cos(self.theta)\ * num.sin(self.phi) return self._los_factors
[docs] def get_ramp_coefficients(self): '''Fit plane through the displacement data. :returns: Mean of the displacement and slopes in easting coefficients of the fitted plane. The array hold ``[offset_e, offset_n, slope_e, slope_n]``. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` ''' msk = ~self.displacement_mask displacement = self.displacement[msk] coords = self.frame.coordinates[msk.flatten()] # Add ones for the offset coords = num.hstack(( num.ones_like(coords), coords)) coeffs, res, _, _ = num.linalg.lstsq( coords, displacement, rcond=None) return coeffs
[docs] def displacement_deramp(self, demean=True, inplace=True): '''Fit a plane onto the displacement data and substract it :param demean: Demean the displacement :type demean: bool :param inplace: Replace data of the scene (default: True) :type inplace: bool :return: ``None`` if ``inplace=True`` else a new Scene :rtype: ``None`` or :class:`~kite.Scene` ''' self._log.debug('De-ramping scene...') coeffs = self.get_ramp_coefficients() msk = self.displacement_mask coords = self.frame.coordinates ramp = coeffs[2:] * coords if demean: ramp += coeffs[:2] ramp = ramp.sum(axis=1).reshape(self.shape) ramp[msk] = num.nan if inplace: self.displacement -= ramp self.evChanged.notify() else: return self.__class__( config=self.config, theta=self.theta, phi=self.phi, displacement=self.displacement - ramp)
def __neg__(self): ret = copy.deepcopy(self) ret.displacement *= -1 return ret def __add__(self, other, copy_obj=True): if copy_obj: ret = copy.deepcopy(self) else: ret = self if not ret.frame == other.frame: raise ValueError('Scene frames do not align!') ret.displacement += other.displacement tmin = ret.meta.time_master \ if ret.meta.time_master < other.meta.time_master \ else other.meta.time_master tmax = ret.meta.time_slave \ if ret.meta.time_slave > other.meta.time_slave \ else other.meta.time_slave ret.meta.time_master = tmin ret.meta.time_slave = tmax return ret def __sub__(self, other): return self.__add__(-other) def __isub__(self, scene): return self.__add__(-scene, copy_obj=False) def __iadd__(self, scene): return self.__add__(scene, copy_obj=False)
[docs]class Scene(BaseScene): """Scene of unwrapped InSAR ground displacements measurements :param config: Configuration object :type config: :class:`~kite.scene.SceneConfig`, optional Optional parameters :param displacement: Displacement in [m] :type displacement: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, NxM, optional :param theta: Theta look angle, see :attr:`BaseScene.theta` :type theta: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, NxM, optional :param phi: Phi look angle, see :attr:`BaseScene.phi` :type phi: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, NxM, optional :param llLat: Lower left latitude in [deg] :type llLat: float, optional :param llLon: Lower left longitude in [deg] :type llLon: float, optional :param dLat: Pixel spacing in latitude [deg or m] :type dLat: float, optional :param dLon: Pixel spacing in longitude [deg or m] :type dLon: float, optional """ def __init__(self, config=SceneConfig(), **kwargs): self.config = config self.meta = self.config.meta BaseScene.__init__(self, frame_config=self.config.frame, **kwargs) # wiring special methods self.import_data = self._import_data self.load = self._load @property_cached def quadtree(self): """ Instantiates the scene's quadtree. :type: :class:`kite.quadtree.Quadtree` """ self._log.debug('Creating kite.Quadtree instance') from kite.quadtree import Quadtree return Quadtree(scene=self, config=self.config.quadtree) @property_cached def covariance(self): """ Instantiates the scene's covariance attribute. :type: :class:`kite.covariance.Covariance` """ self._log.debug('Creating kite.Covariance instance') from kite.covariance import Covariance return Covariance(scene=self, config=self.config.covariance) @property_cached def plot(self): """ Shows a simple plot of the scene's displacement """ self._log.debug('Creating kite.ScenePlot instance') from kite.plot2d import ScenePlot return ScenePlot(self)
[docs] def spool(self): """ Start the spool user interface :class:`~kite.spool.Spool` to inspect the scene. """ if self.displacement is None: raise SceneError('Can not display an empty scene.') from kite.spool import spool spool(scene=self)
def _testImport(self): try: self.frame.E self.frame.N self.frame.gridE self.frame.gridN self.frame.dE self.frame.dN self.displacement self.theta self.phi except Exception as e: print(e) raise ImportError('Something went wrong during import - ' 'see Exception!')
[docs] def save(self, filename=None): """ Save kite scene to kite file structure Saves the current scene meta information and UTM frame to a YAML (``.yml``) file. Numerical data (:attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement`, :attr:`~kite.Scene.theta` and :attr:`~kite.Scene.phi`) are saved as binary files from :class:`numpy.ndarray`. :param filename: Filenames to save scene to, defaults to ' :attr:`~kite.Scene.meta.scene_id` ``_`` :attr:`~kite.Scene.meta.scene_view` :type filename: str, optional """ filename = filename or '%s_%s' % (self.meta.scene_id, self.meta.scene_view) _file, ext = op.splitext(filename) filename = _file if ext in ['.yml', '.npz'] else filename components = ['displacement', 'theta', 'phi'] self._log.debug('Saving scene data to %s.npz' % filename) num.savez('%s.npz' % (filename), *[getattr(self, arr) for arr in components]) self.saveConfig('%s.yml' % filename)
def saveConfig(self, filename): _file, ext = op.splitext(filename) filename = filename if ext in ['.yml'] else filename + '.yml' self._log.debug('Saving scene config to %s' % filename) self.config.regularize() self.config.dump(filename='%s' % filename, header='kite.Scene YAML Config') @dynamicmethod def _load(self, filename): """ Load a kite scene from file ``filename.[npz,yml]`` structure. :param filename: Filenames the scene data is saved under :type filename: str :returns: Scene object from data resources :rtype: :class:`~kite.Scene` """ scene = self components = ['displacement', 'theta', 'phi'] basename = op.splitext(filename)[0] scene._log.debug('Loading from %s[.npz,.yml]' % basename) try: data = num.load('%s.npz' % basename) for i, comp in enumerate(components): scene.__setattr__(comp, data['arr_%d' % i]) except IOError: raise UserIOWarning('Could not load data from %s.npz' % basename) try: scene.load_config('%s.yml' % basename) except IOError: raise UserIOWarning('Could not load %s.yml' % basename) scene.meta.filename = op.basename(filename) scene._testImport() return scene load = staticmethod(_load) def load_config(self, filename): self._log.debug('Loading config from %s' % filename) self.config = guts.load(filename=filename) self.meta = self.config.meta self.evConfigChanged.notify() @dynamicmethod def _import_data(self, path, **kwargs): """ Import displacement data from foreign file format. :param path: Filename of resource to import :type path: str :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed to import function :type kwargs: dict :returns: Scene from path :rtype: :class:`~kite.Scene` :raises: TypeError """ scene = self if not op.isfile(path) and not op.isdir(path): raise ImportError('File %s does not exist!' % path) data = None for mod_name in scene_io.__all__: cls = getattr( __import__('kite.scene_io', fromlist=mod_name), mod_name) module = cls() if module.validate(path, **kwargs): scene._log.debug('Importing %s using %s module' % (path, mod_name)) data =, **kwargs) break if data is None: raise ImportError('Could not recognize format for %s' % path) scene.meta.filename = op.basename(path) return scene._import_from_dict(scene, data) _class_list = map('* :class:`~kite.scene_io.{}`'.format, scene_io.__all__) _import_data.__doc__ += \ '\nSupported import for unwrapped InSAR data are:\n\n{}\n'\ .format('\n'.join(_class_list)) for mod_name in scene_io.__all__: cls = getattr( __import__('kite.scene_io', fromlist=mod_name), mod_name) _import_data.__doc__ += '\n**{name}**\n\n{doc}'\ .format(name=mod_name, doc=cls.__doc__) import_data = staticmethod(_import_data) @staticmethod def _import_from_dict(scene, data): for sk in ['theta', 'phi', 'displacement']: setattr(scene, sk, data[sk]) for fk, fv in data['frame'].items(): setattr(scene.frame, fk, fv) for mk, mv in data['meta'].items(): if mv is not None: setattr(scene.meta, mk, mv) scene.meta.extra.update(data['extra']) scene.frame.updateExtent() scene._testImport() return scene def __str__(self): return self.config.__str__()
[docs]class LOSUnitVectors(object): """ Decompose line-of-sight (LOS) angles derived from :attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement` to unit vector. """ def __init__(self, scene): self._scene = scene self._scene.evChanged.subscribe(self._flush_vectors) def _flush_vectors(self): self.unitE = None self.unitN = None self.unitU = None @property_cached def unitE(self): """ Unit vector east component, ``NxM`` matrix like :attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement` :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return self._scene.los_rotation_factors[:, :, 1] @property_cached def unitN(self): """ Unit vector north component, ``NxM`` matrix like :attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement` :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return self._scene.los_rotation_factors[:, :, 2] @property_cached def unitU(self): """ Unit vector vertical (up) component, ``NxM`` matrix like :attr:`~kite.Scene.displacement` :type: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return self._scene.los_rotation_factors[:, :, 0]
class TestScene(Scene): """Test scenes for synthetic displacement """ @classmethod def createGauss(cls, nx=512, ny=512, noise=None, **kwargs): scene = cls() scene.meta.scene_title = 'Synthetic Displacement | Gaussian' scene = cls._prepareSceneTest(scene, nx, ny) scene.displacement = scene._gaussAnomaly(scene.frame.E, scene.frame.N, **kwargs) if noise is not None: cls.addNoise(noise) return scene @classmethod def createRandom(cls, nx=512, ny=512, **kwargs): scene = cls() scene.meta.title = 'Synthetic Displacement | Uniform Random' scene = cls._prepareSceneTest(scene, nx, ny) rand_state = num.random.RandomState(seed=1010) scene.displacement = (rand_state.rand(nx, ny)-.5)*2 return scene @classmethod def createSine(cls, nx=512, ny=512, kE=.0041, kN=.0061, amplitude=1., noise=.5, **kwargs): scene = cls() scene.meta.title = 'Synthetic Displacement | Sine' scene = cls._prepareSceneTest(scene, nx, ny) E, N = num.meshgrid(scene.frame.E, scene.frame.N) displ = num.zeros_like(E) kE = num.random.rand(3) * kE kN = num.random.rand(3) * kN for ke in kE: phase = num.random.randn(1)[0] displ += num.sin(ke * E + phase) for kn in kN: phase = num.random.randn(1)[0] displ += num.sin(kn * N + phase) displ -= num.mean(displ) scene.displacement = displ * amplitude if noise is not None: scene.addNoise(noise) return scene @classmethod def createFractal(cls, nE=1024, nN=1024, beta=[5./3, 8./3, 2./3], regime=[.15, .99, 1.], amplitude=1.): scene = cls() scene.meta.title =\ 'Synthetic Displacement | Fractal Noise (Hanssen, 2001)' scene = cls._prepareSceneTest(scene, nE, nN) if (nE+nN) % 2 != 0: raise ArithmeticError('Dimensions of synthetic scene must ' 'both be even!') dE, dN = (scene.frame.dE, scene.frame.dN) rfield = num.random.rand(nE, nN) spec = num.fft.fft2(rfield) kE = num.fft.fftfreq(nE, dE) kN = num.fft.fftfreq(nN, dN) k_rad = num.sqrt(kN[:, num.newaxis]**2 + kE[num.newaxis, :]**2) regime = num.array(regime) k0 = 0. k1 = regime[0] * k_rad.max() k2 = regime[1] * k_rad.max() r0 = num.logical_and(k_rad > k0, k_rad < k1) r1 = num.logical_and(k_rad >= k1, k_rad < k2) r2 = k_rad >= k2 beta = num.array(beta) # From Hanssen (2001) # beta+1 is used as beta, since, the power exponent # is defined for a 1D slice of the 2D spectrum: # austin94: "Adler, 1981, shows that the surface profile # created by the intersection of a plane and a # 2-D fractal surface is itself fractal with # a fractal dimension equal to that of the 2D # surface decreased by one." beta += 1. # From Hanssen (2001) # The power beta/2 is used because the power spectral # density is proportional to the amplitude squared # Here we work with the amplitude, instead of the power # so we should take sqrt( k.^beta) = k.^(beta/2) RH # beta /= 2. amp = num.zeros_like(k_rad) amp[r0] = k_rad[r0] ** -beta[0] amp[r0] /= amp[r0].max() amp[r1] = k_rad[r1] ** -beta[1] amp[r1] /= amp[r1].max() / amp[r0].min() amp[r2] = k_rad[r2] ** -beta[2] amp[r2] /= amp[r2].max() / amp[r1].min() amp[k_rad == 0.] = amp.max() spec *= amplitude * num.sqrt(amp) disp = num.abs(num.fft.ifft2(spec)) disp -= num.mean(disp) scene.displacement = disp return scene def addNoise(self, noise_amplitude): rand = num.random.RandomState() noise = rand.randn(*self.displacement.shape) * noise_amplitude self.displacement += noise @staticmethod def _prepareSceneTest(scene, nE=512, nN=512): scene.frame.llLat = 0. scene.frame.llLon = 0. scene.frame.dLat = 5e-4 scene.frame.dLon = 5e-4 # scene.frame.E = num.arange(nE) * 50. # scene.frame.N = num.arange(nN) * 50. scene.theta = num.repeat( num.linspace(0.8, 0.85, nE), nN).reshape((nE, nN)) scene.phi = num.rot90(scene.theta) scene.displacement = num.zeros((nE, nN)) return scene @staticmethod def _gaussAnomaly(x, y, sigma_x=.007, sigma_y=.005, amplitude=3., x0=None, y0=None): if x0 is None: x0 = x.min() + abs(x.max()-x.min())/2 if y0 is None: y0 = y.min() + abs(y.max()-y.min())/2 X, Y = num.meshgrid(x, y) gauss_anomaly = amplitude * \ num.exp(-(((X-x0)**2/2*sigma_x**2)+(Y-y0)**2/2*sigma_y**2)) return gauss_anomaly __all__ = ['Scene', 'SceneConfig'] if __name__ == '__main__': testScene = TestScene.createGauss()